Does Jow Forums seriously think this can be fixed (realistically speaking)?

Does Jow Forums seriously think this can be fixed (realistically speaking)?

Attached: 1524888846629.png (3000x6500, 3.07M)

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whites should just leave big cities and go form communities in rural areas

Another massive European war.

More white flight? Fuck that, its time for white fight.

if WNs moved to one specific place in droves, then it'd be a lot easier to preserve white communities

What needs to be fixed? There's nothing wrong with it.

Im sure someone will come up with a DNA mutation soon.

it's the only short-term realistic solution I can think of

there definitely is
multirracial areas/countries are objectively worse off

Easy, peasy.
Brown people are Christians. You keep defining people by skin color and that is why you continue to lose elections.
Asians hate Communists, Hispanics hate illegal aliens, Indians don't vote, and white people love America.

Black people have to work out their own shit.

This is objectively false.

Yes, population transfers are inevitable at this point. Once whites have nowhere left to run we'll retake control and load up non whites onto trains and planes and place them in Mexico.

It's objectivly true.


definitely not

Attached: us homicide.png (2000x1237, 304K)

suppose we know what it was like to be a WASP in the mid 20th century

No we don't, the differences between WASPs and Non WASPs is nothing compared to Whites and Non Whites.

90+ part of PA here. Feels good.

Yes it is realistic. A huge white baby boom, closed and secured border, combined with mass deportations could eventually fix it peacefully. This is the most realistic and plausible option.
Browns could also be moved by force out of the country. There have been historical instances of mass removal of certain groups. This is not plausible but is possible.

Then you have genocide but that will likely never happen.

Can’t read the legend even after opening full size. Fuck you man

>Browns could also be moved by force out of the country
This is the best solution.

The only fix is to balkanize the country into de facto ethnostates. There won't ever be an aggressive ethnic purge outside of the fantasy realms of some posters here.

College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




It can easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.

Attached: 37_percent.jpg (2020x1154, 664K)

What a coincidence.

Attached: 23564235.jpg (1330x762, 329K)

What a coincidence.

Attached: imm_act.jpg (1514x871, 381K)

What a coincidence.

Attached: jew vote.jpg (928x939, 195K)

What a coincidence.

Attached: jew invasion 6 million.jpg (1540x924, 137K)

What a coincidence.

Attached: jews liberty.jpg (824x768, 183K)

gonna use this pic next time tries to post here lol. come home white man my ass. pretty sure its a honey pot anyways

90+ part of northern Michigan, pretty chill up here boys

Ethnic purge no, population transfer extremly likely.

bumping this shill thread that is now a redpill thread

And end up like the boer in SA. Stop retreating, reconquista.

depends what you mean by "fixed"

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the meme flag promotes defeatism WOW GUYS WHAT A SHOCK

Attached: 103.png (625x715, 282K)