Daily Reminder: By Your Own (Austistic) Standards, Ancient Egyptians were Black

Last year, the first serious genetic study was done on Ancient Egyptian mummies. It showed that they were most closely related to the modern populations of the Arab world and Turkey. No surprise there.

But there were two things in the study that produced much luls. First, the Ancients were more closely related to southern Europeans than blacks (Nubians). Second, they were much less black than the modern Egyptian population (Arabs AND Copts are blacker), the exact reverse of the Afrocentrist hypothesis.

The problem for you, user, is that you believe in the one drop rule. ALL of the mummies had significant levels of sub-Saharan DNA* (they ranged from 6% to 15%). Therefore they were all black by your standards.

tl;dr: Either accept Ancient Egypt as a great black civilization or give up the anti-"race mixing" fanaticism (/one drop rule).

* source: unz.com/isteve/egyptian-mummy-dna-scanned/

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This is racist against northern africans and very ahistorical. You cant get rid of all the non black pharoahs and egyptians just because there was a nubian pharoah at one point

Did you read my post or the study? All of the mummies (like all modern Egyptians) had black ancestry. It was just distant. But all of the ones tested had it (between 6 and 15%).

Lmao that's your average American DNA. WE WUZ

>Being part black means you're black
Mexicans would kill you for your heresy

To deny we Wuz Kangz you have to deny the one drop rule; i.e. admit that people can have significant black ancestry while not being black.

The Ancient Egyptians were extremely mixed; they were more Middle Eastern than anything else, but more southern Euro than black. However, they did mix with blacks (duh, they had blacks bordering them) and were almost all part black. The study confirmed this.

Obviously you can have black ancestors and you won't be black, but that doesn't mean you can be white. A mutt is a mutt, you fucking mongrel.

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So they were mutts? That explains a lot.

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Nobody ever believed in the one drop rule. That was just a coloquialism to explain the legal policy that anyone born to a black parent would just be considered black because otherwise you would need a judge to decide every single case

Yup even in its most literal form, the one drop rule is just saying having non-white ancestry disqualifies you from being considered white, its doesn't say anything about what you actually are though

>Nobody ever believed in the one drop rule

search "one drop" in the Jow Forums archive

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>Modern Egyptians are blacker than Ancient Egyptians
Huh, never expected that. Interesting.

That's never been in dispute for anyone who wasn't retarded.

>The study, published on 30 May in Nature Communications1, includes data from 90 mummies buried between 1380 bc, during Egypt’s New Kingdom, and ad 425, in the Roman era.

Aww shit, they started with New Kingdom mummies. Into the trash it goes. This is okay for telling you what the New Kingdom on was like, but it's useless for anything before that.

Depends which mummies were tested- early empires (best empires) were whitest- as they got nubian slaves and mixed, brazil happened

Mixed race is the master race.

>It reveals that mummies were closely related to ancient Middle Easterners, hinting that northern Africans might have different genetic roots from people south of the Sahara desert.
No shit? Fucking pop-sci was a mistake. This has NEVER been in dispute, yet a literal """""science""""" mag is trying to act like this is some revolutionary new information. Idiots.

Let me explain the one drop rule for you: they are subhuman enough to be exterminated and barred from European societies, but not negroid enough to be as primitive as fully blooded negroids

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>The problem for you, user, is that you believe in the one drop rule. ALL of the mummies had significant levels of sub-Saharan DNA* (they ranged from 6% to 15%). Therefore they were all black by your standards.

On the off-chance you're being serious, that's not what that means. A person being 99% white and 1% black doesn't make that person black; it just makes that person not white.

>Nobody ever believed in the one drop rule
Many people still do and a lot of continental Europeans don’t consider the southern part of it to be real Europe in 2018

Lol ur a fucking troll fuck you idiot.

They are non white and black.

So if a sicilian / spaniard is 2% black from the moors invasion does that make them non white? You fucking moron.

Actually, what you're denying it meant is literally what it meant. "The one-drop rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was historically prominent in the United States asserting that any person with even one ancestor of sub-Saharan African ancestry ("one drop" of black blood)[1][2] is considered black"

Plessy v. Ferguson involved a "white-passing" man with a black great-grandparent. He was still black under US Law.

Under the laws of your ancestors all pharaohs were black.


Found the nigger.

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If I was a fascist dictator I'd go for big-tent ethno-nationalism. Everyone with at least 49% white DNA can stay.


Yikes, cunt. More closely related to Europeans than modern-day Egyptians. You can't use your jewish tricks to fool me, schlomo

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I'm an ancient egyptian and I'm white

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6 to 15%? That's what I call "la luz extinguido"

Yes that's true. Modern Egyptians are quite far away from Ancient Egyptians because they have so much more black ancestry than the Ancient did. This has exactly zero to do with my original point; they had more European ancestry than black, and much less black ancestry than modern Egyptians, but they still had significant black ancestry. That's what the study your'e quoting says.

Although, the study still Arabs and Turks were genetically closer to Ancient Egyptians than south-eastern Europeans are. The latter are merely closer to Ancient Egyptians than modern Egyptians (who are like 30-40% black if they're Arab, 15-25% if Coptic) are.

