The absolute state of the left

>the absolute state of the left

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She's a 28-year-old, socialist Bernie-supporting bartender. You can't really have expected her to be intelligent.

Si you later commie spic

She's a left-wing feminist woman, her greatest intellectual achievement will be coming up with a new soundbite at her next march/protest/rally

>mfw she came out against "Jewish occupation of Palestine
>mfw the Jews are throwing her under the bus
>mfw even your own commies hate you

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This is what happens when you elect a 28 yr old retard with no knowledge of anything other than being young, annoying and brown

she is still going to win

>la goblina is a dumb cunt
you don't fucking say, nigger.

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>Because everyone has two jobs.
I don't like the spic but she's not exactly wrong.
Unemployment rates don't take into account people working multiple part time jobs.
Or the people no longer looking for work.

> she is still going to win
Since Crowley is still on the WFP ballot line, Queens residents, who are increasingly progressive, may be urged to cast protest votes for Crowley to callout Ocasio's betrayals on Palestine, immigration, and policing, thereby denying Ocasio her much sought-after mandate with which to govern with so much central control.

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The point is that it doesn’t need to take into account people working two jobs, because if it did, it would distort the rate. With regard to people no longer looking, refer to the labor force participation rate, which is another metric.

I think the point is that people who work two jobs are not in a good employment situation and we should not find it acceptable for them to be in that situation just because "they are employed". Same with "underemployment". But that point is undercut by poor wording and the fact that moonlighting is at 5% as the article states.

But generally, just because unemployment is low doesn't mean the job market is good. We need to ask ourselves if the majority of these jobs are good jobs, with good pay, reasonable hours and benefits, or are they all part time minimum wage mcjobs that you need to work two of to survive?

People needing two jobs just to pay rent is a problem. She isn't out to help those people. She promotes bottom up Communism where, by Opportunity Cost, the people working two jobs are comparatively worse off. Take from the people making 100k a year, give to people who don't work, and then rant about billionaires. Disgusting.

she clearly meant being an illegal immigrant and single mother are two full time jobs you bigots!

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As a Trump that is someone who supports muslim bans, walls, etc, I support her efforts in the Democratic party. Under first gay president Obama, the democratic party became the party of FAGA (Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon) therefore must be destroyed.

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Jow Forums should support all Democratic Socialists because they will fucking destroy the Democrats. the left will fucking implode

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"if" what?

If people take multiple jobs it means that there are going to be even less job offers on the market
you chuds are so fucking stupid

>higher income jobs are replaced by lower income jobs
>income continues to stagnate
>outsourcing and automation continues to increase
>economic anxiety continues to grow
>american dream is dead
>inequality gap larger than ever
>continual tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and poor
>richest person in human history literally has employees who are: homeless, living in tents, skipping bathroom breaks, living on food stamps.

Gulags for all of you.

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Lets hope they keep pushing her out therefront and center.

trips of truth

did anyone really expect her to be some sort of genius?

It must be so easy to Bernie type liberal. They are basically like that joke class president candidate in HS who wants to eliminate homework. Except instead of eliminating hw they just tell the stupid populace that everything they want will be free.

Even the left knows they took a hit with her being elected for the primary. She's a fucking retard

She committed the greatest mistake possible in American Politics

She bad mouthed Israel

This is technically true. Although many (niggers) just don't want to work.

gonna do my best politico impression here and say shes half wrong. While the unemployment rate is unaffected, people working multiple jobs is the reason the median household income increased last year

wheres Obamaleaf?

>>continual tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the middle class and poor

>>richest person in human history
Rockefeller is still alive?

>Sh-She may have said something completely stupid but have you ever considered that she's right about everything else?!
Here we see one of the foremost weaknesses of gommies. They cannot resist the urge to die on any hill marked "socialist."

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She is getting thrown under the bus because she named the jew.

Which would increase unemployment not reduce it like she's saying. Dumb fag.

What did she say about Israel?

she's not fucking wrong you retard
5% of moonlighting is super big

Constant roll backs on all benefits that the middle class and poor rely on while having tax cuts that result in a net loss in terms of value.

