Wages aren’t growing when adjusted for inflation, new data finds


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No shit. They just recently announced they want to lower the age of truckers from 21 to 18 because they can't find enough truckers

Neglecting that they could simply raise the wages of truckers to make the field more appealing

It's shit like that all across the board. Just bring in someone who will do it for cheaper


OP is a jew nigger trying to use Jow Forums for ad clicks gtfo! MODS!!1

I am a felon and i get constant requests to train to be a trucker. Its a job of last resort and the pay is less than min wage now.


god deposit account electronically linked to a savings account. as far as I know you need a foreign bank to organise it.

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the training company will earn around $700 a day each time you turn up. also there is no job at the end.

source: max employment is a worldwide company

Wages can't grow all the time. Keeping up with inflation is a pretty high standard.

>new data
>except we've known this since 1918

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I literally saw a trucking company advertising jobs last week

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lol no it isn't

Nice “new find” faggot, it’s been that way for half a century

Go watch Trump's AIPAC speech and update your infographic.

Well, in the case of America, it is.

America has an exceptionally high standard of living, particularly in the past.

Maintaining that level of prosperity is not easy. The most likely trajectory is that wages will go down over time, when adjusted for inflation.

how dare u

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look at 2015 and 2016

Also this post is highly accurate. Used to work for a company that “just couldn’t find people willing to work.” What that’s code for is people weren’t willing to accept garbage benefits and an insultingly low salary. The solution? Hire illegals and migratory workers who don’t mind living twelve to an apartment. That’s how most shops are operating these days.

Yea it's statistical. I'm talking about in the long term.

it's perfectly possible it's just that the big execs and CEOs are obsessed with suppressing wages

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Yea, and workers are obsessed with improving their wages.
That's life.

I'm not saying it's impossible for them to go up... I'm just saying the likelihood is that they're going to go down over time.

Alternative solution for these warehouses, factories, plants, etc. is to take on one or more staffing agencies. The agencies give minimal essential coverage (this is a euphemism for health insurance that covers literally nothing except for one annual physical). The agencies supply a never ending stream of felons and other unemployables who work for unreasonably long hours at minimum wage. Eventually the people get tired and quit and they roll in new felons. That’s where a whole lot of “new job growth” comes from.

>let's not adjust for inflation to make Onigger look good
>let's adjust for inflation to make DRUMPF! look bad
this has been a trend for 70 years, let's not pretend this is suddenly new.


u didnt even open the article did u

that's because right wingers serve CEOs instead of workers

The left-right dichotomy that you are sold on the msm is a trick to confuse you.

In america, both parties serve corporate interests while throwing scraps to the people who vote for them.

The scraps are better than the other party getting into power though.

Democrats like Bernie are the only ones who fight against corporate power

all republicans do is cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy elites

Bernie is an idiot and would destroy america if our congress were foolish enough to let him enact his agenda.
He seems genuine, i'll give you that... but that isn't enough.

Why is there such low IQ posting and thread topics on this board?

Like if you want to shitpost why not argue why the PCE is not as good as the CPE given energy volatility?

Also, timely shilling :)


>Earnings optimism was boosted by a report from the Federal Reserve showing an increase in U.S. industrial production led by a rebound in manufacturing.

"Economic reports ... are suggesting that activity in the second quarter might have been better than expected," Jankovskis said. "That, perhaps, is playing into some of these increases in forecasts."

>15 dollars an hour
>99 percent!
>free feminism degrees
>ancient view of banking system that is no longer relevant

He can talk. That's it.

see what i mean.

it's so easy to expose u corporate wall street shills

Ah yes, because Drumpf's entire family and administration isn't filled to the brim with der jewz.

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>everyone who disagrees with me is a corporate shill!
yea, keep watching tyt.

That is a low level worldview that they spoon out to expand their audience. They are attracting the lowest common denominator. That's you.

Why the chinkfaggot is so antisemitic when the nigger prez it isnt?

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keep cutting taxes for giant corporations, that'll show em!

