Did we win today with Putin?

List them if you can..

one....MSM in turbo retardation

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>msm sperges out
Yea, today was a good day

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Who is we?

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We should team up and sink the chinks

Not you nigger.

>dividing and conquering

Look at this beast, it is most likely a Pennsylvanian.

My fellow burgers, rally around the greatest Americans - New Jerseyans.

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I thought I was the only one thinking this. Thought I don't know if the UK is up for such a thing at the moment. I'm with you though, they are getting a bit big for their britches.

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Kikes on both side weeping for their never to have nation.
Fuck yea he won

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They ctually did lol. You can't be a real potato with that attitude tho.

Trump basically did the same thing he did with North Korea's Kim. He kind of let some of the small things go, such as Kim's and Putin's human rights abuses and the server attacks, for larger scale things.
Whatever Trump was going to do - he would never ever have came out of this in a positive light with the Mainstream Media and they will always react the way that they are going to react. The really over the top takes - with even elected officials calling for military coups and CNN contributors calling for a Shadow Government and the homophobic NYT cartoon is just a little much though. Many do not know this, but Russia and America were at the brink of war with many escalations in Syria, NATO encroachment/strengthening, and the Germany Pipeline deal frustrations - I believe that Trump made a lot of headway to cool these tensions and try to work out agreements on things that these two Powers can agree on: specifically the cooling of heads in regards to Nuclear War, the Middle East and Humanitarian Aid to the region, and Radical Islamic Terrorism. I believe these things were the "bigger picture" issues that Trump focused on and in many ways threw the wedge of the (((ill-timed))) 12 Russian Military Indictments - which Putin says that they have a working Treaty to investigate the matter from a 1990s agreement but acknowledges this is an internal political game. Overall, I believe that cooler heads prevailed - but many in the MSM, Democrats, and Neo-Con hawks want a war with Russia for a variety of reasons - just so they have more things to criticize Trump for, especially with the Left's lack of platform before the Midterm elections.

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the chinks selling arms to niggers. niggers kill each other with greater efficiency. Chinks are geniuses

No dipshit
West and Russia need to team up against islam
That is a fight I understand

AND they send refugees North into Europe. Watch one good idea go bad so very fast. Only works when you have a nog containment zone.

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putin and trump are literally zog shills you dumb nigger

I hate that every time I see a thumbnail with hot girls I have to question if they have dicks. Thanks Jow Forums

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Trumps administration never even stated the purpose of this summit. LMAO

Putin named the yew, named shillarys 400 gorgillion shekel grab

trump called out the fact theres NO EVIDENCE russia had anything to do with the claim muh russia""! and the ""hacked servers were denied access by federal investigators.

The FBI came to investigate""wink wink nod nod""rookie doo!!!!" the DNC servers and they literally said "no thank you mr FBI persons were going to investigate 4 u"

>what in the fuck world do these assholes live in?

>I fucking want vladimer pootin to hack every damn democrat computer for a hundred years from know

If the media is spazzing out like this it usually means we're winning.

This is the best measure of things in this current year of our Lord.

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Yes. Our relationship with Russia has reached a high point today. Russia is both powerfil and based; a good ally to have against the NATO leeches.

This nigger did so much damage to Europe.

I agree - I havent' seen them freak out this much (Brennan/Comey specifically) since the Nunes Memo was released.

T R E 4 5 O N


Hello Ivan!

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putin is smarter than trump but its great that both countries are reaching out to get along.

Get wrekt Muhummad.

this thread is so sad. Just like New America

Are you a pajeet or a Muhammad?

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>Yea, today was a good day
Today was any other day

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Trump: Peace and Prosperity
democrats: War, Crime and Unemployment

LOL (You)

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The biggest shitfest since Charlottesville

I can't wait for Time and The Eglobalist to have creative "DRUMPH IS EVIL GOYS" covers

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Pretty much this. The more they hate it, the more obvious it is that Trump is doing the right thing.

MSM is in turbo retard mode... but unfortunately, most of the general public is in interstellar, HyperTurbo mode... so I’m not 100% sure it’s a win.

I keep asking people to explain to me what was treasonous about the press conference LOL.

Literally liberal tear salt babble incoherent responses.






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They got nowhere to go from here.

the wheel turns.
rally to the God-Emperor.
you shall find Victory.

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>putin is smarter than trump

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