Just remember: it's always darkest before the dawn. Things won't be this bad forever

Just remember: it's always darkest before the dawn. Things won't be this bad forever.

Attached: file.png (1560x1041, 2.32M)

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>Things won't be this bad forever.
You're right. They're going to get much, much worse. There'll be 1000 years of darkness for the white race.

btw that comic is the exact opposite of what's happening

funny thing is of course if one looks at rhodesia and south africa, the non-whties won't actually like their lives when whitey isn't there to support them

I love America the way it is.

It should be as it was at the founding of the republic. Why should that change?

Why is Horsey such a flaming faggot?

Attached: 20E6D96E-27CA-40BF-B95A-EE1BF1F8BFED.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Damn..... poetic..... deep..... Horsey.....

What's the lady on the right implying?

It’s been much, much better in times past.

t. Oldfag

>posting the edit

Attached: 1530718879212.png (1554x1034, 2.31M)

That's because its made by a jew.
Things are fucking great, the swamp things are sperging out. The salt is wonderful.
It's about time things changed.
Notice they are spurging about the meeting and pres conference? Why are they ignoring the $400 million? Why are the ignoring the $175 million paid to Clintons for Uranium One?
The (((media))) wants blind outrage.

Attached: 1531588938435.jpg (1214x537, 592K)

am i the only 1 that's seeing too many people?

good thing the liberals are still the hippest and the smartest. made me feel so smug

You could do a hell of a lot worse. In fact, we probably are in the near future.

I just hope I can see the civil war and niggers getting mercilessly gunned down in my lifetime. Please God. Is that so much to ask?

you're a peasant if you are content with the USA at this present moment. an absolute peasant.

she's implying that she will enjoy living in a 3rd world country when the time comes

Attached: The Racist Left.png (1560x1041, 2.07M)

Every day the white race dies a little more.

its a comic about black people not liking the precivil rights era and the current injustices they face but you white snowflakes think its a comic about demographics.

>don't tread on me is racist now
Oh fuck off

>Libshit femme is not the hairdye-having, whore-dressed, landwhale to match the "phat-ass" loving nigger
>Libshit femme is not one of (((them)))
>Nigger doesn't look like your average "yo yo what up" nigger
>Both not smoking weed
It's like they're not trying hard enough to be convincing.

There's already a genocide taking place against the white American population. That's a casus belli, it's time for war.


Anybody who takes these anti-whites seriously is not a serious person, but a silly one.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Attached: 1526696369370.jpg (1024x901, 72K)

Horsey's the dumb fuck who made a "the new face of the republican party" panel featuring a yoked man with 'testosterone' plastered across his chest and meant it as a cutting insult. Of course he also thinks the gadsden flag is racist.

>Left in 18th century: we'll make everyone equal anytime now. It's a revolution!
>Left in 19th and 20th century: world is bound to become communist soom it's material dielactic magic n science n shit
>Left after the WW2 (increasingly nervous): we'll all become shitskin you can't stop the progress goyim

They're anti-whites who advocate chasing down the last white person with "diversity."


user., did you come from an anti-white family or did you learn to hate white people at school?

Horsey is a massive pedo and hybristophiliac, hence his abhorrent art

>centrists are actual communists

Attached: 1478791652675.png (307x244, 150K)

ur just a white snow flake with a victim complex

Candidate Trump: "I will protect you from Political Correctness."

Pres Trump: "I am the least racist person that you will ever meet."
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. The anti-white P.O.T.U.S. is silly and Politically Correct despite his pre-election promises.

>It's always darkest before it goes pitch black

The real truth

>the way its going to be
Uh no one will like it

If I hated a race, I might campaign to flood all of their countries with millions of people that are not their race, and tell everyone to "mix in", until no people of that kind were left. If anyone objected, I would scream the R-word! at them and get them fired from their jobs.

If I hated a certain race, I might do that, but I am not doing that. Anti-whites are doing it to White people in all & only White countries.

Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

Horsey is based, all the shit you see are edits. Here are the real stuff.

Attached: BasedHorsey.jpg (956x731, 319K)

Just noticed the black guy is drinking a La Croix, these people deserve the rope for that alone.

>it's always darkest before the dawn
that's literally not true, though

>Things won't be this bad forever.
As soon as we're given the green light to start hanging communists and liberal faggots, oh, it's going to get better fast.

Okay. I'm a peasant with a fantastic life and no monarch, so I can live with that.

Attached: peasant.png (652x562, 269K)

pretty much

Um kys sweetie

Thanks :)

loyal to "nothing specific" is insane.

Example: Waiter- "What would you like to drink, sir?" Customer- "Oh, nothing specific. Just mix anything you find into a big jug."

>Atheists are "Happy Medium" and not hyperleftshit
>Not having a drug dealer is bad
>Having sex with mentally handicapped people is good
Whoever wrote this is going to get shot. Utter degeneracy.

When a White country turns brown, it goes down.


Tiger Woods nor OJ Simpson would have anything to do with women who looked like the mulatto daughters they produce with their blond wives.

