I’ll just leave this here

I’ll just leave this here...

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Other urls found in this thread:


as long as they limit themselves they will never succeed. although if they did stop limiting themselves opened their mind they would just become part of 'us'. They will never succeed.

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Couldn’t have said it better.

These retards are the ones that go into threads saying "WTF I DONT LIKE DRUMFP NOW BECAUSE I HATE JEWS".

this is what their attempts at "infultrating" look like

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Bumping because assmad shills will try to slide this thread

Oy gevalt. The informat*on age must be shut down

they created the 30-year-old Boomer meme
they didnt realize that we would love it
they dont understand that we are not humorless like them

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Hit the nail on the head, they call them kikes though, not Jews

>mfw making Soros burn another few million on another failed attempt

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In a sea of free speech deceit and subversion cannot destroy the light of truth.

>I’ve seen an agent punch through a concrete wall. Men have emptied entire clips at them and hit nothing but air. Yet their strength and their speed are still based in a world that is built on rules. Because of that, they will never be as strong or as fast as you can be.

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Wow there friend those are some nice "dubs"! haha


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That's what was amazing about all this. These kikes had to turn to straight-up self-sabotage because nothing worked.

Nice double numbers yourself crunchy taco

fuck u nigger, I created the boomer meme, that shit is Jow Forums property, and any nigger who tries to steal my shit finna bouta get rekt.

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>BUT MUH Jow ForumsThe_Donald SAFE SPACE!!!!

Nu-Jow Forums is cancer and I hope every single one of you dies.

It's a trap, a paradox in itself. I wouldnt be surprised if at least one shill was convinced by the stuff that's posted here.

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we're done for comrades

Haha wow who would've thought! Crazy! Haha

This is the best kind of publicity.

>opposition attempts to manipulate us >adopts our world view of rationale and truth
>they end up with a massive minority of 'us' in their movement

shit one of those meme lab guys is in here!

Nice try shareblue v2 here's a (You)

how to you fail to infiltrate an open anonymous site with near nonexistent moderation?

just type in 4chans,gov\politician and you're in

good breakdown

Kek, the only time a shill gets anywhere on this site is when they call out the jews. Lel

get shitted on kikes

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I think it is great
t.30 year old boomer

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Jesus fuck these people are completely insane.

He may have been born on Jow Forums but he is the property of Jow Forumsizens. Some funny faggot kept posting "that 29 y.o boomer at the gym" threads every day and reducing the year periodically until there were daily demoralisation threads telling 23 year olds it was too late to start getting fit or going to the gym.

Was actually wondering how many of them got redpilled just by trying to shill

memes are funny because they derive some of their humor from the truth.

leftists try to spin the truth to their advantage and so the majority of work that's shitted out of their ranjeet asses are forced, which makes it not funny because it's either not somewhat true or relevant.

that's why there's intense media coverage on the trump baby balloon, etc - because otherwise nobody would give these desperate attention whores the attention they crave.

Source? I've seen threads like these earlier this year too.

>failed to infiltrate the site

fucking kek, /b/ would be enough to extinguish these fucks.

lol, how the fuck do you fail to integrate into Jow Forums
thats hilarious
theyre so acidic they cant even hide in an ocean of piss

unpaid interns will inevitably see the apolitical 'no good fucking jobs no affordable fucking housing' threads and start thinking

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Literally just google “liberals building a memelab” and you will find several articles on the topic. I don’t want to post an actual link because I don’t know how to do the archive thing. There are articles on vanity fair, wordpress, and squawker.

/b/ is completely lousy with shills. CONSTANT drumpfposting is even drowning out the porn right now. They've got like 10 TRAITOR threads as I type this.

I guarantee there's an organised shill initiative in progress right now, considering this is happening on /v/, /sp/, and even some of the porn boards.

Not true as long as they only hire PoC and Jews. If they think like us, if they see reality, they see that their only hope for power is to destroy the white race.

from what ive read its a serious problem that happens a lot and they have to rotate the shills on schedules to try and reduce frequency of occurrence. you see posts here and on plebbit from time to time of former shills explaining the process of how they were hired and where they work etc. maybe fake stories but they seem realistic enough and we do know this sort of thing happens so it would make sense if people talked about it from time to time and they seem to be. and it seems they generally report in the couple cases i read that this is a major issue yes.

some people are resistant to redpills but fire enough into him and eventually they cant be ignored anymore and he is actually forced to seriously consider it

>shilling on /b/

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Hillary and Trump are both kike loving globalists, and I never liked either of them.

I guarantee there's an organised shill initiative in progress around the clock, at all times, and it has been like this for years

more then one organized shill initiative probably

Good luck with that, they cant fight weaponized autism. We found a flag by tracking stars and planes that flew over the video feed. Liberals are not dedicated enough, Jow Forums is the onlything alot of people here have.

t -30 year old boomer

archive.is/4cXG3 Someone seems to have archived it back in April, here you go.

liberals don't need memes
they actually get laid

>liberals don't need memes
>they actually get laid

considering you faggots change the definition of anything you don't like, I'm certain you getting "laid" involves a pozzed ladyboy or a fleshlight

true dat mane.

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They probably stopped because too many people became redpilled and jumped ship.
They are going to spend a few months to indoctrinate new members hard so that they become completely brain-washed before coming here.
Not that it'll work though.

Not enough of classic Jow Forums left...nobody knows that Jow Forums was always right because we were nazis. And as unfortunate as it is the fucking nazis were unironically literally right about fucking everything

then getting laid will be their undoing

Dude I came from /b/. We should definitely shit up that board with redpills

Like pissing in an ocean of rotten, infested baby corpses.

lol, nazis are right about many obvious things and take other things too far and overall look like dorks so not a big deal that few of them are still around.

They didn’t create shit you nigger faggot

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i never stop laughing at that tail

Right on.