I have been waiting my entire life for an U.S...

I have been waiting my entire life for an U.S. President to say the media and Central Intelligence agencies are lying bastards and never thought it would be God Damn Donald Trump. I had major doubts when first elected but I am a full on supporter now. I will now vote for his second term. I didn't vote last election because I thought the whole system was rigged but now I realize that Donald Trump is truly one of the most anti establishment candidate we ever had. God bless America and God bless Donald Trump!

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Welcome, brother.

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Reality is stranger than fiction.
I still have no idea why Trump was the man for this.

Fuckin A. Bump for the non-shill speaker of truth. America lives.

Imagine: millions of dollars have been poured into the Trump smearing campaign since 2016, AND THE PEOPLE STILL LOVE HIM. That's the power of the Truth. When you side with the Truth and with the people, anything is possible.

Here is a second post by this I.D. to say Fuck you to all the shills calling me a Russian bot.

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he has a long way to go but he deserves credit I'll give him that.

Donald Trump will end the Pennsylvanian's pitiful existance.


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Welcome aboard

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Same. I only voted for him to keep Clinton out now I would go to war for him.

Glad to hear it

God bless him. He's the president everyone needs, even those outside of the USA

fuck me who was the recipient of the cash? Pretty much all the people involved were volunteers

I was so happy when Trump said he wanted to normalize relations with Russia on the campaign trail, and so fucking mad when this fake Russia shit was drummed up and effectively ruined any chance of Trump doing that without serious political risk.
Then when they spun the bullshit story that everything Jow Forums did during the meme war was really "Russian bots" I was livid. Libshits on twitter call me a Russian bot all the time they seriously believe Trumps support online is mostly fake.

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Because the true patriots no longer can stomach serving in our government

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Isn't it glorius? He isn't done yet either. Game theory master as leader of the free world is working out great.

I honestly didn't trust Billionaires because I thought they were all part of the oligarchy of corrupt bullshit that happens in this planet but after Trump and now Musk I realize there is infighting between them and a war for the future of human kind rather than just rich and poor. Coming to Jow Forums back in 2015 (was on /b/ and /a/ in my younger years of 2008-2013) made me realize how much the Jews were involved in everything. I hated the Federal National Reserve for 10 years and to realize how much of a Jewish trick it was blew my mind. My first major Redpill.

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it's A miracle, The Man is A servant of GOD Almighty

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finally, a decent thread whose OP doesn't read like a baitpost or a shill/slide thread.

also fuck the "intelligence community"

That was my first time liking Trump plus the "you'd be in Jail" line. I hated Hillary so fucking much and it led me to this moment of fully accepting Trump. Also the CNN fake news moment made me stand up from my chair and say "FUCK YEAH!" Good times.

It's being slid so fast. Goodbye my true patriot anons. It was fun while it lasted.

Godspeed user

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Page six again m8. Catch you on the flip side.

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based me too lad

bump for Trump

bump for GEOTUS

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>Pennsylvanian's pitiful existance.

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I might as well share some Trumps while I'm here.

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I think we all know who Trump's waifu is.

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Bumping for truly the best timeline.

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I am a lefty and I remember when the left loved to call out the CIA and FBI for their crimes against the American citizenry. Now the left are the biggest cocksuckers of these unimaginably corrupt bureaucrats. Its just fucking amazing.

Its really great. I thought Trump would be redpilled on the border and a bit on trade and.. that's about it.

I would have never guessed he'd reach borderline tinfoil hat levels (in a good way) as president. usually, the president says some stuff and then becomes more generic.

Not Trump, he just gets more outrageous and more like me.

but trump is a russian cockholster amiright?

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trump gave great alex jones interviews he's pretty based
the thing is I don't know what he's waiting for
I seems like he knows exactly what's going on but isn't acting on it right away

>2 terms??!!

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I cant wait for his second term, going to be awesome

>Not Trump, he just gets more outrageous and more like me.
I think it's time to concede that Trump is a Jow Forumslack for now. He has been both harsh and friendly to Israel, he could be on either side at this point desu, we shall see though, we shall see. Nothing escapes Jow Forums, nothing.

Fuck off. Also, bump.

at this point who could the democrats even nominate
nobody trusts them it's great, will there be more debates? I can't wait



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It's obvious that Trump is the most anti establishment president ever. It's no surprise that it took a political outsider to be just that and throw a monkey wrench into the plans of the global cabal. In fact, his mere existence as president brought them out into the light, they exposed themselves and opened up a lot of eyes.

They keep saying that over and over and saying there is a bunch of evidence but cant come up with anything really solid when probed. Its amazing. Just amazing. Thought sometimes you will hear wikileaks supporters on the left point out that an org of professionals with an NSA guy as their chair came out and even said their analysis is that the DNC emails werent hacked they were leaked via thumb drive.

Its all a ferocious and desperate kaleidoscope of false assertions.

I am reminded of the misinfo smear operations against Assange with that weird fake dating website front that somehow was on some UN committee.

Just bizarre shit going on in reaction to any direction from which their power is threatened. They had it all locked down, slowly strangling humanity and feeding on them, all powerul and obfuscated. Their panic is incredible. And people are so into the team politics they play right into it. Which the GOP was guilty of in the past during the Bush admin. And the Dems when they are in power.

This is the only time someone not under their control has had any power.

I always wanted to visit Australia since my love of exotic animals and Steve Erwin and since Jow Forums that feeling has doubled for my love of perfected shitposting. Godspeed Australia bro and get your guns back.