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Do you really expect wages to go up with all the immigrants and refugee's amnesty don is admitting?

He hasn't even built the wall like he promised would be complete by now.


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>Hollywood aka (((THEJEWHOLD))) shilling hard against trump

>Multi-billion dollar tech companies shilling hard against trump.

He's... he's totally a jewish agent guyiz... rite? you should vote for hilldog. or the literal jew sanders.

The economy is fucked.
If they don't start getting serious about solutions to automation and wage suppression, shit is going to get reallllllll ugly in the next 10-20 years.

I'm talking Detroit, but nationwide, ugly.

Ideally there wouldn't be any taxes.
I would rather elect somebody who lowers their taxes on businesses than someone who suffocates them... while expanding the welfare state and increasing the nigger problem.

We're forced to choose between two evils.

I would vote for a legit communist if he had a credible plan to remove all the nonwhites from the U.S.

Obama didnt teach you to hate jewish people.

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Obama conceded on Tuesday that the “new international elite” who feel most comfortable in places like New York, London, and Shanghai are often out of touch for wanting to exploit “lower-cost immigrant labor” without realizing the impact their economic decisions have on local workers.

Obama shared the sentiments of many America-first residents on Chicago’s South Side.

When I see Mexican flags waved at proimmigration demonstrations, I sometimes feel a flush of patriotic resentment. When I’m forced to use a translator to communicate with the guy fixing my car, I feel a certain frustration,” Obama wrote

Obama said that “while globalization upended manufacturing sectors and weakened the demand for native workers while scrambling “economic and traditional social and religious” norms.

He added that members of the “new international elite” often “don’t get to see the pain of laid-off workers” from “their boardroom retreats” and are oblivious to the resentment “of an older tradesman when he complains that a newcomer doesn’t speak the language on the job site he once worked.”

“But too often, these decisions are made without reference to national solidarity, or a ground-level understanding of the consequences felt by particular people,” Obama continued.

Obama added that “in their business dealings, many titans of industry and finance are increasingly detached from any single locale or nation states” and “they live lives more and more insulated from the struggles of ordinary people in their countries of origin.”

You are right of course, both parties do this shit.

Thing is, only one party even talks about the problem at all, and that is the Dems.
So they get points for at least being the one who even acknowledges the problem, and some of the candidates have plans to help.
Republicans balk at the notion that poor people are being paid enough, because they believe all poor people are just irresponsible.
Which is fair there is a bunch of irresponsible poor people. Thing is though the other ones who are not irresponsible are quite literally trapped in poverty.

TLDR: Republicans are worse on the issue of wage stagnation, and taxing the rich for their fair share.
Democrats are worse on actual policy to fix it.
But then again they are the only ones trying to fix it as well, so you can't really compare.

only thing that would fix this is ending the federal reserve. why do people even defend them they cause recessions/depression and inflation is getting out of control.

1) Bush Sr and Clinton design free Trade Treaty’s w/ China and Mexico to flood USA w/ cheap goods sold at China owned Wal*Marts etc.

2) USA industry & biz suffer, can’t sell their goods. Lay off US workers, who unemployed can’t afford stuff, start paying w/ debt cards from banks owned by Corp giants and Chinese.

3) Local US mom & pop Main Street shops can’t compete w/ Chinese owned Wal*Mart types. Close doors. US Towns and cities become ghost towns. Illegal SUNKtuary gangs (protected by US Mayors) move in with drug wars.

4) Bush/ Clinton/ Obama admins increase govt biz restrictions to protect “climate change”. Giant Corporations can’t compete with cheap foreign goods and move to China, Mexico, Thailand etc. Bush / Clinton/ Obama and buddies then “invest” in overseas Chinese etc Giant Corp and get richer.

5) US middle class whose major asset was their house are encouraged by banks to take out “Home Equity” loans or buy houses they can’t afford. Then lose their good jobs due to Bush/ Clinton policies. 2008 crash. Middle class pop then unemployed and lose only major asset, their home.

