Before we can defeat the jews in the World Bank and the jews in Hollywood, we must first defeat the jews within ourselves.

Go to the gym and don't be afraid to cardio or lift more than one hour.
These chad workout mixes will help:

Stop believing in memes like "lose all ur gainz after 60 minutes of gym". Not even close to true. Look at all the greatest bodybuilders.

Stop listening to degeneracy.

Mix of Nordic Music


BloodSoil - The March

BloodSoil - Sacred War

Legionarii - Aristocracy

Across The Rubicon - Ghost

Stop consuming too much carbs and fast food. Have a glass of good wine, no more cheap shit. Eat fruit. Eat fish. Eat your damn vegetables. Cut the carbs. Eat clean meat, no mystery fast food meat. Always cook chicken and pork very thoroughly. Don't eat feminized products. Don't breed with roasties. Find a wholesome waifu. Do cardio. Go running. Stockpile food and buy a truck/SUV to survive The Coming Ice Age. Don't do ignorant nigger things like stealing and acting like a monkey. Respect yourself and your race. Don't humiliate your women with the degenerate feminism.

Stop consuming pornography and even try the NoFap challenge to boost test levels. Get off the internet for at least five minutes a day. Stop smoking cigs. Don't do drugs, folks. Don't watch degenerate media and read some books.

Download a cryptocurrency app and invest. Even a little will go a long way. Invest in multiple different coins. Sit on them for 10-20 years. Brush off the haters and jealous cucks. This is your life now. Welcome to /SIG/ 2018.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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BLads I've self improved myself so well the past five years or so. Quit smoking, binge drinking, weed, became saved, became an avid outdoorsman, nearly god tier fitness. Really thought I'd made it when I met her and absolutely thought I'd made it when she loved me so well and for so long. Then all of a sudden she was gone. I'm still a better man but inmiss her badly every day. I don't want to but I do and my life sucks because of it. I has been months and still the same. Tried everything to get her off my mind but I can't.

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How do I work out for an hour? I don't have money for a gym but have plenty of exercise stuff at home but longest I can go is like 30 minutes before my body starts screaming at me.

I've been in the same boat man. Channel that sadness into anger and use that anger to motivate yourself towards another goal. I'm still in the the fitness stage and everytime I think of my ex I go and do pushups till I stop caring. Keep at it dude, our qt Aryan waifus are waiting for us out there

Alternatively, you can do 400 pushups a day and 400 sit ups a day if you want to perform the workouts without weights and over time. You will need to find a way to work the biceps though.

>first video, first song is meshuggah demiurge

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Do meditation to become /strongmind/

I use an old ass metal spring chest expander. Would that work out the biceps?

Get a pullup bar, will allow you to work the core (knee raises --> leg raises --> leg to bar raises) and biceps (chinups and pullups) as well as many other muscles, because these exercises are amazing compound movements. You'll have a balanced physique and the feeling of lifting your weight effortlessly will make you feel powerful.

Stop bullshitting yourself and get right before you even try to go against satan's system

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Thanks user I'll definitely do that

How do I meditate?

Sit in a comfortable position and either listen to calming music and focus on only that or focus on your breathing. Point is to empty your mind and only allow the thoughts that come naturally

I don't know man. There ain't no one out there waiting for me. When should I bevstartong my family when I'm 50??

How old are you? Life never works out the way we plan and that definitely includes women. There's still plenty of time left and plenty of women who would make good mothers. Don't be discouraged

Is this something that should be done everyday? Should I do it for a set amount of time?

I'm 35 in a week my man. It took years to sort myself to this point I wasn't a very desirable person before. I fear now I'm more bitter than ever because I let all of that go for her and now it's back two fold. Now I feel like I could have the perfect aryan qt right in my lap and I'd be too bitter anyway


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There was an user in the previous thread (before faggot mods moved it to Jow Forums) who said he had been doing the Wim Hof method. It seems like a pretty good breathing technique that can be paired with more traditional methods of meditation.

I'm currently watching the Joe Rogan interview with Wim Hof, and he seems legit. He's done some fucking insane shit, too, which he attributes to his breathing technique. I'm going to try it tomorrow after I wake up.

Sounds like you could do with some daily meditation or a nice psychdelic trip with mushrooms to help you bud.

Just convert to Mormonism already you dumbasses.

Seriously the Priesthood will change your lives.

