White South America

Would you say that this zone belongs to the West? Are Uruguay and Argentina Western countries?

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uruguay is unironically the whitest country in the Americans now.
Argentina used to be very white by now it is brown due to immigration from other countries


how the fuck is Argentina so whitter than fucking Italy, I don't understand

why the fuck is there a memeflag

Maybe white, but super communists
The change of president did not save them from the brainstorming years of the communists

Winston Churchill is to be blamed for why Argentina did not succeed.

>Do not let Argentina become a power. She will drag behind her all Latin America?

1 9 7 3

Anglos truly are the scum of the earth
I just want my people to prosper and live a decent life
Why? Why can't we have that!?

>Would you say that this zone belongs to the West? Are Uruguay and Argentina Western countries?
Culturally, ethnically and religiously we are a Western country. Economically (constant economic instability) and geopolitically (enemy of the UK)... not so much.

Also, regarding the "White South America" part, let me tell you this: ARGENTINA IS NOT WHITE. We have Euro descendants but with the ongoing invasion of Latin American people and the ongoing emigration of white argies, we are getting replaced very very fast. Nowadays, white people must be 20 to 30% of the country, no more.
You can see photos of the Argentina Football team: that's a perfect representation of the country, a few whites and a lot of brown.
This said it perfectly.

Attached: dia-del-mate-20170AE40.jpg (398x398, 24K)

Sad state of affairs, I wish history was more kind to Argentina, if we had backed her during the Falkland wars I wonder how different things would be.

>I just want my people to prosper and live a decent life

We do too, but I'm sure you'd understand that we don't like other people trying to nick our stuff.

How does the DNA of the typical "white" person in Argentina read? At least if their ancestors have been in Argentina for over 100 years?

Let me take a guess: somewhere around 10% Native American and 3% sub-Saharan African.

Similar to Mexico, Argentina had a black population that vanished under mysterious circumstances. Seemingly because they race mixed into the general population.

For anyone interested on Argentina, If you have time to kill read this:
It leaves a few MAJOR details out, but it gives the overall picture of what the hell happened to our country and its people.

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Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina and the southern 3 Brazilian states are white and have the climate and geography to be succefull

Unfortunately socialism is fucking them up.

Mexico, Cuba, Columbia and Venezuela should be succefull too. We are working on it.

Outside of that the only other succefull parts of the Americas will be some Caribbean islands due to tourism, beliz from expats, panama from the canal and some Brazilian cities

The rest of the Americas is too jungle or full of savages to ever be succefull

>if we had backed her during the Falkland wars I wonder how different things would be.
We would have won the Islands, but would have lost much more. Argentina was about to win even without the aid of technology, intel or equipment from superpowers (UK had US, France and Chile), we even fought with outdated technology and 17-20 years old kids.
We were about 1 week from winning because the Brits couldn't sustain their troops financially because of the geographic distance, so they threatened to nuke our continental ground If we won the Islands... so we surrendered.

>Paraguay, Chile
>are white
Argentina is getting browner because of Paraguayans and Chilean immigrants, what the fuck are you on? LOL


>Chilean inmigrants
>In Argentina


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"Our stuff"
This goes beyond some rocks in the salty cold seas
Argentina has been systematically sabotaged from inside by powers above sovereignty.
You Brits are the lapdogs of the Rockefeller kikes,same kikes that have had a hand in Argentina's destruction.
And those islands rightfully belong to us,you Brits don't even have sovereignty over our own government/islands anymore

>Jow Forums moves to south america
>btfo tribal wogs
>rich with natural resources and huge swaths of land
>guns everywhere

is this not just prime ethnostate material?

Its a good idea but the reality of the situation is there probably is not alot of jobs or money.

not yet, we'd have to do it ourselves. think about Venezuela - largest oil reserves in the world, dirt poor. inject a few people who aren't below 80 IQ and suddenly you have a country that can function.

Please, your largest diaspora is in Argentina. I'll believe that you didn't know that fact. Your countries wealth is an illusion for the average citizen. We have public hospitals of better quality, free universities that rival your private ones and a stable middle-class - not for nothing Argentina has the best quality of life of Latin America (Uruguay only has 3 million people - it doesn't count) even with all the economic instability and immigration crisis.

