Why are Jews so Germanaphobic?

Not all Germans are Natzi’s. In fact they’re all for the most part normal.

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perhaps some of them get caught up in their own skewed perspective of history

it would be hard not to have a bit of a grudge if you're raised to believe the most infamous person in recent history left his mark by incinerating millions of your own kind

We don't even care about G*rmans anymore.
It's funny how Amerimutts keep kidding themselves about Germany, for example the pic related you posted.
I advise you to travel to new-Germany and see the change.

Those people are literally long gone and dead.

Why are you so ameriaphobic? Why are you such a racist bigot?

whatever you say shlomo
whatever you say

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I've been to germany many times and it's a fuck of a lot better than your gay invested desert litter box country

Welcome to Tel Aviv, the gayest city on earth

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>In fact they’re all for the most part normal.

And jews are not normal. They're abnormal.

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get 'em Goldberg

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Why would someone do that without any provocation at all? It’s almost like maybe the German people were pushed to extremes or something.

why did scar hate mufasa? nietzsche had a good word to encapsulate it OP - "ressentiment".

don't worry israel is still #1 bro. definitely not going to be ethnic russians under their new tsar vladimir I who will be the new #1 in the hearts of white americans. definitely will never be that.

sephardic jews have always been jealous of us fucking ashkenazi milk trucks will they sat at home fapping to shekels
deep down they all lust for german sausage

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It’s not just them that have vilified the german person.
For example, even though I hate him, Maynard and tool had that song in which he speak in german to a crowd. He’s pretty much yelling like Hitler, but isn’t talking about the JQ. He’s simply screaming out a recipe for Deviled Eggs I believe.

Point is, Germans have been made to be the bad guys because of the whole WW2 thing

>germans dindu nuffin; it was teh jews!

The jews didn’t do anything at all. They were persecuted because they are great and the Germans are evil.

Anti japhetics

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most foreigners think germans are angry/mad when we speak local tongue
some Italian chick almost started weeping will i was casually chatting with her german cousin about what movie to watch
thought i was going to beat her any moment

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>according to you jews all the way across europe, including women and children, fucked germany somehow
>seriously trying to say germans basically arent niggers

even better

I said they didn’t do anything. They were persecuted for no reason at all.

i thought you were being sarcastic

109 times

Yeah but on the flipside, hearing one of your bugboys speak German all effeminate and soft and with a lisp, saying "bitte" every three words, sounds pretty funny

It’s ridiculous.


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Google Germans as amalek

Don’t put words in my mouth bigot.
Jewish people have never done anything wrong. They are 100% innocent and have always been persecuted for no reason at all. Why would you assume I think Jewish people have done wrong? Are you an anti Semite or something?

unironically this

Jews shouldn't have sided with the USSR then.
What else were we supposed to do with enemy spies? We negotiated to send them everywhere: Palestine, Britain, America... nobody wanted them. The Jews were all communists, like the rapefugees today are all muslim, so of course nobody wanted them. They were all a security risk.

And how the fuck were we supposed to feed them all with 27 nations bombing us at once? Kind of puts Trump's trade war in perspective, doesn't it? We're on the brink of another humanitarian disaster that will end in tragedy because of your hateful attitudes towards Germany.

According to Merkel "Islam is part of Germany"

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>jews sided with the ussr
citation needed that jews in the countries you invaded sided with the ussr. btw, germany funded the bolshevik revolution before ww2

It's mostly because the Germans like the other east part of Europe is the House of Judah, from the same House the Messiah also was

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Jews were the UdSSR

Check'em and hang the stasiwhore

This is like "Entschuldigung".
Americans who learn German say this much more than Germans do.
It's one of those deep cultural differences that transcends language.
Americans are from a violent society where they're always sorry so they don't get shot.

it was a german movement



I know that redpill, but the hatred for any european israelite/judahite is like in their genes

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Come on now, you think the Jews did something to provoke that? They’re so obviously innocent in every single case.

and it's beautiful

oh ok, so kinda like how germans consistently hate europeans

Look at how it shrugs back and lashes out in fear

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We don't hate anybody.
We just love ourselfes and evrybody else has to lick our boots or will perish in the end.

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Wow racebaiting, doesn't even work for I am Russian.

the lion king is an intensely trad film.

and normal = sucking refugee dick. follow me to the asylum center.

Why do we pay billions to protect you from the Russians and yet you get a new gas pipeline from Russia? Can’t you pay a little extra and get gas from US shopped?

You don't pay a single dollar for your occupation of our land, mutt.
We pay all occupation costs.

Can you not be so germaniphobic please?

