>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

TrumpTV Weekly Updates:

>Ron Paul approves of the Trump/Putin Summit 7/16/18
>Pres Trump on Hannity 7/16/18 pt1 pt2
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania return to WH 7/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania return to DC 7/16/18
>Pres Trump w/Piers Morgan on GMB 7/16/18
>VP Pence/CommSec Wilburine @Dept of Commerce 7/16/18
>Pres Trump/RUS Pres Putin presser 7/16/18
>Pres Trump expanded meet w/RUS Pres Putin 7/16/18
>Pres Trump meets w/RUS Pres Putin 7/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive/meet w/Finnish Pres Niinisto 7/16/18
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Visit Finland 7/16/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Helsinki 7/15/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart Scotland 7/15/18
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania visit the bongs 7/13/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania arrive in Scotland 7/13/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania meet w/Bong Queen Liz 7/13/18

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Trump and fuck white people!

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My dad could kick your dad’s ass.

The Jews are literally shutting it down.
Fox News has a "blackout" on directvnow. Oy vey




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What are you currently reading?
>pic related

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its 6 million per year, you are owned.

Attached: Chicago muh 6 million.jpg (728x480, 355K)


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>communism in America

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>basic income in Chicago
>soon every dindu will be armed
Are we the new South Africa?

>$500 but you have to live in Chicago
How about I keep living where I am, its affordable and I don't get shot every day

Drunpf state sponsored censorship

Attached: Screenshot_20180717-184308.png (1080x1920, 179K)

>nigger cops get White cops suspended because feels
>Mayor Cuck says it diesn't matter what the truth is, darkies felt bad

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"Geopolitics for Investors" by Pippa Malmgreen. Good shit!

>the absolute STATE of women


>unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs

That makes no sense, a person with jist one job counts the same against unemployment as someone with two

how? they are already broke aren't they?

How wrong can she be. Its the state that is artificial, not capitalism. Even before civilization, it can be argued it was a purely capitalistic system between the hunter gatherer groups, though with socialism within the groups.


Attached: Putin's attack is_Trump's America is.jpg (917x948, 263K)

>having a grasp on reality

can someone explain the argument for UBI to me? i seriously don't get it. in my mind, if everyone has an extra $500, prices will just increase immediately, because there will be a ton of increased demand which is what causes inflation.

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Reminder that you should use the tactics atheists and kikes have been using to deconstruct christianity and direct it towards WW2 if you really want to destroy leftists

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They're just freaking out over this 2 hour closed door private meeting Trump and Putin had.
>/ptg/, what did they talk about for 2 (two) whole hours??

you realize you are racist right?

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Average American
Circa 2045

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Ah, the kiwi, thought he caught another one

Jews and their stupid numerology.


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The Trump-Putin Helsinki summit is the sinking of the Andrea Doria of our time.

leftist memes are just recycled Jow Forums memes. This is why they're losing the culture war.

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I'll look into that.

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>Manafort was the reason the RNC wasn't able to give Trump the Ron Paul treatment. He was extremely important to Trump getting passed that hurdle and ultimately to the white house. Never forget that.

Pls explain this

She will still get elected by the hispanics in her district.

She actually meant "wouldn't". Anybody could see that.

It's free!

It's not supposed to work.

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Thanks, my man.

See also: universal minimum wage.

Look at the results of the seattle minimum wage hikes its raised the prices of everything and homelessness has exploded also im going to keep posting mickeys just to piss of the literal fags

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>capitalism has not always existed in the world

>For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants[a] and entrusted to them his property.
> To one he gave five talents,[b] to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away.
> He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more.
>So also he who had the two talents made two talents more.
> But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money.
> Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts with them.
> And he who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five talents more, saying, ‘Master, you delivered to me five talents; here, I have made five talents more.’ >His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.[c] You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’
> He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed,
> so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here, you have what is yours.’
> But his master answered him, ‘You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed?
> Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest. > So take the talent from him and give it to him who has the ten talents.
> For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away.
> And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I'm not religious but this account proves it has existed since at least the 1st century

You just blew my mind. Of course! Thank you mate.

Look at the results of the seattle minimum wage hikes its raised the prices of everything and homelessness has exploded also im going to keep posting mickeys just to piss of the literal fags

I don't know all the in depth details... But basically the nevertrumpers sought to change the rules to squeeze Trump out of the nomination. Manafort was brought on to run a counter campaign and squash the "rebellion".

Oh, and you aren't? The only plus I guess is that America is becoming less white by the day.





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I can see an argument being made for when society becomes so automated that its cheaper to hire robots for nearly everything over people but that is a LONG way off.

government funded crack program?

nah i haven't finished searching through the kiwi yet, i've been milking my one find from the archive and i think i found his reddit
there's reason to believe there's another nugget the kiwi dropped somewhere and i might go hunting for that soon since i'm running into dead-ends

But it's scary. For instance, in the Women's March in January I had to protect myself - I didn't pose to many pictures and covered my face with posters. I know it's risky going to these protests because of my situation. I want to help, but I can't.
It's difficult to dream in a country that, regardless of everything I've done, which is what most immigrants do, doesn't welcome you even if you've seen it as home for most of your life.
I understand that they have the right to choose who they grant citizenship. I just wish they would give me some sort of help. I've given up part of my culture, my roots, to be accepted here. I've already given some of me.
Why can't this country give something back?