6) Obama given prez job. Obama writes Billion$ dollar$ checks to print free money to Big Banks that US taxpayer must pay back. Scam called “QE”. Obama repeats trick 4 times. Now US hopelessly in debt. Unemployment high.

7) US middle class elects Trump as prez. Trump begins to reverse Bush/ Clinton / Obama scam of #1 thru #6. US media con-trolled by British Reuters warns that reversing 1 to 6 will destroy USA.

just cause i hate the trumps doesn't mean i hate all jewish people

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Honestly I would like to go back to old day where their was no income taxes and the entire government was paid through tariffs.

Here's the thing: It's quite impossible to separate money from politics. Any attempt solution would require a radical reformation of the government. Your aiming to solve an unsolvable problem. You won't succeed in that.

What do I care about? What do I want from my government?

I want that my grandchildren will have a place to grow up where they can live a reasonably happy life where they are accepted and can procreate.

All my political decisions stem from that wish. When we grow the welfare state via deficit spending, we are doing so at the cost of the future. I'm not going to support any growth of the welfare state ever.

Another thing: I'm not going to support any nonwhite immigration ever. Nonwhites hate white people. We have to get them out of america. Anyone who wants to do that has my support.

Social security and medicare? We have to get rid of them. They are an endlessly growing cancer and we can't sustain them.

People have to suffer so that my children can live a happy life. And I am ready to bring them that suffering.

Outsourcing would have happened if we did it or not though.
US companies outsourcing was a pretty smart move when you think about it>
Another 20 years or so and those countries would have built their own factories and then just undercut US businesses till they failed.
This way at least the Corporation itself still pays US taxes (Well, sometimes), instead of nothing at all.

Climate change is real mate, whether you like it or not that shit is happening and you need to square with that.
Every single international science community is saying the same thing about it.

the deinndustrialization of US started with Kissinger/Nixon/Rockefeller's globalist shift to China and also Taiwan/Korea/Japan. the steel belt became the rust belt in the 70s due to their policies.

the clintons continued rockefeller's policies (including NAFTA)

the "Rust Belt" is a term that gained popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s, resulting from Rockefeller's globalist policies.

Since the 1960s, the expansion of Rockefeller's worldwide free trade agreements have been less favorable to U.S. workers. Imported goods such as steel cost much less to produce in Third World countries (china) with cheap foreign labor

Beginning with the recession of 1970–71, a new pattern of deindustrializing economy emerged.
Nixon/Rockefeller China project went to full swing in the 1980s.

Nixons China policy resulted in gradual expansion of the U.S. trade deficit with China in the 1980s. In the ensuing years the U.S. developed a massive trade deficit with the East Asian nations of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan. As a result, the traditional manufacturing workers in the region have experienced economic upheaval. This effect has devastated government budgets across the U.S and increased corporate borrowing to fund retiree benefits.

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your knowledge or consent...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

>defending modern banking
>not being aware of this

globalists are thrusting the west to destruction yet again

China is the dream of the globalist. Full totalitarian despotism and pro-censorship of anything the government deems 'hateful'. Oh, they would just loooove China.

It even has all the starvation, shortages, famines, fake food and corruption they love too!

protip: Rockefeller created China

US Middle Class Still Suffering from Rockefeller-Kissinger Industrial Transfer Scheme to China





founded by non other, than our Mr. John D. Rockefeller III in 1954

But my inbreds comrades, he never said he would return those jobs to America. You only remember incorrectly because of the fake news coming from the dishonest press, no doubt under the orders of Snowb- I mean Crooked Hillary.

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American-owned companies should not have moved over 5 million breadwinner jobs to racially homogenous countries, like China and Mexico, with labor markets so cheap—undercutting American workers so deeply—that US workers could never work for such wages without sleeping on the streets.

Nor could Americans finance groceries on the wages that American-owned companies pay their foreign labor force, not without the pay for sex and reproduction from government that, in reality, takes care of basic bills for millions of womb-productive citizens, legal and illegal immigrants in a country—the USA—where wages have not risen in 40 years.

