Trump basically disgraces America in front of Putin, and I did my best to try to defend this disgrace on twitter, then the VERY NEXT DAY he says its possible Russia did some meddling contradicting everything I defended yesterday. Does anyone else feel betrayed? My enthusiasm for The Donald is slipping day by day. We should start questioning his intelligence on a daily basis.
I can't do it anymore bros
Other urls found in this thread:
The problem isn't what he said next to him, it's what he JUST DID minutes ago. Holy shit.
Art of the deal
Here you dropped this
Call me a pessimist, but I think we're fucked.
We've seen time and time again that the Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what and defend him. Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.
Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded. They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting Dem control again, which won't happen because not only is Russia going to steal the midterms, but they'll do it blatantly without any disregard for consequences because there are none. Trump is actively, VOCALLY helping them because he knows as soon as the Dems get the House and Senate he's gone.
We can't win the midterms because our votes will be fraudulated and hacked by the Russians with the help of our own government. People keep saying "JUST VOTE!" but that's not enough. Voting means jack shit if every voting machine is hacked and people aren't able to get to the polls because the Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress votes.
There's nothing we can do. They won. We're fucked. If we try to engage in a civil war we will lose because it's a bunch of liberals against the U.S. government and a million rednecks with hundreds of thousands of guns.
I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit out of me.
Ivan we know it's you ;)
This is very true.
It's not that we don't want this country to succeed, but we can't trust what Trump says to us.
He betrayed all the work we did yesterday trying to defend him.
Is this the new CTR/shareblue pasta? It's like you idiots don't think we are on here enough to see the same exact responses in every thread. This is why nobody believes you. This is why every post like this gets shit on.
So many posts, but not a single argument
The level of shilling on here is toodamnhigh.jpg
OP is a shareblue nigger
Typical shill + backup responses. Nobody buys this shit. Everyone on here can smell commie blood front a continent away. Neck yourself.
>They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms
>actually being this stupid
Wew lad
Except this
>Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.
is fake news
and Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning.
What did you fucking expect
You have a 180 degree neckturn scenario to deal with
Basically. This board is trash now but I refuse to give it to them. I will come here out of spite to call this shit out every time I see it.
shalom dhaa'''vvviii'dt how's the weather in tel aviv?
>oh no he isn't shilling for Trump I'd better accuse him of being like me
I wonder why they even try around here, these niggers are losing their mind.
1) Gas kikes
2) hang niggers
3) build wall
4) deport spics
5) Make America Great Again
OP is a faggot
It's pasta. It's on other boards also.
nice pasta. nah Trump is fine. he didntdo anything wrong
>its possible Russia did some meddling
Yes, it's possible that Russia meddled to get Hillary the popular vote and to make Trump look like a racist/sexist/whatever-ist. He left it ambiguous so that the media would start tripping over themselves, not that he's a back-peddler. You need to read further into it and question why Trump brushes with a broad stroke so often.
You can dislike Trump, that's fine, but at least don't make shit up to dislike him for. That's delusional retardation and will not be tolerated in my U.S.A.
Come at me shareblue niggers. Russia did nothing wrong.
>reddit spacing
>it's possible Russia did some meddling
Guess what, I see canadians and all kinds of niggers on here saying "prz daddy America, don't vote Trump in office again, he's bad man"
Does that mean canadians are colluding with Trump too? fucking kek
So much gas is going to be needed in 2020 when Trump wins again.
people like you keep me sane
Dindu nuffins? You're worse then a nigger. Grow a spine you dickless faggot
>Be donald trump
> made campaign promises of improving relationships with nuclear countries like North korea and Russia delivers it
> wants to save white Race
Get called Racist
> Is against Immigration and is quite vocal about it.
> wanted to terminate radical islam and defeat (((((isis)))).
gets called ISLAMOPHOBIC
> Want to safeguard the borders by building the wall.
still a RACIST
> wants fair trade for usa
That's it, I'm a #CruzMissile now
>Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded.
Oh rly?
Shitty bait kike shill. Try harder.
trump was being cordial and respectful. what should he have done? backhanded putin?
The only solution is for you to KYS.
tell me what he did wrong. enjoying the deep state bootlicking, faggot?
Trump is the best friend of Isreal. Go back to storm front you anti-semite.
