Reminder that Trump is compromised, which explains his submissive treasonous behavior at the summit

Reminder that Trump is compromised, which explains his submissive treasonous behavior at the summit.

Here's the proof

Attached: 1529766638034.jpg (1120x630, 106K)

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reminder, that the EU memeflag will be gone within 10 years

Attached: eu-user-reviews.png (919x407, 374K)

So will you Russia

He’s Russia’s response to Ukraine


You are losing. Shlomo. Hiding behind a meme flag will not help.

There was a time when I thought shilling would have a lasting impact and could actually sway opinion on a Vietnamese origami board... not any more. This is some low tier shit.

Attached: 45AD9EEB-0986-405F-B10A-97ABD6AF4A33.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Trump's summit behavior clearly proved he is totally owned by Putin and lives in fear of Putin. It is totally obvious to most of us and will soon be obvious even to poltards.

Attached: 1530306831618.jpg (750x745, 109K)

He takes bribes. Of course he's compromised.

t. brainlet

Attached: 1527687247183.jpg (500x500, 54K)

This is seriously pathetic shilling, they need to get better people

Attached: 1525702807867.jpg (550x543, 83K)

Reminder that without EU there were WW1 and WW2 on this small overcrowded shithole continent.
That's why there will always be some kind of EUnion here, gypsy.


meanwhile Obama gives speeches in South Africa about killing whitey

how long do you think this can work you fucking idiots?

Do you actually think Jow Forums will choose Obama/SouthAfrica over Trump/Putin?

Attached: SouthAfrica.png (907x855, 724K)

>muh Obama
You know he finished his two terms, right?

Maybe you wanted him to stay?

fuckin orange cheeto clown

>treasonous behavior
How does that work again?

Attached: Enemy of the United States Law and Legal Definition USLegal Inc..png (990x604, 105K)


fuck off you know what i mean

I don't believe it until Putin says so.
>t. current Murican President

Never forget!

And it's irrelevant because he finished his two terms.
