If suddenly overnight, the average I.Q of blacks were increased to 120, how much would it change your interactions and opinions of blacks as you know them?
If suddenly overnight, the average I.Q of blacks were increased to 120...
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They would probably reflect Nigerian immigrants and they're just normal people but not smart
Do they still have MAOA low repeat genes?
Nigerian immigrants are not average ones. They’re always from noble families. The average Nigerian has an African IQ.
>implying that 120 is a high IQ
Since that isn’t the case, no need to hypothesize. Might as well ask if dinosaurs didn’t die, would they have evolved into a higher intelligent entity.
Isn't the point that THEIR interactions would change with ME?
Even better hypothetical.
this is actually possible. there are a minority of blacks that are already at this IQ, so if all low IQ blacks died in one night... then the average IQ is 120 and we all spend the month helping to bury the billions of corpses as we look forward to a great future with no niggers. I think something like that is what Jesus was talking about. Heaven is filling in a mass grave with the last nigger.
>1968: average nigger is trying to be a decent cunt, but is put down by the relic of a racist system
>2018: fuck the popo, kill whitey, gibs me dat, i dindu nuffin
how come none of them niggers ever talk about that?
they'd be the ruling class, basically
jews at 110 are already massively overrepresented in power
Probably for the worse. Smart niggers are way more annoying.
Do you even know what that means for a person to have that? Do you know what catecholamines are?
You’re an idiot. Avg I.Q of Japanese is around 105, White Europeans is 100, ashkenazi Jews is around 110
what are the stats for 2014?
They'd still be ugly as sin, so I would prefer living around white people.
Also, it doesn't mean we'll like the same music. It doesn't mean we'll have similar personalities or preferences. And they'll never be native to the lands of the people they're replacing, so in order to protect bio-diversity and human creativity, they'll need to be separate.
I suppose I would respect them more if they weren't so fucking stupid.
Still dislike them, mixing with Asians brings enough trouble and they are honourary.
Regardless, I don't care if they were superior in every single way (and if they were they wouldn't have vantablack skin in a cold climate anyway, so they'd be white), I want whites to continue to exist, to they've still got to go back.
Because they’re retarded and are raised by dumbass single mother sheeboons.
Not much really.
IQ doesn’t change culture and upbringing it just makes you better at adapting to new situations...
It’s really fucking high to be an average but I guess yours isn’t high enough to understand averages :)
Now just what kinda meme are you trying to pull here Jamarcus?
I rate people entirely based on intelligence and believe if you're more intelligent than someone you are inherently more deserving of life than they are. I have a burning hatred of stupid people, so if tomorrow blacks became the master race, I would be 100% consistent with my beliefs and start loving black people, I would also find a thicc high IQ black woman to breed with, because I'm not a hypocrite
unfortunately for you OP that will literally never happen, and pigs will never fly, either, and Trump will win in 2020 whether you like it or not
You stop giving them handouts you'd have home owners, employed niggers, and niggers not in jail because they actually have something to lose
You can take the black man out of the bush but you can never take the bush out of the black man.
this the single most retarded thread ever posted on /pol
so their iq increases but how would anyone know. your assuming they would start acting differently and stop being niggers. you fail to realize that intelligence increased through centuries of superior culture and the seasonal climates whites had to endure. its was slowly built up. jsut granting iq to nogs wont change them over night. its the whole reason we hate niggers in the first place. they cant lay any sort of foundation to start improving themselves and no colonization did not stop them from doing that. a smart black man in a culture of niggers will become a nigger. does matter how many smart black men there are. its why this fight for society and culture is so important to /pol
Average is borderline retard tier as is, look around you and see how dumb everyone walking around truly is.
Brainlet. If the blacks were cleverer than us and you had kids with one then you'd be acting the nigger and bringing their race down, and making clever people have stupid kids. So no matter what you should stick to your race.
That would never happen
Sage nigger with a dream
My IQ is 135, literally every race is brainlet to me, in a bizarro world where blacks had an IQ of 120, they would be my best shot at ensuring high IQ offspring
thankfully that's absolute fantasy taken from the wildest imagination of the wakandan folk
the IQstate is real gas the brainlets
>that will literally never happen
>smart black man in a culture of niggers will become a nigger
Answers to this thread pretty much tell me your opinions on the relationship between I.Q and culture.
