Why are you against your own interest?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Universal basic income will be provided to the masses until they can be safely exterminated. It is a lot easier to kill everyone in this country than provide them an income and an acceptable quality of life.

and there is nothing wrong with that

Masked gangs of marauding niggers will rob everyone the day after UBI deposit day and whitey will be to blame.

Two problems I foresee:
1. This will make the average human being even more helpless and dependent.

2. The amount provided still won't be enough for a lot of people who think they should be able to afford smart phones and other amenities.

UBI schemes are not terrible ideas, but they enforce classism and create an entrenched aristocracy. So we are witnessing the return of feudalism as our primary social organization.

When the government needs wealthy people to exist to hand out gibs, then the government will serve those wealthy people. So expect even worse representation in such areas. But since such areas are already DNC hellholes they already lack quality representation.

I need help!! Someone put those pics of nogs in africa trying to fill laundry baskets with water. My sister doesn't believe me and I can't find it on (((google)))

People don't even realize that UBI is a conservstive economic idea lol

And that's a good thing
> mfw 148 IQ

Milton was a faggot

Yes I am sure sure giving even more money to niggers will fix everything.

>Why are you against your own interest?

Paying nigger not to be niggers/

Problem is that niggers are too stupid to be anything else

Universal Basic Income for everybody!
We all get the same amount each month!
>must give blacks more than everyone else because rasis

>Two problems I foresee
only one problem i foresee

Ya ubi = free market. I totally forgot about that. Totally.

Smartphones are a human right

Attached: everything I like is a human right.jpg (407x405, 26K)

Didn't Finland tried to do the same but it turned out to be an awful idea (oh what a suprise) so they cancelled it a few month later?

>unironically trying that in chicongo

>inb4 bulletproof cashier windows get replaced with bulletproof automated order stations

I'm not interested in universal welfare. Sounds fuckn horrible.

Well yeah, but it didn't work in Finland either.

UBI is a form of slavery and the nogs are too stupid to understand this lol

I’m really glad this was posted again, I love how mods allow certain groups to completely dominate portions of the catalog by autosaging and pruning real posts. It makes pol super fun

They how not to be. They just dont want to be. There have been plenty of stories and articles on here about it. Like the mormon missionary and intercity teacher ones. They have 0 desire to do anything that might be civil, work, or white.

No it's not, retard. What kind of mongrel logic made come to that conclusion?

UBI is just the bread part of breads and circuses, keeping people passive while they're fucked over. It would fuel rampant degeneracy, even worse than what we have now, because social restrictions (besides going against what laws (((they))) dictate, like wrongthink) would no longer impact you at all--you wouldn't need work or a decent community to get by, so why bother when you can be completely self-centered and hedonistic?

And topkek to the people who think it'll just be niggers that get exterminated. Once AI fully automates all facets of the economy, including the professionals like engineers and doctors, every last one of the plebs will be seen as a useless mouth. The question is just which group gets this technology first.

>be a passive consumer and never question the hand that feeds you, goy
>not slavery
You do realize that slaves in the old south basically had a UBI of food, clothing, and shelter, right?

>slaves were paid and had tons of free shit handed to them

What are you talking about? Here in Sweden already get unemployment gibs, and it worked great until the non-Whites showed up.

The idea behind UBI in Scandinavian countries was that in the future when full-time employment would be rarer everybody would get a low basic income which you could pad with part-time work. This UBI payment would be the only benefit the average person would get and therefore Försäkringskassan, and other benefit giving institutions, wouöd greatly lower their administrative costs.

The idea that there was a malicious plan behind UBI is ridiculous and laughable.

What do you think should be done when ai has automated 99% of jobs? White collar included.

why dont you give me 1000$ a month for nothing faggot? i want to be a slave

I'm not. The problem imo with UBI right now is they haven't automated ENOUGH jobs for it to be necessary. They're going to trial it, in full knowledge it will fail and use that to justify in future rejecting it when it is actually needed, mark my words.

They where expensive (thing a few million equivalent) farm equipment, you take care of investments like that.

>end of welfare
>increase welfare dramatically


from degen welfare gibs to communism, what a great country

On whose dime?

It's called helping your fellow countryman, was popular before multi-culturalism.

More the end of welfare.....

Welfare by another name is still welfare.

> it worked great
In the material sense alone, that is, the Jewish sense. It eroded your social morality, and that is what they thrive in.
This is like talking about how great social security was and pointing to the boomers.
>The idea that there was a malicious plan behind UBI is ridiculous
Yes, I'm sorry, the people who control us just though this would be a nice thing to give to the people without getting anything in return. Silly me, they couldn't possibly stand to gain from a passive population.

*Should* be done? Assuming we'll have a choice, I would say that the only way to sustain such a thing without devolving into a hedonistic cesspit is to introduce "rites of passage" where you must prove for an extended period of time (several years) that you can survive without automation.
It's not for nothing. Do you think a population on the brink of starving will sit by and do nothing when millions of foreigners come into their lands demanding accommodation? Hell no. But a population that stays inside, eating government-provided lard and watching nigger handegg? They don't care, as long as they get theirs.

