How the fuck did the left go from hatred of intelligence agency's to blindly trusting them in a matter of 15 years?

This timeline is making my head spin, user.

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They were correct on invading Iraq though you fucking libtard faggot.

Shill much?

they have been conditioning people to suck their dicks and lick their boots

eat shit faggot

yeah that $5 trillion dollar Lawrence of Arabia cuckolding was totally worth the price in time money and bodies.

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I ironically blame Trump for that. Even into the dying days of Obama admin, I still saw liberals talking shit about the bad stuff the CIA has done. But once Trump won and the DeepState started sending out the CIAshill to discredit him, liberals have forgotten about all that stuff -from Bay of Pigs and killing Kennedy to all the glowinthedark shit pulled off in the War on Terra- and latched onto “muh CIA and muh FBI, so credible” because they wanted to believe and be part of the Trump opposition.
Hidden red pill in “1984” is that some people will agree to do the most dastardly shit, like harming children, if they think it’ll help them fight Big Brother.

>Hidden red pill in “1984” is that some people will agree to do the most dastardly shit, like harming children, if they think it’ll help them fight Big Brother.

That was hidden? I thought that was literally the premise of the emtire book.

Most criticism I see of “1984” focuses on Ingsoc. Very little of it discussed says how the protagonist was agreeing to be a sociopath, and why he needed to be stopped.

Liberals were right about the WMDs. Liberals were right about Russian meddling. The fact that the FBI was wrong about the former doesn't mean liberals are wrong about the latter.

yup.. son of a bish was hiding in pakistan the whole god damned time too...
how many more countries we got to go through?
5 more? syria, iran, maybe jordan, palestine..

>Liberals were right about Russian meddling
lol, sure. What was the claim? That they "hacked the election"? hahahaha

>Liberals were right about the WMDs.
Four years after they voted in favor of going to war with Iraq.
>Liberals were right about Russian meddling.
Proof? Politicized indictments aren't proof of shit.

Trump changed everything.

Yeah they conducted cyber attacks against one campaign. Remember that when North Korea hacked Sony, Republicans called it an act of war.

It sounds so ridiculous just 15 years later.

>Yeah they conducted cyber attacks against one campaign
except for the statement (ignored by your obviously) by nunes that both parties were targeted, only the dnc had idiots dumb enough to get phished apparently.

>Remember that when North Korea hacked Sony, Republicans called it an act of war.
That's a nice whataboutism, but no it wasnt an act of war.

This is exactly it. Theyre willing to work with CIA/FBI/NSA because theyve bought so hard into the narrative. I wonder what people will remember them like, siding with organizations that have consistently worked against the wishes and lives of american citizens

Those on the left who hated the intelligence agencies for that, who also had a scrap of sense in their head and did not merely hate them because they were following a trend, are now gnatzis.

>one campaign meme

Its like they dont even read the reports that come out

Nice. How's this whataboutism?

>How the fuck did the [right] go from [cyberattacks are an act of war] to [cyberattacks are not an act of war] in a matter of [4] years?

It's fucking hilarious that they try to reduce it to one election even, or one country of origin, or one group. I guess it's whatever helps suburban burgers sleep at night, at this point. Our democracy is pure and only corruptible by secret Putin-Drumpf alliance TOP FUCKING KEK.

You're either a neocon or a jew. Please kindly gtfo.

>all the evidence and indictments are fake and the IC is lying about everything
>but the nunes memo is real

never engage with this newspeak bogeyman hand-waving maneuver

>still hasnt read any of the reports

What evidence you retarded faggot? Mueller indicting companies that are nonexistent? The guy has been getting btfo in court left and right just because you read a headline that mueller "indicted someone" you think he caught some malicious individual, instead the judge has been getting routinely more fed up with this trifling faggot and continuously calls him out on delaying processing and providing no evidence, you absolute fucking faggots don't follow news at all you read headlines on your fucking Facebook or twitter feed kill yourself

do you even know what a whataboutism is?

uhh, guy, if the indictments have merit in your mind, then so should the nunes memo. Even though the indictments themselves are based on a standard of evidence that couldnt convict a citizen in our courts by itself.

They seriously seem to think the government is a purely good benevolent group of people looking out for public interest suddenly

Gtfo Bush

This is fucking it man, they make such a big deal about the news but dont even fucking read the articles they share or anything its insane

Do you get all your news from Jow Forums or is it a mix of Jow Forums and deepstatewatch.biz?

