Rand Paul is back

look how he shoved down a deranged wolf blitzer. wolf is absolutely insane


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The Jew was totally triggered that the Jew agenda and the Jew media was BTFO.
He doesn't say Trump was wrong, he says Trump didn't follow their agenda.

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he's a massive cuck who sides with whoever offers him the quickest way up the ladder

Wolf is just another talking head in a long list of paid shills that have been put on high alert. Sounds like a certain group of people are getting panicky.

>he's a massive cuck who sides with whoever offers him the quickest way up the ladder
glow in the dark faggot.
the pauls never go anywhere because they stick to their guns.

>if you're ideological and not partisan, you're a cuck

i love rand

The Kremlin favorite candidate, well after Dana Rohrbacher.




For two decades, Representative Dana Rohrabacher has been of value to the Kremlin, so valuable in recent years that the F.B.I. warned him in 2012 that Russia regarded him as an intelligence source worthy of a Kremlin code name.

>anybody I dont like is working with Putin
Guess I know how to spot the good guys now.

as far as im concerned wolf blitzer is a domestic terrorist

This whole affair is absolutely bizarre and so obviously manufactured that it reads like a screenplay to some shitty political thriller.

>Stand Rand

Democrats don't want a pretext for war but an excuse for why they lost the election. Same pretext is an excuse that was used to "justify" spying and undermining candidate and President Trump. Rather than painting it that Trump should trust the intelligence community, they should be trying to gain President Trump's trust. Because right now Trump does not trust anyone who tries to stick a knife in his back and why should you.

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Their excuse is pretty garbage given that the Russians didn't even move around any votes, just leaked emails showing off how slimy the DNC is

We should trust the same people who told us that WMD's were in Iraq, overthrowing Gathafi was a good idea and that arming "moderate" rebels in Syria would not lead to arming ISIS and Al Qaeda

Yeah, I don't get it. On top of that everybody that can does it. But feigned outrage if Trump doesn't trust the IC ran by pic related. Wolf is off his meds again.

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Literally one of the few politicians you can't say this about. His father took boos like a champ ion every debate, never backed down and reiterated his point. Rand isn't his father, but he does not pander. Not bought and paid for.

Nice memeflag, faggot.

dudes been getting physically threatened a lot lately hasn't he?

He's so angry you can see his reptilian form starting to break thru

I have to say I respect the shit out of Rand. Trump was pretty brutal to him during the primaries but Rand has set that aside and really been a good advocate for Trump.

wew lad

Influencing the campaign is not the same thing as hacking the election and changing votes.

Are we really pretending the US doesn't meddle in foreign elections?

wow getting slid to shit

>I want a sound bite about who you believe
Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up. Nobody deserves belief. Intelligence hinges on proof, not faith.

Yup he’s breddy based. Thick skinned as most good Kentuckians are. Constitutional af desu. Wish he’d have done better in the primaries, but hes doing plenty good where he’s at.

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What the fuck are you talking about? he's one of the last few with any kind of conviction or clear cut beliefs and about the only who cares about reducing our debt

wasn't (((Wolf Blitzer))) in the ADL or one of the other Khazar Babylonian Luciferian Talmudic supremacist alphabet groups??? If so how can he objectively report ANYTHING, particularly about the Middle East or the Palestinian situation??!!!


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back to r*ddit faggot

>Senator I have to disagree with you

Giving an "interview"

>Interrupts repeatedly
>Talks over him

Keep your hands off Julian you evil faggot, you're glowing!

>Ends with some retarded kike remark
I fucking hate Blitzer

Based Rand destroying the lügenpresse

Been searching for the words to describe this ALL DAY... finally! Thank you user

2024 fren.

it's funny to see "liberals" and "leftists" complaining about a president "capitulating" to a foreign nation, when they celebrated obama's "apology tour" so much. :thinking:

He's the next president.

