Why do we hate the Russians again? Is this some left over Cold War meme?

Why do we hate the Russians again? Is this some left over Cold War meme?

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We hate the Russians because they're stopping Israeli expansion into Israel
We hate the Russian because that means we buy weapons from the Military Industrial Complex.
We hate the Russians because Trump doesn't hate them enough.
We hate the Russians because they're a competitor of OPEC
OPEC, Israel, MIC, own congress, because congress is cheap.

Yeah, I figured it was all the boomers still pissed at the soviets.

Here's just one aspect and thing to ponder.
Fact. Saudi Arabia has princes who have paid multiple millions to the Clinton Foundation. Think.

This is either
A: a random nice thing for no reason, to a career politician's organization
B: A way to ensure they get their back scratched when they want that party to go along with certain policies.

Well. What's Saudi Arabia's stance on the goings on in Syria? Anti-Russian.
Qutar and the UAE, actual nations, have donated to it. Anti-Russian interests.
Europeans with similar Anti-Russia interests have donated, too.
Leftist Canadians have.
Israel I'm not sure of but Haim Saban's a billionaire from Israel. He's send them multiple millions. Israel? Anti-Russian interests in Syria.

That organization is pretty tight about disclosing donor names, apparently until they're so damn outrageous in the sums it can't go unnoticed. But it is eventually.

I repeat though: Entire fucking nations, have donated to the Clinton's personal organization they use as a political tool to score points and make favors. How much of that huge wad rolled up into one organization, is going to trickle out to the rest of the Democrat party as favors of some sort? Well we have dems who wanna practically declare war on Russia, soooo....

At least for Clinton, her sudden interest in wanting us to go to full-scale war is clear:
She's being paid millions upon millions, to take that stance.

they're a white orthodox christian nation who gives a fuck about refugees. of course we hate them. They survived communism

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>Why do we hate the Russians again?
Because (((they))) have ordered their pets to hate them.

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They attacked our democracy and installed a fascist right wing puppet as our president. They illegally annexed Crimea and invaded eastern Ukraine. They invaded and occupied Georgia. They shot down that plane. They support the war criminal Assad. They attack people on foreign soil with nerve agents. They meddled in French and German elections. They are a fascist authoritarian regime. They oppress LGBTQ+ and do nothing to stop our genocide in Chechnya.

Death to Russia

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Is this from the Onion?

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Are these your parents?

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William Browder is responsible for a lot of the current hysteria. He's a corrupt hedge fund manager who tried to dodge taxes on Russian commodities, then fabricated the narrative that led to the Magnitsky act and subsequent US-Russian hostility. I actually just posted a thread about this a few minutes ago, it is probably still up.

the entire cold war meme was done to put the rest of the worlds fears at ease. russia just happened to get nuclear weapons schematics thanks to some literal jews. this was so that russia and america would be at odds with each other and africa and the middle east could sleep safe knowing the white man would never have time to fuck them against their will in front of their childrens corpses...thats the UNs official stance on american and russian diplomacy

what it ended up doing was create a secondary dynamic in which russia plays bad cop and america plays worse cop and people get fucked against their will in front of their childrens corpses. the middle east has been ruined because of american aggression on russian allies and given russia a excuse to roll through with tanks every now and then. so what happens is the people there die. sounds great right . wrong. now we get refugees because they know america wont stop and russia would have to fight europe to kill them off

Nah. They are just some random Serbs burning your flag and I happen to agree with them.

the answer is literally "military industrial conplex." eisenhower warned us this would happen in his final public address before leaving office. he essentially said:
>"okay guys, i won WWII for ya but, in order to do it, i had to create a monster thats gonna keep you in a state of perpetual warfare forever. good luck with that lol!" *mic drop*

No. That’s how I feel about Russia.

>genocide in Chechnya
wtf are ypu even talking about? do you even know where chechnya is? "that plane" was malaysia airlines flight MH17 btw, ignorant goy faggot

>Why do we hate the Russians again?
Because communism. We blamed the wrong group

Russia has over 100 million white Christians
It's divide and conquer to have us fueding with them instead of you know... the browner skinned groups that aren't Christians.

>Is this some left over Cold War meme?
Yes, quite literally. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel of boogeymen and it only remains afloat because the IC-bound MSM parrots it 24/7. McCarthyism 2.0


Boomers cant let it go man
Ours are the same

Fuck outta here lol

Who the fuck is we? They did completely take over the Democratic party leadership and probably half the Republicans over about 30-40 years so there is that.

>Is this some left over Cold War meme?

Yes. The leftist meme that communism is good. With the death of communism in Russian and Eastern Europe our leftists are the heirs of communism. With Russia not being communist anymore and, more importantly, with them having zero chance of influencing the resurrection of communism there, they are very, very cross with them.

Not to mention that the EU, one of the successes of these heirs of communism, has its eyes set on the East, and on Russia. This sentiment was relatively low-key before the EU annexed Ukraine. There was some bitching about Putin's nature as a dictator, and the state of gay rights, but nothing that got them so fired up as Russia standing in the way of glorious world communism.

Our political landscape is a leftover coldwar meme. Russia is turning on the microwave and selecting the Popcorn setting.

I thought the ghost of communism was gone until the last couple years and I'm seeing them with my own eyes.

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Russians are fine.

I only wish you'd be more careful climbing tall things and jumping across rooftops desu

Because they annexed a russian part of Ukraine after they had a coup and kicked out the legally elected government, and because they defended Syria against the barbarous terrorists that the US and Israel sponsored.
Nevermind that China is illegally inhabiting Tibet and the south China sea.

they proved it's possible to successfully overthrow socialism.


It was never gone, certainly not in Europe. We had open communists in politics ever since WWII, and it shows.

In fact, we have a meeting hall in the seat of government named after a communist. Marcus Bakker. Certainly undeserved, because he was one of the pieces of shit that supported cooperation with the invading Germans because the Molotov-von Ribbentrop Pact was still in power.

But the best part? He was a Jew. The Nazis came to round him up, but only caught his wife and child as he snuck out the back door like a true communist hero. They died in the camps, while Mr. Bakker went on to preach the exact same nonsense that got his family killed after the war.

Such is the power of communism. It's so comical to me that communists today pride themselves on the fight against the Nazis while they were, in fact, the last people to join it. And only when they, themselves, were directly at risk. Same with that faggot Woody Guthrie.

I wish Patton and friends would have wiped you out in '45.

Well, at least now I know McCarthy was right and communists are subhuman.

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The only Faggots who hate Russians are Liberals. Funny, because with Obama's lax immigration rules, over 3 million Russians immigrated to America during the Obama years. Now suddenly libtards consider them the "enemy."

Stoped right there.

The Internet Research Agency which is the organization that's always sited for running the propaganda, is owned and operated by a Russian Jew. They mostly pushed pro-leftist propaganda, with a little pro-Trump stuff on the side throughout the course of a couple years. Why should I hate Russians for this? Shouldn't I be hating Jews, since the guy that ran it is Jewish?

That’s what I’ve been wondering, we both like hockey and heavy drinking.... and fighting Arabs, and Space Travel...and many other things.