My roommate for next year is thinking about dropping everything halfway through his degree and moving to California as...

My roommate for next year is thinking about dropping everything halfway through his degree and moving to California as a spontaneous/bold move in the name of, "figuring out what I want to do and getting my shit together".
Now he is Canadian and hold a lot of right wing values so to speak, just isn't very versed on the situations beyond rural Canada, and I think still hold California as that place it once was in the 60's or something where dreams are made.

Help me convince him not to leave?

Attached: calif.jpg (1200x933, 452K)

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Easy, show him a documentary about the companies that were being made Silicon Valley in the 50s to 80s, maybe even the 90s. Triumph of the Nerds is pretty comfy desu.
Then show him a documentary about the modern startup scene, make sure it's one that focuses on the lowest of low, most useless shit that you can find. I think PBS has one like that but I'm not sure.

Then remind him that Silicon Valley has been infested and overrun with leftist leeches. He'll have second thoughts faster than you can read a pulse on an oscillator.

He's a closet trannyfag and wants to get his boipussy plundered by weed smoking niggers


Show him all the human feces in Los Angeles. If that doesn't do it, he's lost.

Join the communis party and be very open about it. You might get beaten blue and violette, but no slight right winger will stay with an open commie

Sry, I read you like to get ridof him

OP wanted his roomate not to go to the land of commies.

Stop being a cuck and let that parasite ruin his life

show him the poop maps

>canadian moving to california
besides the weather, whats the difference?

Keep him! I'm trying to save him, he takes for granted where we live. Dispite cuck trudeau and the canadian cities, regular canadians arnt so much into the sjw trivial bullshit.

Just show him street interviews or advise him to actually visit that hellhole first

>Nine Lives Matter
That’s actually kinda funny

Just direct him towards a better American area. Or start a company together.

>Canada is Mexico

well besides the millions of beaners in ever facet of the state. Im sure its just like Hongcouver

this, fuck him

Everyone with a brain is moving out. I'm Ca middle class which means I get to choose which state to live as a king in. Unless your friend already has money he can have fun being poor and renting a $3000 shack monthly for the rest of his life. Only retards come here.

He’s going to shit himself at how fucking expensive it is. Let him learn the hard way

Attached: D76E1CBE-A439-4E49-8785-DB77DB4C35F2.png (180x323, 125K)

As a mover who frequently have to clear out flats where cat ladies kicked the bucket, or get moved to a nursing home. Zyclon B should have studied more before this one.
There is cat shit EVERYWHERE in those 'homes'.
Shit, shit and more shit. Some attempt to draw the stench would've been nice too. And both parts would fit the analogy

Attached: 1.jpg (1024x1024, 78K)

california is a shitty experience

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 2.22.01 PM.png (662x899, 392K)

So california has gone from figurative shit, to literal shit?

I'm an attorney California native (four generations of my family have lived here) and I would tell your friend to stay out. This place is sinking fast. Only reason I haven't left is I make enough money to stay comfy and own property. If I didn't own my own house this place would have been in my rear view mirror twenty years ago.

If he must move here, though, have him look at Irvine, Escondido, San Marcos, and unincorporated areas of San Diego County. Rent is about 600 bucks less than in LA and nearly 1k less than in the bay area, they're clean areas, prosperous, and purple at best (often bright red).

pussy is running away from growing up and just wants hookers weed and blow. childish.


He’s Canadian so he’s pretty much already gay

This. I'm in socal for the price of a dump ass house I can get a mansion in a non libtarded state.

You either are a nigger or illegal and get welfare, working class and have jack shit or rich enough to not care.

Middle/working class is being squeezed out of this cunt hole state.

the map only shows locations of human waste reports to the city of san francisco, so other cities are not shown here.
entire neighborhoods are literal cesspools
>probably other body fluids
>used needles carrying hepatitis, HIV, and other diseases

pic related

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 2.25.22 PM.png (1761x803, 1.31M)

In your opinion, what would be the hardest thing for a Canadian man with no savings from a small town with no real knowledge of the current state to cope with? What is the primary contributing factor that makes cali a falling state?

holy shit

who the hell spends 3-5k a month for a tiny apartment when there's shit and hiv needles right outside your building?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 2.31.48 PM.png (1790x910, 1.52M)

>dropping university/college
>to move to california
Not nice

Fuck off we're full.

The reality will hit him soon enough if he does decide to leave. I live in a medium sized city no where near the metropolitan areas and there are bums, drug addicts, maniacs roaming the streets EVERYWHERE. Twenty years ago we had one bum which everyone knew. His name was Sam. Or so he claimed. He was pleasant to talk to, not an unhinged lunatic gacked out of his mind like what you see these days. Just the other day on way to gym I saw a younger woman collecting rocks into a shopping cart. She was in shape, could easily see she was an attractive girl prior to whatever the fuck happened to her. You can see it in their faces.... the progression. First they look a bit dirty, maybe a few bruises or scars. Then they get more scars/bruises/scratches and they begin to have more wrinkles. Lastly they look like a wretched, wrinkled picture of their once kept looks with eyes that no longer have a soul.

Let him go it will be funny

objectification of minorities, very racist

From what I've heard, C*miefornia is one of the worst places in the burgerland

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I live in California and want to move to Canada. Can I take his place?

tell him you'll be his gf

What makes you want to come to Canada specifically? Where in Canada did you think?