What the fuck are you talking about? I just said I love America.

Horsey needs to draw some fucking porn already.

>victim complex intensifies


Attached: horseyfagget.jpg (270x270, 25K)

>I'm a peasant with a fantastic life
yeah, which your kids likely won't have if you're white, or they'll get bred out and the rest of your race will be high and dry instead. 30 year old Boomer detected.

Why does Horsey portray Blacks as White?

No, complete darkness for the white race.

>boomers born 1946-1964
>30 years old

Math is difficult

Making them angry is useless, they need to be removed


Attached: ju3.jpg (631x863, 151K)

You are an anti-white screamer and you make noise in an attempt to stop discussions that you disagree with. It's only screaming, only noise though; it's not complicated.

You're screaming, man!

Remember that thought when you are being marched to the concentration camp....

It's satire, you moron.

get the fuck out newfag.

Is this what happens to you if you get all your political opinions from shitty newspaper comics

garfield you are a silly kitty

no u

An anti-white screamer is somebody who makes noise when other people are having a discussion that he doesn't want them having. These anti-white screamers want a "screamocracy," where he who screams the loudest makes the rules.

user., you're screaming!

>shitlibs have no love or loyalty to America as it was or is, their only loyalty is to their imagined America of the future (globohomo 56% hellworld)

well yeah

Niggers fuck off back to Africa

>more screaming
You're called an anti-white screamer because you scream in attempt to stop discussions.

It's not complicated. You are an anti-white screamer.


USA is eventually heading to a civil war

Attached: 1513216855514.jpg (409x409, 60K)

Based Czech!

With niggers, whites always, i repit always loss.

Because that was almost 250 years ago and time rapidly changes culture over one decade, nevermind what it does to culture over 25 decades.


Except chicks that hot aren't marrying ugly black guys

23 year old boomer detected

lol maybe where you live

you people are as dumb as obama voters at this point

>implying we're ever going to be at that point

Part of me wants the bloody civil war to happen just so these fucking faggots understand history isn't a fucking linear graph. Then again, I guess it's fucking inevitable because people are still retarded when it comes to civilization decay and collapse.

How the fuck can anyone, in any day and age with a ready knowledge of the entire world two clicks away from his fingertips, have the fucking gall and confidence to just blindly believe we are on the right path and that our era won't come to an end and our values usurped? How can these tards have this much blind faith in something that is not only non existent, but is actively tearing itself apart and falling behind and say "yes, 2015 is the future!" And " Fuck you drumpftards your grandkids will be mullattos. "

I really wonder if we are some sort of minority that has any sense of history or cycles at all.

Back when slavery was legal and people died all the time of infectious disease?

Whiny NEET MILLENIAL faggot detected. Oh how I love that you will never prosper like boomers did. Your hate will drive you to early death and suicide before you even reaxh late 40s.

Fucking love it.

Fuck it's true

Monster tastes like Smarties candy

as the shitty pyop news you watch would have you believe even the most communist of liberals laugh at the idea of civil war

12 year old boomer detected, you cant fool me, I see the monster in your sippy cup

Attached: aboomer.png (900x900, 348K)

I know why people think it won't go to shit, they think technology isn't just a tool, they think it's a way of life and we won't ever let things go back to the way things were.
Also history isn't taught at schools properly anymore.

>swamp things are sperging out
>Swapped one Goldman Sachs guy for the other one that plays in your team and fills your koffers "is draining the swamp"

Once we can reverse engineer the brain, the brain could be re-engineered to make it physically impossible to suffer, and we can life in a state of eternal bliss. The Singularity is near.


Attached: David_Pearce_(transhumanist),_September_2013.jpg (800x1067, 63K)

You sound like one of those people who said "Cars? Without horses? Humans can't survive speeds over 20mph!"

This is actually scary accurate, at least the boomer side

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You're right, they won't be this bad forever. They will get worse until USA becomes the new Brazil of racemixing, degeneracy, crime, and corruption. But don't worry at least you won't be (((racist))) goyi... fellow peoplekind.

That image is so reductionist its absurd.

>coal burner
>gay couple with kid in the background
>straight white couple looks like white trash

Attached: sonic.png (615x346, 222K)

>Why are they ignoring the $400 million? Why are the ignoring the $175 million paid to Clintons for Uranium One?
Because it's bullshit. A desperate, flailing attempt at distracting from Trump. Trump's in the spotlight now. He put himself there. Jow Forums helped put him there. So the expectation that the heat can be redirected to Hillary, whom no one any longer even thinks about, is comical.

>The Constitution is just a piece of paper!

I only expect this of a memeflag.

Back when all the FFs said the country should remain white. How about that "Back when"?

I like you
You get a sealed indictment last

I think the woman is supposed to be the racemixed niglet or maybe even mexican.

Hello bot-kun, how's not having a neural network treating you?


Russia hacked the election, hacked the DNC and nothing you can do will change that

are you retarded dude? jesus christ, yikes! inb4 im called an anti-white screamer. fucking low iq cuck

>The way it's going to be

A third world shithole?