No problem user. These wholly artificial media narratives definitely have this Kafkaesque quality to them that make it hard to tease out exactly what's happening and make any sense of it. The last time I think it was this weird was when the media had their mini freakout over the Cambridge Analytics having data from Facebook and they paraded around this fact around like it wasn't common knowledge that Facebook dealt in the exchange of user data with third parties as their entire fucking business model and everyone and their mother wasn't skimming every irrelevant factoid about your life that they could from your profile.

Fuck off kike

I stand with Rand

>who do you trust senator? The US intel community or Putin

literally my favorite part of the interview. The fact that wolf expects anyone in the audience to take this question seriously just shows how far hes fallen.

Dems do want a war insofar as a war would be disastrous for Trump. But yes, more realistically what they want is to avoid taking responsibility for losing the election and to have something to attack Trump with for the midterms and 2020.

>Trump Throws US intel agencies under bus


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he's should be more explicit in what he's asking: "Do you have unbridled faith in the intelligence agencies of the USA (only when they are doing something anti-Trump, of course), or do you love and worship Putin?"
Let's not forget how much they loved Comey for letting Hillary off the hook, only to hate him for reopening the investigation, then loving him again once he came out as anti-Trump.
These people are deranged in how much they hate Trump and let's be honest about why - they hate him cause they ain't him

It's because Wolf clearly has a case of Trump derangement syndrome.

fucking love when Rand is on fire

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Rand is the only one who isn't a neocon shill.

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It was great up until Rand fucking agreed it was the Russians. Really shitted that up.

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You need to learn the game brother, he didnt agree that muh russia hacked... he just throwed a bone to the kike so he could keep talking.
The most important thing is that he didint sayed that he trusted the soup letters.

Anyone watch the end when the interview finished? Blitz said goodbye and thank you while rand quietly took if his mic while staring at the camera with a face that says, "in getting really tired of your shit"

if trump has zero faith in the FBI, CIA, alphabet agencies, why isn't he doing something, ANYTHING, to correct the problem
these people rule over us,if trump cared about us he'd help us

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Rand always stands at the edge of the redpill cliff without ever falling off during these interviews. You can tell that he knows what's going on, but can't say it.

Rand has been against the alphabet agencies forever now. Of course he's tired of their shit and the whole russian narrative.

Your Id says it all


okay reddit spacing retard, come back when you have something intelligent to say

thats because he has been compromised by the Russians. last time he got out of line they had to rough him up a bit. dont know what they got on the little traitor and i cant wait to find out...

t. Retard

So this is why the CIA activated the agent living next door to make an attempt on Rand's life.
They were trying to take down an American Patriot.

>why isn't he doing something, ANYTHING, to correct the problem
They don't talk about that kind of shit openly so it would be hard to know if it was happening.

Holy shit wolfie btfo. I didn't know Rand could flex on people like this

>I stand with Rand
not very high

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All the Jews questions were nothing but bait, there is no substance to this carry on over what Trump said, just this fake patriotism bullshit to try and hide that fact that the election was in fact rigged but for Clinton by the deep states intelligence services and crooked media and they got fucking slaughtered,

>Based Randlet gets a punctured lung and a few broken ribs yet he doesn’t kneel to the Jews.

It's like he saw my redemption arc post about him or something.

>Wolf thanks Rand
>Rand thinking "Did you really thank me after spending most of the "interview" interrupting me? Hubris. Just like user said holy shit."

This don't trust any of them or the Rouskie

Post it

It wasn't anything special. No digits or anything so I didn't cap it.

You're just mad because he wants to cut Israel off.

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Rand will be President one day

The entire media and democrat strategy is to tire out the American public to the point where they don't even want to hear the word "Trump" in 2020.

This will make even the shittiest democratic candidate more electable for them.

Do you believe the us intel community on nuclear missile of Irak or do you believe sadam Hussein ?

Based rand

Wolf is such a bitch.

Trump Derangement Syndrome! T.D.S. I like that!

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