The middle class even with an ostensible tax cut gets shafted because of the losses incurred. Not to mention the billions in lost income tax due to the marginal rate. AND the fact that banking regulations are being rolled back quietly despite the Great recession fucking everyone and none of the white collar criminals responsible being held accountable.
Jeff Bezoz is the richest man in the world.
She didn't mention any of the things I did. The point is that the correct policy decision is social democracy, or democratic socialism. Whatever label you want.

The fact remains that unemployment is a meaningless measurement of economic health if the jobs keeping people employed don't provided adequate security for those working them. And this is why we do, in fact, see income continue to stagnate despite "gains" in employment.

And anyways, we're in an economic bubble. Its typical boom-bust cycle economics with overspeculation following deregulation.

>What are Memes???
To the normie, memes are comedy and nothing else
To others... Memes are a means of communication.
>A way to speak without words
And right now most of you are aware that YOU ARE PSYCHIC...
>The very thing the enemy fears
YOU are literally 21st Century Spirit Monks waging memetic warfare against the enemy...

THEY will Never be able to understand or read the memes like you do.
>they will never Become like us

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That they occupied palistine

If anything we ought to meme her victory just so all of America can learn from the inferno

listen to the full quote
the job market is bad, people work 80+ hours a week
of course the labour force will go down
god you people are stupid

Her constituents are more ignorant than her

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> people like this vote for socialists and think they understand how the world works better than conservatives and libertarians
Fuck me.

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>They are basically like that joke class president candidate in HS who wants to eliminate homework. Except instead of eliminating hw they just tell the stupid populace that everything they want will be free.

Vote for Pedro and all your wildest dreams will come true.

Saw some nigger on twitter said that her actual point was that unemployment numbers mean nothing if a single job doesn't allow them to sustain themselves.

Respond to his this argument everyone.

100% correct

>if you're working class, you're always wrong
>if your house has more than 2 bedrooms you're hypocritical
ok bitch

She only won her primary because of her district’s extremely low voter turnout and taco demographics.

I’d honestly say there’s actually a chance she ends up costing the Dems that seat because of how retarded she is. DSAfaggotry is very unpopular with normalfags in general and establishment DNCdrones absolutely despise Bernouts.

>if you're working class, you're always wrong
Working class =/= socialist and economically retarded.
>if your house has more than 2 bedrooms you're hypocritical
Sorry what are you talking about exactly?
Much better argument and I would agree with her 100%. Quality of the new jobs are shit, many part time, many on low wages etc. Was she taken out of context and misquoted or did she just sort of slip up at the time?

4D chess. She says this on purpose to trigger the right.

>economically retarded.
you have an ancap flag.
>Much better argument and I would agree with her 100%
that was her full argument you dumbass

top cringe

>Much better argument and I would agree with her 100%. Quality of the new jobs are shit, many part time, many on low wages etc.
i'm waiting for someone to actually bring up the stats whether this is true or not and i'll compare them to my country, so i can see whether these people are just whiny little niggers.

>Was she taken out of context and misquoted or did she just sort of slip up at the time?
I have no clue

> you have an ancap flag.
That I do and I'm proud of the areas of economics and the economy that I've researched, studied and understood.

Makes sense.. because if they had only one job they'd be less employed

Hence more unemployment.
>*taps head with finger*
Gotta be smart.. estuped

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So literally haha I'm only pretending to be retarded?

let me guess
that means watching youtube
maybe, that one Canadian racist psycho in particular, with a stupid name (and ideology, ofc)

Yep, and Jow Forums fell for it. Rightards BTFO.

I work 2 jobs and will probably clear about 50k this year. I usually work 42 hours per week. What is bad about this?

Haha, goblina shows her true intellectual capacity. Too bad, knowing the absolute retardedness of leftist voters, she will still get a landslide victory in an election..

