Prove to me he's not losing his mind.

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Fuck you.

This is a non-story.

He's not losing his mind he just had a bad couple days. This literally happens to every human being ever.

Who cares ? Russia didn't hack the dnc servers

>This is a non-story.

Kill yourself if you are serious.

He's probably trying to desperately buy time until he's assassinated, you never insult the intelligence community.

It's pathetic, you're the president. Remove these parasites, all you have to do is broadcast to the people that the FBI, CIA, etc. are the enemies of peace.


For fuck sake, Donald. Stop cucking to the left.

>He's not losing his mind he just had a bad couple days. This literally happens to every human being ever.
He is the king of trolls. I think he did it on purpose. Look at the mad spin of the king!

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Kill yourself if you are serious

>He misspoke.
What a fucking idiot.

Spineless pussy backpaddled because Fox News criticized him!

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he's not losing his mind.......but by now it's fairly obvious that Putin has something on him.

He definitely knows what he's doing, the left is showing all its cards in front of the American public.

The president is gonna keep shaking hands and signing papers and the left is going to keep imploding.

>Obama and Mueller are treasonous
True. Good point.
On Mueller’s and Obama’s watch:
1. Putin Annexed Crimea
2. Russian Bases in Syria
3. Europe is on fire
4. Hot civil war in USA imminent due to Mockingbird media
5. Putin cornered the market on USA uranium
6. LIBYA destroyed/North Africa collapsed
7. Muslim Brotherhood installed in Egypt, etc.
8. Iran being sent hundreds of billions of cold cash
9. Rise of ISIS
10. America not producing energy

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Don't forget Fast and Furious and Benghazi. People died so their crooked agenda could move forward and now those people died in vain. I bet that actually does haunt them. And it should

Misspoke how? Did he meant to say it in Russian? lol

If Trump was caught on tape having sexual relations with Putin, I’d still stand by him. There I said it okay.

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Prove it matters. Honestly the statement is fine either way, as the russians did target the dnc and gop, but they did not affect anything. Also, the most acceptable takeaway is that the intel communities are not to be trusted implicitly

Here you go folks, you have a prime example of coordinated media shilling using circular reporting.

Trump did not say that he "mispoke" at all, not even close.

Yet all the medias are now shilling this talking point in coordination, with the shill campaign all over social medias as well thanks to the fucking niggers at Mediamatters.

Was it the

"Peace over politics"


$400,000,000 funneled through Intelligence agencies to Clinton foundation

Where trump dropped the ball?

dance monkeys dance.

he said exactly what he thought and is now saying something else because he's overly sensitive to how he thinks he's perceived by the media and public

he was right the first time though, the entire US intelligence community deserves a good purging, nothing but unelected shitpiles trying to steer the course of government and increase their own power

He bent the knee to the neocon war machine.

He has a bad couple of days every day.

>still hanging on to Trump's words
You should know by now that Trump almost never means what he says.

This. Trump would have went about business as usual if he wasn't being criticized by his own side. He pissed off the wrong jew this time.

Yes, urging Germany to SHUT DOWN the pipeline from Russia while getting a boost in NATO contributions from the EU by $33 billion is totally rolling over to Russia, you fucking brainlet. Do you people research anything or are you paid to lie and look stupid?

The (((neo-con))). Still lost in the cold war, where every praise of Russia is treachery and Mcarthy is a saint. I have no idea why so many of this base still support our corrupt institutions.

What I said:
>He bent the knee to the neocon war machine.

What you read:
>totally rolling over to Russia

What you said:
>you fucking brainlet

What you meant:

It's not possible to be this stupid. That are shills.

Holy shit

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Russia didnt hack the dnc servers. Guccifer 2.0 wasnt a legit hack and contained disinfo from the start. If anything it was done by a firm hired by the dnc to perform damage control and construct a narrative.

Also, look at trump's statement. The important part of the sentence isnt would or wouldnt, it comes after he says "but" and states he'd like to review the actual evidence. If he said he wouldnt think it's russia, then followed it up by saying he still wants to review the evidence (which the fbi did not do), then he's not taking much of a pro-russia stance, is he?

Trump will win again in 2020.


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They didn't. KYS shareblue faggot.

Russia has done 0. Aside of giving Hillary 400million for some reason.

kek this nigger
Trump hasn't stopped winning.
You fools are so pathetic, very entertaining, but pathetic.

lol, so bitter and you're not even american.

Face it, anyone upset over this has a poor grasp of the english language.

>Trump hasn't stopped winning.
sure lil buddy

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you are completely fucking delusional
get help


Fuck off retard everyone and their mother can see Trump is is Putin's pocket. Its been obvious since he refused to implement bipartisan sanctions against Russia.

OP literally linked a total of five fucking sentences written by the "AP". This is fucking retarded. Sage this shill shit.

fucking children. where's the source?

Here, I'll link the ENTIRE article.

"President Trump says he meant the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he doesn't see why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. election.

Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said he meant he doesn't see why Russia “wouldn't” be responsible.

He also said he accepts the American intelligence community's conclusion that Russia interfered in the election, but he denied that his campaign had colluded in the effort.

Trump spoke a day after returning to the U.S. to nearly universal condemnation of his performance at Russian President Vladmir Putin's side in Helsinki. Putin said he wanted Trump to win the race against Democrat Hillary Clinton.

In Helsinki, Trump delivered no condemnation of Russia's interference and refused to say he believes American intelligence agencies over Russia's denials of meddling."

But he immediately contradicted himself. From fox news:
"I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place," he said, adding: "It could be other people also."

State one mistake in his post faggot.
You guys don’t get it - you actually ARE the bad guys and no one will ever take their eye off the left again. Zero credibility.

i don't give two shits about this

>muh russia
fuck off. 2 terms faggots

I wonder how's his interviews on Fox.
He should probably cancel them before he makes more damage. Dumb ass.

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Hi, russian bot.

hey i remember you from the last thread. fuck yeah i'm happy i get to laugh at you again
hhahahaha at your life faggot
you still suck at bants you bitch ahahaha

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Its too bad he didnt listen to Rush before making this “clarification”.
There is no reason whatsoever for him to trust the intellignce community - its been trying to take him out since the fucking campaign. The whole question and manufactured backlash is a setup. if he concedes meddling it tacitly brings his win into question and legitimizes the Mueller probe. If he answers the way he did its “treason” worse than a holocaust ffs. Rush made this point beautifully today.

He really should have doubled and trippled down and defied the media and intelligence community to give him any reason to play into their trap.


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lol. Drumpfkins on suicide watch.

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Cue finger pointing toward "the Jews" and some secret group working behind the scenes in 3... 2.... 1...

>Prove to me he's not losing his mind
I can’t

Erm, that was the defacto democrat position right up until the fall of the soviet fucking union.

Its even more disturbing that the left trusts and holds the same views as fucking CNN, the IC and a bunch of career deep state cum stains that are trying to crash the west until it is controlled by the 1% and flooded with jihadis and bbc rapists.

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Chanting "ITS THE WORST WEEK OF HIS PRESIDENCY!!!" over and over will not make it so. It's not even the first time we've seen this kind of sliding astroturf campaign. Overplaying (((their))) hand, like always.

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You know I might actually have believed you if you hadn’t screamed this shit every day for the last two and a half years

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Too little too late. I'm done with Trump.

>t. faggot who believes, does and says exactly as he’s (((told))). How do you even wake up in the morning? Christ.

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muh based whores 4 trump! we have the best degenerates don't we folks?

Well, the LA times said it, it must be true.


so he didn't misspoke?