Globalism has not paid off for Americans.

When American-owned companies offshored so many jobs, it produced a double blow, depriving the SS retirement fund of 250 million contributors.

The Americans hurt by this system, including many small businesses, struggling to compete with big-box stores that get volume discounts on Made-in-China goods, have been discussing this issue for decades, regardless of how much it was ignored by all but a few politicians, namely just Perot, Buchanan and Trump.

The possibility of a trade war was discussed long before the Chinese leader’s words and long before Trump gained traction as a serious political leader. It was discussed by everyday Americans, suffering the consequences of globalism, including the trade with China.

No country’s economy should be destroyed in a trade war, but the well being of American workers must be in the equation. Economic elites in the USA and China—along with the cheap, racially homogenous labor force in China that Anerican elites cash in on—are not the only humans who count.

>Any attempt solution would require a radical reformation of the government.
You would just need to adjust the tax rates.
Meaning you would raise taxs on people making a million + a year.
>Your aiming to solve an unsolvable problem.
That is exactly what they said about Social Security, yet here we are.
>where they can live a reasonably happy life where they are accepted and can procreate.
Yeah, but on its current trajectory, that is impossible. That is why we need a new deal.
>Nonwhites hate white people.
Oh please.
I grew up in California guy, I know about how different races get along, and I never got hated on because I am white. Sure they will joke about you being the only white guy in a group, but that is about it.
>Social security and medicare? We have to get rid of them. They are an endlessly growing cancer and we can't sustain them.
They have to be there.
If not 25% of our country is going to starve to death or die from the flu.
It doesn't make a great example for your country to have its old people dying in the streets.
>People have to suffer so that my children can live a happy life. And I am ready to bring them that suffering.
Well, then move to Somalia where they don't have the social contract, and they can join up with a pirate crew and get strafed by automotive weapons fire.

want some proof?

George Soros, on bringing China into the New World Order:

youtube.com/watch?v=YlG_zYgG05o&t=9m26s (less than one minute)
youtube.com/watch?v=GSscAIN8Omo (ten minutes)

"I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order — financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution. Their share is not commeasurate — their voting rights are not commeasurate — to their weight. So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies..."

Notorious globalist George Soros revealed a few darker details of what the IMF calls the “global economic reset” in an interview in 2009; these details included a diminished American economy, a diminished dollar and for China to become a new economic engine for the world.

If you are just going to spam links instead of responding to my points then don't reply gaylord.
I'm not going to read 4 hours of articles just so I can appreciate your viewpoint.

>No country’s economy should be destroyed in a trade war, but the well being of American workers must be in the equation. Economic elites in the USA and China—along with the cheap, racially homogenous labor force in China that Anerican elites cash in on—are not the only humans who count.

That's all well and good.

I think you're trying to imply Trump is going after the elites by tanking the tariffs. There doesn't seem like a plan beyond that.

Say, you want to sell more American steel. You need a buyer. First and Foremost. Which would most likely be Dubai.

Business leaders moved industry to China and gave away America's hegemony to foreigners in a matter of 20 years

Globalization is literally just something the US invented so that we could cultivate an alliance network against the USSR and attain energy security. Now that the USSR is dead and we have plenty of our own energy, there's no reason for Globalism to keep going.

Just remember everyone---- Henry Kissinger started all this as part of his theory of Realpolitik to spite Russian Detente by opening trade with China as a counterbalance, Now, 35 years later, China is an Economic Superpower. and Russia is still a Nuclear Superpower. So much for Realpolitik. One could argue we have had the benefit of cheaper consumer products from China , but at a huge cost of astronomical deficits which obviously benefited China's modernization.

Chinks actually think they got this big by themselves. They were gorging on human flesh right up to the 70s because they didn't have anything to eat. We created superpower China, and we can destroy superpower China. Once we're done with them, they'll be a wasteland with nothing to eat but each other (for the 1000th time in their history).