Take a look at this brainlet. Sad!
kek, enough to be a Chan autist but not much more. Only a brainlet would believe that a test invented by some other fallible men could be the basis for an entire society.
>you scored one more point on this test than I did, you are clearly the superior human being!
See how stupid it is? You could have a faggot dwarf cripple with a high IQ and you would rate him higher than the average man. Absolute nonsense.
based IQ poster
too bad you're a < 150 iq brainlet
Jews have an average IQ of 105 and they dominate the West and treat us like the cattle we are to them. Blacks with an IQ of 120 would be able to enslave and dominate every race on Earth. I would be absolutely terrified. Akin to encoutering a hyper advanced alien species.
would they still steal and kill, just more cleverly and efficiently, or would that stop them from stealing and killing?
also, would they still smell the same?
You know what’s so funny, people question wether a doctor who got into a medical school likely by affirmative action should be trusted with the patient’s health. No one ever considers that medical schools don’t give curves based on race, or make the courses any easier. If a black person can get through the program and pass it like literally every other doctor, you have nothing to worry about. Also, there is no affirmative action for residency programs, so you have no need to question the abilities of a black doctor. The fact this is even a thing people are worried about for graduate level programs boggles my mind
>gets an IQ test done by Dr. Silverwitzberg as a kid
>scores garbage
>mommy convinces him IQ tests are bullshit and he's gonna grow up to be a doctor anyway, because fuck those stupid psychologists! what do they know about the psyche, anyway?
>mommy's dreams never come to fruition
>becomes extremely salty and bitter and lashes out in comical anger whenever someone mentions their high IQ, totally unaware that their jealousy is entirely transparent to everybody listening to them or reading them
gas the brainlets brain war now
Unfortunately, a higher IQ would mean more crime by blacks. They have a genetic propensity for violence and indolence and degeneracy.
now show how much bigger their BBC is compared to 1968
If God commits it, is it truly a crime?
Interesting. Where can I read up on this?
>gets an IQ test done by Dr. Silverwitzberg as a kid
>scores good goy
>defends niggers and gay crippled midgets to the death
>assumes people who disagree with him have a lower IQ, develops limited critical thinking as a result
The only black I new well was pretty based, employed and hard working (American) so not much.
\Would you let him marry your daughter?
I never defended niggers, real life niggers are the lowest type of human lifeform only above abos and then chimpanzees to me
but bizarro world 120 IQ blacks would be my favorite race
>IQ doesn’t change culture and upbringing
Pretty much this. IQ levels have no impact on morality or decency, which is why you can have down right evil geniuses (literally) and salt of the earth, yet not so bright, people.
It also doesn't impact their testosterone levels which in niggers is higher by around 20% than whites. Testosterone in turn is linked to aggression levels and criminality.
ANd still even the most retarded of our states in the south still has a higher average than your muzzie countries.
Im 137...pleb. Gotcha by 2pts ;)
>Master race Hitler reporting in
>cherry picked years and data points
How about the married families differences between 1950 and 2018
This thread again? Sage
There were less children out of wedlock in the 50’s. The neighborhoods were yet to be ravaged by the crack epidemic (cia induced, this is a fact).
I will hate all niggers no matter what until the day I die. Get your nigger ass out of my nations and off of my internet, you worthless pile of shit.
>smart black man in a culture of niggers will become a nigger
That's not how it works. And it's not 'just blacks', but shit ppl in general. Although niggers make up a much much much higher percentage based on how they and their parents were raised. What they were taught. And how willing they were to learn. Environment plays a role as well.
>If your trying to do well as a productive black person...and your surrounded by niggers...you WILL adapt to your surroundings and carry those traits.
>Niggers, drag good blacks down
What has to happen is this. 1 generation has to WANT to NOT be 'niggers'. Has to STOP blaming others for their bullshit. Has to WANT to be smarter. Has to WANT to do better. Then...they need to go to another less violent place. (But not in mass, and NO your 'nigger' families AREN'T welcome, only ppl who strive for the above posted). Your children, will be 'instilled' with 'new qualities' and a different view of the world. Not in a constant place of victimization. They will be smarter, they will be less violent than (you). You do this, 2-3 times...and you go from being a nigger, to a productive higher IQ decent black citizen. It's NOT on us, it's on (you). They way to confronting the TRUE problems with 'niggers' (Not black ppl). And if you can't/won't identify a problem...how do you fix it? You can't. Blacks need to first...take responsibility for their own actions. And if you need a guide...check out Jesse Lee Peterson. He IS the way to fixing shit.
