If being pure white is so great how come 56% America rules the world instead of Iceland?
If being pure white is so great how come 56% America rules the world instead of Iceland?
Population and militairy strength
Fuck your stupid thread faggot op
Don't be so fucking retarded.
America has tens of millions more pure whites than Iceland
>pure whites
there is not a single pure white in that entire country, all are mutts even if they aren't african/latino mutts, they are usually slavic/german/english/dutch/french mutts with no heritage or lineage
Whiter!=Better people /more inteligent and civilizated
"White"(Caucasian)=Better people /more inteligent and civilizated
Show your flag kike
You won’t because it’s probably some nigger shithole
All that matters is #'s of whites. The more you have the stronger you are.
Take the looks pill. Being white is great because they are white and because the soul is white. doesn't matter if they were as dumb as niggers. Pathetic brown italians try to claim they are white because they built some statues. That's not how it works.
My heritage and lineage were farther on the mutt spectrum before they came to America. I've traced it back to 1600s and we didn't immigrate until the early 1800s to America. I still can't find any heritage that isn't Danish, German, or Scottish. So guess what that makes me? Whiter than you, mohammed.
no heritage or lineage?
they have slavic/german/english/dutch/french
that is what white means an heir to all of europe. the US was to fulfill europe and be a melting pot of european ethnicities
Germanic white is the best kind of white, as germanic men have the lowest time preference compared to any other group (which means they work harder, building civilization). Also, America used to be mostly of germanic origin (England is descended from the germanic anglo-saxons).
Every other post in this thread is ignorant of this fact.
civilization was a mistake. Progress and technology are not good things.
Because Iceland has three people and a goat?
Perhaps, but that is not the question at hand.
And by the way kike, the difference between Danes, Norweigans, Scottish, and North Germans is about the same difference as having kids with someone in Colorado when you're from Kansas. It's all white. You may have a different language or dialect, but it's all white. It's not like breeding with slavs or meds. So you can go ahead and fuck youself.
I have met many germans and by your comment I think you are not a pure german , they may not be the happiest people ever but one thing for sure they are very modest people , on the other hand the french are not modest NOT ONE BIT
Publicly naked white is trash white, nude-sending white is trash white, midless slut-fucking is trash white. It's nigger level primalism.
No, white is not a genuine identity, when you don't have a coherent culture you are much easier to subvert.
white mutts exist. A non-English person speaking English as their first language, or at all, is abomination.
Germanic isn't the same thing as German. Austrians, Northern Italians, Swiss, Danish, Dutch, etc all obviously have the Germanic haplogroup. The key point to take home is that the Nordic haplogroup is distinct from the Germanic one.
usa dominate the world through organizations, institutions and structures that were built by whites im the last decades. if the us dont change their demographic trend these structures will fade away slowly but steadily
They're so white though that they don't even fuck the goat
Northern European is a culture, and it was one I was raised with, even though I'm a 6th generation American. I was raised to be proud of my heritage. I know exactly what clan on the Scottish side of my heritage is from, what region on the german and danish side I'm from. And yes, it's important for me to breed with people from like regions. If I were easy to subvert I wouldn't be on Jow Forums.
I want jap IQ, cracker facial features, spic skin tone and a giant nigger dick
let me restart and create my own character, god
>If I were easy to subvert I wouldn't be on Jow Forums.
Actually dumb. Not even foolish or naive, but dumb.
Doesn't Israel rule the world tho?
That's true, because at one point it was basically Prussia. But, Germans are proud of their heritage. So you will know by what your parents have identified as.
Cool strawman argument memeflag.
iceland does in fact rule the world
Muh heritage
I'm not arguing with you, I'm calling you dumb. Keep parroting Jow Forums vernacular and crying stawman, projecting, adhom etc you genuine retard.
I'm really casting my pearls before swine here, you should take this as an opportunity for some self-reflection, but your brain is likely too atrophied for it to go anywhere desu.
White Americans are overwhelmingly white. You’re a pissed off jew who knows your game is almost lost.
>T.brown hair, brown eyes and swarthy skin
it's probably america desu
We use to be mostly white. It's started to go downhill now. DOOOOOI.
Go Iceland! ;/
>hates God
>embraces feminism
After reading your posts I can only assume you're a sub 90 IQ moron.
>progress and technology are not good things
Yeah you're retarded. You're blaming technological progress for why we have declined culturally but correlation is not causation.
To keep Serbia clean country, you must be willing to remove kebabs.
To keep America prosperous country, you must be willing to burn the coals.
> You're blaming technological progress for why we have declined culturally
No i'm not you modernist brainlet.
> but correlation is not causation.
come back to Jow Forums after highschool.
How do you know they don't?
I hear bog himself resides there with an enclave of 1%ers
Pure whites rule America and use cheap brown labor to rule the world.
>Iceland- few thousands of people
>America- 200 million whites
Gee I dunno
U.S. power is decreasing in part because they are getting less and less huwhite. Remember how the kikes and their shills tried everything to butcher Germany post WWII, but Germany has remained relatively powerful until this day? Being pure huwhite as a nation does not mean that you are a powerful nation, but the fundament for a powerful nation has been laid if you have a full huwhite nation.
Bottom line:
Race matters; demography is destiny. This is concrete, objective, factual information.
Get fucked, memeflag.
The increasingly shitskinned U.S. is helping huwhite Russia becoming more and more powerful, alongside still huwhite Germany, I say based on concrete, objective, factual information.
Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Because you had whole continent full of resources, far away from any conflicts. American boom is ending tho, it's Chinas time
Yeah. No WASP or Ashknenazi ruling political elite in sight whatsoever
>Northern Italians
Don’t be a retard. Shitskins just like the rest of peninsula