I think Mexico and Colombia could prospere desu
Cuba and Venezuela live harder situation these days. Socialism have fucked them and they are getting worse (especially Venezuela, i’d Say Cuba is a bit better)

if you don't mind, could you tell what life is like in Argentina? on the outside it appears to be the only semi-sane country in south america.

Western is a way of behaving idiot
Japan is western
Turkey was western
Western isnt a geographical location

There's literal no point in unloading your anger on him, it's just banter. Relax m8.
Almost nobody understand what the Malvinas War really was about. And the Brits are brainwashed with lies about the war (as us).

Attached: Argentine-sublieutenant-Marcelo-Llambías-Falklands-War-1982.jpg (622x720, 117K)

Ur a gay.

>South america.
Pick one

Brazil is the future USA

Seconding this. Please tell Argie posters.

pretty shit right now, ngl.

Government isn't doing the fiscal restructuring the economic realities of the country are demanding and we're being flushed down the toilet as a consequence.

ignore flag, am argie.

If you were a white argie (middle class - upper middle class - upper class) then it's not much distant to the way of life to those in Europe.

Argentina isn't white and neither are you, strawman!

i doubt most are tho right? if so then Argentina sounds like mini england/france/germany etc.

Not for long. We are willingly becoming Sweden 2.0. Full of commies and immigration is being pushed hard.
Right wing is dead and the one that has a chance is centrist and cucked.

The whole continent is rightful White clay. Anyone who doesn't belong has to leave or die. That includes muds whose ancestors didn't have the common sense not to fuck monkeys.

IIRC right now around 30 ish % of argies are below the poverty line, and it's not like there's much of a middle class anyway (is there much of a middle class anywhere?).

but yeah kids living in country clubs have always been fine I should know lmao.

90% of those chileans aren't traditional inmigrants. They were expeled or ran away because of Pinochet. If you can't even argue like an adult, go away.

Which % of the populations lives under the poverty line in Argentina? 60%. And for Chile? 10%.

Wanna check mortality rates for infants? Or any other index that shows Argentina is currently a shithole (it shouldn't be) and Chile is a better place to live (so far).

Either way, Argentina sounds extremely attractive as a last resort if shit were to hit the fan.

30% holy shit how is it not descended into anarchy? what keeping it together?

ye mate i would bail to south america if i had nothing left here.

Too be fair. it is easier when yor country population is less than 20m.

Argentina had 15% of people under poverty line 25 years ago. They haven't been improving like most countries, Perú included.

whats Chile like? i haven't heard anything about it since those miners were trapped.

writing this i realise how little i know about south america

I know you asked him but if you wanna see a trad expat lifestyle check out ChileExpatFamily on YouTube.

peru has been improving a bit

Sorry, I meant that. Perú has been improving a LOT.

>30% holy shit how is it not descended into anarchy?
I'd call what we have going on pretty fucking close to chaos lol

>what keeping it together?

who knows. After private lending stopped we had to run to the IMF for emergency funds, but still this government is too gradual in its restructurement policy and we won't cut the deficit in time. and when that hits the fucking fan expect mid 1970's level of poverty rates lmao.

In summary, we're fucking broke.

>Cuba better than Venezuela

Bro, at least modern Venezuelans have had a glimpse of wealth in the past 20 years. Cuba has consistently been a shithole since the 50s. Venezuelans still have a little fight in them. My people are weak and tired and most if not all of the "whites" have fled to Miami. Cuba will not be saved.

Eastern Santiago (capital of Chile) is your best bet. Very expensive (but surely not by brits standards).

But if you like Nature, you should go about 800km south of Santiago. Every place is beautiful as fuck.

You were shitposting in another thread and forgot to take off your memeflag. It happens.

Peru is still ANCAP land.

What's Valparaiso like? I'm currently seeing a Chilean girl that says that's where her mom is from. Apparently is was pretty lit in the 80s?