>And then retards still support illegal immigration to exacerbate the oversaturation of entry level/min wage workers

>I know about how different races get along, and I never got hated on because I am white. Sure they will joke about you being the only white guy in a group, but that is about it.

You're naive. Nonwhites consistently vote to take money away from white people. You are blinding yourself to reality. Racism exists.

>If not 25% of our country is going to starve to death or die from the flu.
No they won't... and it doesn't matter. We have tho bear the moral cost of our ancestors mistakes... otherwise our children will have to bear them.
That means turning off the spigot.

>Well, then move to Somalia
No, my idea is to move the somalians to somalia and keep america american.

The US has been making economic concessions for political ends since World War 2 ended. The sad fact is that the US has always prioritised geopolitical aims over economic interests - whether it was rebuilding European industry via the Marshall Plan, exporting military production to client states, or admitting China to the WTO in the hopes that the resulting prosperity would induce a democratic revolution from below, the US government has had no qualms about sacrificing industry to advance foreign policy

Let’s blame Kissinger, Soros, Nixon, Rockefeller, Koch, Bush, Clinton, and Obama. They came up with NAFTA and Globalization. They let all the US corporations outsource and I can never forget the time, when we IT Tech Network Administrators had to talk to Indians and Chinese for our tech problems.

China took advantage of US and why not? They stole all the information and our presidents allowed that to happen.

china would never have industrialized w/o the west spoonfeeding china, changing its diapers, and holding it by the hand so it can walk

the west literally birthed modern china by transferring all its industry/tech/science and then patiently mentoring them until they became semi-self-sufficient.

The Chinese are a bunch of ingrates. Just compare China before Nixon and after. We literally dragged China out of the gutter, gave them the tools to modernize, and gave them their entrance to global trade. We should not have helped China at all and let them languish in Communist poverty.

>china would never have industrialized w/o the west spoonfeeding china, changing its diapers, and holding it by the hand so it can walk

So? That's what happens when you have hippies in office.

Great Recession was a result of TRADE TREATYs fashioned by Bush Sr and Clinton administrations to give China and Mexico advantage over USA industry and biz. Destruction of USA industry was planned by these Treaties/ admins to weaken US middle class.

Peeps then start to buy cheap stuff from China, Mexico, Thailand, etc. then American biz fold or move overseas.

Check for yourself: When WAL*MART added the RED STAR of CHINA was when it ceased to be USA owned. Also check to see when biggest banks in USA became Chinese banks. Then check to see when Obama’s etc sold US PORTS to China and other foreign countries.

No, no, no my inbreds comrades, these are all lies from the dishonest media. The true is that americans should work harder and their wages be lower to show those pesky mexicans and chinamen that good, old american workforce can compete against all the other farms- I mean, countries. Remember that since Trump is president the stock market has reached peak highs again and again, proving that there is not unemployment in america and everyone of you lardburgers in white inbread are actually better than before. Long live Trump Farm!

Remember that the Morgenthau plan was to deindustrialize the Germans. They just implemented it in the German areas of the USA instead.


from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$150k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$190k in Vancouver
>£70k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites


you can thank the neocohens for this. Kissinger despised the American goyim and promised to undermine it, if not destroy it. This was accomplished through giving away our manufacturing base to China. There was a time when absolutely nothing bought in this country said made in China, nothing. Now you will be hard pressed to find anything that says made in America. It's a damn shame. We must be the only nation that laid down and gave our birth right away.

Chinas growing dominance is due in large part to the action and continued support of Western business and political figures rather than its own innate power.

USSR wouldnt have been the monster it was if the US industrialists didnt transfer their industry to USSR ~100 years ago. Ford, GM... all setup factories in USSR thinking it was good for business.

the Soviets then kicked out and gulag'd the americans and kept the industries for free without paying a cent to the western industrialists

globalism: pretty fuckin retarded

How America Helped Build The Soviet Machine

How We Built the Soviet Might


Who cares about a bunch of ameriburgers in white inbread? If you cant keep up with the times, you are as useful as a corpse. So be it.

