75% of Canadian soldiers too fat to deploy

>Muh JTF and Snipers BTFO

Maple Niggers officially fattest, gayest military member of NATO. Dog fuckers, how will you ever recover?

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Other urls found in this thread:




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>(((Global News)))
>report suggests

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>Lieutenant-Commander Chantal Desormeaux, Gender Advisor (GENAD
Snow Mexicans have only 68,000 personel in their combined navy, air force, and army, yet still have the budget and space for a GENDER ADVISOR. Ice niggers, explain yourselves!!!!

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Excuses, excuses, excuses.

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Virtue signaling with the army...

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>tfw when 80% of US law enforcement is obese and the military is obese and tranny and you're future plans are killing them all and becoming Warlord.

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Daily reminder of how utterly useless Canada was in the fight against ISIS, and that they lost the war in Afghanistan

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No, you see, that fat is insulation for colder climates. Like the walrus in OP's image.

There was no reason to be in Afghanistan after you destroyed your own towers and let your scapegoat get away in Tora Bora.

Leaf soldiers don't even have any attack helicopters, they are so basic

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You fucking faggots had Kandahar from '05-'11, fuck you. That area was YOUR responsibility, and if you knew fuck all about the war back when it was actually a war you would know that Kandahar was the single largest point of failure...go ahead and jump off of the nearest building

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Get your PTSD taken care of already and I'll remind you we didn't false flag and murder 3000 of our own citizens.

I don't even need to use memes, your entire army is a meme

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Americans are fattening us

I mean really, how does it feel to be nothing but a useless flesh bag to shoot holes into? Did the based Taliban kill anyone of your buddies?

> Canadian military used to be small very well trained
> Now it's small and full of outdated hardware that struggles to make it off the ground, and soldiers that also struggle to make it off the ground
Maybe our helicopters would work better if they weren't under extreme load from the passengers

Russia needs a few decades of healthy african immigration to Europe and then can absolutely BTFO Europe.

Have fun defending your country, when one half are white guilt anti wat cucks and another immigrants who are here for gibs and dont have any respecc.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thank you for that kek user. Fucking lol @ that shit

Canada never changes

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You are irrelivant, California has a larger population than your entire stupid non country. Just stay the fuck out of wars, your army is as useless as a football bat

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Why would you kill 3000 of your own citizens?

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>Maybe our helicopters would work better if they weren't under extreme load from the passengers

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To be fair, if you're that short and weigh 229 you deserve to be shot...I mean how the fuck do you get to be 229, does he just get high and sit on top of a years supply of ho-ho's or something? You actually need to put effort forth to get that fat

Trying to shame people with your history of being Israel's lapdog. Classic ameritard.

That's another thing too, why would the US government hide the fact that Israel purposely attacked them? Is it really the nature of the greatest little goys?

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We'll just send the burgers if we need someone to die for us in a war. We're too valuable as people to have a big army. Plus, we'd rather use the money to buy timbits.

I am very happy that our military is in shambles. It makes it that much easier to overthrow the current system. Now all we need is to undermine the US military by placing democrats in charge for the next 3 presidential terms and we should be set to kill off all these kike vermin.

Who would win? The entire Canadian army, or one small port town called Dieppe in 1942?

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Why do you come here and make us all look like fags. Neck yourself baljeet.

So basically what you're saying is that like Israel, you're a country of useless parasites. Snow Niggers never change

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fuck's sake. USA can you save Canada for us please?

not to mention they're infilitrated by israelis, muslim brotherhood, and chinese communists.... a truly pitifal state of affairs

Who would win: the largest GDP this planet has ever seen, or a small clique of foreskin eaters.

Nice non-sequitur. Here's another thing, why didn't America do anything they the Mossad was found to be about to conduct terrorist attacks on British and American civilians living in Egypt?

Really though, that's some sinister shit.

Who would win between Canadians and an empty island?

Burgers confirmed for horrible shots.

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Nigger I know you're historically retarded but come on now.