>digits 404
The numbers gave me the answer.

so Communism then? Isn't Chicago Already on the brink of bankruptcy?

Attached: basic-income-comic.png (1485x537, 721K)

Hopefully this will get the freeloaders to move to Chicago en masse

Mutual obligations vs. mutual entitlements. Healthy nationalism engenders the former, and is a healthy system based on shared bonds and respect.
The latter is very different, and rather than being based on common bonds it feeds selfishness--and this causes resentment between people, driving a society apart. I was reading about Jamtland a few weeks ago, where is used to be common for farmers to leave their doors open with some food out for travelers. That's the kind of thing you should aim for, not UBI from above.

>In the material sense alone, that is, the Jewish sense. It eroded your social morality, and that is what they thrive in.
Oh fuck off with this dumb shit. You cannot in any way prove that increased welfare correlates with eroded social morality.

Besides, I bet Swedes are much more helpful tot heir fellow man than the average American.

>Yes, I'm sorry, the people who control us just though this would be a nice thing to give to the people without getting anything in return. Silly me, they couldn't possibly stand to gain from a passive population.
You are getting into tinfoilhat territory.

the catch will be mandatory sterilization

In a white homogeneous society universal basic income would probably work.

>freeloaders to move to Chicago
>Chicago burns to the ground even faster
I see no downside to this.
Detroit 2.0 coming this fall!

Attached: yes!.jpg (600x765, 31K)

will be fun to see everybody quitting his job. :D

>They don't care, as long as they get theirs.
because the slave mentality was breed into them, they literally cannot fathom an existence without gibs.

>I was reading about Jamtland a few weeks ago, where is used to be common for farmers to leave their doors open with some food out for travelers. That's the kind of thing you should aim for, not UBI from above.
It's almost like generosity towards your countrymen is a common trait among Swedes, and that shows itself in our generous welfare state.

>The latter is very different, and rather than being based on common bonds it feeds selfishness--and this causes resentment between people, driving a society apart.
We were fine before immigrants, you stupid cunt. Lower crime than Japan, highest HDI in the world.

UBI is not NIT

NIT also assumes that benefits-based welfare ends

>Universal basic income
>The end of welfare
Wow... so this is that American education I hear about.

Why can't they just give incentives for pursuing better education/skills? I really don't want the gubment to start handing out free shit. From my past experiences, nothing is free, and I don't want to the Fed to be my life support

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>extremely high voting rate for those who hate you

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UBI isn't a bad idea if it's set at the appropriate level and comes with abolishing all other forms of welfare. But of course both of these will be huge issues.

they already do...its called welfare
i moved out awhile back, the niggers and spicks destroyed everything nice about the area. This city seriously hell on earth.

>comes with abolishing all other forms of welfare
This, if done it would work, but you just know all the bloated payroll of public sector workers who would be fired from their cushy easy jobs would bitch and moan

>Be retailer
>Raise prices on food and everyday necessities.
>Get more money because people can now '''afford it''''
What the fuck is it with US and thinking that if you keep printing money, they'll retain their monetary value?

Attached: 7efa03ff40fcda04e0111fae4b0fa3fb.png (417x586, 250K)

Here's a hint

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What is someone with an of 90 IQ, or below, supposed to do in an automated future. They have almost no career options.

Its already been tested, it makes people not work. Gentrification and fixing the black household will qwell chicago violence. Chicago has always had fucked up spiritual energy since its always been a rough place.

In America it would be a wealth transfer from Whites to everybody else. No so in an ethnostate.

it physically hurts to read commie propaganda.

Bernie is the one bringing that "white" value up. Let's see this with Jews split out from whites

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Seems like certain demographics need to fix their fucking culture. I'm all for helping but they need to help themselves.

UBI is useless. People will live their entire lives on the dole. There is no incentive to work when you can live like a nigger. Society will stagnate.

sounds like another phrase for welfare

This is gonna be fun

>You cannot in any way prove that increased welfare correlates with eroded social morality.
It's a very simple proposition. Welfare allows individuals to operate with less consideration to the well-being and interests of the community, since the community is no longer necessary to the individual.
What do you mean by "proof"? Can we assign a number to it? No. But observation and a few minutes of thought tell us the same thing that an imaginary number would. As bad as niggers are, you know what really put them into the trash heaps their "communities" are today? LBJ's """Great Society""", i.e. welfare. In the 50s, before it happened, blacks actually had higher marriage rates than whites.

>Besides, I bet Swedes are much more helpful tot heir fellow man than the average American.
Stop with the dick-waving, Sven, we're both in deep shit and I'm far from a lolberg. I just really hate the idea of UBI because of what it entails.