Since I'm not a citizen I don't qualify for the financial aid that the government gives to students or for most scholarships. I looked at almost everything. My dad pays for my college, my apartment and bills all by himself.
Three semesters from now, when I graduate, I may still be deported.
I know I was born in Mexico but I no longer live there; I'm too different from the people there, I can't just start over in Mexico.
Therefore, I've had to prepare myself in case I'm deported. So I've been planning to move to Germany if it happens. I've been learning German without my family knowing because I know if my parents find out now they'll try to talk me out of it.
So the plan once I graduate is that, if I feel that it's very possible that they'll deport me, I'll cross the border to Mexico. At least I'll have my degree and I won't have a deportation on my file if I have to go back to the US. Then maybe Germany, who knows.
There are plenty of Central and South Americans that have a terrible time crossing Mexico to get to the US, but that doesn't mean that I'm not separated from my family or that I don't sometimes start the day crying from the frustration of being apart from them for basically no reason.
You can't deny that this has affected me. This shouldn't be happening.


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pastebin is updated

>Pres Trump meets w/GOP Congress members 7/17/18
>AgriSec Perdue @Axios on Trade Policies/Taxes 7/17/18
>Fed Chair Powell @Senate on Monetary Report 7/17/18
>ActVASec ORourke @House on VA Whistleblowers 7/17/18
>House Hearing on Social Media Filtering 7/17/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania in Europe 7/17/18

anything else?

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The left is already Bernie'ing her into the ground before she's began. God, it's fun when they eat their own.

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>degree in economics
>still can't grasp basics
She's coming to MI to campaign for the mudslime socialist for Gov too, this is going to be a shitshow of epic proportions when she starts calling out Israel again and pissing off all the juden who fund her superpacs

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And who are these officials? Even if they do exist (which I doubt) why are they leaking this shit to CNN of all outlets.

no, actually I am extremely racist. unlike you though I think its a good thing. I think only white people are capable of being good stewards to life on this planet and civilization. and that if white people dont act to journey to the stars soon we will lose our chance to secure a future for our children forever.

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Yeah, it seems like people are constantly assuming "fully automated gay space communism" is just around the corner so we need UBI right now. Even though so firms (TSLA) are rolling back automation cos they found it inefficient to build really complex machines that often break for stuff they can pay a moderately competent human to do instead.

She’s about as intelligent as your average twitter user

See, if you give the niggers the gibs they vote for you again because they know they'll get more gibs.
Once the prices go up and the murder rates skyrocket even by chicago standards because every nigger knows every other nigger has money too, they'll have to increase the UBI because niggers.

Fuck Drumpf

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>make racists afraid again
They already are. Run commie scum.

Just proves how worthless degrees and university education is. You are pretty just buying diplomas at this point.

Sorry mate. You have to go back! It isn't your fault, but you are paying for the sins of your father. We all are!

the moderate left wants her out because shes bringing them down. we should be rooting for her

How high do you think a blue check is on the IQ scale? Sub-90?

Call me a pessimist, but I think we're fucked.

We've seen time and time again that the Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what and defend him. Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.

Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded. They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting Dem control again, which won't happen because not only is Russia going to steal the midterms, but they'll do it blatantly without any disregard for consequences because there are none. Trump is actively, VOCALLY helping them because he knows as soon as the Dems get the House and Senate he's gone.

We can't win the midterms because our votes will be fraudulated and hacked by the Russians with the help of our own government. People keep saying "JUST VOTE!" but that's not enough. Voting means jack shit if every voting machine is hacked and people aren't able to get to the polls because the Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress votes.

There's nothing we can do. They won. We're fucked. If we try to engage in a civil war we will lose because it's a bunch of liberals against the U.S. government and a million rednecks with hundreds of thousands of guns.

I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit out of me.


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Why aren't you faggots reporting blatant spam?

ooga booga where ma free mony white boy?

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Hierarchies have always existed in the world, which is why true communism tm always fail.


A reminder not to reply to shills

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>no more gibs from whites
>muds die out

Attached: trump-ball-you.jpg (1600x1291, 266K)

Is anyone actually surprised by this? She's young and liberal and, therefore, stupid.

well said. once you and other anons pointed out that it isn't about actually trying to improve the economy, i slapped myself for being so naive. always learning!

>Russia pushed the election to Trump
we did that, faggot

Where are wages highest? Where are the largest concentrations of homeless? Is this coincidence? In all honesty though fuck large cities we would be better if they were walled off

>user is a fag
who would've guessed

Kek she just made an economics degree worth even less. (She has one)

>Don't drunk post or drugged post
kek and noted

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Hierarchies exist at every conceptual level, from our minds to our institutions. They not only have always exist, they quite literally make up the structure of our reality.

Can't wait for another few generations until whites don't have a leg to stand on. I rejoice in the fact that your daughters, or at the very least granddaughters, will have a child with either a Latinx or black. How's that for stewardship?

Mods are behind this wave of spam.