We invaded nobody, first of all.
Poland attacked us and they were filled with Communist Jews. We didn't need to do a thing, the Poles took care of their own Jews by themselves. I always said these were good people, the Poles. Run a good Polish Death Camp. May not be the cleanest place in the world, but they sure got the job done.
In Hungary there was Bela Kun and you should get a history book if you didn't realize that he was bad. He was a real stinker. A bad hombre. Let me tell you, when jews were sending Eastern Europe people, they weren't sending their best.
Everywhere there were Jews, there was Communist subversion or the dreaded specter of the Soviet Secret Police. In the Ukraine the jewish Cheka were starving the poor inhabitants with Stalin's Holodomor. Sad!
But you know what? Germany got in there and got rid of those Cheka and the Ukraine started winning. They started winning big. They were winning so much, let me tell you... they had parades with chocolates and flowers. They greeted our Wehrmacht as liberators. That's how thankful they were.

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You can sell us your gas for a cheaper price as russia does then we would love to buy it from you but else naah

probably something in the tap water preventing the puberty vocal change

This is likely it. The jews put the label of amalek and edom esau on anybody they don't like. And so then you must turn the tables on them and call THEM amalek, and have the attitude that they must all die. Every one of them. Zero sum game.

>pay a little extra
How about no? Energy is a cost factor in production and we need to sell those cars to feed our people.

This is all bullshit.
The Americans just want to buy the gas from Russia in a back deal and then sell it to us as the middle man marked up beyond all belief.
Let them bomb us. It will be cheaper than what they plan to do with this gas deal.

The Anglo is again trying to prevent a german-russian alliance to keep the feeble power he has left.

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The Jewish leaders in business and politics in America would never do that. Must you be so antisemetic?

Jews want all Europeans to die and their culture and history to be erased because they were conquered by the Romans (European Empire)

No ofcourse the Juden would never do anything to harm the german people.

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ALLkikes will burn in hell for eternity

What are you? Racist or something?

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jews think germans are their ancient enemies

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>Not all Germans are Natzi’s.
That's pretty much the problem

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They’re obviously German. Just look at them!

Do you have to physically bump into someone to say entschuldigung?

The middle one looks like Bubbles from The Wire.

Why so many Jews in Europe and America have German last names?

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Depends on where you are.
In the north you say it only if you draw blood.
I mean this is a joke... but, nah, it's not.

Because Juden in Germany tried to hide the fact that they were jüdisch and to achieve that they gave themselfes last names that resembled german last names.

Germany had one of the highest population percentages of Jews globally and they tried to blend in with the locals. Really activates the old almonds as to why they became antisemetic.

Thanks. It's so obvious to spot a Jew when they have a German last name that inevitably ends with -stein, -berg or -man/-mann.

His grandfather was obviously a stormtrooper in WW2!

Not really

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Srsly though. That's Bubbles.

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no you say it if you want to pass or if you bumb´d in to him then you say it to if you mean it.

You also say bitte as question if you got insulted its like say it again or what teh fuck is wrong with you and or

as exterminate all the jews.

it's funny how you have 0 critical thinking skills

Generally yes, but there are actual Germans that have names ending on mann/berg/stein.

Are you even human?

They're guilty for organizing the firebombing of German women and children. They can hear the souls of the dead ancestors of Germans wailing when they're near.

Thats because Germany will remove israel from the map of earth.

Thats why teh jude fears the EU more then everything else.

It will cut off the americlap from supplying it and supporting it.

Germany will cleanse the world from the zionist parasite. they know it and fear it.

The prophecy will come true!

Most Germans are cucks.

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And I'm proud to be an amerimutt
Where at least jews rule over me
And I won't forget the Goys who died so Goldstein could import Muslims and Mexicans on me
And I proudly love Israel ruling over me
Anti no doubt I love the jewSA

Funny how the former territories of the polish commonwealth had the most Juden.
And at the same time the polish are one of the most anti-german people in europe.
Really makes me think...

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No, Iran will do it.
Germany will cry crocodile tears like the rest of the world.

>exterminate all the jews.

How do I say this in German

Vernichtet alle Juden.

Not anywhere near as bad as I thought.

the question is why is shitsrael not opening its own borders?



Why do this nazis think they have a right to exist while the 3rd reich dont?

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pffff only for the german citizens that die, I will cry, not for the juden nazis.

Let that sink in

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>Under 0,1% jewish

The maker of this map clearly never visited Antwerp

Oy vey.
Why do you hate Israel so much goy?

Nice argument.

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The correct word is Teutonophobic

in berlin, cologne and frankfurt yes. southern country girls are still top tier here

Well you know that many things happened between 1900 and today right?
