Unanswered Questions from Podesta Emails

What did Podesta mean by playing dominoes on cheese and pasta?


Why was he organizing little kids as young as 4 to come hang out in pools with his associates?


Why does he draw maps on handkerchiefs and what does it mean for a map to be pizza related?


Am I ever going to get an answer to these questions, bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Bumperino :^)

Also what does “making an example of leakers whether we have any real basis for it” entail? How does this tie into the murder of Seth Rich?


Probably just a cohencidence user

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Please respond.

Woah you must’ve tired from asking all those questions. Why don’t you take a nap my friend ;)


ayyo hol up

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Who said this is about pizzagate? These are just questions regarding Podesta’s emails based on the wording he used.

And let's not forget the "wetworks" email - just days before Antonin Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head.

Attached: 20160209-wet-works-email.jpg (748x653, 111K)

Hmmm, thanks for the reminder user!


Guys what if Pedophiles tried hacking the election and Russia counter hacked them?

Any theories fellas?

Who has the one where Goldman Sachs chief communication officer says Dennis Hasters to escape to an unnamed japanese island?

Ok I think the reason this thread isn’t getting much interest is because people must not know who John Podesta is.

John Podesta was a White House chief of staff during Bill Clinton’s presidency. He was the former president, and now Chair and Counselor, of the Center for American Progress (CAP), a think tank in Washington, D.C., as well as a Visiting Professor of Law at the Georgetown University Law Center and was chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign.

He was also a counselor to the Obama Administration.



What did she mean by this?

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How come Podesta never addressed these questions when he said pizzagate was debunked? Didn’t these questions fuel pizzagate? Why wouldn’t he address these very questions if he was claiming it was debunked? How can it be debunked if these questions remain unanswered?

The day the news comments on this is the day I blow my load.

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who are these two fabulous fellows???

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fake news some user used the smudge and burn tools on real pictures of the podestas

there's literally nowhere else you can find those "police sketches" other than in your little conspiracy theory inforgraphics

try again

So what about the questions in OP? Are they fake news?

Also even snopes say the sketch was real, saying it’s actially of just one person, not two:


Is the MSM trying to make us forget about this?

Woah I’m getting sleepy

>6 gorillion threads
>0 proofs
Leave the poor guy alone

Proof of what? That he wrote the emails?

It’s sourced right there in the wikileaks pages. You can even download the source file of the email:


sorry, still in the torture chamber... i'll get back to you shortly

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Also how come the Podestas are so into cannibalism and pedophilia in their art choices?


There’s so many people on this board right now that are interested in hacking!

I’m surprised they’re not interested in the contents of this one!

Proof that he did anything illegal

Not illegal

Is hacking inherently evil or can it be used for good?

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So when everyone says multiculturalism is good because of the food. Its just a dog whistle for child rape. Since Podesta's codewords are food?

Hacking is simply using the failure of software developers for fun and profit. It's only illegal because corporations are ashamed of their shit-tier software. I firmly believe that network requests, no matter how mal-formed, are protected speech.

bump. Looks like we're preparing for the day. Putin surely knows about this and is okay with Trump bringing the hammer down on ((them)) which is why they're so scared and screaming impeachment and collusion.
>pizza and satan
>possibly antonin scalia and seth rich

We never claimed he did anything illegal yet. We simply want answers to those questions because they are confusing to us!

Also, Podesta Group received $900,000 from the non-profit organization European Centre for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU) in 2012. Podesta never disclosed this and that’s a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

NYPD and good members of FBI and military know about this, but are heavily silenced, killed, fired, blackmailed, or threatened. Trump is our only hope

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Over 50,000 emails were leaked, and only about 5 of them contain language that looks strange to you.

If you were to take a random sample of 50,000 emails, how many do you think would look strange due to things like inside jokes, misued words or just plain awkward phrasing?

You need to approach topics with an open, rational mind.