Trump doesn't work for us and he won't save us, nothing will get better if we look to politicians instead of organizing the solutions ourselves.



A world free from Asian/African/Mexican overpopulation could be $8000 Octillion richer


It's proven that
>Society becomes infinitely more affluent and efficient when you eliminate overpopulation and free up resouces and wealth.
>It is more difficult to manage the burden of overpopulation than it is to quarantining overpopulating shitskins.
>People from overpopulated countries are a burden on the entire planet and block the progress of science, technology, and humanity by hoarding all resources to support the tumor in the form of Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Only about 1% of humanity is against culling and/or quarantining Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Culling shitskins will result in less overcrowding overall since shitskins comprise 90% of the entire global population of 10billion
>The surviving shitskin females can then be culturally enriched with white sperm from around the world.
>There are solutions to prevent them from escaping and getting refuge and welfare benefits.

What do you think? The world would be a better place if Asia/Africa/Mexico is culled. Depopulation of overpopulating locusts is the future, globalism is hindering progress.

That's not what the top 5% thinks.

All Im hearing is "waaaaaaa, we used to rule this joint. Where my country gone?". Stupid burgers, think keeping your inbred ways was never coming back to bite you in the ass?



If this continued invasion of our living area by Asia, Africa, Latinos continues, we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of US in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Yellow and Brown population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet

How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our technology and medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Latin America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?

If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world

China was our situational friend against the USSR, we built the chinks up and now they are our enemy

USSR was our situational friend against the Nazis, we built the Soviets up and they became our enemy

Nazis were our situational friend against the Bolsheviks, we built the Nazis up and they became our enemy

Taliban/Jihadis were our situational friend against the USSR, we built the Jihadis up and they became our enemy

EU were our situational friend against the USSR, we built the EU up thru Marshall plan and they became our enemy

Globalism: pretty fuckin retarded

>Globalization is literally just something the US invented
You are an idiot dude.
Countries and the effects of trade between them have existed since the city states 3500 years ago.
This problem is not unique and has happened to every country who ever established trade with a foreign government.
> there's no reason for Globalism to keep going.
Except if it does not continue then the world economy we spent the last 70 years building is going to collapse.
>We created superpower China, and we can destroy superpower China.
We certainly contributed to their growth, but no we did not make China and China would still exist if we hadn't opened trade with them.
China is one of the worlds older civilizations man, it was always going to get big eventually.
>You are blinding yourself to reality. Racism exists.
Yeah, I am the one blinded by my experience of the real world and how it is nothing like the hellscape everyone imagines racial relations to be.
Stop being such a slave to your political narrative.
Racial relations mean shit all, and the people pushing that they do are invariably people trying to distract from the real problems like wage stagnation which actually contribute to crime.

White Americans are already dead. You just don't know it yet.

Imagine your first name being sholom.

>repeating Scythian/Andronovo failures
the west never learns from history

>be prehistoric Central Asian
>member of blonde heavy-bearded, aquiline-nosed Yamna, Afanasevo, Andronovo, Tocharian, Scythian, Bactrian, Sogdian
>invent the wheel and chariot
>first to domesticate the horse
>build prehistoric cities
>meet innocent looking Eskimo-like people in the periphery of your civilization, in the tundra
>teach them your ways of the horse and lifestyle, transfer your knowledge and technology
>they adopt and adapt to your Scythian ways
>they expand from their tundra, permafrost territory
>gradually take ownershership of Scythian clay
>for the next couple eons you fail against their onslaughts
>indigigenous Scythians of Asia is now replaced by Mongolids

mongoloids were cute little eskimos before the Caucasoids taught them everything they knew and what did the Caucasoids get in return?


Things are better in those countries thanks to globalization. So what does it matter that hundreds of inbreds starve because they are too stupid to get a job other than shoving coal, when life quality is improving globally? If the price to pay is the lifestyle of a bunch of retards who never gave a shit about other countries, thats a bargain for the rest of us.

