

Attached: 1531830310880.png (567x516, 155K)

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Nigger loving media doesn't report that Chicago is a constant war zone

stop posting this image faggot, this thread is meaningless.

19 people died from gunfire in a single weekend in Chiraq. Digits confirm.

Aren't gang shootings and drive by's considered Mass shootings?
Those are 99% niggers/mutts/spics I bet bread

*sips tea*

keep speaking the truth.

how many black men prosecuted for gun related crimes tho

How many by Democrats?
>most all of them

What a fucking blatant fucking lie what an evil retarded fuck

But there weren’t 154 mass shootings reported on tv, they only know about the ones (((televised))). The other ones were most likely gang shootings committed by monkey niggers.

Excludes all nogs and gangs.

daily nigger crimes are not real crimes right because fuck white people right lol
am i right guys

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That qualifies as a mass shooting. It was all blacks.

This is plain retardation. Blacks are exactly the reason that number is so high. Like 90%

2 black guys shot like 20 people at an art fair in new jersey last month

checked and kek

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i live here. i remember when it was 50 in a single day. i've had people shot 3 houses down and no reports are made. i see the dead body and it's not even on clearmap. ever.

Because it's actual news when a white person shoots someone.

Part and parcel when a nigger / spic does it.


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Sips kombacha

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Typically the claim is either all mass shootings are done by whites, or that there's 10 gorillion mass shootings a year. You wont see these claims made together usually because the raw numbers comes from niggers killing each other.
I'd wager this lying ass nigger knows this, but that's just how they argue.

>reposting a disproven image

..goes in all fields.

19 injured, 1 died, because niggers can't aim

woops, meant to reply to

Spics are killing eachother 24/7 on either side of the border over cartel bullshit.

Attached: Emperor_Sidious.png (500x625, 520K)

Typical nigger logic and ignoring black shootings that often result in 100 plus people dead over a weekend in one city. Also posting an ugly nigger baby. The absolute state of niggers.

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Well what. Thats simply not true. Niggers shoot each other en masse and a lot of them die every single day.

Nope. A mass shooting has to be explicitly uninvolved with gang violence to count as a mass shooting. Look up the definition, I'm serious.

Yes. Gang violence is just part and parcel. It makes cool movies and videogames! School shootings are scary they're done by autistic incels so you should be extra afraid gangsters are cool pot smoking drinking bros with DOPE cars!

nope, because reasons.


why am I triggered by this. Can't even read this shit as a joke anymore.


35 black on black shootings per weekend in Chicago

That’s not from an official archive. It’s a curated list by a racist old man from Kentucky

>A mass shooting has to be explicitly uninvolved with gang violence to count as a mass shooting.
not true at all. The defiinition is pretty straightforward, but shifts based one the agenda of who's trying to manipulate you. Or even from sentence to sentence.

>"There was 500 mass shootings last year! 50 school shootings already this year! All done by white people, too! just look at columbine!"

What do you not love the wokeness of rap music? Oh you're norwegian you probably listen to autistic school shooter metal rock.


There are some truths that are inconvenient for a liberal. They treat niggerings as a natural event not worth reporting on.

Attached: 9-11 natural disaster.png (1291x289, 76K)

I think modern leftists are more devotional and delusional in their worship of "Diversity" than your average Islamic fundamentalist in his worship of Allah.

So its more reliable then?

...and all the shooters were Registered Democrats. Really. Makes you think.

Gang Violence is the godsend that allows the cognitive dissidence needed for liberals to stay on their high horses without realizing they're made of bullshit.

Gang Violence is tabulated differently then normal crime. To protect victims and prevent reprisals, no actual data on the individual crimes is typically released. In addition, they all just become "incidents" without any markers as to what the actual crime is. So a city experiences 500 incidents of gang violence. How many are shootings, stabbings, theft, or various other monkey shines? You don't get to know.

How does one become a gang member? It's fantastically simple, and once you are one, EVERYTHING you do from then on is gang violence.

>Be a current or former member of a gang
>Be suspected of being a current or former member
>Associate with a current or former member
>Live/work in an area of known or suspected gang activity
>Commit a crime that seems like something a gang member would do

And now, it all goes poof. Blacks commit more mass shootings (which i think is more then 2-3 victims in a single incident) in a month then whites do in a year. However, because of the magic of gang violence, they transform in to sterile, empty tally marks on a chart for people to sigh and shake their heads over. If people actually knew how many mass shootings blacks and browns committed in a year, people's liberal grandmas would be howling for the day of the rope.

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But blacks commit mass shootings literally all the time.

>2016 report
>twitter post was from 2018

Is this considered high IQ in Amerikas?

it triggers me deeply aswell
and I think it does because of the truth that lies behind

>Aren't gang shootings and drive by's considered Mass shootings?
>Nope. A mass shooting has to be explicitly uninvolved with gang violence to count as a mass shooting. Look up the definition, I'm serious.

You're wrong. There is no legal definition of a "mass shooting." The United States' Congressional Research Service says as much, though it regards mass shootings as being synonymous with mass murder, which does have a legal definition (see below). Your reference to the qualification that mass shootings cannot include gang murders (so black people can't be accused of mass shootings) is only used by one organization, (((CNN))).

