What did Obama’s mother mean by this?

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Mods deleeeet these pics you faggot nigger lovers.

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Is this legit? That might be the first time i would be sorry for him.

i feel bad for the south asian gook this whore married and made him raise his wife son to be president

Fucking disgusting.
Literally a whore.

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obama's mom is whore: fake news
OP's mom coddled him too much: the red pill

Obunga's mama name was Stanley

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Quick rundown:
Obama’s mom was a hooker who worked for the CIA and fucked brown men. She was an asset for comping everybody they could get.


Not even a pussy shot.

Hooray Beer!

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the real question: anal or vaginal?


Every single part of her body, from her face to her figure to her flat ass, is objectively sickening. I'm disgusted.

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whitebois like you don't even get a glimpse of black-owned pussy

Agreed. That’s what you get for naming your daughter Stanley.

Contrary to popular belief she is still alive and lives in Hawaii, she works for the Ford Foundation.

horny degenerate woman, manages to fuck the whole world even after she is dead

don't racemix with niggers

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Why do Chads always wear watches? What's the point of wearing a watch when you can just look at your phone?

Its less disrespectful, less of a hassle than going into your pocket, and is pretty much the sole shiny thing a man is allowed to wear.

Jesus fucking christ. CIA niggers need to be killed on sight

>being so beta that you rely on a device that constantly tracks and stores information about you for the government and corporations just because you want to know what time it is.

It appears to be vaginal from the angle of her hips.

Theres not a single thing in this article about hookers fucking darkies

You're allowed to wear rings, necklaces, and bracelets too you autist. All diamond encrusted. Teeth too, faggot.

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>not wanting to slampiggy flat assed white women

What are you, gay?

I feel like you'd have to be on drugs to even get to that state.

Beep boop beep go gadget my wrist of course

>being so norm. you rely on saturn occult teachings of time.

it's not even his mother, shits been proven many times too


What is the homosexual equivalent of a chad? Eastwood's kid is def gayer than gay.

t. nigger

Stanley, and later on her son Barry, definitely enjoyed illicit drugs and perverted sex.

Normally id say that's a huge lie, but the numbers don't lie. Checked. Eastwood's son is confirmed faggot.

Nope, nigger, that’s his mom alright.

because you dont look like a onions guzzling faggot when you look at your watch.

I just spent 3 and a half minutes studying the pics of the wine bottle whore and her confirmed nudes. They are the same person. Big jawline, same tits, same stomach/abdominal area, same activity (whoring around in Africa). It's the same person.

she is a Fatty Arbuckle fan

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Michelle Obama: "Honey, I found a picture of your mother..."
King Nigger: "This is why I turned gay, Michael."

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thank God for hell

yes it is and there is even more

I wear watches daily, I was just mocking an idiot who I heard say that about watches. I wear one because girls think guys who wear watches are cool.

How did this not surface during his ran? Was the world so pure back then that they didn't try to find and fling dirt on the opposition?

idk about Chads but in business it's protocolary. Has to do with being punctual and that

You know what to do, Jow Forums:

Fap on a printed copy and send it to king nigger.

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holy shit I haven't see that one before lmao

She's got that dead eyed, coal burner look. It's universal

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Who keeps bringing her food and why aren’t they in jail?

Niggerslut, what you expect from her?


>the girl in the photo looks like her so it must be
this is Jow Forums, you would think people would track down vids and pics. truly shows how soft and pathetic you all are and rather circle jerk in your containment board! sad!

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Coalburners are mentally ill.
Just sucks that Clint Eastwood is a shitty father.


Yeah...that...or she was just a naive 17yo nigger loving whore from Kansas during a time when the CIA pushed for universities to allow African niggers to get educated in the US (hoping to use them as assets in Africa). Obama's dad was a 27 or 28 yo "freshman" and started railing the 17yo trollop. Niggers don't wear rubbers, obviously, so she got knocked up

meh, she was just a naive 17yo nigger loving whore from Kansas during a time when the CIA pushed US universities to allow African niggers to get educated in the US for free (hoping to later use them as assets / props in Africa). Obama's dad was a 27 or 28 yo "freshman" at U Hawaii and started railing the 17yo trollop. Feral niggers don't wear rubbers or pull out, so she got knocked up

Friendly reminder: He never mentioned her once, nor her parents who actually raised him, for all those eight years he was in office.

1 *sigh* by this id

I'm convinced. Thank you.


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she's Paul McCarthy's clone

>from kansas
wrong. she was raised in a communist enclave outside seattle.

obama's whole life is an intelligence op.

She looks like Nassim lol

because the right watch will cost more than your phone


she looks iranian, dad looks like malay, so why does Lil Obongo look like a nigger?

"""Art""" woman

Because looking at your phone in social situations shows you're insecure or disinterested in the social setting; but if you're a chad, you're ALWAYS interested in the social setting, thus a watch is more convenient, and it's a status symbol as well.

Shit like this makes me wonder why humans aren't an efficient form of livestock

Yes. Great idea. Put possibly the best DNA sample imaginable on a picture and send it to the secret service.

>implying he isn’t his dads wife’s son

it takes a real whore to shit out a nasty turd like obaba

That isn't his father

I never saw the first pic and wish i could unsee this cunt!

because your mother is a good lay s oyboy

White whore sitting on a bottle for a bunch of niggers. Pretty much the lowest point a woman can get in her life.


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>MODs are FBI, MI6, MOSSAD 'n sheeit


Oh shut up. You probably religiously masturbare to far worse porn.

well at least she put her make up on

Negative ghost rider.

Relax you incel

have i been on this hellhole too long or does she look jewish?

It means Trumptards are in damage control.

Not having a pocket sundial. How plebian. Pshhh someone missed the memo. Look at the time.

She is fucking a bottle?

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I dunno I can barely see her face behind that schnoz

>people who care about what time it is

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What the fuck is wrong with her ass?

>she got dat Hank Hill ass

millenials will never understand

washington, kansas...what diff does it make. she was a teenage white trash whore who got knocked up by an old ass nigger freshman from Africa

In the middle of a literal nigger-pit!
>She probably earned $1.78 with a 50 cent bonus for the photography.
Being a nigger, Obama is probably proud of having a heritage above average.

She looks Quadroon at best. Barrok is no more than 37% nigger.

(((Ford Foundation)))

You guys need to research Justin Trudeaus mom, shes fucking nuts.

These women look different are you trying to muddy the waters by saying they are the same person?

nobody posted these?

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just wait until the Purge comes
the ayy lmaos have been waiting for their succulent Kobe human steaks for ages now

Faceblindness and tinfoil go together really well.

>Obama's mother falls for the BBC meme
>son becomes president

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very legit


>He doesn't just look at the sun

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