Now watch, your next post will either disregard what I just told you, or you'll just jump to another topic, a perfect display that you really do not give a single fuck about your own country or it's servicemen if you won't even open your trap to say, "Hey wait a minute, this is morally wrong."

I bet I can guess with a 99.8% accuracy that you don't have a foreskin.

I like you spaghetti. Pls bring back il Duce

It's always comfy knowing literally every cocksucking cop and soldier working for the gubbermint is a diabetic bloathog, if shit hits the fan their obese asses won't be able to cause me any trouble at least.

Remember that time Canada lied about a firefight with Croatian forces and awarded themselves the highest unit level award in their military history? Pepperge Farms remembes

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That’s not fair, burgers have larger hit boxes.

Remember when Jewry had your genitals mutilated at birth?

They have entire non white battalions for the inevitable ethnic cleansing of whites; laugh now cry later I guess...

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*breaths in*

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>didn't even reply to my post
gee, wonder why

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Do you think we are any better you fat nigger

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>"If you're 450lbs, they will recruit you and then put you in a fat camp until you are ready,"

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>still has nothing to say about his own government not caring about Israelis murdering American citizens

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wtf am I looking at? Why is this allowed to happen? REEEEEEE!!!

>still has absolutely nothing to say

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You still don't have a valid argument here. The only reason you Canadians aren't being slaughtered by your ZOG is because you're not resisting your ethnic replacement by Chinks and Dotheads. Not even a whimper of protest.

>56% white country attacks white countries because of ethnic replacement
how pathetic

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Yeah? Interesting.

You aren't a White Canadian, are you Chang?

What's that? Did I hear it tick down to 55%?

I asked you a question.

So did I.

America should just annex the joke of a country Canada is.

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Aren't you at 53%?


Your questioning is in bad faith. Now are you white or not?

I suppose if I don't answer the question it means I'm non-white, right? That's how it works?

You're here trying to create conflict between whites, leading to the conclusion that you aren't white or at least a self-hating white.

You sure?


we dont need to deploy thats the sharts job to defend every white nation cause they are no longer a white nation but a shit skin one

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>53% and dropping fast.

>You're here trying to create conflict between whites
No, you are the one who brought up "ethnic replacement." Are you feeling alright?

Anyone who has ever taken the Canadian census knows that you can identify as just Canadian, European-Canadians are Canadians who also idenify with out ancestry: Scottish-Canadians, Irish-Canadians, German-Canadas etc.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

Also if we count current population we are still 73.1% white

So you are Chinese and living in Vancouver. I see.

Ok so your are 78% white then

Why though? WHY?????

>still doesn't know 30% of Canadians identify without European ancestry
Sad really, you can't accept reality so you have to distort it.

Now look up the percentage of white American (56%)

You're here trying to create conflict between whites, leading to the conclusion that you aren't white or at least a self-hating white.

Yes, 78% white sounds accurate.

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Its 73.1% you mong

So I'm right, you're the white-hating Chink who is always posting here.

Stop trying to create conflict between whites, Mr. 56% white.

It's 56% though :)

Stop with the DARVO and admit you aren't a white man.

How hard the fat have fallen

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But I live in a literal white utopia? I'm confused.

Because dumbasses make dumb decisions.

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Its a state desu, finished my BMQ at the end of June and we had an entire 3 day lesson on acceptance and sexuality/gender in the military.

Is this real? They grounded to a...bag of dirt?

Sure you do, which is why you're coming across the border to fill your gas tank and shit up muh Costco. Stay on your side of the fence Chang.

wow, thats actually clever

I would never come across the Canada-Muttlandia border, ew.

LOL like we are any better? we were in golan heights for over 3 decades.

When are we going to disband the military? Our navy is a joke, as is our air force. The ground forces have outdated equipment too. If we cannot fund a functional, up to snuff military, why even bother? Every party loves to say how much they love the military, yet where is the funding?

As an electrician I enjoy this top kek

Lawl! What would they do if civil war broke out? Fight the war in fat people scooters, while eating rations of Cheetos and Twinkies? Fuck Canada and it's shit tier tranny military.

turn the proxy off next time b'y

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