
Any user live in chicago? What is it like? What are the good areas and what are the bad areas? Has it gotten better since trump became president

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You know this is a "Sanctuary City" right? People are still protesting the Chicago PD for shooting a black man holding a gun in his waste band they were trying to detain?

I live here. It's is honestly the best city in the world 10 months of the year.

Ask away.

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Woah. As someone from Toronto who is impressed by your skyline, what happened to stop you from developing?

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We are booming. Not stopping developing at all.

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What are the best areas in the city? Isnt most the murders concentrated in a neighborhoods?

Too many niggers. I mean white people, yea, too many whites!

Hope you get a better mayor next election. How are the republicans doing in chicago.

Avoid south, that is where the shooting is. North have jews and gays, but they are pretty chill.

The North is dying and the South is rising

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Go there on occasion, live in SE Wisconsin. Chicago is either wealthy white or nigger trash, only good to live there if you're making $250k/year minimum, or, enjoy getting shot at frequently. There's not much else between except some shitty suburbs that don't match the rest of how the Midwest looks, it's depressing as fuck. Add in that it'll cost you $40/day to park most of the time, the citizens are rude as fuck and almost as angry as Jew Yorkers are, everything you can get for $1 in the rest of the Midwest costs $2 there, so if you love angry people and paying double for everything, it's the fucking place to be!

Chicago taxes the living fuck out of everything because the city is so crooked, it literally tilts to the side. Precisely why a friend who lives in the northern suburbs bought a house for $550k, and pays $16.5k in fucking property taxes per year like a goddamned chump.

Reverse great migration is happening. More blacks moving back south


Yeah most violence and crime is where you expect the low income hoods. Which are filled with Latinos and Blacks

They are predominantly on the south and west sides. Literally no reason to go there for a majority of the city. Unless you are in a gang or looking to buy drugs off the street makes no sense.

We have a relatively low cost of living still with competitive wages. Superb, art, history, sports, museums, culture, music, events, festivals and shows. Also the food here is the best in the nation and probably the world. The best of the best come to compete here right now.

Best areas of the city depend what you are looking for. There are a lot. Old Town, Streeterville, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Loop, Millennium Mark, South Loop, West Town, North Center, Bucktown, Chinatown, Wicker Park are probably my spots. There are pockets of awesome just about everywhere.

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Isnt the south a certified warzone?

Is right on the parking, they sold that shit to private companies years ago that already jacked it up per hour to levels of insanity. When the company didnt get all the "money they should have" they sued Chicago.

Republicans don't really exist here. Its a Dem machine churning out the same trash.

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I live in pic related. You couldn't ask for a comfier city. Low crime, gentrified, clean, inexpensive, booming economy.

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It depends entirely on neighborhood

So you start this bullshit but not a CPD scanner thread?

Why should anyone live in Chicago rather than a city on the east coast? Chicago seems cold and far away from everything. So you have a lake, any east coast city is max two hours away from the ocean and/or mountains.

>We have a relatively low cost of living
This is horseshit. The cost of living in Chicago is astronomical. I got out and it was the best thing I ever did.

Isn't Raleigh like 70% NY and NJ transplants?

Anything across the blue line you are fine

No worries, I came in quick with the link.

Why is Toronto so boring and forgettable for how big it is? It's the 4th largest city in North America and I can't think of anyone who has ever wanted to travel there or move there.

I love skylines, Seattle is growing

That's the case all over the South now. White flight has gone from Northern suburbs to Southern cities.

I love my city but it's a mixed bag. If you're considering a move visit first. It's not for everyone especially if you don't like the cold. The safe parts are just what's gentrified. You don't have to worry about getting shot if your are in a well trafficed area, or are going to see a show. However these areas are also where you will be mugged (Pilsen, Wicker Park). Just have someone with you or take a cab if you are unfamiliar with the area and are walking around intoxicated late at night anywhere outside of the gold coast/ river north, lakeview, lincoln park areas.

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Cheaper to live with relative same pay
The food is better
Chicagoans are the most genuine, fun, passionate, and down-to-earth people you'll ever meet
The city is cleaner
Im 45 minutes away from two international airports that can have me hiking, skiing, boating, fishing, canoeing, diving etc anywhere in the world in 13 hours.

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>went to Raleigh in 2015 for a scholastic meet
>when I left the airport it was a sea of black people, not a white person in sight
>between my cab and the entrance to the hotel we were staying at three people tried to sell us drugs
>the second night we were there you could hear gunshots and people screaming out on the street our hotel was on

Has Raleigh improved that much in three years?

Every big city has good food. Maybe 40 years ago it was hard to find good food in a lot of places, but that's hardly an issue today.

