The Minimum Wage

Should it be abolished?
If so what would stop big companies paying their workers a dollar a day in order to maximise profits?

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Other companies paying more than a dollar that people work for

Because else they would have anyone working for them.
Unless it's a job that's easy.
Companies pay what you are worth, if you work in thech they will throw money at you for you not to leave for someone else.

I don't know about no minimum wage though, people get payed what they are worth but I still want my low payed workers to be white and not imported.

When someone regulates what the minimum should be, everyone who can pays thr minimum and there is no competition. When there is no enforced limit, employers must compete for workers by raising their wage or benefit package above others to attract employees. Employees and clients then drive the market by choosing the companies they want to do business with based on wage/price and culture.

That would cause too much of a political nightmare and I rather have less stupid people adding their two cents when it comes to this specific situation. However I think it would be better if we had a method that would teach people to move the fuck out of the city and into rural areas that need people to work jobs.

>Employees and clients then drive the market by choosing the companies they want to do business with based on wage/price and culture.
>implying that low income workers have any sort of leverage against businesses
This is what your brain on right wing ideology looks like

That's exactly what I'm implying. An example would be McDonalds; they'll hire anyone and give food away practically for free, meaning their workers would get dog shit pay and produce dog shit products for their dog shit clientelle. Chik-fil-a on the other hand, still being a fast-food establishment, demands more, pays more, and simply produces a better product for better clientelle.

Minimum wage should be abolished and borders should be abolished at the same time. After a few years of that, whites will fix themselves up real quick and the population of north America will rapidly shrink by several hundred million.

Low-income workers work at places like McDonald's because they don't have any other options. They don't exercise choice in the way people with experience and marketable skills do.
Guess how far the nearest Chik-fil-a is from here.

Then why do big companies pay a dollar a day in the far east with sweatshop work being the norm? If you're running a business and care about making the most profit why would you pay more if you didn't have to?

There's literally over a billion people in China. You can't compare different labor markets like both work the exact same way.

>The Maximum Wage
There, fixed that for you OP.

Well, what would stop people working in walmart from being paid less than they are now if the minimum wage was abolished?
You may think that's fine too, free market and so on, but you know that it would mean a lot of people struggling to get by even more than now and that would not be a good outcome.

>If so what would stop big companies paying their workers a dollar a day in order to maximise profits?

Nothing. Which is exactly why all the right wing retard corporate shills fight to abolish the min wage.

Attached: tax cuts for billionaires.png (700x700, 633K)

Attached: HowTrumptardsThink.png (1080x797, 1.18M)

Cambodia then

Because the people demanding this shit don't deserve it

>Manager of the deli at a Kroger
>Just hired three new people who have already been fired within a month
>First one was a dumbass wigger
>Rapped to himself all day and would actually walk away from customers if he saw his friends, even if he was in the middle of cutting meat for them
>Would take his breaks within minutes of getting there until the higher ups cracked down on him
>Number two is a dumb ass nigger
>Broke our oven on his first week despite being watched over like a hawk his first few days
>Broke it so fucking hard it's not covered by warranty so it needed to be fully replaced
>Fired for extreme negligence
>Third is a nigger girl
>Fries chicken all day because she refuses to interact with customers, just outright refuses
>Has reached into the fryer multiple times with her bare hands

All of this on top of getting brand new, absolutely retard proof machines with great big buttons on them that do exactly what you need it to do in the order you need to do them.

>Oven force drops grease after every cook
>Despite this the second guy somehow managed to trigger canceling this and caused grease to get blown back up into the oven itself and completely fucking ruined it by blowing out the pipes

How the fuck he managed to do that with great big "preheat", "start cook", "drop grease", and "clean cycle" buttons is fucking beyond me

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Wrong. The market would stop corporations from paying a non-livable wage, because there would be nobody left to buy their products. Look at what Henry Ford did. He paid his workers enough so that they could actually afford to buy one of the cars they helped make. As a result, Ford (and the Big Three) dominated the personal transportation market for most of the 20th Century. A strong and thriving middle-class is the key to a solid economy. How did the Waltons become filthy rich with Walmart? By selling to the elite? No, by selling to the middle class. The First Commandment of Retail is: Volume, volume, volume. You can't sell in volume if the majority of your workers cannot afford to buy your products. Period.

I've never known of a rich liberal to pay their "fair share". They are some of the greediest assholes in existence. They think every other rich person should pay more in taxes except them.

You realize the market nowadays is global right?
Do you think Chinese slaves can afford to buy the shit they make in their torture factories?
No they just ship the shit somewhere else. Which is what would happen to Americans.

>If so what would stop big companies paying their workers a dollar a day in order to maximise profits?
Nothing as long as there are open border republican and democrat traitors in office.