I knew she would be a little soft... a twentysomething running on a platform of 50% socialism and 50% life experiences as a minority isn't typically a scholarly blend. But I did sort of expect her to read and write at a 12th grade level

I hope she continues to throw herself in front of every camera that'll have her. She us truly Jow Forums's dream nemesis

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your healthcare is shit and you will die with nothing

ah Yes Reason Magazine. The place that shills open borders. What a based lolbertarian magazine.

If Reason was honest about explaining unemployment they would shine the light about the U3 number(unemployment number) and add in U6 and long term discouraged workers.

Labor participation rate and unemployment rate has decoupled. And no one except for some fringe sites will touch the topic.

Why don't we just make everyone CEOs then and then everyone will make millions per year? People who work poir paying jobs do so because that's what they can offer. Or should the grocery store clerk go apply for a surgeon's position?

She's 100% wrong you brain damaged subhuman. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of people without jobs, not the number of jobs being worked. She's objectively, factually, fundamentally wrong. The fact that you don't get this should make you feel bad.

She didn't mention anything you said, which is precisely the problem. You just made yourself look like a retard and extrapolated this bimbo's mistakes onto your entire movement because you couldn't resist throwing your hat in with her even though she was completely fucking wrong. You couldn't just let this embarrassment pass. You had to jump in and ensure for the public to note that you're on the same side as the idiot who embarrassed herself. It's like sprinting into a burning building and staying there in order to show your support for the architects. All you're doing here is destroying the credibility of what you stand for because you're attaching everything you say to this woman's blatant error. Maybe, MAYBE, if you had come in saying "Y-Yeah, she's wrong about this, but..." You didn't, though. You were too stupid. Instead, you attacked people for pointing out that this bitch was 100% wrong, as though a real socialist tries to ignore such things. Moron. Quit politics.

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>’She’ Guevera

they really are trying to detrou her after she called out isreal huh

It Piss

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How could she make such an accusation?!?

Nah. You seem aggro today mate. I've noticed a common trend with Russian posters lately. Putin's hand up your arse moving your mouth getting a little uncomfortable is it?

The Dems basically had to tell her to shut the fuck up. Kek!

Those gums are an abortion. I hope she and her horse teeth lose.

Most of her voters are Jewish. No way she wins now.

motherfucker what was the question about israel that Margaret Hoover asked? words can't even describe how much i fucking hate that neocon shill bitch.

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>Was she taken out of context and misquoted
Our media would never do such a thing!

Prepare for regime change for suggesting such! You will be assimilated... errr I mean, voluntarily democratized!

>be representative in New York
>step on the toes of the chosen

Bitch ain't too bright. Of course it never crossed my mind that she was, but-- it was surprising that nobody bothered to mention the tribe that props the DNC up.

>the definition of moonlighting is having two jobs

>The point is that the correct policy decision is social democracy, or democratic socialism.
How does this work in a diverse multicultural population where there is zero since of national unity or common good and everybody actively hates each other?

It's like the prisoner's dilemma, how do you stop people from acting in bad faith to their own perceived advantage? The only place it's ever worked has been small, homogenous states like in Scandinavia, and I see no evidence that it's still working as effectively as migration there increases.

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> a socialist was misquoted in the media
I think the neoliberal establishment is shitting bricks that they're getting replaced by socialists and nationalists. This is getting interesting.

Donald "fucking" Trump is going to win a 2nd term if the Democrats keep dividing like this. Fucking madman, I bet it's all his making, his 4D chess.

Fair point.

well look at that you bite the hand that feeds you and surprise surprise they throw you under the bus

gas the kikes

Guess we better open the border for more uneducated brown people then.

>Stupid spic is guaranteed to win no matter what lolitarians say because of demographics.
>Writes 4000 word essay talking about how she misinterprets how unemployment are calculated by the government.
The absolute state of libertarians

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The moment she sided with palestinians was political suicide.

Also, why people give a fuck about palestinians?

Might is right.

I can't give a single fuck about what other groups do as long as it don't mess with the citizens of my country and/or my group.

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t. retarded faggot who cannot understand what unemployment means