Naw, just closed more mental units and put them on the street. Good news is most went to California and poop on San Fransisco streets and while I feel a little bad, this is what was voted in against many peoples better judgement.

Chicago is the perfect liberal city. 33% white, 33% black, 33% Hispanic. Hard to get more diverse than that. The whites live downtown and on the north side, a little strip of land barely 5 miles in length. All the whites.

The rest is African jungle or Mexicoville. It's the most segregated city in America. You will drive miles and miles in the ghetto without seeing nothing but blacks or Hispanics. Some neighborhoods are straight up >99% black. And some places look exactly like a Mexican border town, with all the signs in Spanish and no white people anywhere.

It's a shithole. But downtown is nice.

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Raleigh doesn't even have a proper ghetto. There are hobos, but that's about it. Are you sure you weren't in Durham? Durham right next to Raleigh is very high crime and basically off limits to whites.

Please compare Chicago a massive city to any other big city in the US as far as amenities and cost of living.

Chicago is 60% cheaper than NYC, Seattle and SF
50% cheaper than LA.

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>Chicagoans are the most genuine, fun, passionate, and down-to-earth people you'll ever meet

This is absolute horseshit. Chicago has the most violent liberals you will ever meet. They will get aggressive and try to fight you if they think you don't believe white genocide is a good thing. Liberals in Chicago are batshit insane and not in the kooky San Francisco way of dressing up like fags, but in the "I hate gentrification so much I'm going to vandalize stores and threaten the people owning them" way .

Do not come here

Trust me

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To be fair to NYC, they did kill off a lot of their homeless to earn that status.

Literally have you been to LA recently? This city is massive with limited violence from Liberals as of yet.

Unless you count black on black crime as liberal.

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Naw Black on black dont count, lives do not matter there.

Live in Chicago. Food is good. We have cool music venues like Metro and cool shit to do like Riot Fest and Pitchfork. City itself is corrupt as fuck bc of the aldermen. Gang shit is everywhere these days, even in the “good” neighborhoods. SJWs everywhere and seem to be multiplying.

Is River North the best place to meet a quality girl neighborhood-wise?

Chicagofag here and as soon as I ink a better job in a red state I’m gone. This place sucks

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If you want to pay 200 dollars a night to "go out" be my guest.

dude, I was in chi-town last year!

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Money isn't an issue. River North is your answer?

Quality girl.

Old town has tons of very quality women. Loop you can meet a ton of motivated ladies that have a good things going for them. River North very much a bar/club scene right now. Steer clear of Wrigleyville as well filled with graduated sorority sluts.

If I was looking to meet a choice woman currently I would haunt South Loop, Lincoln Park, Loop during after hour events and The Southport corridor in Lakeview.

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Sooo juvenile took his shirt off to pick a fight with a homeless on bench. Got 2 in alleys with guns with drugs.. Welcome to Chicago.

I'm saving this post, thanks user.

Lincoln Park and Lakeview have a better crop

No problem if you have any other questions let me know.

This is very much my city.

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havent the southside always been a shithole. Before the blacks came it was filled with italian mob violencw

Are there any legit Polish neighborhoods?

Chicago is pretty fun and safe if you avoid the bad spots. I love the pizza there but the transportation SUCKS ASS.

Its a fucking great city. Pilsen in the casa! Preguntame!

Avondale and the norridge area is very polish/slavic.

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River West, Wicker Park, East Village have a ton of Polish people/places/food. As well as the Jefferson/Norwood Park areas.

Very polish town in general but some of the more traditional polish hoods have since changed. Pilsen, Bridgeport come to mind.

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Chicagofag here ama

How do you deal with the traffic? Does it make much sense to own a car?

oooh drag racers are going on in Chicago again. After the last accident with a row of cars from a week ago I figured they would lay low.

I drive a lot here. You avoid high traffic times, and transit when you can. You don't have to own a car if you don't need. Tons of rideshare/car share options.

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you are full of shit and this thread is a shill thread...

Lived here my whole life. There are good areas and bad. The only places on the south side that a white person can safely live in are Beverly and Mt. Greenwood. Mt. Greenwood is still Chicago, but has a suburban feel to it. It’s 99% white. It’s all cops, firemen, and other city workers that live in the neighborhood

Don't drive downtown lol

Visited and really liked it. I went in the summer, there were outdoor music concerts, people at the beach, good public transit, few homeless, very clean. Course, during the winter, the lake freezes over and the winds blowing across it into the city ... sub zero temperatures are common.

You can get a 1bedroom and actually see the lake from your window for like 900 a month with utitilities included.