>if we just let corporations pay us peanuts, they'll totally pay us more

you fucking retarded shill

Seattle has $15 min wage and 3% unemployment. Higher min wage is good for the economy

Attached: seattle employment.png (1168x450, 41K)

Increasing minimum wage only increases the prices of products and services.

It doesn't increase the buying power of those who receive it, often it actually decreases it.

When employers are forced to increase the wage, they have to find the resources to do so, either by firing some of their employees or increasing the price of their product or service.

I have a friend who is a spoiled rich liberal

>Mom is a nurse
>Dad is a code monkey
>That house is a constant stream of money
>Always demands shit from his parents and they give in every time
>They're about to send him to college for a second time
>If we buy something like food or drinks he makes his parents pay us back
>Refuses to do yard work
>Won't get a job because anything less than his college degree is "beneath him"
>If we drink a soda or something at his house that suddenly absolves him of having to pay us back if we get him a coffee
>gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
>When we go out of town he always wants to have to give less for the hotel room because "we always hang out at his place"

you're the retarded moron cucks who keep cutting rich liberals tax rates

Attached: tax cuts for billionaires3.png (500x688, 186K)

Mcdonalds is not the only business in your city.

lol you realize you're retarded right.

Ontario increased min wage 21%. All u retarded paid shills promised 21% inflation. We have like 2% inflation.

u corporate shills try to scare plebs from wanting higher wages by crying about muh inflation

fucking cucks

Wages increase by 14% in Hungary, with inflation at only 2.3%

Why do you think we elected Trump? Because of how eloquent he is? No, because he correctly addressed that the source of our economic problems in this country is the way we allow foreign nations and economic blocs to rape our economy. He is absolutely right in imposing tariffs on China. He should stop trade with China altogether. Their economy would completely tank within a year. Ours would not, because between us and our allies, we have all the natural resources we have to make shit ourselves. To be sure, it would be a painful year or two, but watch how fast the middle-class would rise in both number and standard of living if the government were to take away the ability for corporations to outsource labor and production. Tariffs and trade regulations would produce far more prosperity than any minimum wage law ever could.

Attached: unemployment rate according to trump supporters.jpg (1024x855, 158K)

I just got a 7.5% raise and don’t need to withhold federal tax for the rest of the year...

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Gains $37 Billion from Tax Cuts

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Where the fuck do you think the money to increase the wage comes from?
Latvia increased minimum wage by 15% starting with Jan 1st, 2018.
Inflation rate nearly doubled, from 2% to 3.8% per month.

There should be no rules or laws limiting how much or few companies pay their employees, neither should there be any laws on how, where, when and how much they are allowed to work, besides basic civil laws as "dont shoot your employees".

If you dont like how much you earn, how hard and long you have to work is or how you boss and coworkers treat you, get another job. If you cant find a better job, either:

- become either self-employed and take your fate into your own hand,
- improve yourself and your skills so companies have a reason to invest into you
- stop whining and take the wage cock up your ass
- or stop being a burden to society and fucking kill yourself

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They could always pay MORE in taxes if they think that is the fair share. They don't because they don't really think it is. The tax code was the incomprehensible mess it was because of tax code changes the left has done over the past 50 years trying to pat the backs of their constituents. There is a very good reason things like Unions are tax exempt even though they make enough money to donate millions to the DNC every single election. They are exempt from property taxes and taxes on union dues and virtually everything else. The very same things they lobby for others to be taxed more on. I'll use one of your liberal catch phrases for you on that one.
"Let that sink in"

Any person who pays more in taxes than they are legally required to is a FOOL. The government bureaucracy, especially the federal government bureaucracy, is almost completely incapable of managing money effectively. This is an intrinsic part of the system, and why our budget (and corresponding deficit) is astronomical. This is also why paying more tax than you are required to is about as effective as burning your money or throwing it down a pit. If the government ran by the same rules that corporations do it would be out of business within six months. And, all of this leaves aside the fact that figuring out how much each of us needs to pay in taxes is part of the JOB of our elected legislators! It is not my responsibility to figure out how much tax the government needs from me. It is the responsibility of the government to come up with a solid tax plan that meets the needs of the government and country as a whole.

Minimum wage should be 0 and slavery legal. The market will take care of everything.

>Where the fuck do you think the money to increase the wage comes from?

It comes from the billions in corporate profits and billions hoarded by the billionaire globalist elites u worship, serve and obey

Latvian inflation is lower than last year. You lie.

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Probably the fact that they they would want people to work for them.

This guy gets it.

>I owe my soul to the company store

Company stores were able to exist because mines were in remote areas and many miners didn't have cars (and thus access to cheaper alternatives). Not an issue in today's world.