I think they're pretty much the seeds for future white generations, 90%+ ethnic white from the old axis of Deutschland/Italia

holy shit that looks /comfy/ as fuck. legit looks local to me (i live in the countryside) but with way more hills and mountains. since when did Chile look so much like europe?

a ticking time bomb then. well i hope it goes ok, argie lad.

looks nice. i didn't know Chile was so aesthetic, fuck.

From a cultural standpoint, great.
From a "I want to live there" perspective, you would win the Darwin Award.

This. Argentina used to be a white country that was developed.

Now the only white country left in south America is ironically, the UK.

there is no hope for those regions
even if you believe that they are majority white, what they truly are is majority socialists

Alot of it is German inspired including the Aesthetically pleasing Army.
Im really fond of Chile and Argentina, hope the best for them.

Attached: Chile_-_Escuela_de_Suboficiales_Ejército_-_19-09-2014.jpg (1600x901, 520K)

I've no faith it will, but thanks. I like brits when they aren't memeing about a war some bullshit dictatorship declared on you thirty years ago. you have good beer as well.

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Italy is a boat ride away from a country full of savages. Thats why

>How does the DNA of the typical "white" person in Argentina read? At least if their ancestors have been in Argentina for over 100 years?
>Let me take a guess: somewhere around 10% Native American and 3% sub-Saharan African.
>Similar to Mexico, Argentina had a black population that vanished under mysterious circumstances. Seemingly because they race mixed into the general population.
I'd move to a Welsh fishing village in Argentina if SHTF.

Argentina shares borders with countries full of savages.

>Welsh fishing village in Argentina

We need a second Belgrano.

I cant argue with that one...

Current government is fucking us hard. These are hard times.

>90% of those chileans aren't traditional inmigrants. They were expeled or ran away because of Pinochet.
No, those are current migrants. In 2010 there were 191.147 Chileans (born in Chile) living in Argentina. And If you take into account that Chileans are the 3rd largest group of migrants after Bolivians and Paraguayans, you can bet we have a lot more of your people here.

>Which % of the populations lives under the poverty line in Argentina? 60%. And for Chile? 10%.
Our population (immigrants and immigrants offspring) living under poverty line is of 25.7%.

>Wanna check mortality rates for infants? Or any other index that shows Argentina is currently a shithole (it shouldn't be)
No need. I know that and I've even stated that on my first post. I am surprised Chileans want to live in this shithole.

If you are well off you'll be fine,but keep in mind that everything here is expensive and will continue to get more expensive.
Our peso is pathetic 26~ per dollar
If you are poor and uneducated,dont even bother
Half the kids in this country are poor, families are eating at communal dinners while companies shut down everywhere.
Things are looking bleek,especially in regards to the stupid huge external Dept.
We are going to hit rock bottom soon enough,and I have a ticket to burgerland
Its hard to keep cool when you realize what's actually happening to our country.
Funny the similarities between the Belgrano and the British isles,they both got sunk by anglos

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>a ticking time bomb then.
This describes our situation perfectly.


>Wanna check mortality rates for infants? Or any other index that shows Argentina is currently a shithole (it shouldn't be)

hahah you make me laugh Joaquin

We will overcome this, it been always like this, ups and downs

i found it a couple minutes ago. pretty amazed, i've never heard of it in my life. looks nice.

>No, those are current migrants. In 2010 there were 191.147 Chileans (born in Chile) living in Argentina. And If you take into account that Chileans are the 3rd largest group of migrants after Bolivians and Paraguayans, you can bet we have a lot more of your people here.

>Según el censo de 2010, habían 191 147 chilenos radicados en Argentina; constituyéndose en la mayor comunidad chilena fuera de su país. Del mismo informe se desprende la información detallada de las migraciones por décadas, que establece que, sobre el total de 191 147, un 87,6 %, unos 165 724 chilenos, fueron movimientos migratorios anteriores a 1991

Keep trying kid. And at least learn to understand what you read.

the bundeswehr live on in Chile. what is this timeline?

yeah its a common meme as its the only 'war' people remember or lived through. ah well mate, shitty bants is shitty bants.