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monitoring this thread

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I’ve been working at a bank for 10 years and I can honestly say 0 of my emails contain ambiguous wording that could allude to pedophilia. I’ve never used cheese or pasta or pizza in ambiguous terms and never talked about little kids as young as 4 being invited to my client’s pool to have fun with them.

>fatherhood video
>haiti trafficking: laura silsby and clinton
>trump's speech at al smith dinner
>the hundreds of resignations by CEOs and politicians since trump began
>the trafficking arrests since trump began
>the latest IG report: "Clinton Foundation crimes against children"
>anthony weiner and his laptop
>las vegas shooting at country music fest + shooter's brother arrested for CP + JOHN FUCKING PODESTA'S SON IN LAW (aaron rouse) IS THE HEAD FBI INVESTIGATOR ON THE VEGAS SHOOTING CASE

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>fatherhood video
Do you have a shred of evidence supporting the legitimacy of this video?

Or you do just believe whatever you need to in order to support the conclusion that you've already come to.

I think the Haiti kidnappings with Laura Silby are the most damning of the evidence there.

Care to comment on that one?

He meant after eating cheese or pasta but used drug lingo to be humorous

fuck off glow in the dark nigger, hundreds of emails have fucking incriminating speech that means alot. Go be a new fag nigger somewhere else.

>doesn't even make an attempt to defend the other examples

Day of the leaf soon

After what? The question is being asked in the future tense: “Do you think I’ll do better playing dominoes on cheese than on pasta?”

>0 of my emails contain ambiguous wording that could allude to pedophilia
Anything could allude to pedophilia is you're primed to look for it.

I didn't see anything in the handful of emails that keep getting circulated that can't be explained by inside jokes, awkward phrasing or the lack of tone in written correspondence. Kids are "fun" if you're a pedophile and like to fuck them. Kids are also "fun" if you're a parent who understands that they will turn any afternoon in the pool into an exhausting affair.

If there was actually a sophisticated code that was being communicated through these emails, I would expect to see more than the evidence presented.

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I agree that the fatherhood video being pedosta is the least proven, but with all other evidence taken into consideration it's something to take note of

>Care to comment on that one?
Don't know much about that, user. Want to give me a quick rundown of the evidence and how it was verified?

there hundreds of email with incriminating speech, now?

Because I've only seen 5 or 6

Fatherhood was a part of a music video made buy a dude who remixes video game songs. The whole video is someone with that voice singing the Caillou song.

>it's something to take note of
Why is it something to take note of?

Why would Podesta, while perpetuating a massive conspiracy, decide to film himself and then upload it to youtube?

Does that makes sense to you?

if breitbart was so redpilled why do they refuse to mention the 400m?

Who would be primed to see pedophilia in words all the time? No one was thinking about pizza gate when these emails came out in 2015.

But when you look at his connection to the Clintons, Epstein, Haiti, and look at his choice of artwork things don’t look good for him.

Would be good if he addressed OP’s questions, don’t you think?

Fatherhood video tore a hole in my heart.
They need to pay

Here, I have your favourite source for you:


>film himself
he didn't film himself because of the camera angle showing him holding a broom with 2 hands... have you even watched the video? just wait till weiner's laptop contents are discussed in the public forum

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descrive the vid

Oops meant to reply to



Bump for more discussion

>same video spliced between 2 other videos
>heavily edited
>all comments from 1 year ago
ya think ya hot shit dontcha?

>Would be good if he addressed OP’s questions, don’t you think?
To say what exactly? "Yeah that looks kind of weird, I should have worded the email differently." Is that going to convince people who are already firmly in the Pizzagate is real camp?

Anybody capable of rational thought already knows that 5 strangely worded emails out of 50,000 isn't proof of anything. By speaking to it, Podesta would only lend credence to a conspiracy that the majority of people see as fringe.

Who needs to pay?

Trump speaks to his accusations all the time and so does any great debater who values truth over emotion and optics.