He’s being ironic you spergs. Learn to bant.

>only the dnc had idiots dumb enough to get phished apparently
I think the ultimate bombshell is going to be that they got all this shit from hilldawgs private server.

It's like you don't even know what Project Umbrage is

No I read every lugenpresse site and disseminate the facts from all of it whilst simultaneously acknowledging which articles have the same wording, phrasing, and framing that are picked up from the same ap wire, I also have a journo undergrad so a hearty fuck you

Can we also mention everytime the right brings up the servers they say "muh emails" but then turn around and scream about those emails being stolen? They dont even want to expand on their own bullshit they just want to shut everyone up

Why not just read the documents themselves like I did?

Is if we didn’t all know mueller is a lying deep state faggot. Always helps to have a reminder though.

Really? Where are the wmd? Where was the "victory over terror? Are we all glad we installed democracy ™ in a backwards religious hell hole to replace to secular dictator?
Fuck you neocon shit.

Did you even read the Nunes memo?

who wants to look as stupid as you? I rather read them like a literate person would.




I’d enjoy it if the NSA came out, said “we tracked the hack. It was from Hillry’s Bathroom server and the info went to Pakistan.”
Awful lot of silence regarding the Awans these days.

>has clasified emails on a unsecured private server illegally
>emails get hacked
>blame Trump

Golly gee, I wonder why Obama sat back and did nothing about this shitshow?

>shitposting on kikebook
>cyber attack
pick one

Obviously I do that too, and what do you mean"they did"? Did you read the 500+ pages? I did, I specifically like the part in which the IC reveals that the nypd investigators who got ahold of Anthony wieners laptop were ready to go public when passing it to the FBI, and FBI agents in charge of data recovery and investigation into HRC flat out state that seeing her name/emails on the laptop meant they "could not be looking at this" even though that's exactly what they were supposed to be doing. Do you even know what an SAP is? Did you read any of the podesta emails, the ones that were phished because the password was "p@ssword"? Did you know who nunes was before the msm started talking about him? Did you see Stephen Harper sweating before congress in '15/16 or the ODNI agents in the same trial stating they couldn't reveal who authorized what they did or didn't do? How about the emails in which podesta talks about "making an example" of leakers? Basically, what I'm asking here: do you do your own research or do you lap up whatever some fucking 24 year old journo intern shoves down your gullet on social media sites because you think "esteemed journalists" do their own footwork?

>those emails arent legitimate
>thats why we opened this investigation is the hacked emails
>but the ones they released that we're investigating for aren't legit
>no nothing in those is real
>but we can't let them steal our data like this

So why do you act as though you zero understanding of the context of what you're talking about?

user youre giving me a boner

Rowdy Gowdy confirmed Jow Forumsack

I read the relevant documents. I didn't read any of Podesta's emails.

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>i read what they showed in the cnn articles

what did he mean by this


How the fuck did the right go from loving the intelligence agency's to blindly hating them in a matter of 2 years?

60 IQ, that's how.

>1 bait post by this faggot

Decent BTFO'ing of faggot and/or shill.

>Where are the wmd?

There wasn’lt a cache of nuclear warheads you could have a photo op with, nor did they find the mobile labs Colin Powell kept on about. What it seemed like was we found a bunch of WMD components. A bunch of gas shells left over from Iran-Iraq War which should’ve been declared but the sarin is old and degraded, a few tons of uranium yellowcake there, a suspicious large stockpile of pesticides, and samples of biological agents stuck in someone’s freezer. Basically like ATF rolling up on someone for WMD when some dumb bastard was storing his bleach next to ammonia.
There was also some rumor about a convoy of WMD headed into Syria, but I never heard any follow up.
Make of it what you will.

Did you seriously read all of the IG report? Tell me your favorite part. Also, tell me what you know about imran awan. Why, you may ask? Because every single goddamned thing I mentioned is connected and everyone has the memory of a goddamned goldfish now I mean ffs how could you not read the fucking podesta emails, do you realize just how fucking important the guy is?

>t. Fox news sheep

>I didn't read any of Podesta's emails.
Is that because CNN told you that only they are authorized to view the emails and that it is illigal for citizens to view them?

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Whatever you want to believe bud.

