>Thousands of miles of buried fiber optic cable in densely populated coastal regions of the United States may soon be inundated by rising seas, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Oregon.
>The study, presented here today (July 16, 2018) at a meeting of internet network researchers, portrays critical communications infrastructure that could be submerged by rising seas in as soon as 15 years
fucking idiot climate denier shitheads on this board are the reason we're doing nothing about it
Jayden Gomez
>memeflag >opinion discarded Why do you cower and hide behind a memeflag?
John Martin
Fiber optics work off of light, there is no electricity whatsoever going on there. It'll be fine, it's no different than shining a flashlight underwater lmao sage this dumbass thread
Dominic Mitchell
>Buried fiber optic cables are designed to be water-resistant, but unlike the marine cables that ferry data from continent to continent under the ocean, they are not waterproof.
Jose Butler
>Thing that has never happened will happen. What a crock of shit. Seen Venice get evacuated yet? Me either.
Dominic Moore
>they are not waterproof.
guess they better start waterproofing them.
Daniel Sullivan
because that larper is just giving the stock globalist response
Christian Clark
Man I'd hate to see the sea level rise. Our coastal cesspools would get rinsed out. Meanwhile in bongland your entire country is under water.
Isaac Gomez
>west cripples its economy to reduce carbon footprint >China and India do nothing because muh developing world Sea level rises in 20 years instead of 15 but then we're too poor to mitigate the cost of flooding.
Jaxon Phillips
>Al Gore is right this time goys I swear!
Cameron Carter
Let's shorten it to 10
Logan Martin
The coasts were supposed to be completely underwater 16 times since this millennium started. It won't happen this time either.
Colton Morgan
>(((social media))) and Filipino Lard Packing boards erased from existence Why is that a bad thing?
Seriously. We'll need newer and beefed up infrastructure within 15 years anyway. So if these "fears" begin to comport with reality then just plan around it.
Carter Cook
This. Regards, datacenter administrator.
Asher Powell
>this thing has never happened, so it never can >america has never had a black president, so it never can
Nolan Long
Of course it can happen. That's why scientists say "may" and "as soon as" not "will" because we don't know. It should be sensible projections for future planning, but unfortunately it's perverted into alarmism and an almost cult like faith in the narrative.
Bentley Roberts
>densely populated coastal regions oh no, that sucks
Jace Cook
why do you think it is unlikely? What else do you think could be the result of everything we've been doing to the planet? There is a reason it is called the Anthropocene - we've left evidence in the rocks.
David Hall
I don't think that's a realistic outcome. Anyways, it wouldn't be a problem if only we had some sort of accord negotiated between each of the major economies complicit in warming activities, where each of them agreed to limit by the same amount, based on their GDP - if only we had such an accord, perhaps, I assume, negotiated in Paris, of all places...
Sebastian Martin
that's just not true. I'm sorry, but you have been misinformed.
coral reefs have existed in their current form for 240 million years. 70% coral reefs dead since 2014 8 pacific islands swallowed by the sea since last year arctic ice hasn't refrozen since 2016 hottest year on record, anywhere, every year, for the last six years it's fucking hot
sea levels rise and fall twice every day but the aggregate is definitely positive over the years.
Luke Murphy
Depend where you measure actually. Eastern coast of the US has risen a bit, fueling the narrative for all the left coast libcucks, but that's because the gulf stream slowed down enough that it's not basically pulling the water away from the coast.
Logan Jenkins
Also, most communications cables are essentially underwater all the time - they are made for that. The electrical equipment can easily be moved or placed at higher elevations. The only people who suffer will be dumbasses who live at sea level. Tough shit for them.
Noah Bailey
40% of the population lives within 30 miles of the cost, from 0 to 10 feet above sea level.
Jason Harris
I'm not going to pick the science apart with you. I think some of it is decent, a lot is bunk, and the scientific way to approach it is to keep your eye on the matter and try to identify causal relationships and good projections so you can adjust future planning.
Henry Lopez
I suppose that will happen right after all the bad stuff was predicted to happen in "An Inconvenient Truth" ? The stuff that was supposed to happen 5-10 years go? ... ...
I live in oregon, the university of oregon is terrible, oregon state is the one with the good curriculum
Christopher Martin
what people like you fail to understand is that the only reason we haven't seen the sort of damage represented in that film is because
Logan Sanders
Damn...that picture is beautiful.