I go to the northwest suburbs one week a month for work. Not too bad. Not good either. Kinda boring if you ask me. Hot and humid in the summer with potential thunder and lightning and cold and windy in the winter. I've lived on both coasts and I'll take the coastal shit any day! Fuck Chicago.

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Hmm, I might have to look at Chicago...

But dont go outside if above 90 degrees.

Pilsen was Czech up until the 70s...

>genuine, down to earth
so, how’s it like not living in Chicago?

i heard chi is getting ubi

all those buildings are empty, they are merely decorations to attract tourists

Not really, those projects took years and years to get off the ground. There’s not any organic development going on, it’s all CBG shit with the M/WBE and 50% residency requirements (as if ppl in the city work, lol)

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worse everyone is lefty

north of roosevelt is a good guideline to not get murdered,

but the kids have been playing knockout game on michigan ave lately

I've lived here for 20 years total. Also lived in Sydney, Madrid, LA.

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True, but the weather is about 50% as nice as any of those other cities.

Please tell me how NYC or Seattle has better weather?

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Good goy

Days above -10 windchill

Great place to visit this time of year: overloaded on festivals, block parties, concerts, outdoor dining, etc.
Once the winter comes, it's nearly uninhabitable: long, lingering winters. Not an outdoorsy-activities town.
Good and bad areas?

Economy is picking up - but still trails the neighboring states.

Property taxes are nearing 3% of home value - highest in the nation. You'll pay for your property three times: once to the buyer, once to the bank and once again to the corrupt government.


>stop you from developing?

I've lived her for going on 40 years. The city is a place thats easy to love or easy to hate, depending on the angle you're looking at it from. I love the restaurants, the people, the museums, the bands that come through, the culture, the breweries and bars. Its tough to express just how good things can be here. I also carry gun, suffer under punishing taxes that seem to go to nothing at all, sometimes think a good plague would be useful just because of the traffic, and swear I'm going to leave someday during July, August, January, and February.

Its been a continuous upward climb since the mid 90s. Wicker Park used to be unlivable, now its million dollar homes and the only thing that makes it suck are the strollers. Humbolt is starting to turn, as is Uptown. East Rogers Park has gone from hobo jungle to gang wars to finally starting to get quiet. The city consistently gets less violent.

In general, anywhere on the North Side is good (with the exceptions of the Jungle, the borderlands of Belmont/Cragin, and parts of Uptown). The Northwest side is generally awesome (Portage Park, Edison Park, Old Irving Park, Jeff Park, etc). The crime tourism in Wrigleyville/Boystown is kinda shitty, but its mostly a problem form transplants and inattentive drunks.

There has been literally no change since Trump came into office, but thats not a shock. Only idiots thought he would have any local impact whatsoever. Chicago is what it is, even eight years of Trump isn't going to change the basic trajectory of things or shake the influence of the big local players.

10/10 Would get a beer with at hopleaf.

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I am about a 4 hour drive from that disgusting shut hole and it's still to close for my liking.
I went there a few times years back when it was needed for work.
I refuse to go to that nigger land again.
The smell is god awful.
The air is just rancid as fuck.
So many homeless niggers just every where.
The crime rate is insane.
There is no saving that city it's going the way of Detroit. I hope the people there just break out into massive riots. Like the worst riots in history and we just have to go inn and kill every thing.

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>Hope you get a better mayor next election.
Nah, the fix is in and we're gonna end up with Rahm again. The only hope is that the blacks somehow manage to align with the hispanics and we get a social justice candidate. That would be...marginally better than what we have now. Understand how bad that is.

>How are the republicans doing in chicago.
They're slightly more common than small pox.

>Old Town, Streeterville, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Loop, Millennium Mark, South Loop, West Town, North Center, Bucktown, Chinatown, Wicker Park are probably my spots.

Night clubs and yuppies.

Man, you must spend a lot of time where the transplants live because shits pretty chill up here where we can't pronounce "th."

Yeah, but if you go to Beverly or Mt. Greenwood you have to deal with the kinds of cops who choose to live in Beverly or Mt. Greenwood. At least in Edison park they're just regular jagoffs, not the kinds of guys who'll drop a gun on you over not calling it Comisky.

>There is no saving that city it's going the way of Detroit. I hope the people there just break out into massive riots. Like the worst riots in history and we just have to go inn and kill every thing.

That would be localized. They'd burn the West Side down, parts of the South Side. They might even make it onto the Red Line and fuck up transit for a couple of days, but the city is literally built to contain that kind of a riot. We've had intermittent riots going back at least to the race riots at Rainbow Beach in 1919 when the Irish chimped out over blacks swimming. The blacks lost their shit twice in the 60s so bad that there are still vacant lots from the fires...but only in their neighborhoods.