Impeach Bush NOW


Oh boy ya really got me there

Seriously if youre going to pretend to care, read the fucking documents and watch the hearings. Theres no fucking reason to trust the FBI and the official story it doesnt even adhere to itself.

Why put forth the effort to be knowledgeable when I can get the cliffnotes from my favorite late night talk show host?

Such is the power of drumpfth

>Tell me your favorite part.
The part about sharts smelling like Trump supporters.

> Also, tell me what you know about imran awan.

>ffs how could you not read the fucking podesta emails, do you realize just how fucking important the guy is?
Because I don't care, and because you read them for me and you couldn't find a single thing of interest, other than pizza is evil and that some democrats don't like Bernie Sanders. Who gives a shit?

Bigger question: how did the right go from grilling corrupt intel agents in congressional hearings and becoming aware of the deep state's political games to blindly defending them in less than 24 hours?


Fucking t h i s tho

To hold the convictions most liberals do requires great mental gymnastics. The left is full of hypocrites and cherry pick what they use for their arguments all the time. Prime example is an uncle (good friend of the family, not blood or marriage though) I stayed with for four months.

>baby boomer, head of custodians/maintenance at a major university, started as a janitor while going to school
>already able to retire, pension and investments, no kids
>doesn’t want to even though he knows he’s holding up younger, more junior people from getting promoted by still working
>vetoed the idea of creating four part time positions for students to work
Bitches constantly that young people are lazy and don’t want to work.
>owns a lake house and a boat, sells them.
Didn’t pay taxes on the sale of his boat and bitches about having to pay taxes on the sale of his cabin. Complains that taxes aren’t high enough on rich people constantly.
>thinks that all these anti-trump protesters are correct, and people are well within their rights of calling for assasibation of Trump.
Constantly says that we need hate speech laws in this country, hate speech isn’t free speech.

>Because I don't care
You're pleading ignorance and trying to argue your case simultaneously.
And ou're arguing that you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about.

That's some mighty stupid shit user.

Argue what case? Why should I care about Podesta's emails?

What about you being a gigantic faggot? Huh? How do you respond?

Wow you're one giant faggot, podesta being clintons campaign manager means his emails to various media outlets , dnc officials, and members of several govt agencies are of magnitudes of importance, fuck you for dismissing it as pizza shit. You've clearly displayed you've done zero research and are either here to astroturf and sow discord or you're just a monumental fucking retarded faggot. How could you possibly consider yourself informed if you choose to be willfully obtuse about the affairs of the current political upheaval by deliberately refusing to research the information yourself? LOOK AT THIS STUPID NIGGER WHO DOESNT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE AWAN SCANDAL IS

My god, message the mods to mercy ban yourself immediately.

This isn't just weird, it's a level of pathetic that I thought only exsisted on /sp/.

I'd honestly prefer Saddam having control over the Babylonian Stargate than the globalists.

This shit freaked me out desu. No loyalty, anywhere.

Are you incapable of having a discussion without getting triggered and melting down? I'll leave you alone to resume your demented circlejerk.


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How do you defend something while at the same time admit you have zero idea what your talking about?

Do you go on rotten tomatoes and review movies you haven't seen and base it on the critic's reviews?

Watch as it slinks away, unable to defend itself against accusations of being deliberately obtuse/uneducated. Hey, why don't you go read some of those documents since you're too afraid to admit to your own intellectual inadequacy you stupid nigger

They're not melting down, they're calling you a gullible moron with nothing to contribute. Substantial difference.

Nice try, dipshit. The FBI had absolutely NOTHING to do with the run up to the Iraq war. That was Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Rove, Bolton and the rest of that corrupt pack of Nazis. Once again, republicanism at it's finest.

Are you incapable of formulating opions based on your own research?

Because everything you've said makes it sound like you got cliffnotes from Maxine Waters.

the issue is whether or not you trust FBI more than GRU

What the fuck is GRU? Why is GRU not credible?

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>Why is GRU not credible?
because they're fighting a global geopolitical war against you

>1 post by this ID

No. The issue is that neither are trustworthy, but only one claims to be on our side.

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Lol, say that again?

Holy shit. How does it feel getting your shit pushed in?

This. My head is still spinning.

wtf is wrong with you, memeflag?

well, only one loses if you lose

I don't trust either.
Thr FBI doesn't exactly have the greatest track record, specifically when the subject is politics. How does anyone trust the FBI after Hoover pissed up so much bullshit?