How do we solve the white trash problem?

How to we get rid of rural inbreeding uneducated obsoletes?

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Go confront them about it

Promote white trash having sex with black guys in the media, rural retardettes breeding with jamals.


>How to we get rid of rural inbreeding uneducated obsoletes?
out-breed them and stfu?

You'd be surprised some of the broads you'll find are rednecks.

Educate them then user. I'm sure you have a PhD in bullshit.

Elevate them culturally and economically to redneck status. I’ll take a redneck over a tweaking white trash any day.

Stop letting shitskins in and maybe there'd be more welfare to go around.

I have several degrees and am very successul. I worked hard and made good choices. I was not like Cletus in podunkville Arkansas who just sat on his ass as the world passed him by.

this is true but sooo many are just opiate addled or sit around shooting meth. They make black folk look like hard industrious workers!

Band fag that sucked dick in HS detected

whatever.. are you Cletus? or Randy? or some other inbred rural trash?

>get rid
You don’t know Cletus.. Do you?

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>everyone who isn’t like me is an uneducated peon
This is why you struggle to win elections

We will win next time. Trump and his ilk are just the last gasp of a dying breed of Cletus and Hank Williams Jr. lovers.

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For all you know, that could be an electrial engineer out hunting in an old work truck on the weekend.

nope. he is simple country white trash that believed Trump's lies and breeds with his sister Emmy Sue because there ain't much action in shithole rural towns.

Second this. Knew a broad who was a part of a redneck family, girl was fucking gorgeous but retarded lmfao.

You’ll see in time. This lazy line of thought is what lost 2016. No, the country won’t just adhere to your values because they’re bourgeois.

Don’t want to

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Boomer party

this is Jow Forums so youre probably talking to a good 20% of them right now!


I agree.. but I think even more here are rural obsolete trash than 20%. I wish they would just OD on meth and be done with it.

>I have several degrees and am very successul.


fuck off kike
poor whites cause less crime than wealthy blacks

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Not true.. poor whites are meth-addled lazy fat losers that sit on their country porches or drive their shitty pickup trucks around all the time. I am just tired of white trash.

I would like to know as well. Trump would lose 3/4 of his voter base.

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lol that is Ellie Sue.. queen of the rural shit USA. She fucks her brother daily.

First, we marginalize those who would harm them. Then we raise their standard of living and access to higher quality choices. Finally, we use them to coral (You).

I saw we just let them rot. Losers.

CLEETUS..where are you? Did you go down yonder to the ole fishin' hole?

I hope you can see the entire picture someday
Unfortunately I don't have it

The only white trash I see here are whiggers, who emulate the language and "culture" of shitskins living in their ghettos, and potheads with dreadlocks.

Without shitskins to learn from, impressionable children wouldn't pick up shitskin behavior and become white trash.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with white trash.

>posting from my double wide.
>have old ford truck
>have a lot of guns

What is wrong with the way i live you fucking entitled piece of shit.

cant tell if joking or serious

>What are Statistics collected by law enforcement that can be used to find averages.


Found the Wendy's chef.

Just keep saying the name "Cletus", I'm sure it will pay off eventually.

I second this

Good idea, (((OP))) ought to try this

Serious as a fucking heartattack.

I don’t tell other people how to live, i don’t fuck with people.

I have a good job make good money, could buy a house and new vehicle, but choose to own my land, my double wide and my truck.

Learn to grow your own food, and live off the land off not much at all and you’ll always be happy.

>and you’ll always be happy
You are what I strive to become man, I am serious. I may be an Injun but this is the ideal lifestyle right here

Let's be real. If you figured out how to connect to the internet and managed your way to this post you're probably not the dangerous kind of white trash.

You're the kind of white trash obsessed with

>muh guns
>muh liberty
>muh heritage

But you mostly keep to yourself. You're probably harmless except for when you go to the polls.

There is no “dangerous” kind of white trash.

There are criminals for sure, but they usually blow themselves up cooking drugs anyway. But we for the most part don’t commit violent crime so please tell me why living in Muh inner city so much better?

Keep off my property you fuck and you’ll live
It doesn’t take much i promise you. Land in the Midwest is cheap. The creature comforts of modern society has made man weak.

I live in Alabama, dude. I know your type.

I found an 8,000 dollar property in New York (away from the city) that had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We'll all make it eventually I'd say.

>except for when you go to the polls
Hahah, voting does not make a difference my friend. The Republican party and the Democrat party are both slaves to the Jew. The only thing that can save America is the collapse of America.

Who are you calling white trash?

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Go for it man. Life’s good from where i’m standing.
Go vote for somebody who doesn’t give a shit about you.

Out/inter breed

you don't, fuckhead. i bet most of the white trash around you could stomp you into the ground quickly and take whatever they want from you. you cannot win a blood feud with them, they are the whites who still breed enough to overwhelm you.

they don't need your pity or concern. their women have more testosterone than you do.