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Ideally everyday is a good idea but it't not a big deal if you miss a day. Meditate everytime your emotions get the better of you and you're upset or something. Meditate until you're not so upset, time doesnt matter very much
Yeesh 35 is a little old so that might be discouraging. But then again men get better with age, so your best bet is to attempt to date someone younger than you that you click with.

It seems like it would be beneficial for you to forgive her, my dude. I'm not a religious man, but I was watching videos of pastors and preachers talking about forgiveness, and it all made a lot of sense.

What good is it to hold resentment towards someone? Unless you're going to confront the person who did you wrong, it's just time and energy wasted. Instead of being bitter, you could forgive and move on. I haven't yet been in such a position, but I would imagine that moving on would feel like a weight off your shoulders.

I guess it's easier said than done, though.

I've been thinking of taking shrooms again I haven't since high school. Was just talking about that last weekend with a chick inlnow. I'll probably just go full mgtow again though I don't find booking up with sluts very sporting anymore

I've tried. Still most days I wake up miserable and missing her worst part is I would not ever take her back but still it's agony

Forgiveness is for those who deserve it. I've used my anger and resentment towards those who wronged me as fuel to improve myself. It's like half the reason I work out anymore. Get fucking mad, work out, and feel better afterwards

is meditation real or just a meme how long i have to do to get results and how to do it properly

I realize I only hooked up with most sluts for the challenge/pride

Now unless she's nice and earns it, I'd rather just fap and/or better myself

Thx OP.

Where are you faggots? What do you need to do to get to the next level?

I'm at a 9. Need to improve
> well read
> knowledge of history
> charisma
> vocabulary
> occasionally getting angry while red pilling someone

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Take your iodine

Iodine is a necessary nutrient for your body.
> be 1930s
> put iodine in flour/bread
> all kids get smarter
> discover iodine boosts iq and brain function substantially
> can't have the goyim get smarter
> replace iodine with bromine, which is toxic to the brain and endocrine system
> good goyim, eat your wonder bread

Iodine detoxes bromide and fluoride from your brain's receptor cites and lodges there. Intelligence and brain function improve

How Adding Iodine To Salt Resulted In A Decade's Worth Of IQ Gains For The United States.

IODINE Deficiency; Allowing Flouride, Bromide, and Chloride to Wreak Havok on our systems.

The Guide to Supplementing
with Iodine.

Iodine is magical miracle - most underrated supplement!

Dr. David Brownstein talks about the importance of iodine. [Open]

Dr Group lecture on iodine [Open]

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Holy shit this is crazy. I've had people tell me growing up how Iodine is poisonous and bad for you, and that it would be easy to overdose on it. So now you're telling me it's actually a mind enhancing nutrient? Fucking hell what other kind of lies was I told?

upholder of west
"importance of inequality" how the fuck is that shouldnt we try to make every one fortunate and equal are you promoting discrimination ??

I went through that with a girl a few years ago. There was just a void that couldn't be filled. I was lifeless for what felt like decades. But I realised that nothing was going to stop because I was hurt. No one was going to stop and help me fix my broken heart, and the world didn't care. You just need to keep moving on, but don't let the experience corrupt you or your progress. You need to let it fuel you until you're over it, and you will get over it. The old adage rings true; time heals all wounds.

I agree. I mainly meant to forgive those who really don't have any impact in your life anymore. To bury the hatchet over old feuds. The videos I was watching mainly dealt with young adults who held deep-seated resentment towards their parents, for example.

But fresh wounds should be the fuel to betterment and grow stronger. Anger is perhaps the most powerful emotion, as it empowers us to break through our limitations. Use that shit as much as you can, user.

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Welcome to Jow Forums
> pic related

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I've taken 6 drops of nascent iodine a day for the last year

Have another red pill
Vaccines were not needed to prevent death from diseases
> pic related

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Brothers, remember the POWER OF VISUALIZATION. Want to fuck some broad? Visualize you fucking her constantly. Her brain waves will respond and want to jump on your cock? Trying to start a motherfucking race war? Visualize it constantly. Trying to wait for your bitcoin to reach ten million dollars? VISUALIZE IT YOU NIGGER.

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It's real. Look into Stoicism and its Exercises if you don't like Eastern spirituality.

Otherwise I recommend Zen meditation, but koan style. You focus on a houatou, like "Who am I?" or "Who is carrying this corpse of mine around?" but focus on the word "WHO" --- sit comfortably, back straight, and focus on the "Who" of that question,.... you can choose any question, like "who am I?" or "what is this all?"