>You are getting into tinfoilhat territory.
How is the idea that "those in power will not do something without receiving something in return" tinfoil hat-worthy? Am I accusing every single Swede who supports UBI of being malicious? No, far from it, but I am calling them naive for thinking it won't have negative consequences.

That's why you need laws enforcing "generosity", right? And you're so generous that you let in foreigners! I challenge you to show me that those farmers still do that.

There are no ethnostates (except Israel lmao)

You should be well aware of this, living in a country with a national policy to actively import welfare recipients

"White men work more, this is unacceptable, we should remove white money instead of making blacks work more"

>says the guy that lost to the woman that lost to the male Kim Kardashian
California should have its own flag so we can tell these morons apart from the rest of America

Good luck.

Attached: 1531178039273.png (545x840, 412K)

Most of Europe used to be comprised of ethnostates after the empires broke up, and other countries only had pockets of minorities, not diffused ones.
Japan still is effectively an ethnostate, as is Korea.
He's from Vermont.

>I'm all for helping but they need to help themselves.
I'm not. Let them work or starve. Certain demographics don't need to reproduce.

Sounds like Jews need the gas chamber.

How to turn Chicago into Detroit.

>what is reading comprehension?
>something you don't have

Show proof, something with number and statistics. Otherwise you are simply guessing.

>That's why you need laws enforcing "generosity", right?
We did so because it guaranteed a basic level of living and being tax-funded and state organized it also had full population coverage.

>How is the idea that "those in power will not do something without receiving something in return" tinfoil hat-worthy?
The people in power are mostly incompetent high-IQ idiots.

>And you're so generous that you let in foreigners!
It was a mistake. What is your point?

>I challenge you to show me that those farmers still do that.
What does it matter? It's one cherry-picked example in one part of Sweden.

Yay niggers get free money

>UBI schemes are not terrible ideas
There are 325 million people in the US. Giving each of them $1000 per month would take up a quarter of the GDP. Giving each of them $0 per month, cutting welfare entirely (including foreign aid), and using the savings to pay down the national debt would be a much better idea.
The white male taxpayer should not have to fund Tyrone's niglets.

Didn't Finland try this and scraped it last year due to how damaging was? Finland is a leftist camp as well, not as bad as Sweden or Norway but still...

I look forward to them chipping us in our hands. You faggots deserve it.

No sensible American should accept this. Too bad Americans are fucking retarded.

It's not in my own interest as a person who took out loans and worked part time for 6 years to get a masters degree which nets me a comfortable salary to pay even more in taxes so people who pretend it's impossible to make a comfortable living because they've never tried can sit on their asses and watch the same cable package I can.

You should leave Illinois.

You made a rhyme

>It is a lot easier to kill everyone in this country than provide them an income and an acceptable quality of life.

Unless you need the masses of nogs to keep the productive whites in line while also remaining a political majority.

>1/3rd of the entire Illinois budget goes to paying pensions for state employees. >Illinois May be the first state to ever declare bankruptcy
> somehow finds money for UBI

Chicago fag here. City is for white progs, balcks and spics. The gib me dats are popular but there is no way Illinois could afford it. Maybe Chicago can force the rest of the state to pay for its retardation, excelarating the collapse. Conservatives live in the suburbs.Everyone wants to leave.

>Serves him right
>He trusted google

you pretend like we're not doing that now, but through three million different wasteful government programs

Not going to happen long as we don`t have fully automated and self-sustaining systems of production in place.

exactly, the (((globalists))) will use this to stratify society into a rigid class system just as you have described that existed under feudalism. The jewish corporatists will sit at the top and will levy fees and taxes via the authority of the government on the professional class. The professional class will exist to manage the jewish owned corporations and to provide professional services to the jewish feudal lords. In return, the govt grants the jewish corporatists monopoly rights to their corporation and the fees and taxes extracted from the professional class will be used to fund the UBI for the masses. Meanwhile the general populace with no incentive to work, will be fed a diet of bread and circuses so as to keep them occupied. Those who do not qualify for entry into the professional class will be disincentivised to work as the fees and taxes levied on low to medium paying jobs will not make it worthwhile.The solution the corporatist jews will come up with is to re-open the slave trade from Africa under the guise of “diversity” makes us great etc. These “slaves” so grateful they’ve escaped their shithole are happy to labour for nothing in the hope of receiving citizenship. So, the jews seeing their promotion of (((globalism))) and (((cultural marxism))) failing to replace the white race, have decided to come up with Plan B, that is Universal Basic Income, do not fall for the meme.

Yeah, when it comes to a referendum keep in mind this woman represents the views of about 40 million voters

Attached: blm demands.png (612x2024, 581K)

Good, i want to live my life and not work pointless shit for MUHNEE till i die.

I don't really believe that. Americans are too dumb and lazy to believe anything with conviction, even the leftist narrative. They will follow the biggest gun offering the biggest wad of cash. Military tribunals rooting out the commies by the dozen will be the only thing to reverse course.