Oliver Sanders
what do you mean pick apart the science? That's not the science, that's just the results. Go look for Tangier Island, you're not gonna fucking find it above water
Anthony Gomez
>hottest year on record, anywhere, every year, for the last six years >WE INTERVENED TO PREVENT IT
Which one is it?
Easton Edwards
The world was better without the internet anyways.
Kevin Powell
>That's not the science I didn't say it was. I said I didn't want to pick the science it apart with you. That evidence is worth noticing but doesn't alone compel me to accept projects that aren't even based on that evidence.
Mason Ward
it's both, we clearly haven't intervened enough, because someone keeps standing in the way! I mean we've slowed the fucking bus but it's still hurtling towards the cliff
Levi Campbell
projects like what?
Jaxon Evans
>may soon be >may be So might? Or could be? Perhaps?
The reality is that sea levels aren't rising. They are lowering. A big paper out just a few months ago had some finding the the ocean floor was subsiding which is causing it. The paper doesn't mention the net increase in Antarctic ice, which is why i really think it's happening.
Reminder that ~90% of all frozen water on Earth is in Antarctica and that ice is increasing, not decreasing.
Kevin Nelson
New York was supposed to be submerged by now.
Carson Butler
>you guys aren’t getting the point of my thread OP is a cock gobbler as always
Jeremiah Jenkins
this is such a low level gets, that al gore is rolling in his grave
Jaxon Ross
Al gore said we would all be fucked by now and th water level hasn’t even risen 1cm.
>t. Coastal fag
Isaiah Ross
Sorry, "projections." I'm just saying I don't see a few datapoints as being adequate reason to believe corporate- and government-pushed narratives that don't even explain underlying factors or propose viable reactions.
Chase Hernandez
>As long as those city's inhabitants are walled in Fixed
I'm sorry my friend, but that is not true. The reality is that, while the antarctic ice usually increases over the winter months every year, and decreases over the summer months, the ice actually has not refrozen or recovered since 2016.
That aside.. if the waters weren't rising, then why would islands be disappearing?
Carson Harris
>giving a fuck
Brandon Wood
i'm sorry but that is not true.Sea level has risen more than 240 mm since 1880, with 80 mm occurring since 2000/
Christopher Walker
Yeah. Fuck them. And you too, (((memeflag baitposter))). sage this garbage.
Jonathan Lee
right out of the gate with a pathetic ad hominem attack KYS
I see what you mean, but laws of science and experimentation say the only way to truly know if something has a cause/effect relationship is to limit the number of variables to one. The only way to do this in the modern world is to halt all production and consumption that rely on anything other than our own hands and feet. Effectively making humans go extinct, which is the very outcome that these "scientists" are trying to prevent. Anything short of this is just assumptions and fear mongering.
Bentley Diaz
Why are Americans so against the idea of man made climate change? Its like they get personally offended lmao
Parker Smith
i'm sorry i just get salty when my direct future is threatened by ignorance.
good luck driving around when the gas lines burst
Gabriel Watson
Because its literally impossible to prove it was caused by humans.
Leo Campbell
>man made climate change why do people refuse to accept the world climate is millions of years long and cycles are longer than 100,000yrs but retards like yourself claim the science is settle based on a sample of a 50 year period KEK
Hunter Peterson
There's no such thing as an impartial scientist, m8, especially when money is involved. I'm not some kind of "denier," I do browse the literature every so often to get an idea of what they're actually doing, and then I square that against all the stuff they're not studying and how that relates the the narrative fed to the public.
t. research scientist
Robert Parker
I see what you mean as well. Perhaps it is difficult to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, but consider the pros and cons:
If we're wrong but do something, then in 50 years people are poorer than they are now, and the economy suffers.
If we're right but do nothing, then everyone is much, much more poor, and the economy is destroyed, and as well, the environment perhaps too hostile to live in(?) unlikely, but i posit that it will be much more difficult to live in alabama, where I currently live. No doubt that the 40 % who live near the coasts will be forced to evacuate and live as refugees, and that's only in america, not counting the other foreign countries that will also have to evacuate. I mean if you think the refugee crisis is bad now, just imagine if instead of syria it's half the world.
Easton Foster
>eurekalert.org Very credible source OP.
Caleb Thomas
>when my direct future is threatened by ignorance by that you mean your own
Mason Reed
We will be fine.
