Psychological expert here. I study body language for a living. Notice how Putin is relaxed, comfortable...

Psychological expert here. I study body language for a living. Notice how Putin is relaxed, comfortable, and congenial while Trump is slouched, looking downward, and anxious. It's clear for everybody to see that depicted here is a master and a subservient. Putin being the master. Look at how Putin is probing Trump with his gaze, forcing him to appear equitable. Also notice how Trump is locked in his pose throughout the meeting, parching his hands, another sign of anxiousness. Particularly telling that he is covering his crotch with this hand gesture; a common symbol of hurt masculinity, in the presence of an alpha male (Putin), Trump has to cover his genitals. This may sound like a 'meme' but men psychologically have this characteristic when around other prominent males. It's the prime example of a subservient relationship.

TL;DR: Trump is cucked by Putin. No question about it.

Attached: 105331764-2ED2-SB-071618-TrumpPutin.600x400.jpg (600x400, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

trump is actually forming a vagina with his hands in this pic

Literally how Putin always sits (manlet complex) and literally always how Trump sits (he doesnt give a fuck)

Oh wow, its another (((body language expert))). Even that faggot bombard was a fraud.

Look close at putins groin he has a legit cameltoe

>Study body language for a living.
>Can't see how uncomfortable Putin is.
His lower body is rigid as shit, even his knees cave inwards. Try fucking sitting like that and see how relaxed and comfortable you'd have to be to sit like that.
Also notice how he's lowering his head and because of that has to look up to Trump.

why the fuck is trumpo doing the merkel hands?

Trump probably just needed to take a shit.

You are hilarious.

trump is casting a ward evil spell. it protects against evil alignment Freemason magic

Attached: Jack_Russell_Terrier.jpg (720x540, 71K)

he's part of the jewish mafia and you niggers got duped.

Attached: trump-zionism-31.jpg (792x3000, 498K)

What about this one OP?

Attached: trump-putin-press-conf.jpg (1000x563, 435K)

Faggot expert here. OP is definitely a faggot. No question about it.

Legs spread, emphasizing American package

Leaned back in awe, covering his meager genitals, with legs tucked inward.

Attached: 1520900094346.jpg (576x768, 71K)

>body language expert


he's making those hands right now on his hannity interview
to be fair OP, putin cucks every single president that comes to visit him. why don't you talk about obama or bush ?

Actors get paid and sheep get slayed

Attached: ORS.jpg (760x445, 84K)

>psych expert
>handwriting analysis
>the shape of the skull determines personality
Who is Malka Liefer?

Trump literally sits like that with everyone, he looks cool as a cucumber to me that faggot Putin is the one who looks like he's trying to hide something.

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The absolute state of modern education

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Fag thinks about other men’s cock and balls

Neck yourself you faggot

Oh yeah? Try reading this guy.

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A source close to the friend of a doctor who is really good at facial analysis says that this guy is completely innocent and drumpf needs to be impeached.

i believe this, totally

It's a simple trick to increase confidence.

>body language exists and is one coherent language with a syntax and grammar.

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 77K)

Trump is a cuckold! Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh Trumptists?

No a necrophiliac

>psychological expert
>i study body language for a living
You work for the TSA and wave an electric wand over my genitals. You're a nobody.

great info OP WOW amazing how do you do it?

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Fuck England.

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Trump sits like he's taking a big long healthy shit, totally relaxed even bored. Trump flushes the competition.

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Trump is a first term president with a diversive and invective home. Putin has been doing this half his life with a broad consensus to rule.

your full of shit if you don;t think putin hasn't had a half bottle of vodka and some major pills. at least trump is sober. no true leader is THAT comfortable. he's not even hardly thinking about the country!

He’s definitely doing his bidding but why?

Fag expert here. I study faggots. I've never seen one as big as OP.

Putin is a genius next to Trump. A villain, but a genius in how he rose to power and maintains a cult of personality in Russia that keeps him massively popular.

He's a billionaire as well, far more wealthy than Trump will ever be, and he will likely set it up so he can be president for life in Russia.

There's some really interesting documentaries out there on how he rose to power in Russia after weak leaders like Yeltsin.

t.non-body language analyst

PhD in Fag Detection Studies and can confirm

I went to art school. You're right.

>Psychological expert

Attached: 1512816110852.jpg (1162x850, 365K)

its like when you see a nigger and your body language be like *draw/frontsite/press* and observors can see this clearly means you want to have sex with flamingos.

Attached: France-Climate-Countd_sham-1[1].jpg (3377x3833, 3.65M)

For the sake of your income, seek a new profession and stop embarrassing yourself.

Historian here.
The USA is the party that fucked up the relationship between it and Russia.
In order to make amends, America can't barge in all testosterone blazing. That would be too aggressive for the intended goal, which is direct dialogue.
As such it's diplomatically savvy to take an apologetic stance.
Putin can do whatever the fuck he wants, he's not the one who offered a meeting.

Virgin meets chad

Attached: chad stride.jpg (1236x639, 209K)

>Psychological expert here.
>minored in psychology
I like you; you're silly.
>Trump has to cover his genitals
Why does *every* one of today's shill threads invoke penises, gay anal sex, and fellatio?
"Psychologist" heal thyself; you're an hysterical spunk-drunk faggot.

Russia had Satelites in the air on September 11th. They know the truth. My god man they hacked hillary they know everything.

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What op said is true. It's evident for everyone who even has a slightest idea about behavior and human interaction. Doesn't suprise me at all that the (((mutt psyche))) can't pick up on it.
Doesn't mean I don't like what trump is doing in the shortterm even tho he's still a zionist puppet but this is just clear. How sheltered are you people?

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OP is confirmed leftypol shill and literally only because he can't stop loving penor and Trump makes him feel uncomfortable about this.

I was actually surprised by the conciliatory body language by Putin. Trump is obviously going in strong though Putin is making it clear he has wanted an accord with Trump for a long time. Btw in case you are a chucklefuck teenager or foreigner: Hillary was a bitter enemy of Putin

>OP is confirmed leftypol shill
I try not to get too upset with them. They're antics are clearly just their impotent rage about Trump's continuous victories manifesting itself. Things like the fact that they will never see a liberal Supreme Court, and in turn, things like gun control in their lifetime have really pushed them over the edge as of late. Prolly gonna get another pick in his second term as well. We're also going to be implementing things like common sense abortion control. This upsets them to a great extent.

I thought the hand symbol was a upside down illuminati sign with donald fucking it.. While they look at each other and grin.. "hahaha NWO who?"

I like to think of it as an inverted pyramid symbolizing tearing down the deep state. I think it's a dumb pose and I wish he would stop it though.

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This, trump looks like this in every meeting.

that's how I sit when im paying attention, you know focusing

Psychological expert here. OP is a giant faggot.

What is going on with that guy's facial expression?

Trump is dupin Putin into thinking Putin is the alpha. To give him some confidence. It's a trap!

> MUH psychological expert
> completely retarded analysis of 2 people you've never even been in the same room as
Nice larping you absolute brainlet. I'm keking at you

You dumb fuck, maybe if you knew anything you'd understand you have to cross reference a pose with someone's baseline physical behaviour. Putin always tilts head down with eyes up, it's his way of being intimidating. Try doing it in a mirror, youll look more stern/aggressive than your usual.

Putin hasn't had any alcohol since he worked in Dresden. There's lots of videos on YouTube showing how hell except drinks and then only pretend to drink them.