Enhance your geopolitical and anything science related knowledge if you haven't yet already but other then that your on the high end of life matey

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NEET for 6 years here. How do I get money?

Why did she leave??

something a bit more normie if thats your thing

Camster dot com

Just failed day 6 nofap, feel disgusted with myself for my weakness. I got off prescription pain meds easier than porn addiction, anybody have any advice?

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Do bicep curls all afternoon until your arms can no longer move. Then you cannot masturbate and thus no incentive for pr0n

This is potentially dangerous. You need iodine, it is very important, but if you take too much of it you can develop hyperthyroid syndrome. As the guy mentions, the thyroid is a very important part of your body, but do not take unnecessary risks. Don't play with your health. The only correct way to take more iodine is through food. Do not use lugol or stuff like that, because it may be potentially dangerous. Grab a medicine book, read up on the thyroid and how it functions and how it uses iodine. Be careful anons, don't be naive and stupid.

idk sell shit you don't need on craigslist or ebay

She used my work ethic as motivation to get herself into the best shape she's ever been in then monkey branched me for some guy on one of her sports teams when he started giving her attention

Found the kike

Vaccines kill babies

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lad she just did you a favor by not wasting any more of your time, its normal to miss companionship and feel some sense of loss, but do not miss HER. You deserve better, and she just cleared your schedule so you can find it.

Don't punish yourself for failure, rather embrace those six days of abstaining from masturbating/porn and challenge yourself to go 8 days. If you make it 8 days, challenge yourself to make it 14 days. Continue this until you can consistently make it to 2 weeks without even thinking about it.

Remember the biggest triggers are lack of activity, high interaction with the internet, and most importantly PORN. Minimise your exposure to porn and your time on the internet as much as possible.

how do i get rid of my man tits?

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Appreciate the kind words but that doesn't help me when I wake up every day almost feeling like trash

>the biggest triggers are inactivity
I think that might be the cause, I fell of my bike at a decent speed and haven't been able to do much with a fucked knee and shoulder. I'm just going to unplug from the internet until this gets better, cheers mate.

>pushing false info
>accuse being a kike after being called out
kys schlomo

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get back on the horse man, little improvements and habits are easier to learn and adopt then big ones, when your happy with your nofap and made a habit of it, then go onto the next goal. full cold turkey is great but fails more often the it succeeds and that failure compounds on your self esteem.
chide yourself and start again, think of the 6 days as a win and start again and push for 12.

Go see your doctor and see if you have actual gynecomastia. If you do have it, pursue the avenues to have it corrected. If you don't have it, eat at a caloric deficit and exercise.

No worries, my dude. Good luck with it and hopefully a speedy recovery with your knee and shoulder.

Or this

Muh brain worked

she wanted a weak man on her side. you are better off without here. some roasties have this complex. they want something to look after and to make excusses for and shit like this, makes them feel good about themself and they dont have to be afraid that your toy is going away. wouldnt be a suprise if the cunt will have a degenerate beta cuck as next partner

do short rest perods like 30-45secs 40mins is a good workout you can do like 25sets in that time

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*her toy

Couple of tips for beginners to self improve:

1) Keep your room/house clean. It helps you so much because if your trying to improve any other part of your life a messy house will make it harder. Garden counts. see pic related.

2. Drink Water.
if you don't have a drink bottle, buy one, and keep it with you with purified water. Keep drinking its really good for you.

3. If your a man, lift. Whether your planning on building muscle, losing weight, or maintaining, lifting is really great for your health, hormones, and mental health too.

4. buy yourself a good supplement for essential vitamins and minerals.

5. research Jow Forums to work on your diet and workout regime. The sticky has everything you need to know.

6.fix your posture, back and neck. It will make you feel better (mental) and will be better overall for your physical health. Plus other people will see you as more confident, not a beta.

7. Don't watch porn, if you need to jack it find something soft core like hot girls in pics (with clothes) or use imagination.

8. Don't eat junk food, except maybe every now and then but try avoid all together. Don't drink soft drink, the occasional no sugar coke is okay, but try and drink water only or SOME coffee.

