Give up your fucking guns, assholes

give up your fucking guns, assholes

you don't need them

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i am not an american, why would i give up my pistols ?

Come and take 'em

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Fuuuuuccckkkk youuuuu

False, most of them were niggers
Sage grows in all fields

how many of those gun murders were committed by blacks?

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I need my Abortion Rifle 15 to kill children in the name of Jesus and Hitler, though

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Why not just move to one of those "great" countries user. Why must you insist on taking a right away?

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>people are being murdered
>but you don't need a gun
You're welcome to come and try to take them from me Schlomo.

give up your fucking niggers, kikes

you don't need them

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>what are demographics


Cars kill more people then guns, multiple times. Ban assault vehicles.

Holy shit, when did guns become sentient?

America is at the top of the food chain. The American government has not imploded yet because the citizens are armed with the express purpose of overthrowing a tyrannical government, If the US government implodes there will be a massive war with lots of guns and we'll see how many Europeans are shot then.

Nah, terrible bait.

Even the slightest amount of thought would make me look at shooting rates of places that did have gun rights, and then had them revoked, and see if the shooting rates went down.

(spoiler alert, they didn't)
leftist make this shit too easy

>60000 in Brazil
Literally explain to me how my country bans guns completely, and it's more violent than most countries currently in civil war.

sometimes I wish I could upvote here.

A necessary burden in order to keep the tyrant of government rule at bay. Because they are already near full Bolshevik mode

You idiot, look at this: In Brazil, where only criminals have guns, there are 60 thousand murders per year. Dumb fuck.

In all of history with guns, guns killed no one

Damn. I clicked on this terrible bait thread just to post that image.

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stay mad nigger

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How much in france though?

Your stupid as fuck, guns don't kill people. People kill people. Guns are a tool. Your using the same logic of "Oh the tool helps me so blame the tool"
It's like blaming a spoon for you being a lardass

When leftists say "guns," they mean niggers.

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You do realize that includes suicides (which there are more than murders) and self-defence, right?


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"guns murdered"
Stopped reading there.
Also sage, slide thread, blah blah blah.

Ethnically cleanse the niggers from the USA and we can start a conversation.

Please try. I'm so bored of waiting at this point.

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Just avoid areas with high concentration of Democrats. Very few shootings in Republican areas.

How many did whites murder in America? The number should be something like 600 for the rate to be the same as in Finland.

Car accidents, malpractice, alcohol and opiates killed 10x that faggot. Ban everything

And 90% in the U.S. were blacks

You so funny, mon.

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I hope all 400 million of them shoot you in the face before you shoot up a school, traitor.

Is muh Putin puppet already over? Anti gun threads kicking on again

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OP is a 1 post shit stirrer . Die in a fire OP .


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>guns murdered

could just post the copy pasta instead

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ban assault tv trays

9000 of those are suicide faggot