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Glad to see this white trash hate thread is still going. Yeee hawww!!

There is no politician nowadays that gives a shit. They are all Israel puppets. Americans are too brainwashed and stupid to realize this though, so it will take the destruction of our nation to fix our nation ironically. Read Revelation, makes a lot of sense with the stuff about the ten kings coming to destroy what seems to be a giant superpower. "And all the merchants of the earth shall weep"

give me a break Cletus! you need to get in your pickup truck and drive down yonder to the feed mill and buy some feed for that cattle and the triplets!

Well they're already killing themselves in record numbers and they're all addicted to opiates, so just keep replacing them with Mexicans and the problem will solve itself.

We don't. There will always be trash/poor people in society. As long as they re white, I can tolerate their annoyances.

inbreeding is only prevalent in jews and arabs.

i live on a couple acres, highly educated Texan who makes a great living and has an amazing life. i don't fuck with "white trash" as you get a couple branches down my family tree and there are quite a few who fit that description.

they are hard working people who never really wanted an education past the point of survival. they can take a "trip" to san antonio once a year and feel fulfilled. they love to fish/hunt and drink beer.

they are also who i would call if i ever got into a real scrape. my kin knows where to bury the bodies a lot better than i do. they also co-exist with blacks and mexicans light years better than us in/close to the big cities.

lastly, they all learn to shoot around 5-6 years old. OP wouldn't last a hot hour with them if he was running his mouth.

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American whites have the lowest rate of inbreeding in the entire world. Individual cases of incest make state news because it's so uncommon.

Mandatory birth control? We should start in the inner city though...

Mandatory birth control? We should start in the inner city though...

>harmless except for when you go to the polls
This is the real issue. Just decentralize power and that problem goes away. It's what most "white trash" want, anyway, no?


Lefties can't decentralize power because they need the federal government to steal your money and disarm you

Trump's policies will hurt them the most in the end. Just let things keep going the way they are and things will work themselves out.

>Le poor white people will all die if medicare spending is reduced may may

This. Please. This.

I live in Alabama. If you decentralize power what happens to all the reasonable people in shithole states?

Red areas are the most dependent on gibs.

No, certain red states are, the ones with the most niggers

Sound like my kind of people, well except the Texas thing.

If any of you saw me on my land you’d immidiately call me white trash, because i’d be working on my land next to my truck with beer on hand. This is the way man was meant to live.

>white trash

>How to we get rid of rural inbreeding uneducated obsoletes?

Eugenics program to breed out the potato nigger and injun DNA from their woodpile.

>citation needed

Find somewhere to live with people you like, maybe? State power needs to be decentralized, too.

>its a ford
That’s what is wrong, senpai.

So just spend thousands of dollars to move? That's completely reasonable and will go over swell.

just stay in yer city faggot, don't worry abt the heartland

mexicans do heroin way more than whites do, probably more than niggers do.
The difference is white people actually benefit from rehab and most of them use Rx dope so they die less.
you people are so fuckin stupid man i swear.

The only red state especially reliant on welfare that isn't disproportionately black is west virginia.

they may be lower than the higher class/wealthier "smarter" whites but as long as they're not incestuous or thieves I think they're acceptable. Most rednecks I've met are moral Christians.


Don’t drive anything with a bow tie on it.

And dodge was never an option.

The 351 is a wonderful engine that will keep ticking long after modern engines have failed.

How do we get rid of worthless liblards who never hoed a row, lifted a bail or thought about anything but them selves their whole life?

We’re trying, but the opioids are too slow

I don't know what to tell you. Either find a way to get along with your neighbors or move. It's not a difficult concept.
My point about decentralizing is that if you invert the power to size ratio of political neighborhoods, it will make it easier to avoid the influence of the ones you don't like.

teach them about philosophy, the non aggression principle, peaceful parenting, and have them develop low time preference culturally.

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Stop ruining my country, you terrible burden on society!

go back to your faggot he wants his latte

I get along with my neighbors fine, thanks. I don't think giving them unbridled power with no oversight is a great idea though.

Guess i should get in line and live in the city indebted to the banks and work my ass off for scraps. Yea that sounds like a great plan.

How about i live out here and don’t take money from the government and enjoy my life.

Are you still mad that your family tree only splits once? How did you make it out, Rhonda?

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infamous fpbp.
do you guys conspire on discord before u make these threads?

Nuke poor shitholes like carolina and virginia

If I were you, I'd be more concerned about what's on their itinerary for your type, seeing as they're armed, hold most of the high ground, can live solely off their surroundings and have spent their lives doing hard physical labor.

No thanks.
If they aren't hurting anyone I say we leave them alone; give them wide berth.
You're on your own with the Bubbas, user.