9. Stay happy and positive. Follow these and you will start feeling so much better in no time, just stick to it. HIGH ENERGY / DRAGON ENERGY

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thanks for saving my ass

A more reasonable counter-claim to vaccines is they increase levels of autism.
Your conjecture is why most people dismiss anti-vaccers out of hand. There are legitimate reasons to be concerned about them, but you make it seem like only schizos take issue with them.

user, you have no reason to feel like trash, you just had dead weight removed from your life. You did nothing wrong here.

go outside and do some hardwork.

i've only been to the gym 3 times in my life and i've gained 99% of my strength from working hard and doing body weight excercises

>Joe Rogan

Can't catch autism twice bud

>kitschy melodramatic photos of low class faux-neoclassical sculptures and tacticool US military
so... this is traditional western culture

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Let's go fucking techno-lads and wreck that gym

I say this often and will repeat it: FIND A WOMAN AT CHURCH. There are thousands of early-mid20's women at churches all around this country (and canada too I'm assuming) who are actively looking for good men to start a family with. No, you don't have to believe everything about the teachings, just find a church where you don't actively hate everything the preacher says and you like the social element. Any decent-sized church has singles groups or different age groups, so start doing the social stuff and you'll find the single women soon.

INB4 everyone floods in saying "hurrr durrr church girls are all whores," "enjoy getting with a girl who used to be a WHORE," "girls just go to church to confess for having tyrone's dick in their mouths all night..." etc etc etc just a bunch of kike jew lies. women in church are absolutely less slutty than women NOT in church, and your chances of finding an actual chaste woman are infinitely higher in a church (where chastity is praised), than in a bar/club (where sluttiness is praised).

ya, pretty much. why did you post a selfie with your comment?

I know, user, I know. But I just wanted to see this Wim Hof guy and hear what he's selling, and a website linked to Rogan's video

you have to be olde than 18 to post here

>advocating lifting and personal improvement can't be done by adults

how stupid are you?

church women are non-self motivated idiots. Well all women are idiots but especially them. Be a normal person and fuck a freshman in college. They're not nearly as retarded. Who wants to be married for decades to a fucking dullard?

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Pure iodine is indeed a poison. Most iodine supplements is come in the form of a salt solution highly diluted in water. Lugols is like .03% iodine or some such thing.
Iodine is deficient in the west and is a vital nutrient. Every military survival kit has iodine tablets for the MIA. It purifies water and keeps energy generation way up. When you're suffiecient on Iodine and Vitamin D a 16 hour day is nothing.

Fun fact the body doesn't absorb iodine if it doesn't need it. Rub some iodine solution on your skin where it won't get rubbed off. If it disappears within 24 hours, you're deficient.

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like clockwork, here come the anti-church jews.

>Who wants to be married for decades to a fucking dullard?
anyone who wants a family, stability, partnership and long-term commitment. obviously you don't. so have fun banging bimbo hillary voters who spend all day on tumblr and IG and will accuse you of rape if you try to have an intelligent discussion with them.

put blockers on. Don't rely on the will.

The reason most people do 1 hour is simply because it's more sustainable over a long period of time.

If you are planning on doing sports, you should do it continuously, preferably for the rest of your life.

Then comes the question: How much of your life do actually want to spend at a gym.

It's all about putting sports into your daily/weekly routine. Going to the gym for 1 hour is no problem, going for 2 hours is a task.

Especially if you are starting out. You should take baby steps and build discipline. Going to the gym for 5 hours a day because you want to impress anonymous people on the internet is probably not sustainable for long periods of time.

That dosn't mean that you can't do more if you feel like it, but setting arbitrary rules for yourself does probably more harm than good.


>doesn't understand women

women don't have their own personality. That's for you to forge. Being in college is a sign of a slight level of self-consciousness in women which is good if you don't want to be married to an utter slave. It doesn't take a kike to be bored by ultra-goyish women quoting from the NT. That book is boring and masochistic as fuck for guys. >Kill yourself working for 'the good of' jewish lew governed society and abraham's children goyim.
And you call me the jew? Fuck off hahah

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Constantly fapping is a sign of ADHD. Get on RX meds. Worked for me. I don't do that shit at all anymore and get more work done in one day than I used to in an entire week.

I'm guessing you feel like trash because you've convinced yourself someone you trusted dropped you for another guy because you weren't as good as him. You need to understand she is the trash. She should have made it clear to the other guy she has a boyfriend but I'm guessing she didn't because he was attractive and she liked the new attention. She should have told him to stop speaking to her when he started being flirty. She should have then moved to a different sports team if he continued his advancements. She isn't loyal, and she likely won't be to the next guy. As soon as someone else comes along with a more chiselled jawline she will jump ship for him.