According to the FBI, a mass murder is the "murdering four or more persons during an event with no "cooling-off period" between the murders. A mass murder typically occurs in a single location where one or more people kill several others." So everyone except CNN agrees that blacks can commit mass shootings and everyone including CNN agrees that blacks can commit the equivalent act of mass murder.


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No because that’s racist and being objective isn’t fair user

Mass shootings are defined as being committed by a white person, so the post is redundant

I'm not sure what the argument the person is trying to make.

Illegals don't mass shoot, so... they're not bad?

Blacks don't mass shoot, so... they don't commit crime?

Or what? I don't know.

Attached: Mass Shooters.jpg (600x833, 152K)

why are you posting this again? are you hoping it won't get debunked this time?
you're seriosuly posting some random nigger's twitter like it's real life?
fuck out of here I think the world has gone retarded from too much of the wrong internet.

The argument is "white people are bad" as usual

305 homicides in Detroit in 2016
Majority of Flint homicides in 2015 were shootings
Nearly 90 percent of 2015 criminal homicides in the city of Flint were the result of a shooting death.
Of the 48 criminal homicides, 42 were shootings.
Im absolutely positive that all these shootings where straight white males.

If you take all of the mass shootings that have ever happened in all of American history, you have less dead people than how many people get killed by niggers every year

OP is a nigger

Oh, so these statistics inverted themselves in 2 years?

Carry on being a retard.

a mass shooting(drive-bye) everynight in the hood. not by white cops....

lets see carry the one and ........

whites still have some catching up to do....

Keep rappin yo, tip a 40

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Niggers are too incompetent to commit a mass shooting. They usually shoot at one guy and then get killed by police.

Also there weren't 154, I'm French and even I know this is grossly exaggerated and it surely counts a whole lot of things that weren't shootings or that resulted in not even injuries.

Chicago here: So regular shootings of men, women, children, police officers don't matter?

Because they classify nigger murders as gang violence. One nigger shoots 5 other niggers it's just gang violence not mass murder.

this one explains the reality and the fuckery behind the stats and how they still can't fully change the reality even with all the fuckery they try.

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That poor kid was just about to get his life together and start helping his community before those pigs gunned him down like an animal.

>Grouping based Dorner in there

Slow your roll friend.

Can you imagine being so pants on head retarded and so quick to inequal levels of violence that you plan to shoot and kill a group of people because one of those people might have tried to attack you (in such a way that was easily beaten by you) ALL in front of the police?
I don't think there is a single human being on the planet that would make that calculation.
And the worst part is I just know someone unironically tried to pull


Attached: prcentages-of-white-black-shootings-in-ny-police.finalpg1.jpg (580x469, 116K)

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I mean, it makes sense since whites are the majority. But it's also like saying that in china the natives make up the majority of mass killings, it's idiotic, and it's legitimately racist.

>Undocumented euthanasia

>when the fpbp is also trips

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Still no mass shooting
Mass shooting is over 4 victims or wounded by the same assaillant.
still no mass shooting.

Most of the mass shooting in America are CIA psy-ops.

>Snipers kill 5 police officers at Black Lives Matter rally in Dallas


Idiot MS13 just held a mass execution a few days ago, heads chopped off

Aren't we also forgetting the REAL highscore OP? The one which wasn't COMPED

It's not true.

Attached: massshooter.png (819x509, 304K)

>Literally ignores all nog and spic gang shootings

Yeah, because every time a nigger does it, it gets labelled as gang violence. Add in those, you're likely at over 1,000 actual mass shootings this year, with 80% of those being black.

The real question we should all be asking is why don't one post social media screen cap threads get banned? They are shitposting in it's purest form.

I would like to see his sauce for the 154 shootings this nigger claim.

Kek has spoken.

Attached: nonwhite mass shooters.jpg (600x833, 170K)

That black kid in the pic is gross looking

You're most likely that butthurt kike from the other thread calling for trump to be imprisoned.
You lost that thread, and this one.



Attached: only whites shoot schools.jpg (824x2881, 613K)

Niggers killing niggers is normal.

I want niggers exterminated from this planet.


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What about the one only last month where 17 people were shot at a NJ art festival that gets swept under the rug because the assailant was black? It's the first one that comes to mind, but I'm certain I've read about others. There were a couple of house party shootings here in Philly where four or five people were randomly shot, but I suppose some part of the situation might make it not constitute a "mass shooting"


>no mass shootings are black
She is aware most mass shootings are commited in gang violence?

To be fair, it seemed like he was trying to defend himself from the other nig.

Pedro Alonzo Lopez didn't commit a SINGLE mass shooting. He only strangled hundreds of little girls and raped their corpses. That must mean he's a good person!


they mass murder themselves dayly on the streets tho

What a dumb fucking nigger telling dumb fucking lies.

In fact the great majority of mass shootings are committed by blacks, particularly when they're gang related, but that's not the "right" kind of mass shooting the media likes to report on.

Isn’t a mass shooting 3 or more people involved? If so there are more black mass shooters than white mass shooters. It’s only when we compare kill counts vs total mass shooters by race do whites come out ahead by wide margin

From NJ here, can confirm that Trenton is a huge nighole

That’s a total lie.

*sips tea*

>It’s only when we compare kill counts vs total mass shooters by race do whites come out ahead by wide margin
You are incorrect.