We simply want to know what a pizza-related map on a handkerchief means and what making an example of a potential leaker means.

Look man , I'm on your side here , but you can't be seen as legit when you just start adding maybes in with facts. That will devalue everything else we're trying to do

the pedos, the fact that you are closing your eyes this hard means you haven't seen shit or if you have you are just shilling, if you haven't seen shit just step to the side and watch, do some googling on pizzagate

>drumpf is crashing and burning

>podesta,hillary and seth ROACH threads pop up


I hate pedos, but there is absolutely zero proof that that is Podesta in that fatherhood video and you guys desperately need to shoe horn him into that video is sad to me. yes, I've seen the audio analysis video, too, I sperged hard during pizzagate two years ago. Podesta's emails alone and his alternate personality "skippy" is damning enough. No need to project stuff with flimsy evidence onto him. Those videos have no ties to him and were found by people who were doing IT work for a small business. if you want all of the videos, it's just random pedo shit and none of the other videos implicate that Podesta has anything to do with it. I forget the website, but it's called something like geocorp and still has the videos up.

>Laura Silsby illegally moved Haitian orphans across the border in the wake of an Earthquake
>she claims it was a humanitarian effort to transport the orphans to a leased hotel in the DR which would serve as a temporary orphanage
>the hotel in DR was, in fact, leased by Silsby's organization

So what is the allegation here? That she was actually taking them to Alefantis's pizza dungeon?

Oh also what playing dominoes on cheese or pasta means.

And frankly if my emails contain creepy wording I usually reword them before sending to ensure people aren’t confused. Shouldn’t he be more aware of that? After all he’s in a professional working environment.


>You need to approach topics with an open, rational mind.

says the shill in here specifically to naysay everything. you are transparent. there are more than five or six emails, you fucking kike.

Y'all got any of them $65k Obama hot dogs?

Laura Silby tried to smuggle children from Haiti. Laura worked for the Clinton Foundation and even emailed Hillary about it.

why do you need to sensationalize child trafficking? Again, you are transparent. This lady broke the law and trafficked children and all you can do is meme about some dungeon? You deserve a bullet

He is a pedo. How has no one murdered this pedo faggot yet? Can anyone confirm he is still alive? James Alefantis has not been confirmed alive in over a year.

>tfw when you were never tried and convicted of child trafficking.

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>We simply want to know what a pizza-related map on a handkerchief means and what making an example of a potential leaker means.
Is there any answer Podesta could give you that would leave you satisfied?

If he came out tomorrow and said something along of the lines of:

>yeah, an intern drew me a map to his favourite pizza place and it became a running joke in the office
>Obviously I meant that we fire leaker, not kill him. This isn't fucking game of thrones"

would you believe him?

>the latest IG report: "Clinton Foundation crimes against children"
Kek we beseech ye and beg your judgement

FYI Laura Silsby is now called Laura Galyer and she works for Alertsense (they issue Amber Alerts). I shit you not:


Hillary liable for every crime of every person who has ever associated with the Clinton foundation?

That bitch should be murdered.

gtfo faggot, trying to protect those fucking pedos

No, I would stab that nigger in the throat repeatedly if I ever met him.

I would believe him if he provided good explanation for it.

Is drawing a map of our favourite pizza places in the age of google maps and smartphones a good answer? Not really.

But I’d like to hear it from John Podesta himself because after all, we are just assuming things here.

And you know what they say about assuming things:

When you assume you make an ASS of U and ME.

>What did Podesta mean by playing dominoes on cheese and pasta?
Why has no journalist asked him this question?

Asking these questions and eliminating false positives strengthens your argument. It doesn't help the pedophiles.

I dont mind being an ASS if it means me stabbing a pedo through the throat repeatedly until he gasps for breath and dies.

She is because she got campaign contributions from her foundation.

Bump. Podesta televised execution when?

Wasn’t her words. It’s what the guy who emailed her and others said, she then forwarded to Hilldawg

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