At least no CIA niggers are going to be shot and thrown out of a plane now.
This CIA officer (pic) will have to change his name.
>Doctor Pavel, Im CIA.
Now he will be
>Doctor Pave,l Im unemployed.
Terry will now have the full might of the CIA following him every day since they no longer have any other enemies; apart from Israel and Mossad, but they dont seem to care about them.

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this is a very good observation
> They had it all locked down, slowly strangling humanity and feeding on them, all powerul and obfuscated. Their panic is incredible. And people are so into the team politics they play right into it
yup I think technology is enslaving us and liberating us at the same time
It depends on which direction we go and the deepstate is pushing one direction while the people are pushing the other

We are truly in the greatest timeline.

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Hail Trump!

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you can't just start a thread with a pic of patchouli's lewd, smelly, biohazardous, germ infested feet like that!

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Let's not get into best girl arguments on a American Trump posting board.

Trump is still a little too jewified in my view. That's not to say he wasn't a step in the right direction, however. I just wish he would shake off his odd Israel First platform. Everything he has done domestically has been fine for the most part. Just bring the boys home and put them on the border while the wall is being built.

We should really take into account that a lot of anti Jew leaders die. If you are a smart world leader than you know their control over this world. And before anybody has the "if their inferior why do they control so much!" Argument. A parasite or virus might have complete control of a body but doesn't mean the host body shouldn't find a way to eliminate the infection and survive.

Yes Trump is a good goy, but everything he does is dismantling what (((they))) have been doing under the table since the end of WWII. On the outside he supports """our greatest ally""" but has completely destroyed the credibility of the Jew run media in this country and that was an incredible service. He awoke the spirit of nationalism again, and the spirit of nationalism seems to carry the Jewish Question with it.

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Trump breathes air

It's funny how the left has criticized the CIA and related agencies for decades BUT NOW they're a paragon of truth.

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G-Uys i m scared, what if they gonna kill him ?? these motherfuckers are not happy,

russian shill

Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols said he thought Trump was punk because of how much the establishment hated him in an interview right after he won


I was really surprised a lot of people who had always been anti-establishment ended up siding with the establishment and msm about Trump. I say was because it's kind of expected at this point.

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You sure don't sound like a lefty, or I would have disagreed with some fine point at least, and I got nuthin'.

It's honestly just because how much money he has. So many anti establishment people (like myself in the past) thpught money=corruption which is not completely untrue. It's communist propaganda and I know that but it was after seeing how much a billionaire like Trump can actually do.

Any day the uniparty closet communists are mad at Trump I know America had a great day.
Today was a great day indeed.

Fuck you Eric Holder,Obama and Bush.

Dog bless him.

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a lifetime of fighting the jew in new york

My loyalty to Trump firmly place now after being shaken a little when Trump fired missiles at Syria. But now he had reaffirmed my faith that his goal is too give the Globalists hell. If anything my trust in Trump is stronger than it ever was before. He is not a puppet unlike all presidents after JFK. And that alone makes possibly the most important U.S president since Lincoln.

God bless Trump.


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sniff remi's feet instead.
>no pedicure since the middle ages

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>I still have no idea why Trump was the man for this.
Then the press is way ahead of the curve compared to you. Sleepwalking sheep with eyes but they do not see.

Trump is John the Baptist resurrected. That's why (((they))) pulled the beheading photoshoot when he got elected. John the Baptist was beheaded.

Scribes are still scribes.
Pharisees are still pharisees.

It isn't about right or wrong for them. It's about being right.

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This is the greatest timeline

so what's the weather like in St. Petersburg?

He will do God's work regardless of ambition for if he does not those around him will suffer. Humanity has been forced upon him so let's be happy he's made his choice willingly.

I love Israel too.

It isn't about class, rich vs poor, white vs black or any of that shit. It's about globalist vs nationalists. Citizens of nowhere versus citizens of somewhere. Everything else is just a tool or pawn of those that wish to rule the world as a technocratic elite, even (((you know who))). These struggles are civilisational, and will define this century.

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Have another bump

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Bingo. Trump is reasserting the importance of national pride in the global age. Fuck globalist scum. I have ONE country and it is MINE and I LOVE it more than every other country. Everyone should have this feeling.

Trump is God's chosen man.

>what if they gonna kill him ??
They can't, but God help them if they do.

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Trump does not give up his objectives. He does not compromise his objectives. Trump is about one thing: Making America great, restoring America, having America win. That’s Trump’s objective, overall.
And that's why they hate him.

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Let's not forget prolonging the apparent inedible WW3 that the entire establishment is working towards. Let's remember how much damage WW2 did to the world and white identity.


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Glad you're here, Anonkin.

That's why the neocons were going nuts today.
Trump just backed down two super powers away from war over Syria.

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This Is how I feel right now.

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ME to this post : "I have all five cards on the field.
We have a real president not a puppet.

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>Donald Trump is truly one of the most anti establishment candidate we ever had.

He is and that is why I love him. He's the rebel that the leftists claimed to want, he's the real deal.

>I still have no idea why Trump was the man for this.

Trump just gives absolutely no fucks. He can't be manipulated, because there is nothing there to manipulate, and I mean that in the best way.

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Please lord protect our fallen. We must pray harder then ever before! The deep state has tried to kill trump 5 times all ready! youtu.be/SDqQY2qMMxw

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