The type of companion you want is the one that has enough self-restraint to ignore other men's advancements. Someone that is in the relationship for the emotional and companionship side, and not simply for the attraction and sexual pleasure side.
Obviously it will take some time to get over her but you need to tell yourself that you aren't trash, she is the trash and each minute you spend mourning over her is wasted.

At this moment you are upset, whilst she is happy with her new male friend. You have probably cried and lost sleep over the breakup, whereas she is having the time of her life and likely having a lot of sex. She has done this to you. She has caused you so much misery but doesn't care because she has never been happier because she's with a new man. How can someone you trusted and helped to better their health betray you like this? She's a
parasite, a leech, and you should feel nothing but happiness for getting her out of your life.

How do i pull a dinosaur out of my leg?

Hey lads, when I was younger I got into some autistic shit thanks to intense isolation on the internet. Most of my life has moved on beyond that phase, and I've entered into normiedom with a dedicated friend circle, a gf, career, and actually exhilarating prospects. However, there are still aspects of my mind which are beholden to behaviors I constructed in the depths of my own personal struggle with degeneracy. I have a very strange taste in pornographic material. I don't have any weird fetishes except that of representation of characters. I very rarely consume pornography at all anymore, perhaps 3 times a month max, but every time I do it has to be of a particular style of character no matter how vanilla the actual sexual material is.
I want to do away with this. I'd rather go entirely no-porn than have this disgusting hold up from my previous run-in with depravity. Is there any way to salvage my porn tastes, or should I just swear the stuff off?

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I do go to church. My church is full of single mothers. Haven't cried at all but feel empty.

Get on Stratera meds. That's a symptom of OCD on top of ADHD. You obsess about bullshit. Stratera makes it so that you can focus on stuff that's not as 'fascinating' as your previous OCD-autist fetishes. Try that.

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Here's something I did to break away from the neet life. Got a pastime job at 711 night shift did fuck all but stock. Lots of inspired products such as cookies and other bakery products are still good. Collect them through the week then rent a table at a nearby flee market sell half tag sticker for full profit

You sound like you need to find something that fulfills you in life like a hobby.

"But how is that going to cure my fucked up porn tastes?"

They probably wont, but having a postive routine in your life will probably make you realise that you are thinking way too much about pointless shit. In the real world, nobody cares what you jerk off to, just don't mention it.

If it's something like CP or stuff that gets too rapey, just let it go man, it wont lead to anything good for your life.

>posts jew porn propaganda image
>refers to church women as "ultra-goyish"

yes, pretty obvious who the jew here is (you) and you can't stand how obvious and easy it is for us to pick you out

>find a college freshmen
Been there done that, avoid women who go to college, chances are they're either already brainwashed or just not brainwashed yet(they will be)

That's the thing. Preparation is for the moments you will likely be unable to prepare for before the damage occurs. Its a mindset wherein you take the spare moments of the day incase those moments do not come on the next.

It takes time to prepare the body, It takes time to prepare the mind. It takes time to perfect the finer more delicate movements of various skills. It takes time to practice sufficiently to develop instinct.

Pick up projects for yourself. This book helped me organize. The system is a bit autistic to keep up forever but If you've got a backlog this will clear it full stop.

Once your life is a collection of systems to keep your priorities prioritized and acted upon you'll be on your way. Remember the road to mastery is often long drudgery that's simply do all the steps. once all the steps are taken you're a master.

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100 push-ups
50 pull ups
10 minutes of planks
5k every day

Here's how to do it. It's called Greasing The Groove. You do an exercise while considering it a "skill" to improve upon. So you don't just sit down and do 100 push-ups in a row. Do 20 when you wake up, 20 after your shower, 20 after breakfast, 20 before you run your 5k, and 20 after you run your 5k. And also after the 5k you do the rest. Buy a pull up bar and affix it to your door. Do 10 pull-ups when you get home from the track. 10 more after lunch. 10 before dinner and 10 after dinner. Don't work out too close to bedtime because a high heart rate before bed means you won't falls asleep.

This is all you need to get into some degree of "in shape".

hmm well maybe look around for a different one?

or libraries/coffeeshops?

I wish someone told me this earlier. I was a 12-14x a day guy. Thing about adhd meds is they can wear off over time. and have sexual side effects.