Secret Hitler with fellow Jow Forumsacks

Anyone here on Jow Forums looking to play some Secret Hitler? It is made by leftist faggots but fun for everyone. I posted this last night and we had a lot of fun playing with some other guys here on Jow Forums



You have to sign up, but it doesn't require an email.


This is where we will be playing. Game name is Jow Forums Sieg . Password is brainlets

Attached: download (1).jpg (268x268, 27K)

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Secret Hitler is fucking dope but get some real friends you dorks

Most of my real friends are brainlets. I went for a smoke quick if anyone is joining

>It is made by leftist faggots
Why can't you make a revolution against the faggot parliament then?
Eh, it's hard to set up a match, even though I have some friends with boardgames

I would love to try give me a few minutes so i can read the rules

I'll be here, it would be fun to play against international opponents.

where do i search for the game ?

Anyone still here? I wanna play

I'm Hitler. End of game. I win.

Attached: 123567890987.jpg (929x1200, 108K)

Game crashed on me. New link

This "game" is insanely boring.


go play pubg



played it at my grandma's birthday with people aged 17-96, was fun

the designers are cunts for making a trump version tho

bump for getting hitler this round

At some point (((they're))) going to hunt down every moderate nationalist, libertarian, or centrist that has a mildly right-wing view. Men like Trump are who they fear and want to obliterate the most.

Attached: 123467898787.jpg (468x412, 33K)

It would be cool if "Secret Hitler" had a mirror image Leftist faction secretly trying to sieze power as well. Would ruin the narrative though.

Can't let the goyim realize Hitler didn't come to power in a vacuum because Germans spontaneously became "evil".

>had a mirror image Leftist faction secretly trying to sieze power as well.

You mean Communists? Would be more fitting since these liberal types nowadays are very much like Mao's red brigade

It is a missed opportunity, although the communists should win by the parliament losing control and credibility, instead of how Hitler does it