You’re in luck he’s back to his original stance
Here ya go OP. Have this on me. It's got one in the chamber for ya.
yeah, it definitely wasn't a good briefing, but seeing the Democrats shill so hard and grasping at every fucking straw to turn opinion against him is satisfying
Something weird is going on. I haven't been on /pol much lately but it'd been flooded by these strange normie posts. They don't even look like trolls or are antagonistic. Just oblivious, like they have been lifted from another location.
WTF I'm with her now
>what is summer
Bcё ништяк
Honestly I think they're bots. Either that or the kikes are madder than I've seen in a while
It's a shill raid. You picked a bad time to get back on Jow Forums
fuck off, shill
8 years.
Summer + Trump shenanigans + shills = a bunch of shitposts and LARPers.
The fat spineless simpleton lacked the balls to say anything in front of Putin.
The US is in the (tiny) hands of a man that will destroy your economy and make the US an international laughing stock.
How can anyone take anything he says seriously when he backtracks on everything he says? He simply could not be less suitable to run a car wash, let alone a nation. He's embarrassing you all and yet some if you continue to support him.
First, know strategy. Second, know intrigue. The reason Trump "backpedaled" so meticulously is to sew self-destruction among his attackers.
Of course Putin knows what is good, why do you think he said "HILLARY ACCEPTED $400M FROM ME?" Was he just fucking kidding? Or nahh?
Trump took this, probably knew of Putin's plan before anyone else (as in he went to a 1v1 meeting), & planned to "adjust what he meant" when speaking of Putin at the press conference, changing only ONE WORD to absolutely misdirect the entire press & it's information control apparatus.
It's not about your war on Twitter, it's about destroying the enemy's ability to confront him on the facts & causing sections of the temple to twist & contort with the confusion, leading to the temple's collapse. Because Russia has already explained that HILLARY accepted the $400M, now Trump can say "o ya lol I used the wrong word in the press conference, looks like Russia DID MEDDLE in the election. rip Killary"
By saying one thing, the press dug a pit, & then by correcting himself in light of Russia's admission to giving Hillary $400m, he left the press holding their dick with no other option but to drop the case or follow up with with more bullshit. It's sort of like eating a bullet whether you turn left or right, there is just no escape.
Defend your ideals and not a politician
He's a rat jew who's conning you. Open your fucking eyes.
>i love the corrupt, neolib deep state!
SAGE this fucking shill shit
FUCK you all CTR shareblue -- not a SINGLE person is going to leave Trump because of your shit. Soros squanders his money for NOTHING.
Trump done fucked it up. And this comes from a person that loathes Killary and Obongo. The US has gone tho shit, that country is simply not governable and its filled with corrupted latin america shit tier politicians. Trump is a Russian asset, deal with it or better start planning on how to neck yourselves after the truth is revealed.
He is the corrupt bastard i voted for to throw a monkey wrench into the machine you progressive fucks are meddling with
//Copy and paste this text into Jow Forums anti-trump threads. Remember to delete this comment.
Yeah guys, I think its over. I fought extremely hard in the meme war and we got him elected. But it just isn't worth it anymore. We are going to lose the midterms and then lose in 2020. No amount of meme magic will save us.
I think it's time we go back to supporting real candidates instead of memes. People like Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz would be ideal. Anyways those are my thoughts. I would be happy to see other Anons' opinions on this matter.
Bcё ништяк
look at this garbage bootlicker & his garbage projecting
not our fault your country is worse than shit at the moment, fuck off back to your:
a) shitty flat
b) grooming operation
c) police precint
>US an international laughing stock.
The U.S. has been a laughing stock since Bush's re-election.
What does that even mean?
>namefag from a dead regime throwing salt
suck my dick, my country isn't going anywhere & I hope yours doesn't either, because among all the world's nations, at least USA & Russia is fighting back against the (((globalists)))
nah fuck off
Calm down fatty, was simply pointing out how laughable your version of politics is.
>Russia is fighting back against the (((globalists)))
You honestly think the ones in charge in Russia have enough national conviction to be against globalism?
>what does it even mean?????
I really don't give a fuck what you are pointing out. Your opinions are wrong & baseless, plus your country is so bankrupt that I give thanks to God on the regular I wasn't born there.
Suck my dick nigger, before Achmed gets around to you 1st
New talking points? Nice.
Fucking sage faggot
I personally believe they do, but it doesn't matter. If they don't I do, I will gladly step up to save this world should the leaders of this world who have been tasked with this fail.