I scored 2 pts higher than him ;)
Respond to
They'd be treated much like the chinese are right now.
I still want them out of my country because they're not white. Kikes are 110 IQ on average in the US, I still hate them and want them out.
god, i wish i said that
>actually this fucking stupid.
It's called thug culture
>120 IQ
But I'm black with 140 IQ...
Learn that there is blacks and niggers new fren.
I had a literal Nigerian prince teach me chemistry in highschool.
He knew what he was doing, even if he couldn't be fucked to actually learn English.
Black women would end up preying on white men for sex, we would become the new stacy's
Yes thug cultured flourished in its new Exception doesn’t = the rule.
American black I.Q average is around 85-90
All that picture tells me is black people fucking suck. 40 years of equal rights and you're actually doing worse. Maybe you people were better off being slaves
You know what's sad? This...
>Environment plays a role as well
>If your trying to...*Do good in school* and your surrounded by niggers...you WILL *Be forced to* adapt to your surroundings and carry those traits...*for a time*
>Niggers, drag *EVERYONE* down around them
I was kicked out of school most of the time, for having to fight rando niggers (Both white and black). Kicked out for defending myself, and others lol. (Doing the schools job, who was too scared of being accused of being rayciss...for doing their jobs and protecting their students)
I was in GT from 3rd---10th then AP (advanced practices) 11th and 12th. Looking back, having to have to deal with that shit...I CANT even imagine how much further I could have gone, both in IQ...and life.
You dont grasp what race actually is. Its more than just IQ. But I would think of them more than animals if they had a higher IQ. I would still treat them with contempt as they are invaders in the lands of my forefathers. They need to leave and we need ethnostates.
basically this
>You dont grasp what race actually is.
The OP didn’t say or try to explain what race actually is, dumbass.
3 pts higher than me. Needz pr00fs. I've posted my IQ test before. And while your here...can you give me your opinion on this?
Considering their intelligence would lead them to realise they ultimately must kill themselves,id be ok with them.
Now that i think about it in thier current state they do kill eachother through black on black crime or abortion so i dunno it may eliminate them completely anyways....
That’s your fault for not staying away from confrontation and focusing on your course work. All that says if you had terrible foresight and didn’t care too much about your own future.
All that says is*
>That’s your fault for not staying away from confrontation and focusing on your course work
I live in Baltimore. Do I need to say anymore?
When did slavery end Cletus?
It still wouldnt affect their chimpout and crime genes.
Just face it, niggers are a failed experiment, in every place it's been tried.
Nooo, ima need a reply on this one
Would you like a 'more in depth' explanation? Or do you already know what im going to say?
No, that doesn’t change shit. If you know that working hard and not getting into trouble will practically secure you a great future, but choose to ignore it and succumb to your temporary aggression, you’re to blame for your failure
A nigger with a 120 IQ is magnitudes of order more dangerous than the average run of the mill North American Pavement Ape (NAPA).
My opinion would get worse and my interactions would lessen.
would a higher IQ make their hair straighten? i cant stand that nappy shit clogging the drain and getting all over the sink. had a lot of black roommates in the army.
IQ tests are already tampered to pretend that girls have average intelligence, because that's what looks right for the muh equality pseudoscientists that make them and must fudge the numbers each year.
Which means that blacks get the short end of the stick because sociologists didn't also subvert the IQ test to fake them having average intelligence.
If you are black and just learn English instead of ebonics you get a huge IQ boosts, because that's where they manipulate the tests to give girls a fair advantage.
My ancedote is that niggerdom is learned and taught you fake faggot.
>Implying Satan ever tells the truth.
You do realize we are both in a situation where neither can prove their claims. However I can tell that you are lying because you need help 8n deciphering a larpers post.
wtf, everything that happened in the last 50 years is Trump's fault
How do we stop black people from becoming niggers then? I've known a black kid these last few years who hangs out in my neighborhood. Been watching him since he was like 7. He's 15 now and every day I can see him slipping deeper and deeper into niggerdom.
