Fucking done, how am I supposed to defend this clown?

Fucking done, how am I supposed to defend this clown?

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Hi shill.


With your life

I just support Putin now. There's no point in this circus and keeping up with false appearances. Just give it to them straight from now on, Americans don't deserve to run America, Russians do because apparently they're better at it than we are.


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i mean common its just one little mistake and this whole thing with russia is just getting so confusing and retarded and apparently nothing even happen except in the dnc camp that who cares...you never have some shit like this happen to you before? or are you a jew?

He way smarter than your nigger ass, so you let him do his job.
Shit Chaim, how many times are we gonna have this chat?

Always trust the Don, he's playing 96-dimensional chess and never loses

It’s fucking vice... How do you know it’s factual?

>he says would

>he says wouldn't

Haha, epic. This is why no true American trusts the MSM anymore. Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. Democrats want war with Russia!

hes doing a p. good job of defending himself.
Get yourself a hobby, stupid

Trump can play 4D chess as much as he wants but it doesn't matter if the traitors win by playing checkers.

He cucked out. This was a huge chance completely squandered. It doesn't matter if it's understandable (which it is because he was likely close to assassination) as he has a duty to fulfil.

Nigga, fuck off. It came straight out of his mouth. Are they using deepfakes on tv now? FUCKING MORONS

>breaking: media will misrepresent and feign outrage no matter what Trump says or does.

How about doing your own research and stop falling for the headline meme you fucking brainlet.

To be fair, him backpedaling like this makes him look like a fucking moron.

shills working overtime.
every time trump pisses off leftists, i like him more
i don't give a fuck about muh russia


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Either that or the retards complaining look like morons (and make their countries look moronic too as a result).
The real heads of state aren't stupid.

Just give up and suck CIA Democratic Party cock from your TV set

Well, there it is. That's the peak. This is the peak of hypocrisy in a society defined by it. Ironic that in the so called age of information we see a technological renissance corrupted by a lack of technological education. A lack of genuine morals, where true philosophy is replaced by images and words taken at face value, all in the name of anti itellectualism. The screams of ramapnt degeneracy, the nationalism, the mud pit of political slander based around IQs all for what? Treason? Betrayal of ones country? The ultimate form of degeneracy is hipocrisy and here we are on an image board that will be remebered only for its hypocrisy. This is the home of degeneracy, anti intellectualism, depravity. To betray your neighbor, is wrong, to betray your spouse is reprehensible, to SELL your country, your country men, to an enemy nation built of fundamentals that have been at odds with the nature of the american people for all time, is simply inhuman, it is animalistic, it is the deevolution of our species. The ideals of our for-fathers were protected by the loss of millions of young souls preventing these totallitarian, inhumane peversities of human societal progression from arriving at our shores. And you welcome them. You are no american, you are no man. If this were a time not a centruy ago you would have a hard time finding support for your twisted cause, you would have an even harder time finding someone who would defend your life.

He should've never backed down.
The world needed to know that our intelligence community is shit. Don't deal directly with them. Deal with other players in America if you need us. There's division directly in our federal system that's slogging our actions and causing problems. The Syrian war snafu should be evidence enough of that.
This is how you clean house, throw your cheating wife's clothes out and cause a scene. You make sure the whole town knows about her infidelity. That way nobody calls the cops on the screaming cunt on your lawn, or takes her side.

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He probably saw the voter ID law memes and is going to push them with this thing.

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literally ";;;))))"

God bless Trump

Why Trump...

Have to admit it was kinda funny that Americans unironically elected a fucking clown but I stopped laughing a long time ago. This is just sad.

It doesn't matter what he says so long as he isn't under oath (and facing prison time) because idiots will believe him.
He has to be under oath when asked questions and you have to have evidence of a crime otherwise this is going nowhere. Stop whining and take action.

Look at all the retard newfags replying to an obvious shill 1 post by this ID thread. Hahahaha. SAGE.