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The point is that the market hasn't always taken care of everything. Plenty of people were in ridiculous conditions because of the lack of regulation.

This man has my vote.

Slavery will BOOST the economic growth because labor suddently becomes zero cost and INFINITELY efficient.
This wealth will eventually trickle down to the slaves and, maybe, allow them to buy themselves free one day.

Agreed. But the regulations that fixed the situation weren't minimum wage laws, they were laws that prevented monopolistic corporations from doing whatever the fuck they wanted. Which is exactly the kind of legislation we need to be enacting to fix the problem, and is also exactly what Trump is trying to do with tariffs. There isn't one single solution to this mess, but whatever the solution ends up being raising the minimum wage should NOT be part of it.

You're larping but MAGAtards will believe u

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You're a fucking idiot if you think they pay even what they are required to. Why do you think so many Congress members have been convicted of tax evasion, wire fraud, money laundering and racketeering? The point was they are full of shit when they say it and they know it and you're too fucking stupid to realise it.

With proper union support, the minimum wage isn't needed.

A (potentially) more effective law would be to regulate how much CEOs and managers make in comparison to their average worker. If a CEO's total compensation package could not exceed however many times that of their average worker, you would see wages (and quality of life) improve rapidly. Instead of using increased taxes, force corporations to even out their own backyard. Example of a CEO voluntarily doing this:

Why does the CEO of United airlines make $7.2 million while the CEO of JAL makes $90,000 (which is less than his pilots make) for doing the same job? What are these CEOs doing that makes them more valuable than the people below them who are actually doing the fucking work that keeps their company profitable?

Why stop at 15$ then dumb ass?
>muh economy
>muh higher min wages are good
Cities generally have better economics and it has nothing to do with the minimum wage.
All higher min wages do is let governments default on their debt by devaluing how much labour a dollar can buy. It's why ontario fucking blanket raised the min wage to 14 in less than 6 months. They raise wages to collect more taxes to pay off their fixed rate debt with dollars that now buy less labour than before. Min-wages have nothing to do with people's well being.

Unions are a double-edged sword. I say this having worked union and non-union jobs. They are responsible for raising the quality of life of the middle-class, but they are also notorious for corruption and not keeping their own backyard clean. They are also responsible for lazy, do-nothing money grubbers keeping their job when they should be fired because they "have a good union".


are you fucking mentally handicapped?

A province raising the min wage doesn't devalue the dollar. Holy shit you're insane.

I love the "it's a tax grab argument" holy fuck. Ontario's income tax on the first $45k is 5% so literally 95% of the increase in min wage goes to the worker.

You corporate shills promised mass job losses and that the economy would collapse by now. All I see downtown toronto is happy workers and help wanted signs everywhere

Where did this based German come from?

We've had higher wages for half a year. Hardly enough time for everything to work itself through the economy. If inflation wasn't a concern then why did poloz raise interest rates while canada is getting hit by tariffs? You shouldn't believe government inflation numbers, it's in their best interest to hide the truth so dumb idiots like you keep buying their bonds.
I've already noticed massive increases in prices for services. I'm asking for 15% pay raise at the end of the year, give it time. then you'll see.

Correction: United's CEO earned $9.56 million in 2017, which was almost half of what he earned in 2016.

>The market would stop corporations from paying a non-livable wage, because there would be nobody left to buy their products

A individual business will make the best decision for itself, not for the welfare of the society or its workers.

I mean just take the 08 crash as an example. Banks gave out loans to people they knew would probably default on them. then sold those loans off to someone else and they packed those loans as AAA loans. Then when people started defaulting on masse it crashed the economy and you guys have still just barely recovered from that. Every step of the way people could have said "Well this decision is clearly harmful to the way our economy functions" and then stopped doing what they were doing. But they didn't, because they wanted to make money.

Are u fucking retarded? Poloz started raising rates a few years ago. You're not even able to differentiate between a province and the entire country.

The US has even higher inflation.

You corporate shills promised me 21% inflation and massive job losses. Why do u always lie

>. I'm asking for 15% pay raise at the end of the year,

im gunna tell ur parents NOT to raise your allowance

All workers need to work for less so CEOs can make more money

this is basically the core of conservative/right wing ideology

Attached: ceos.jpg (736x414, 77K)

>they are also notorious for corruption and not keeping their own backyard clean. They are also responsible for lazy, do-nothing money grubbers keeping their job when they should be fired because they "have a good union".

Oh I won't say that its all happy unicorns and pixie sticks, but the stuff you're talking about is also true for most large scale organizations that protect their members.

What is stopping them from cutting a check to the irs?

