The meme war of 2018 has begun.

It’s time to #GiveMenAPause #DemocraSHE #NoWhiteMenMidterms #HerCountryHerChoice #MenStayHome #WeGotThis

Attached: 974D910C-B986-4A20-B20E-F437CA88DB2F.png (591x600, 449K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: B93356E8-336A-45EC-9DAD-AC9D0623551A.png (600x600, 343K)

Attached: ED6FCD43-77BE-423A-9A64-F60685E1DCBD.png (1076x1080, 233K)

Or make your own


Attached: 1965974C-AD0A-4D1C-A050-F9FF679EAD1C.png (600x600, 15K)

reported for stupidity

tfw its 2016 again. AHH memories

Thanks for the bamp

Self bump!

Attached: 1525659848101.jpg (720x438, 30K)

any suggestions on where to post this??
No doubt Twitter will censor this. Should we try instagram this time? or jewbook? we need to spread this on a app that has less strict rules .

We can even further divide them by also going after white women.


Jewbook and even make flyers. Spread this around it will work. Instagram too.

They will actually do that themselves but yes. The rage feminists had when they found out how many women voted for Trump was wonderful.

Too many hashtags. Which ones are we gonna use? Limit it to 3-5

#democrats #abolishwhitemen #banwhitement #imstillwithher

Attached: banwhitemen.jpg (640x853, 123K)

first one and last two


white women didnt vote for hillary often enough to pretend its anything but #notwhitepeople at this point in the democratic party

so a white woman is unlikely to win. no hillary run in 2020 would succeed

This one is perfect, something the Dems would actually put out there.


#NoMenMidterms is literally perfect gentlemen

It would be smarter to try and alienate minority men aswell. Most white men already hate the democrats.

Strictly speaking only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. Smart and sophisticated city people on the other hand voted for Hillary.


If someone can change the font..

>spent 1488 hours in MS Paint and burned 6 gorillion calories to make this

Attached: NMM1.jpg (599x566, 140K)

these sound the most realistic
sounds plausible if spammed by minorities and skinny white guys with beards and tattoos
I get the pun
don't see people latching onto this one unless it's extreme feminism
others sound more appealing

Use this one, I just updated it


Attached: 112234536364.jpg (394x325, 35K)

At least its an honest representation

Fuck off leaf

Attached: leaf-2.jpg (600x400, 104K)

Whether it works or not, it's a hell of a lot of fun.

Attached: democrats-nomen-house.jpg (600x600, 130K)

I think this could be a good line to follow. Take pics from Cville/Nazi rallies and some accompanying quip

Attached: NoMenMidterms.png (591x600, 396K)

Accelerationism is dumb and doesn't work. You really are an impotent faggot, huh. That's just rude and offensive.

Reposting from the last thread.

Attached: democrats-nomen-tie.jpg (600x600, 105K)

kek I love these hashtags

At least use good design. Your lack of padding on the top header reveals an elementary lack of design sense that will prick the normie sense of doubt

why would you reply to a post with a reaction image only for something I copied from OP?
My opinion wasn't worth a reaction image, your post is very VERY suspicious

Attached: 438ytq9qrhwtydlfmbdkf.jpg (345x383, 47K)


Attached: sensible chuckle.gif (250x250, 992K)

Pretty clever OP

Meme War Vet returning to duty..

It was an honor to serve with you comrades last time.. I would be an honor to serve and fall with you now..

Attached: [email protected] (599x544, 432K)

Fuck off summerfag this idea is tits


stop that
shoo shoo 1 post by this ID poster

Attached: 097ygv45iuyv7.jpg (500x612, 110K)


Another one. Again, tweak it as you will

Font is League Spartan btw

Attached: NoMenMidtermsDem.png (620x600, 463K)

Attached: nnmd.png (960x996, 885K)

jesus fuck i hate kids and people from reddit

I don't know about the Charlottesville ones. Might be a bad idea to rehash that. Especially if there is CV2 in a few weeks.

Attached: NoMenMidtermsNazi.png (620x600, 463K)

> Meme War Vet returning to duty..
why lie


Attached: smug.png (307x315, 195K)

Ramp up for the 2020 election lads.

Attached: 844895178541.png (550x550, 295K)

This makes it obvious its from here. Have the focal point be that its minority women who nee to decide the outcome.