Moors weren't black- they were north African arabs

It absolutely does you fucking mixed abomination. Any negroid blood means you are not even a real human
>Moor invasion
Have you ever heard of the Neolithic farmers?

Ur a fucking dumb fuck, go study fucking genetics.

Arab, Levantine, Mestizo, Castizo, South “”””European””””, Jew, Caucasian - all the same negroid tainted shit

Moor invasion is a hollywood lie- moors were arabs.
arabs were Caucasian pre african slavery and had little negro mix

fuck off u fucking mongol piece of fucking shit.

u honestly think niggers could invade spain?
It was arabs

Do you honestly believe that a contintent living right next to western africa wouldn't mix? Your so fucking dumb and caucasian is just a word used by zoomalis & poos such as yourself.

Did i say black? I said mixed not black. Clearly you need to go back to school.

Enough to cease to be human. All is here about that It’s a good thing we can wipe them all out at the same time with a single biological virus.

Do you honestly think sub Saharans ventured north of the Sahara and invaded spain yet couldnt even invent the wheel. the med region was all Caucasian, be it Semitic or aryan.
Call them 2% Semite if u want but they dont have nigger dna

I love how Arabs/Muslims become white the second they do something cool (conquer whites, invent the IPhone) and the same people immediately become shitskins when they do something gross and stupid. Shows how unserious you all are.

Who are the turages then xd. Ur so fucking dumb.

Moors speaking with native spaniards;
Which is the moors?

Moors were only depicted as black in artwork later on as Germans used the jet black ''moor'' as a mascot- basically the first minstrels


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About as valid (and distorted for the same reasons) as Bobby Jindal's portrait.

>some cunt now
>populations 1300 years ago before major immigration

Stop using terms like “Caucasian”. It puts normal humans like Europeans in a same category with abbo poos and part nog ayrabs.

why is this such a controversial topic? egypt wasn't even a 'great civilisation'. sumerians, persians, greeks and romans all absolutely shit on them. in any case, a civilisation whose founders are non-black and whose leaders were vastly non-black genetically can't be defined as a black civilisation. at best it's a mixed civilisation.
points for making me reply. i hope other anons are saging appropriately.

There are large pops of white (christian) arabs still,
Their major issue is muslim inbreeding which makes them have an 85 IQ.
The negro mixing of the brown arabs was done in recent centuries as all muslim's african slaves in the past were castrated

The one drop rule is fucking stupid. In the American context, are you seriously gonna say that because somebody has a great great great great grandparent that's an injun isn't white? You're a legitimate retard if you'd consider somebody nonwhite over such a little amount of dna. But whatever, I forget Jow Forums is full of 200 iq 6' 10" blonde hair blue eyed chads of 100% pure bavarian ancestry with 16" dicks.

Why do u love brown people so much? You sit here and talk about mongrels but u suck dirty brown cock which are mongrels.

Caucasian is a broad term for Caucasoid.
Like it or not those groups u mentioned are Caucasoid under that classification- if you want to make ur own go ahead.
The classification for white, contrary to jew propaganda is aryan (doesnt just mean german, nor does it mean blue eyes and blonde) aryan means european white

try harder kike

They’ve been part negroid due to the Neolithic farmers just like ahMed scum. Neither of those are White. All other nigger ancestry in Northern Africa, Levantine and South Europe is just AN ADDITION to already non-human negroid blood


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>Caucasian is a broad term for Caucasoid.
They guy who introduced that “”””””term”””””” literally felt in love with a skull so...

Coptic Christians are considerably more intermixed with blacks than Ancient Egyptians. Less than Arabs, to be sure, but as much as 25% on average in southern Egypt. Pictured is a Coptic man in Upper Egypt.

There are some Copts in the extreme north of Egypt that are similar to the Ancients: mostly non-black, Levantine people. These superior people are over-represented in the diaspora. But the vast majority are shit skins. Pictured is how a Copt from Luxor looks.

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And European White means no shit blood from under Alps, Zagreb or Kiev

I really don't give a shit who the egyptians were. It doesn't make me like the crime-ridden black neighborhood over the bridge. It doesn't make me any more likely to accept the swathes of non english speaking neighborhoods scattered around my country. If I had it my way they all would go play KANGZ somewhere else.

What a feminine looking man

>ALL of the mummies had significant levels of sub-Saharan DNA* (they ranged from 6% to 15%). Therefore they were all black by your standards.

>modern Egyptians can trace 8% more of their ancestry to sub-Saharan Africans than can the mummies from Abusir el-Meleq.

>Ancient Egyptian mummy genomes suggest an increase of Sub-Saharan African ancestry in post-Roman periods

>post Roman periods

kill yourself OP

Make ur own classification then, thats just the generally accepted/ known one so i use it- genetically those groups are more closely related and can be grouped whatever you call them- I only care about the aryan or white or european or whatever u want to call it tho- there are some fully whites living in arab countries tho- related more to russians than the arab muslims that exist today

there's no such thing as Egypt, faggot

So i read through the thread and basically the verdict is mutts were kangs

What does black ancestry even mean?
We have ancestry with jellyfish for that matter.

