Laundering all of that Russian mob money suddenly seems like a bad idea

Laundering all of that Russian mob money suddenly seems like a bad idea.

Attached: Sad-Trump.jpg (600x337, 14K)

Based Trump. So proud of him.

Shareblue employee list
David Brock
Neera Tanden
Angelo Carusone
Ryan Migeed
Josh Dolin
Adrienne Watson
Amanda Karpay
Elizabeth Shapell
Matt McClure
Rebecca Charen
Benjamin Fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Elizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lenhoff
Daniel Wessel
Karla Towle
Kathleen Kennedy
Oliver Willis
Matthew Chapman

Attached: Jews Cause Genocide.jpg (750x398, 68K)

yeah like how did clinton think she would get away with laundering 400 million?

>hurrr but hillary
does this ever work for you faggots?


>he doesn't know about the UK=Russia banking arangements

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it's all they can do with such a pussy "leader"

You've played the russian angle for so long nobody gives too shits anymore other than you hard left dipshits no matter how you put a new spin on it

another paranoid loser thinks anyone with a different opinion is a paid shill

that's not how it's playing out at all, though

everyone makes mistakes

and then they get butt fucked in prison

Dod you know Trump steaks were made from cheap Russian beef from cows raised in the fallout zone of Chernobyl? I can't believe I trusted that man.

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Shareblue faggots thread.

I bet that orange cheeto handed over the blue prints to the F22 and F35 to Putin in person.

>Laundering all of that Russian mob money
Prove it.

the state of this board. Are you listening to NPR? Are you really hitler's son, or are you a hippie libturd

>a discontinued fighter, and a plane that can't fly in the rain
if they wanted the plans they'd get them from China.

Doxing a easily searchable public company? wow. Is this the power of the right!?
But muh Hillary. She lost. Trump is the president focus on what's going on retard.
Hey moron everyone hates Trump now and collusion is so evident now. Jesus fucking Christ.
So did Hillary right ;)
Not an argument.

Mueller arrests Russian woman for meeting with the NRA.

Attached: Mueller HRC.jpg (600x599, 113K)

drumpf eats hits own poop
this its something i keep hearing

Absolute shit storm from the left and right yesterday.

But one seems "too" care. Your Russian to English translator needs a little work, Boris.

His goons are trying to push the narrative that right wing groups are tied to Russia.

NRA would only be of use to Russia is Trump lifts the ban on Russian made weapons and allows the import of Russian sporting rifles and self defense pistols.

ISI Sandniggers detected.

Only people who don't benefit from Russia and US relations are fucking sandniggers... period.

They fear Israelis getting Russian and USA support. This is why Obama's paki and persian cocksuckers and allies are trying to sabotage relations.

USA + Russian alliance = Euro sandniggers and Arabs get BTFO.