What achievements? There's 2 billion Chinks in the world and they have eons years of yellow monkey history, yet the only thing they contributed to humanity are the compass and gunpowder. That's a pretty fucking pathetic display.

China does not have 5000 years bro. Earliest Chinese dynasty is from 1700BC.

they're the same thing: 4+ billion leeches who think they deserve an industrial revolution because they couldn't into civilization the first 2 times. we simply need to euthanize them all

6000 years of nothingness. A race of literal human ants.

>Yeah, I am the one blinded by my experience of the real world and how it is nothing like the hellscape everyone imagines racial relations to be.
The fact that people can get along in a room. The fact that you can have a good time with nonwhites has nothing to do with the broader political effects. Most people really are ethnocentric. They really do support their own race over the other races.

The entire mechanism of the democrat party to get elected is to pander to the interests of nonwhites.
The difference between you and me is that you are looking at today, i'm looking at the future of the country. I want the future to be good. You are only concerned with your immediate experience.

imagine getting pardoned by trump

Attached: shalom good soyim2.png (699x875, 380K)

we really need to talk about this

What's happening is 3rd world non white nations overpopulated themselves into poverty and now they're unabashedly doing it in white nations.

whites are sacrificing themselves for the reckless overpopulation of turd world rats

the technologies we have developed have allowed non white populations to grow massively, due to their benefit from them

which they then use to colonize and replace us. theres an obvious environmental impact but holy FUCK they are just festering pandemic diseases and it is only a matter of fucking time before we all die just because of these fucking shitskins who are often literally wallowing in their own shit (as we see here)

asia and africa are the main problem, but it is a serious problem, these people are fucking morons, they believe these diseases are fucking MYTHS, they take no precautions against them and encourage each other to continue living shitty brainless lives which are conducive to generating pandemic outbreaks, they discourage against proper medical precautions and having basic sanitary conditions, saying its all "the white man keeping them down" or that some sacred magic cow shit will protect them

this shit isnt a fucking joke anymore

our species is being extremely reckless allowing this all to go on for an indefinite amount of time, this will fucking fuck us all if we dont do something

Said the inbred who got owned by a bunch of "literal human ants".

Jews fund and control both sides of the isle.

Everyone should know this by now. If you dont know this then you are part of the problem and are as bad as the jews themselves.

Attached: Jew adelson.jpg (816x758, 105K)


We have a superabundance of manpower and immigration. Of course wages aren't growing, we have a million new people coming in and working for below minimum wage annually.

Look at the average wage of actual citizens and whites, those are definitely growing.

Chang pls. China would cease to function if we quit buying their cheap export shit, and starve to death if we quit shipping them food. The only reason China is powerful is because our (((elites))) shipped all our consumer goods production to your country.

they need to be starved by our navy and then carpet bombed by the Air Force. When the Marines roll through, we’ll have loose ROE.

The boomers do not understand that 1.4 Billion chinks + 1.4 Billion Indians CAN & WILL buy us all out.
Yes Billy Boomer; 2.8 billion is a bigger number than 20 million....

Libertarianism, Communism, Popperism (Soros's ideology), and Capitalism were all conceived during a time when earth's population was less than 2 billion.

All these ideologies are outdated and obsolete in the modern era since they were never designed to account for modern conditions-- an overpopulated planet of 8 billion.

Only closed borders, closed trade, protectionist, nationalist system is suitable, otherwise you will have an endless stream of population replacement with infinite locust hordes.

Imagine having beautiful Jewish grandkids!

Attached: trump beautiful jewish baby.png (667x680, 662K)

he will be remembered

Attached: 1526466394100.gif (235x150, 1.71M)

Love how magapedes never reply to this one.

>He's... he's totally a jewish agent guyiz... rite? you should vote for hilldog. or the literal jew sanders.

Jews pretending to hate one another. Like a wresting match. Like a hollywood scripted movie. And you fall for it hook line and sinker.

Attached: 26-450x270.jpg (450x270, 38K)

This is fake! Glump is tanking the economy!