He used to just ride bikes with friends and hang out like a normal kid. His parents seem like decent people. But now he's smoking weed all the time and hanging out with thugs blasting shit music. His posse of thugs jumped someone recently and I'm pretty sure he was involved.
He's turning into a nigger right in front of my eyes and it's pretty depressing desu
>No, that doesn’t change shit
>Walking down hallway
>Gets jumped by 2 niggers because they lost at football in gym
>Beat both monkeys silly
>Gets Expelled
Tell me more
>Playing basketball in gym
>Nigger elbows me in the face
>Bust nose
>Defend myself
>Gets expelled
You know everything my man...
>Walking down the hallway with my girl...while holding her hand
>EVERYONE knows were together
>Nigger grabs her ass
>Beat the fuck out of nigger
>Gets expelled
Lol...fucking ppl
>Going to class
>Tunnel....going to trailers
>See's friend getting jumped by 3 niggers
>I jump in
>Now 2 on 3...and i've already WHOOPED 2 of 3 of their asses
>Beat the fuck out of niggers
>Even with cams...and witnesses
>Get's expelled
More? Ready?
>In cafeteria
>Full of witnesses and teachers
>Accidentally bump into wigger this time
>No big deal
>My bad man
>Smacks tray out of my hands
>Start fighting
>He pulls knife (real shit)
>I grab another tray
>Beat the fuck out of him with a tray
>Get's expelled
I can continue...back to middle school as well...if you like. 'That' was just H.S. You know nothing of reality...you spoiled little bitch. Smfh.
being smarter doesnt change their culture or beliefs. there are smart people in retarded sub cultures. dumb niggers being a part of black power is better than smart niggers in black power and in general its not beneficial to have a ton of smart niggers as long as black power exist
All you did was escalate the situations into more extreme violence. That last example you shouldn’t have gotten a severe punishment for that.
You’re just making excuses for your violence and failures. It’s your fault. It was your inability to think about your future. The crowds you hung around and how you conducted yourself was your choice.
They'd still be prone to crime, but they wouldn't get caught so easily anymore.
Affirmative action was paired with huge dumb down of Education. I taught at UK at University levels, and people there were retards that can't copypaste, read the clock or tie their shoelaces. Of course all their exercises were wrong, but the system is rigged so they still pass to avoid bad statistics. There is a reason UK and US countries must import foreign workers and it's because their leftist postmodern religion created a retarded serf class.
Lulz, so, by your advice, I should have just...laid down? Not defended myself? Went to the teachers and admin (Who wouldn't do shit but coddle them) then become even more of a target? LMFAO! I'd LOVE for faggots like you to come live a week here. You'd change your opinions over night. There is NO avoiding it. And are you retarded?
>The crowds you hung around and how you conducted yourself was your choice
Getting jumped was 'my choice'? People swinging first...was 'my choice'? Nigger grabs my girls ass...while im holding her hand, was 'my choice'? I mean you really do have to be an 85 IQ subhuman to really think that. I get's it, your a nigger trying to pull yourself up and all. But c'mon, stop showing off that IQ...just for a day
Ok but this doesn’t really
apply to graduate programs or medical schools
If you knew how important education and a clean record was, you should have gone to a school admin
It’s nobodies fault but your own. You are responsible for your future, no one else. Sorry man, you still hold guilt.
If the sudden increase in their IQ manifested in suddenly having and championing education, hard work, and intact nuclear families, it would be one of the best days in US history.
Based Ben Carson (The Brain Surgeon) grew up here in Baltimore, and you know what? He went through the same shit. He even stabbed a mother fucker having to defend himself. See, here, you can die...just for walking down the wrong street. Just for having some nice shoes. Just because you looked a person in the eyes. Maybe where you live, things are different. But where im from...it's worse than Iraq (Literally)
>Just because you looked a person in the eyes.
Daily Reminder: Never do this.
>You are responsible for your future, no one else.
street cred: zero
>If you knew how important education and a clean record was, you should have gone to a school admin
Lol, I did. They do NOTHING. Even when attacked. It's Baltimore, you DON'T understand.
>It’s nobodies fault but your own
Getting jumped, was my fault. The mind of a nigger XD
He grew up in a real nice neighborhood where this doesn't happen. And he never had to deal with it. I'd love for his kids or even just a rando family member to go to a Baltimore school....just for 1 week. I guarantee you, he'd come back sounding exactly like me.
Probably for the better.