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Do they only speak Welsh?

is it not worth saving? not holding against you for leaving if shit does hit the fan, but surely with enough co-ordination you and others could try and make something out of a failing Argentina? i'm not really sure what you export apart from football players though.


We are getting a lot of Peruvians. From what I can see great people, hardworking and prone to start their own business. Which is great, we are passive, slow and retarded.

But also what I see is Peruvians that come here drink quite a lot. Could be to deal with Uruguayan boredom...

the fuck? wales colonised Argentina. mind truly blown.

They were given the land apparently.

I think so, along with Spanish and English

you bet

>is it not worth saving? not holding against you for leaving if shit does hit the fan, but surely with enough co-ordination you and others could try and make something out of a failing Argentina?

I share this sentiment completely. Honestly, there are people living paycheque to paycheque that given the chance should just leave if they want to survive, no hard feelings.

However, like you said, most of my sexual fantasies include grabbing this bollocking country by the nutsack and Lee-Kuan-Yewing it until it's a Singapore, 40 million people strong. It's not going to be easy, though.

>Let me take a guess: somewhere around 10% Native American and 3% sub-Saharan African.
Wrong. Native Americans were exterminated even BEFORE the arrival of massive European waves. The majority of us are mutts of European people (the most common combo is Spanish+Italian), maybe some might have Native Americans but certainly not the "typical white person in Argentina". As for sub-Saharan Africans, read below.

>Argentina had a black population that vanished under mysterious circumstances. Seemingly because they race mixed into the general population.
No, we never had big numbers of sub-Saharan African slaves in the Río de la Plata and it's common knowledge that our small black population emigrated towards the regions were their own people lived in bigger groups and more freely without discrimination (mainly Brazil). Even the Afro-descendants activists here (they are a few) agree on this.

Lots of street signs in Wales are in Welsh first. They're cunts about it.

The top exports of Argentina are Basedbean Meal ($10B), Corn ($4.36B), Basedbean Oil ($4.14B), Basedbeans ($3.3B) and Delivery Trucks ($2.6B), using the 1992 revision of the HS (Harmonized System) classification. Its top imports are Cars ($4.61B), Vehicle Parts ($2.5B), Telephones ($2.04B), Refined Petroleum ($1.88B) and Petroleum Gas ($1.78B).

yes, yes, we sell onions..

nothing worth doing is easy lad, consider it a pipe dream for now. who knows, the chaos caused by a recession or whatever could be the perfect catalyst for you Singaporean vision for Argentina.

you're forgetting the our best export


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>is it not worth saving?
I dont know man,i really don't
>not holding against you for leaving if shit does hit the fan, but surely with enough co-ordination you and others could try and make something out of a failing Argentina?
The problem in Argentina, besides the corrupt as fuck commie/neoliberal politicians,is the moral and attitudes of the people (don't get me wrong,there are honest hard working Argentines out there)
We have a crab mentally as a whole,a arrogant people who in reality have nothing to be proud of.
That and we are also feeling the symptoms of cultural Marxist and diversity, commies are crawling out of the universities and pushing the typical sjw idiocy.
This country has a hard future ahead, even if macri is killed today,our exterior Dept will be something we taxpayers will be paying for generations to come.

>i'm not really sure what you export apart from football players though.
Unironically, S O Y

>word filter
It's impossible to discuss agriculture now.

Chile is a western country, white or not.

currently I am in Uni, things are looking bad I am not sure if I am going to stick around to see crash.. but I wish to see Argentina do well in the future, I hope I can take part in making it the dream

yes! L E M O N S , how could I have forgotten about them?

agriculture, oh dear. if your country does collapse then i highly doubt you will be exporting famous Argentinian onions for a while. surprised you don't sell more exotic fruits, that shit always sell well here.

If you are a mediterranist and consider meds white, YES.
If you are batshit insane nordicist that consider only scands and akitas white, then no, NOT WHITE.

kys lefty cuck.

I am surprised too! There are fruits everywhere here

I think any territory in Africa or South America belongs to the West