This is literally perfect and every one should be modelled like this


Attached: 1530599389877.gif (600x600, 249K)

bump, google's trying to fuck with posting in this thread, so you know it's a good idea.

Fix the clock, that's some low effort shit right there dude

Attached: 1530837899331.png (834x463, 533K)

This beautiful user and not far from the truth, remember that ad the did with rednecks chasing a proud muslim kid?
pepperidge farms remembers

Attached: 20180717_185601.png (600x600, 367K)

Attached: NMM3.jpg (598x589, 129K)


God I miss last summer, Charlottesville was Peak /comfy/

Attached: nothing can stop fashy memes.jpg (813x539, 95K)

If you really want these to gain attention print them out and post them all over college campuses and on street corners

Attached: enough damage 1.jpg (599x594, 319K)

League Spartan is the font

Agreed, that tiki torch march was amazing. They were fucking scared shitless and Trump's response made it all worth it

Attached: grand wizard drumpf.jpg (1480x833, 221K)

former democrat voter here, after trump won, the DNC called out for white men to be "shut down" and realized i had self respect for myself enough to not vote for a political party that only wants my vote and money and not my best interests


The obvious

I remember that video, that was hilarious

We have to kill the niggers RIGHT NOW! if we don't kill the niggers RIGHT NOW! then all white people will go extinct unless we kill the niggers RIGHT NOW

Attached: OP can suck a bag of dicks.png (950x713, 826K)

You've had your chance whiteman, time to step aside

Attached: 20180717_185911.png (600x600, 407K)

>League Spartan is the font

No League Spartan on my crappy MS Paint..

fix it for me comrade???

it's no bueno and my crew isn't on board.

Attached: day of the rake leaf.png (627x800, 334K)

Or other Possibilities
>Don't Let HIM tie you down
>Your Not Tied to Him
>Don't Let HIM tie us down

Attached: tie.jpg (600x600, 80K)


can someone make one with a boy standing in the corner and a smug wymyn with the caption
"They say 'boys will be boys.' I say they need a time out."

Welcome. #metoo

You can download the font then install it on your comp

Do you guys honestly think this will work? I just cant see it, maybe people will beleive it comes from the left wing but I doubt they will listen to it
especially when it is obvious that the right wing wont listen to what they see as "liberal propoganda"
Its a numbers game and everyone knows that whoever has the bigger numbers wins.

honestly it would probably be better if you tried making it look like a left wing ad pretending to be a right wing one in order to trick the liberals into thinking that there will be a smaller republican turn out and thus make them more apathetic about bothering to vote since they then see the win for them as a shoe in.
Plus nobody from the right wing would actually listen to it anyway so it wouldnt hurt actual numbers

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Attached: alphachad.jpg (378x568, 39K)

Attached: laughing funny pepe 4.jpg (798x770, 195K)

You wacky russians and your memes, gonna start another cold war with this one!

bump for mischief making

Attached: 1513840087867.png (314x311, 174K)

Here's another.

Attached: democrats-nomen-boss.jpg (600x600, 99K)



Attached: Shieet.png (594x594, 141K)

These are good because leftists would actually disseminate them.

best one so far

none of these are well-made or believable. sage goes in all fields

Caption this

"She will lead the Blue Wave"
"Sit this one out boys."

Attached: Blue Wave.jpg (589x597, 100K)

fuck off, faggot
get your buzzfeed article elsewhere

Look at these ape-like creatures the kikes and the boomers clothed and trained like parrots.

Glad I dont have to see or talk to these things unless I go to the DMV.

Bring in the hot Russian babes, deport everything else.

Attached: CxfAHBEUQAIFoqc.jpg (1200x800, 159K)

>There were good people on both sides
>What about the Alt Left???
>Massive salt

Topkek, I pray for a CV2, just wish i knew the info to attend. I think they are keeping it hushed this year

Attached: trump butthurt salve.jpg (770x736, 99K)

Kek. And then people will post that with fake accounts posing as the democrats. And than MSM will see it and that something isn't right. And then everyone will cry about how Russia hacks the Midterms elections

There's a problem. The new Democratic slogan is "A Better Deal."

Would you feel better if I followed it up?

Attached: economicallyviable.jpg (500x275, 44K)

If spammed on Twitter and Facebook it might be believed by a small amount of young black women. To anyone with an IQ