The reason why their civilization turned to shit and they weren't able to build more pyramids and cool stuff is because they let their nigger slaves run around and chimp out. The nigger DNA is prolly due to nigger rape sprees.

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What about Mongol blood?

So we can all agree that egyptian history belongs to black-med mongrels?

It said a king had black ancestry u stupid cunt.

never said coptic christians. I said whites (mostly christians) in the middle east like pic and assad+ his wife

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I don’t need my own classification because there is one already “purebred native European”. We have nothing in common with garbage Semites or South Asians of any kind.
>generally accepted
Only in a country that elected a nigger twice

the one drop rule only applies to whites you idiot and nobody here claims ancient egyptians were white, at least I hope to god they don't. We have enough tards on this board

Whites btfo'd by mutts yet again this shit is so fucking funny & there one drop rule

You really thought this was a good argument?

>It said a king had black ancestry u stupid cunt.

So will your future kings, you retarded poofter. kek.

>ALL of the mummies had significant levels of sub-Saharan DNA* (they ranged from 6% to 15%).
You got that backwards. Modern niggers have some of the Ancient Egyptian's DNA.

The only fully Whites living in Arab countries are Northern and Slavic European businessmen and tourists, not the locals. White people end at Alps

kek why are you shitskins so fucking retarded?
Not all of the fucking middle east is Arabic or semitic.
All of the Middle East was fucking MEDITERRANEAN CAUCASIAN until sandnigger beduin semites from Saudi Arabia came and brought Islam with them during the 6th century mongrelizing the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Turkey.
The people around the Med Sea are Med Caucasian, so they were whites, not Germanic white, but still fucking white, with nordish phenotypes here and there.
These Whites in the Middle East still call themselves Levantine Rum, not fucking Arabs.
They are culturally Arabs but not racially semites.

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^ What i've basically been saying

Lotsa people say russians arent white either so you have your opinion and ill have mine

*autistic mulatto screeching*

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Compare Jordanians and Palestinians to Syrians, especially ALawites. The latter are much whiter. Why? Because of mixing with actual whites in the centuries of the crusader states.

Syrians and Lebanese are mixed with Euros, real Levantines (Jordanians, Palestinians) are clearly not white.

There is a difference between what people say or what some Beirut-born hook-nosed subhuman in shitty East Anglia uni says and actual genetic data you see.

No arab, levantine poc or a kike can be White. Being pale is another story that has nothing to do with racial Whiteness

You do know this shows that spain has no sub saharan admixture?
North+ east african doesnt equal nigger

This isn't even in dispute, you ignorant slut. Syrians are like 30% European on 23/me from centuries of Crusader state intermarriage. That is why some look white, contrary to your conspiracy theories about all brown Levantines being invaders. (Which doesn't explain why there are brown Levantine Christians* like Mia Khalifa, who didn't marry Bedouin Muslims.)

* The Christian Levantines are whiter, but that's merely because they intermarried with Europeans and not Bedouins. Many are quite brown like pictured, a Lebanese Crsitian.

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>Steve Jobs
>Half Persian half White
>Not religious

>iPhone is a muslim invention

kek Ahmed your inbred is showing.

Actually he's half Syrian (Arab) Muslim.

Also LMAO at this nonsense that Levantines don't identify as Arab. youtube.com/watch?v=B_ubOwHlXPs The big LARPy fight song for Assad's men is literally titled "I am Syrian, I am Arab."

I-phones are shit and only faggots use them so i couldnt give a shit about steve jobs being white or a full blooded bone in nose nigger.

Also interesting to me are the various tribes in Afghanistan and the Middle East such as the Pashtun people that look strangely European.

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Let me ask you this. If the one drop rule was legitimate then why the fuck was middle easterners and north africans considered white? Especially the morrocans who clearly mixed. Face it, whites are trying to steal mixed race cultures.

> you are right about egyptians not being KANGS but if i move the goalpost a little then i can claim victory, check mate bigots!

How do leftists like you even function in society when you're this fucking retarded? I can't even fathom how anyone could type this mental diarrhea and think to himself "yeah this is good, I'm sure I got them this time".

Fucking neck yourself.

> filthy Bolshevik KVETCHING
I see you edomite scum

Iran and and Persian parts of Afghanistan are different. It's been genetically proven that these people are by far the closest Middle Eastern population to Europeans. Whereas Levantines are closer to Bedouins, as are the southern Christian Levantines (northern Egyptian Copts, Christian Palestinians, etc).

He wasn't a muslim you idiot, fleeing Islam is why his father even came to the West! muslim is not a race, he's also not Arab he is Assyrian. Look at his fucking face idiot does he look like an Arab?

only mongrel mutts do
meanwhile White Levantine Rum identity as Caucasian and not Arabic.

Theres such a thing as the passage of time- med north africa and middle east was white (or Caucasian or whatever you want to call it) then the muslim hordes came with their nigger slaves and cousin fucking and now the middle east and north africa are not white