As a jew, I fail to understand you

So how can you guys 100% support Trump and hate israel at the same time? It makes no sense. There has never been a US administration friendlier to Israel than the Trump one.
The US litterally left the UN human right council because they were saying mean words to Israel once in a while.

>in b4 filthy kike
I know you hate me and I don't give a fuck, I just want to understand this specific point.

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neither of our parties is proposing we stop aid to Israel
if there were they'd win in a heartbeat but for now we pick the best of the other issues

also doesn't us leaving that council just mean we aren't there to veto for Israeli interest anymore?

You can't out Jew and Jew by being enemies upfront

>As a jew, I fail to understand you.

because, newfag, 95% of people here are the exact stereotype of a trump supporter that people think they are, ie dumb retards who will follow anything conservative and don't think for themselves.

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It is a marketable excuse to break ties from those conniving shitters.

As a white, I don't give a fuck about a Jew's opinion

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>trump is wrong about supporting israel, but he’s the only president in fifty years who’s against globalism and immigration so he’s good

>So how can you guys 100% support Trump and hate israel at the same time?
Because they're LARPers. Republican Conservatives certainly aren't pro-White and they're certainly not redpilled.

And yet Trump won't save the White race and his policies will be erased by the next Democrat president.

Actually I gave up on trump when he 180d after being elected and decided he wasn't like in his campaign

>There has never been a US administration friendlier to Israel than the Trump one.
If Trump wanted to be friendlier to Israel he wouldn't have destroyed ISIS. He would have invaded Syria and bullied Russia out of the ME.

Well, kike, we have to remove the infection at home before we do damage abroad. Trump needed to support Israel to get the normies conservative vote. But all of his actions and policies have been counter to what the jews here try to push. We have to clean our own house before we clean the neighborhood

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Trump is based
H-h-he he isn't an Israeli puppet
Fuck (((you))) leftist

No American candidates can get a dollar without licking Israel’s butt. It’s how it is right now.
Right now, curbing immivason matters far more than israel.

>thinking there will be another president, let alone democrat

>actually thinking Trump will somehow, legally be voted President for life.
You're not that stupid, are you?

>another op is a jew bait thread
Why don’t you morons know how to sage?

>he thinks elections will still happen
brainlet confirmed

>>he thinks elections will still happen
Oh you are that stupid. Okay.

>brainlet confirmed
You can't even offend muslims on twitter without being thrown into prison for the rest of your life.

>Oh you are that stupid. Okay.
>brainlet thinks his country will just keep existing forever
Such stupidity, sad

>>brainlet thinks his country will just keep existing forever
you should know. Your country died decades ago. you're just living in the corpse.

>if you defeat your own argument, you win
cryptoleaf take off proxy

OP here
Well I suppose you guys think Trump dealing with immigration and other stuff is far more important than his stance on Israel. It seems reasonnable
Thanks for replying, I got much less hate than I thought I would.

I think Trump is kind of cornered between his huge support pool of jews (Pretty much everyone at the synagogue praise Trump, even more in Israel), and his even more gigantic electoral pool of jews-hating american citizen. He probably will have to take a definitive stance on the subject someday.

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Trump fucking sucks, anyone who still supports him is from Reddit or is still delusional enough to believe a republican can hold back the night.

> 100%
There is no leader and if their was someone leading it would be a dead white guy
George Lincoln Rockwell
Jesus (inb4 not jew)

Wow wtf I hate America now

What are you even trying to say leaf

i thought every brit was taught from birth to believe that america sucks shit through a crazy straw

That Trump is not %100 supported. He simply serves as a platform for public discourse on fascism.

>moving embassy to Jerusalem
costs almost nothing
>leaving the UN human rights council
how is that good for Israel? Now US can not intervene any longer.

>etc etc
warfare is won by deception

>as a jew
Is this the new "as a white person"?

Jow Forums is not a single entity, faggot.

>Trump loves jews
>jews hate Trump

it makes perfect sense. try to keep up

addendum; what has he done that was granted jews/Israel a better geopolitical position?

Most normal Trump supporters would die for Israel. The Jow Forums-tier Trump supporters mostly support him out of convenience or lack of better alternatives.

Pro tip: Trump HATES Israel and dislikes Jews.He is playing you.

Because (((pol))) is a shithole, filled with useful idiot incels who got astroturfed by the Kushners. The (((Aut-Kike))) is a basket of Eternal Anglos and you of all people know just how much they love betraying their race. And then of course there is the Eternal Leaf in the middle of it: Lauren Simonsen, Peterstein, Molyjew. While the alt-lite is literally all Jews and their pets, it's not even funny. Their mascot was a gay Jew obsessed with BBC who literally defended pedos and married a black man.

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Whoa whoa, wait a cotton-picking minute here. Jow Forumstold me the holocaust never happened, now you're telling me pepe did it?

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>(Pretty much everyone at the synagogue praise Trump, even more in Israel)
Q predicted this

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i don't mind israel half as much as i hate the international jew

if you could keep to one country and not try to ruin every other country, you'd be fine in my book.

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I would say the Roosevelt administration was far more friendly to Israel than Trump. FDR was a mistake. Go suck some baby dicks.

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Jow Forums is a single entity, actually. There's the White guys (Jow Forums) and the shills who troll us. Red-pilled White guys form pretty much a single entity, it's the shills who make it look otherwise.

That said. If Trump had a 4D plan to out-Jew Jews... Just no. He wouldn't offer his daughters as sacrifice to be married to Jews. It's just who sacrifice their kids to Moloch, not White men. Therefore, Trump does wear the kippa.

You're thinking of /ptg/, which is becoming Neocon Lite.

Most of Jow Forums hates Jews, but just supports Trump out of realpolitik because he's the best we can get at this point.

>t., newfag from Reddit

>So how can you guys 100% support Trump
False premise, into the trash it goes.

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It's because you're all jews. Whatever avenues allows me to piss you fucks off all the time, I'm gonna do. Fuck every last one of you. You dig your own graves

what was the better option you stupid kike? show us. we took the lesser of 6gorillion jews. now fuck off.