Segregation means that you'll never have widespread violence.

>best city in the world.
Its the best large city in the U.S. Maybe the world. Better than NYC, LA, Houston, Dallas etc.

Boomer for some rich fucks developing the west loop, Humbolt etc. The city has debt that is only growing and population decline, combined with Cook county Population decline. Say it with me. Death spiral. Have fun with the city income tax in 10 years.

wew boy, one poster in here hardcore defending Chicago. I lived there for 3 years before moving out of that liberal cluster fuck. Chicago is a corrupt mess filled with fucking Mexican and hostile niggers everywhere. Have fun driving or riding your bicycle, and enjoy the thought of putting your life in their hands. Nigs niggin on the subway. taxes for everything. Do you like netflix and steam games taxes? then move to chicago. Do you like niggers acting crazy in your alley and beaner retards putting refuse iny our recycle bin? How about red light and speed cameras? or the little games they play with street sweeping to generate ticket revenue. Do you want to be surrounded by hordes of mindless uber liberals?

Honestly, before I moved, all my Chicago "friends" couldn't stop talking about how close minded and simple rural people are. Now I live in Indiana, and the irony is people around more are much more unique and complex with their outlooks. It's my Chicago "friends" that have all become caricatures and brain washed on talking points from John Oliver or some other libshit.

I'll finish this by saying Milwaukee is leagues better than Chicago. They still have the niggers contained up their, and it's not infested by trendy fucks and Jews.

The market is definitely better since Trump got into office. My company is buying other companies and I'm hoping to be put in charge of a potential new division specializing in a sub category of my field that I have the most experience in. Amazing city for the logistics market.
The ghetto trash is worse then ever and the rent is still too DAMN high tho.
>Waiting for CC in the mail
>Mfw no mail still

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27 year Chicago veteran and this description is probably the most accurate. It has bad and good like anywhere else, and it's definitely an acquired taste. There's always something to do, summers are a blast, lots of great food and culture. On the other hand taxes are high and politics are corrupt, but it's almost like it's expected and ingrained in the culture. Wages are high enough to usually account for that and most people I know, including myself, find a way to make money comfortably. Those that don't honestly seem to be happy regardless. On that note fuck those that say Chicago people are dicks. Residents here are cool as fuck and down to earth. Most times it's hard to explain to someone that hasn't lived here, but it really is one of the most unique places you'll visit and it's got a very laid back feel for how populated it is. All that being said, I'd love to move simply to be somewhere more open and less dense because I'm huge on outdoor stuff like skiing, watersports, camping, etc. Chicago can have that stuff but you usually have to travel a bit or it's not as legit as real mountains or oceans. But if I ever do move I'll try my best to have a home here because this will always be my first home.

Are you 4 hours away on the Illinois or Indiana side? If you had to live within commuting distance being in Indiana would be better right?

Nothing but nig loving trump hating faggots here. As soon as I can I’m moving as far as fuck from here

How do Milwaukee or Madison compare? Have they been infected by Chicago refugees?

>Any user live in chicago?
No I live as far away as possible
>What is it like?
A shithole
>What are the good areas and what are the bad areas?
It's a shithole
>Has it gotten better since trump became president
Still niggers, still spics, still soiboys, still shithole. Glad i could help.

I stayed in Evanston recently, would recommend.

>There's always something to do
This is true for most major liberal cities. Gotta keep people happy and distracted or they'll start noticing things aren't so great outside their bubble. I live in California. I remember being able to peacefully go to most parks in the 1990s and early 2000s. Now they are just campgrounds for homeless people and drug dealers. Can't even go feed ducks like the 30 year old boomer I desire to be without being harassed. Poor ducks too, they keep getting poached or just poisoned by refuse. Rivers in some parks too are getting dammed up to make traps so they can be caught by homeless (who are often illegal aliens too). Fish now can't even migrate to reproduce and the government is too lazy to crack down on these illegal traps. I go down to the river and sabotage them all the time but I am just one angry white man.

>He lives in a non tundra city

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You offer an exceptionally accurate depiction of Chicago. My friend was driving us around on recent visit and some beaner on a bike cut in front of him in an intersection. He slammed the breaks to avoid making salsa out of the prick and then there was a bright fucking flash out of nowhere. He got hit by a camera because it turned red before he could continue through the intersection. Chicongo is truly hell.

Yeah, as someone here said. Chicago is really easy to love and hate at the same time. If you can turn your brain off and have money to enjoy yourself it's a great city. If you are bothered by retard minorities getting their ass kissed, or bothered by extremely irresponsible, criminal, city government, Chicago is not the place for you. Really, all the bullshit of the retards in Chicago made me damn near lose my mind.