>Ifififififififififififififififififif you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
It has to be satire at this point.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>ridiculed political leaders who lie
words cannot describe how much I hate this man

Attached: Obongo.jpg (570x271, 52K)

No fucking shit, right? Jesus, the absolute gall it must have taken to even say it.

> sure but first
> *drones pakistan*
> let me sign this
> *attempts to remove internet neutrality*
> act that is in your
> *supports cuba and saudi ayrabia*
> best interest
> *signs indefinite detention bill and extends patriot act and signs CISA*

>strange and uncertain times

Probably that fucking illuminati card from the game coming in hot
What next? Fucking Doom on Earth?

>okie dokes
Man is a fucking imbecile.

Attached: DRAyk2ZUMAAAoz-.jpg (895x1200, 219K)

really wish he'd disappear

Czeched and kekked, holy fuck, I remember when this first came out. Thanks for the link, user. 2016 was awesome.

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This, my visceral loathing is made all the more intense by his smugness

I couldn't, because he was a boomer and he died.

No kidding. What the fuck is he trying to accomplish, to become President Emeritus or something?

Same. I'm proud of our restraint though, eight years of being lied to and pissed on and we didn't drag his faggot ass behind a pickup. We probably should have.

ayo hole up
*drone strikes the middle east*
trump be
*runs guns to mexican cartels*
trump be
*supports the expansion of islamic terrorist networks throughout the middle east*
i be sayan
*spies on every american citizen*
*spies on every european leader*
trump is a LIAR
*takes orders from mossad agent, terrorist, and all-around the jewish supremacist thug Rahm Emmanuel, who was then installed as Mayor of Chicago one of the most violent cities in american with a staggering rate of black men being murdered daily*
drops mic
*goes to the multimillion-dollar mansion that was given to him by rich arabs in a non-extraditing mudslime nation*

Bit of a waste, but checking anyway.

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He isn't a 'strongman' personally, but Obama has caused enough chaos and misery that he shouldn't really be dwelling on this topic too much

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Good lord, the gets itt. Is KEK with us?

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Until Obama I had a certain baseline respect for each POTUS. The ones I lived through I haven't always been a fan of, but I always felt they and their office were deserving of respect. Obama went out of his way to destroy so many things in our country, including our belief in the office of POTUS. It's just off the charts how many ways he harmed this country. From calling a policeman in Cambridge, MA "stupid" when the facts would later prove that the policeman was 100% correct, to saying if he had a son he'd look like Treyvon Martin (when the reality was his son would more likely look and act like Philip Chism). His overt treason with Russia ("after this election I can be more flexible") and signing off on 20% of our uranium reserves going to Russia, while having the gall - post election, as you point out - to totally reverse his position on election rigging, because the she-beast failed to win even with massive voter fraud in her favor. Why couldn't he stop ISIS when Trump basically killed them inside one year? Why did he try so hard to destroy our energy independence?

Oh yeah, and since he and idiot-boy Kerry claimed that the NUMBER ONE threat to world peace was global warming, why do they suddenly all care about Russia? I thought the 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back. I thought Sarah Palin was an idiot for cautioning about those Ruskies over there. Now the dem's and Obama claim the Russians are everywhere.

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Checked. Have a look:
This may not seem like much at surface value, but it's big. He works for an organization which gathers intelligence on Latin America. In a recent Molymeme interview, he explained how Iran has been expanding its sphere of influence there in order to create a migrant crisis for the US. Take into account the media is already starting to call it a migrant crisis. They want for us what happened to Europe.
As for Iran having access to US coffers, it makes sense, seeing as how the Awan brothers were caught funneling money to Pakistan as well as American intelligence on India. Fucking dirtbags, the lot of them.


Attached: and then the exact opposite happened.jpg (652x376, 67K)

Obama is referring to Citizens United in one case and the unfounded claim Trump made about voter fraud in the other.

Context is important. Obama is a great man.

>the Truth-o-Meter
So reputable.

One lie from Obama does not justify the 50 lies Trump diarrheas from his mouth on a weekly basis

I think we've actually moved beyond satire... It's some new genre the name of which has yet to be defined. Post-post-post satire.

When did people forget that ALL politicians are famous for lying? Obama is no exception so in this speech he is speaking out against himself. lol.


I hope he walks into an alligator pond

we call them "Threats"

Dam son.

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Let's say all those are true. Still less than what Trump puts out in a month.

>let's say all those are true
are you even trying?

No, they're definitely not that either. It's almost unintentional self-parody.

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You're here forever, summer.

>haha I called you a liar
>also I oppose you
>therefore I am the truth

Getting his predecessor to call Trump an "alpha male" isnt exactly what the Dems need t-b-h

Is there something wrong with strong men? They’ve lost it.

Your insurance premiums will not go up one dime. Not one dime.

Dude said this at like 50 different rallies.

The only people that are paying less for insurance now are 500 lb with 15 preexisting conditions.

And they still couldn't keep their doctor.

I would expect so. Strongman politics will get niggers like him swinging from a rope again.