Christopher Miller
This seems like intentional planned obsolescence. Like someone was using this idea to make more money for having to come back to re-do the job and now muh sea levels faggots are biting the low hanging fruit. Somewhere someone is rubbing their hands.
Lincoln Kelly
>15 years Oh no! Where will we find the time to fix such an impending issue!
Hudson Phillips
i am sorry my friend but the sample is much larger than 50 years large. for instance, we have access to radio carbon dating, which provides insight into climate statuses millions of years old. Also, I like to point out the coral reefs - they survived and flourished for 240 million years, only to have more than 70% die off around 2014 because the waters became much, much too hot. I don't suppose that the waters reached those temperatures over the 240 million year period, otherwise the reefs wouldn't still be around.
Isaac Morales
t. research scientist also
Juan Russell
>Somewhere someone is rubbing their hands Gee I wonder who.
i can't imagine anyone planning to do this. to uproot the cables - wow, that would take so long, and cost so much. No one would intentionally do that to themselves, that'd be crazy. Unless you're suggesting someone planned to raise the sea levels?
William King
>Americans BTFO Silly bongs forget Obama sold the internet to international bodies.
Blake Hughes
Not really wondering. I work at a big-name outfit in a different field. I see the same thing: definitely some quality work coming out, a lot of meh stuff, endless money-chasing (you're more likely to get more funding if you find something useful to your funders) and epistemological closure, and an endless trek of really just rigorous best guesses.
Kayden Howard
good. fuck the internet.
Daniel Nelson
unfortunately this is true, our field hates fishing expeditions :/ but what else is science? if not that..?
Lincoln Allen
But again, it goes back to the only way to truly "save the planet from global warming/climate change/[buzzword]" is to stop all methods of production and consumption that burn fuel that produces pollution. Even going pure lithium right this moment and destroying any device, vehicle, or factory that uses combustible fuel will end up where we're going to excavate the earth to the point of being inhabitable.
James Fisher
Surely you are not retarded enough to mistake erosion for rising sea level surely.
Jace Nelson
OP is a penis suckler...as usual.
Bentley Long
>coral reefs - they survived and flourished for 240 million years Dinosaurs flourished for millions of years but all died off, guess that was due to cars?? Normal climate for earth in the period is an ice age, hence why they call the period we live in a inter-glacial period holy fuck do you mop the bathrooms at NSSTC?
Jason Young
>Jow Forums is so powerful that it forces billion-dollar megacorporations to leave its at-risk infrastructure in place Great job Jow Forums! Next stop, the world!
Henry Williams
Yep. But, what can you do other than try to be reasonable in interpreting the findings in light of the methodology and the external influences of money and politics and whatever?
Nathaniel Peterson
unfortunately yes, most scientists agree that the Paris accord limit of +2 C over this century is completely unattainable at this point. There is no action we could take to limit climate change to that small (but MASSIVELY SIGNIFICANT) change in global temperatures. Global temperature will rise, by a lot. however, the actions we can take are going to be the difference between a desert bible belt and a desert rust belt.
I assume you will, but please read this to the bottom before dismissing it out of hand. I believe I may have confused Tangier with an island in micronesia (tangier isn't even in the pacific, whoops)
It's such an obvious intentional oversight, I don't know how you can't see it. It amazes me how many people like yourself can be so bulldogged about facts and figures, but at the same time gloss over the cold hard fucked up aspect of reality. I guess you don't have much experience with the kikes.
Christian Hill
I'll believe in Climate Change and Rising Sea Levels when all the celebs who shill for that shit stop buying beach front property.
Dominic Martin
since the end of the last ice age sea levels were 400 meters below what they are today, Roman era was warmer than today explain this now or admit your just got BTFO
Juan Taylor
Climate studies Iniated by what ABC agency? Research done by whom and under who"s direction? Conclude what? To lead you to what? Who are you saving the Earth for, I thought you elite, rich, Libtards were going to Mars? Fools! Nothing has changed but your IQ .
Leo Ortiz
the earliest dinosaurs are ~240 million years old, so what you're actually suggesting is that the coral reefs survived all of those climate and extinction events that the dinosaurs did not. Only to, unfortunately, die to this one. Your own point suggests that the damage we do to the climate is worse than the chixclub impact.
Jason Morales
Obama was never actually president. He is a Kenyan and his occupation of the white house was wholly illegal.