>Banks gave out loans to people they knew would probably default on them. then sold those loans off to someone else and they packed those loans as AAA loans.

Yes, I watched The Big Short also. The only reason they were able to do this is that the government regulations were removed that prevented savings banks from playing the stock market with depositor's money. The government also essentially forced mortgage companies to remove things like income limitations or credit from consideration when people were applying for loans because "everybody deserves a house". The moral of the 2008 crash is that if you let corporations do whatever they want, they are going to do just that. The government's job is to regulate (not over-regulate) the playing field for the good of nation as a whole, because as your example illustrates, corporations are not going to do that for themselves. None of this means that regulating minimum wage is the best way to do this.

Nothing. You right wing cucks only exist to cut taxes for George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, etc.

Attached: tax cuts for billionaires5.png (500x566, 102K)

>the stuff you're talking about is also true for most large scale organizations that protect their members.

True. A law or regulation is only as good as its enforcement. We continue to have problems with corruption, including government officials, because we don't actually enforce existing anti-corruption laws. In this, at least, China has the right idea, because they execute fuckers over there for corruption.

trump gave wall street the biggest tax cuts in history and deregulated the hell out of them so just wait for the next GOP crash

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It's funny how these envious remarks rarely come from the bottom 50% but from rich (((college kids))).

You do realize that the top 1% isn't making their money from "income" like we mere wage-slaves, right? They make it off of capital gains and stock value. Bezos doesn't have a bank account with $150B sitting in is all tied up in Amazon stock. If the stock takes a shit, so does his net worth. That is why billionaires are constantly moving up and down the "richest man in the world" list. They aren't punching a clock and getting a paycheck like most people.

>just stfu and cut my taxes bitch

Attached: george soros laughing.jpg (300x300, 14K)

why the fuck do u think republicans gave corporations trillions in tax cuts?

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Federal budget deficit climbs 66% in May

Protip: Loads of people in China are corrupt, its just that whoever has power at the moment can decide when to have someone executed and use the corruption as an excuse.

Yes, the minimum wage should be abolished.

In general, if wages cannot fall arbitrarily low, then
1) the level of acceptable risk in business is moved towards more conservative levels
2) prices cannot fall arbitrarily low
3) price pressure can create perverse incentives to meddle with immigration (legal and otherwise) and outsourcing
4) people who are not productive enough to justify the minimum wage are simply out of work, even if they could work but at reduced productivity levels, leading to a huge bloating of welfare programs, especially with respect to the lack of opportunities due to (1) and (3)

Unfortunately now that we have a minimum wage and all its attendant distortions, eliminating it suddenly would cause huge problems. But it should at least be phased out.

There are some benefits to having a minimum wage, though I don't really think they outweigh the problems listed above.

>Should it be abolished?


U.S. records nearly $75 billion budget deficit in June

>Revenue from corporate tax payments totaled $41 billion in June, down $20 billion from a year ago. The new report showed that corporate tax payments fell by 33 percent from a year ago and so far this budget year, which began on Oct. 1, are running 20 percent below the same period a year ago.
Republicans are running giant budget deficits all to give massive tax cuts to the billionaire globalist elites

Attached: tax cuts for billionaires2.png (500x566, 151K)

Makes sense now, living in your bubble community. You need to be nuked. A blanket raise in min wages fucked up smaller communities. Hours of operation were cut back and prices increased in rural ontario. Honestly wish toronto became it's own province, you faggots are the reason Wynne got in in the first place.

And yes it devalues the dollar in terms of how much labour it can buy. If you don't understand that then don't understand economics. 11 dollars used to buy 1 hour of unskilled labour, now it costs 14. That means labour cost is inflated, which is the devaluing of the dollar dumb fuck.

Isn't cutting a check to the IRS just paying your taxes?

lmao the same smaller communities that are giant shitholes already dying where all the rural retards are dying of meth overdoses

fuck off rural retard loser

Hey leaf, since you are here bitching about minimum wage, could you tell me where all the money that your government is giving to "refugees" is coming from? And why would you have a minimum wage job at all when you can just claim "refugee status" and live off of government maple syrup?

Because it's procentual and a percent off a trillion is still 1000 millions while ten percent off Wayne Wageslave's 1000$ tax burden is "just" 100$.

>The US has even higher inflation.
No its the same as ontario right now. Since you made that point about national and provincial.

It's increasing, and it's going to go higher as people who weren't working min wage start demanding higher wages. Next year will be a doozy.

>im gunna tell ur parents NOT to raise your allowance
I can tell that you're only here to argue for the sake of arguing. I think you do it to have an emotional feeling without getting close to someone because the last person you got close to hurt you. Kys please.