I will die trying to save as many people as possible should my opportunity come, which it will regardless of how much testicular fortitude our leaders have, because if they don't God damn it I will (or die trying, which is fine with me!)
No m8, I mean it. What does...
>i love the corrupt, neolib deep state!
....even mean?
How is that sentence relevant to my post? Did you hear an older boy use it? Maybe in a different context perhaps?
Fuck, bros...we were supposed to make America great again...turns out Drumpf is just a small dick loser racist voted in by rural and suburban retards...oh well at least we can vote Democrat in November bros...
Trump is completely addicted at this point. Every night he falls asleep with a big fat dopey grin on his face, dreaming of Russian Cock. Vividly imagining his next trip to Moscow where he can fulfill his new role in life - a masterful Putin Pleaser. Hands and knees has become such a comfortable position for him.
Why u mad tho?
Funny little fatso.
//Copy and paste this text into Jow Forums anti-trump threads. Remember to delete this comment.
Yeah guys, I think its over. I fought extremely hard in the meme war and we got him elected. But it just isn't worth it anymore.
We are going to lose the midterms and then lose in 2020. No amount of meme magic will save us.
I think it's time we go back to supporting real candidates instead of memes. People like Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz would be ideal.
Anyways those are my thoughts. I would be happy to see other Anons' opinions on this matter.
sage and cage this concern troll
I respect your convictions, though I disagree about Russia. Russia's leadership doesn't strike me as a group that cares about the Russian identity or its people.
>how is the sentence relevant?!?!?
fuck me in a public bathroom, bros!
It's not looking good for us...I just got back from the polling station, the entire place was full of cool and hip Hilldawgs laughing at Drumpf of them laughed at me and I pissed my pants (I'm scared of black people) then he took my MAGA hat and tossed it around to the other Hilldawgs while they laughed at me...stay at home today bros don't go to the polls, it's not worth it!
>Be Russia
>can't pay pensions to old people so they're cut
>have enough resources to alter elections of US
>gain nothing from US
Really makes you think.
Ok..clearly the older boy in the room has left.
Come back when you have adult help fatty, my country's language seems to be giving you some trouble.
I am already calling on this anti-white individual to resign. Give each president one year of a chance to prove that he can be pro-white and if he proves to in fact be anti-white, then ask for a replacement right away.
//Copy and paste this text into Jow Forums anti-trump threads. Remember to delete this comment.
Yeah guys, I think its over. I fought extremely hard in the meme war and we got him elected. But it just isn't worth it anymore.
We are going to lose the midterms and then lose in 2020. No amount of meme magic will save us.
I think it's time we go back to supporting real candidates instead of memes. People like Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz would be ideal.
Anyways those are my thoughts. I would be happy to see other Anons' opinions on this matter.
i am a buttloving suck fag!
the comrade'z are not pleased by your insolence, a small ICE cold city in Alaska is where you will be re-educated to once again do every'ting for thee Party. *knock knock*
>muh dik
my country's language!
kneel down for your russian overlord tyrone
CIA project "mockingbird"
This is the word they all agreed on.
fuck the illegal unconstitutional foreigners you jackkass shareblue fuckfaced homo
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
>We can't win the midterms because our votes will be fraudulated
> fraudulated
Jack Lew – Chief of Staff to the President
David Plouffe – Senior Advisor to the President
Danielle Borrin – Associate Director, Office of Public Engagement; Special Assistant to the Vice Preisdent
Gary Gensler – Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Dan Shapiro – Ambassador to Israel
Gene Sperling – Director National Economic Council
Mary Schapiro – Chairwoman of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Steven Simon – Head of Middle East/North Africa Desk at the National Security Council
Eric Lynn – Middle East Policy Advisor
Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010) Chief of Staff to the President
David Axelrod (2009-2011) Senior Advisor to the President
Elena Kagan (2009-2010) Solicitor General of the United States
Peter Orszag (2009-2010) Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Lawrence Summers (’09-’11) Director National Economic Council
Mona Sutphen (2009-2011) Deputy White House Chief of Staff
James B. Steinberg (’09-’11 ) Deputy Secretary of State
Dennis Ross (2009-2011 ) Special Assistant to the President, Senior Director for the Central Region to the Secretary of State
Ronald Klain (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Jared Bernstein (2009-2011) Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President
Susan Sher (2009-2011) Chief of Staff to the First Lady
Lee Feinstein (2009) Campaign Foreign Policy Advisor
Mara Rudman (2009) Foreign Policy Advisor