>The Jews killed The West

We blame the Jews, but the Jews are just a symptom of our underlying problem:

We gave up on God.

Prove me wrong.

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the jews used mass media and intellectualism to trick low-IQ whites into becoming asinine r/atheist pseuds.

how couldnt we, they keep francis in their pocket

I have not given up on God.

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>low-IQ whites
so we retardedly embraced (((democracy))) and allowed the nutters to run the nuthouse

there's no democracy in the bible

the west is dead?
I didn't notice

>We gave up on God.
You've never cared for god, you only cared for a kike on a stick and his demonic father.

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After seeing how full of sin communist chink society is, I agree. Judeo-Christian society and identity needs to be restored in the west, for it is the foundation of the American constitution where all men are created equal and free under god. Chink culture is all about sin, hierarchy, subjugation, lies. They are evil in the biblical sense of the word.

Catacuck commie. Vuelve a tu fosa común Jordi. No hay nada peor que un español que no sea cristiano.

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Its the kikes

t. el judeo

>there's nothing worse than a spaniard that is actually european instead of jewish

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You hate crosses eh?

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I hate semitic culture, some crosses are actually european.

Always have the thought of the Final Judgement in the back of your head, and let that tailor your actions and behavior. God is always watching, and his judgement will weigh heavy on the likes of you.

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>Final Judgement
Most retarded piece of theology I've heard on my entire life, close to parody religions indeed.

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>We gave up on God.
God gave up on us

We made loans we couldn’t pay back to Jews so they used it to get full equality and then infiltrate Our institutions.
- and that’s a good thing.

even if you get rid of the Jews you won't solve the more fundamental philosophical problem of human greed, corruption, and hedonism to name a few. We will be destined to repeat the same mistakes just under different orgs (jews, muslims, christians, doesn't matter)

It is because you do not understand theology evidently, and want to LARP in the woods with degenerate pagans because dad didn't give you attention, so you feel that stepping outside traditional norms and doing inherently sinful and wrong deeds is the way to get attention and get people to care for you.

The concept of the Final Judgement makes the most sense. It is the return of the King to his land, and the Father lays judgement on those that disregarded his Son's death (the concept of Jesus dying for the collective sins) and made it vain by further ruining what he created for man. The dying of Jesus on The Cross was the abolishing of sins up to that point, and the second coming is the final judgement that will be cast upon sinners - put in simpler terms.

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>It is because you do not understand

No, it's because I meditated, and found god (or maybe it is a goddess, I saw an inner image of an european woman in a forest with wolves).

Yeah, not the christian god.

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You gave up on common sense.

furthermore, one can easily make the argument that Christianity was corrupt as all fuck and functioned as a state, exploited its citizens and used death, torture, and intimidation to stay in power

>"No, it's because I meditated and found god"

Yes, because true Divinity just comes to you when you "meditate". Ask yourself the following; why? What have you done for it to just 'reach out to you'? Not a very good God if he just contacts you without prior metaphysical understanding of the surrounding world, or without any understanding of religion or yourself in general. To simplify; you are telling me that the most Divine and Holy creature decided to present itself to you - when (in reality) you haven't done anything in your life to justify that. You can LARP as a monk on Jow Forums, but both you and me know that you're no different from hippies that practice Buddhism without understanding its harsh and real nature.

I hope your soul doesn't stray away from the road that is best lit, my friend. Tread easy.

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It was hollywood.

They made (((christianity))) which is a facile reading of the bible used to promote cultural marxism then broadcast that perveted religion to the entire country for 90 years.

The result is tragic

So did white fathers with weak spirit

My disaappointment is immeasurable and my decade is ruined

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>Yes, because true Divinity just comes to you when you "meditate".
Yes, you have part of the divine within you, it's what makes you special and a divine being instead of an animal.
Ask yourself the following; why?
Because if we are the sons and daughters of the divinity it makes sense that we internally carry a part of the divine.
>What have you done for it to just 'reach out to you'?

I meditated, meditation works as spiritual alchemy, divine enrgy that is coiled in the bottom of your vertebral columns pierces your crown, that's when you meet god.

>God should only contact you if you read a book and imagine things that men have written, altough these men never knew god themselves
Of course.
fake shit
>the most divine presented to you
Yes, as the moment you reach the peak of spirituality that is the end of meditation you become a saint
>you haven't done antyhing
I meditated
your buttrage amuses me
I don't consider myself a monk
>the real nature of religion
religion is a lie, I wasn't religious when it happened, i merely was practicing meditation out of interest
>the true path
Don't tell me what is the true path, I have found it, you haven't.

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>I meditated, meditation works as spiritual alchemy, divine enrgy that is coiled in the bottom of your vertebral columns pierces your crown, that's when you meet god.

Thanks for proving my points. Enjoy the eternal fire that you'll live in.

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Where I live, theres a church on every corner and the economy is great.

Where Godless retards live is suppossed to fucking suck.

>you're going to hell because you found the true path

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Thr church is a man made institution.
Faith transcends it.
Remember to tip your fedora on the way out.

Fedora fag

People are just jealous that Jews managed to take over the world. Instead of bitching how about you do the same tactics?

!!!>proof of pizzagate

>God speaks to Jow Forums

Satanist BTFO
Molechians on Suicide watch

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No. The Jews impaled one of their own to conquer our spirituality, and they succeeded.
The west has been bowing to YHWH for almost two millennia.