White Nigger Culture

> TFW white people are leading the nigger culture war

Black people BTFO. When white people control your culture, youll controll nothing, and Hollywood is pushing it more and more.

What are (((they))) up to?

> youtu.be/SC4xMk98Pdc

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Why is Jow Forums full of spam Putin/Trump threads.

What the fuck is happening!!!

Yet blacks took the white women.


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shill damage control from summit today

I'm waiting for the news to break that this faggot takes BBC in the ass. It's only a matter of time until he can't afford the hush payments. Then the video will be leaked of him being pounded by some rap "bro".

Blacks wont need to exiat because evwrything that white people thought was appealing, they just redid and made better.

Notice how the niggers are standing in the back and supporting Post "White Boy" Malone?

Lol get fucked bitch! Rap belongs to us now.

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Yeah but coming to Jow Forums is a fucking waste of time. Are liberals seriously this fucking stupid?

Wait that was a dumb question.

Obama’s daughter is currently getting banged by a white guy

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>Blacks reinvented what whites did and made it better.
Why did you BTFO your race? Kek.

>The black woman are taking the whitebois.
White womlet detect.

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It puts a smile on my face to know Obama's daughter is sucking a big white cock. :) Take that top faggot! er.. Mr. President sir. :)

tfw educated niggers and spics date out of their race because they see how shitty they are

also chimping out over muh whyte wimins solidifies white superiority

>White Nigger Culture
so jews then?

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>butthurt nigger detected

How does it feel knowing you have so little critical reasoning that you are reduced to a performing sex monkey?

>seething wh*toid

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so you telling me white people is doing to the blacks what the jews did to whites

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Post likes country music and is BASED

Please Jews don't hurt Post!!!


Is she holding a joint?

Ohhhhh fuck yeah i like that shit right there.

That chocolate bitch rubbing on that white boy.

Lmao! God if only you guys knew who i was..

You mad nigger?

Look how hostile you reacted. Lol you little bitch.

Nice legs, imagine the smell mmmm

>"Whites do everything better. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.."

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>be black
>in most places even prostitutes (whores who spread legs for money) won't serve you
>go on 4chinks
>pretend you get laid
makes me laugh every time

this desu, only ones that get mad bitches are ball players, rappers, singers and others with high status. others just get Mizz Thang Laquisha from the block

Hoeatly its sad that white people can litterally be better black people, rhan actual black people. Without the reprocussions of being robbed and beaten.

I saw literal redneck teens in a mud truck blasting nigger music the other day, in Indiana. Cthulhu has at least one eye open.

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post is jewish lol so was peep and brennan savage. all of the white looking ones are these days

Which makes it even more pathetic.

ASHKINZIE Jews are better black people than black people...

No for some reason that doesnt sound better... Ill stick with white.

>white people are even better at being black than black people
really are the best


This pissed off nigger was triggered by my thread. So much so that he made abkther thread. Hahaha!!