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California Hate Thread
Jayden Sanders
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Bentley Green
Nigger, there are more right wingers in this state than some of your flyover states combined. Not only that, but our right wingers are fucking pissed off and extreme. This state used to be the best in the union and still has many redeeming qualities.
Owen Ward
You let your state get taken over by stupid fucking communists. If anyone here is a nigger its you.
Dylan Wright
I don't care how much you hate someone. Don't vandalize their car...fuckin pussy.
That's some real nigger tier shit.
Isaac Thomas
Vote to split up Cali, nigger.
Logan Sullivan
Us Californians only have ourselves to blame :(
David Lopez
I didn't let shit happen. I was born into this mess. You can blame Regan and his amnesty. Immigration IS federal, you remember that right?
Adrian Davis
-t Californian
Every "split up California" proposal that makes it to the public is some kike shit that gives each new state a communist capital like San Francisco to keep it in check.
Jordan Sanchez
The only Californians I've ever met IRL were serving with me in the military. Good fuckn guys all of them. Of course they were all from north cali....
Oliver James
I travel to your flyover state and fuck your women based solely on the fact that I'm from California. This is especially true in bible belt states.
Ethan Murphy
ive thought about doing that. they are straight up invaders here in texas. unwanted, smug, faggoty.
Joseph Jackson
(((Named))) by the ID generation algorithm.
Brody Cruz
Lots of good people from Northern California, but it has to be wayyyy up north. Mountain people. Everyone I've met from Sacramento and the Bay Area are fucking weird as fuck. There's plenty of us based Southern Californians. Just gotta get outside of LA
Thomas Stewart
Ayden Gomez
Mountain Jew
Wyatt Smith
Just wait until they flee their failing socialist shit hole, and bring their shit with them. My home state of Texas is now infested with Californian left wing trash mainly in Austin, and other large cities.
Xavier Morris
>vandalizes entire state
>goes into other states to vandalize them, too
>"Oh no not my car, you monster!"
Chase Phillips
Roger that.
Henry Martin
>1 post by this ID
Grayson Young
Almost any county besides the coastal ones are mostly conservative utopias.
Cameron Price
Then your parents were stupid niggers, who let communists take over their state, and your mother unfortunately didn't swallow you.
Samuel Thompson
>You can blame Regan and his amnesty. Immigration IS federal, you remember that right?
Or maybe you're the stupid nigger?
Noah Bennett
Yeah man, its all because of immigration, man. Have you seen the bullshit being spewed out of academia?
Ian Nelson
If you pol/tards think you are going to win the "civil war" or "day of the rope" or whatever you larpers want to call it, good luck doing it without California, we have the 2nd most guns in the nation here.
Joshua Campbell
Fucking pick one.
Camden Walker
Every rural county is low-pop and conservative.
Cameron Jenkins
>keep blaming other people instead of taking responsibility
even if your right wing you have the same commiefornia scum mindset, collect your whole state and take the collective noose you worthless subservient people.
Carson Russell
you dumb nigger that is not the total number of guns
Grayson Lewis
Californians btfo.
We need to let them know their not welcome
Jayden Collins
no, the state got taken over by spics, well before most of us could vote, repubs tried to stop but it was too late. Don't let them pout through the border
Justin Edwards
no shit you brainlet, learn to read, thats for 2017, overall, California has the MOST guns by far
Connor Perry
Can confirm 12b nasty girl in Northern California. Just got back from border patrol because we're going back to tattooine soon.
Camden Roberts
califag here
it's all so fucking tiresome
without federal help there's no undoing countless waves of illegals
Gabriel Baker
Then what’s the fucking problem?
Stay in your shithole and your car won’t get vandalized.
Fucking simple
Luke Wilson
Right. All probably sidearms since muh Assault Rifles are not epic according to jews.
Owen Collins
You mean you have state approved handguns, and featureless rifles? With a maximum magazine capacity of 10 rounds? Did you like having to register your gun with the Californian government or was becoming a felon a better deal for you?I n Texas we have none of that shit. We can own a machine guns, grenade launchers, explosives, and suppressors. Of course the gay ass NFA shit still applies but that's with every state in the US.
Zachary Mitchell
Reminder Elliot Roger was produced by the Californian demons
Kevin Hall
I actually dig ditches in California and i make 47.00 an hour plus full medical, dental, vision and a pension. I also get to travel to exotic places every year. last year i went to the Philippines and swam with wale sharks and had beer for breakfast. good luck in your red state.
Easton Morgan
>hey we know you're outnumbered
>hey we know you're rights keep getting infringed
>hey we know federal govt wont crack down on spic immigration
>hey we know feds wont cut grants to coastal california
>but its your fault lol you didnt vote hard enough
lol okay dude have fun in idaho where your problems are literally already solved.
Wyatt Sanders
Wyatt Miller
Sry guy but your state has ruined everything and you rightwingers let it happen on your watch
Carter Cox
Fuck california.
Lucas Richardson
Everyone has the right to spit on California, fuck my traitorous state. I'll fly my country's flag if the Communist scum that run my state decides to every really rebel.
Nathaniel Moore
conservatives own most of the guns you faggot. 20/1 in most cases
Michael Hall
My thoughts exactly. A bunch of route clearance and car bombs. At least Ramadan is over though.
Evan Robinson
>It's okay to be a slave as long as i have my fiat currency, and legal drugs.
You are part of the problem.
Logan Nguyen
I've traveled to plenty of states that claim to hate Californians, and experienced quite the opposite infact, they love me and my state. Many of the friends I've made in other states visit me here, and can't wait until the next time they can come back. Only problem I've ever had was a few times in Oregon, when I got the stink eye from gas station brainlets who had to pump my gas for me and saw my license plates.
Christian Gutierrez
>repubs tried to stop but it was too late
Republicans let it happen to begin with. Both of our viable national parties are absolute shit.
Jace Jenkins
Aaron Lopez
Well not anymore faggot.
Prepare to get fucked
Juan Harris
Checked. Stay frosty user.
Camden Flores
g8 b8 m8
Blake Parker
because state law goes over to the other counties
I mean I know you're just some southern teen trying to larp but try to contain your nigger blood
Lucas Campbell
>the state got taken over by spics
>repubs tried to stop but it was too late
you have a mind virus
you think republicans don't want their cheap labor?
Wyatt Lopez
Absolutely. I prepare to get fucked everytime I travel out of state by dumb bunnies that think I'm either a surfer/movie star/celebrity. I'm batting a thousand everytime I go on a business trip. No other state in America gives you that clout.
Ayden Peterson
Kim should've nuked your sorry ass state
Isaac Walker
citizens registered republican of course.
you literally just illustrated the point further that there is nothing citizens could have done. If it were up to me we would split this garbage state up reasonably but as user up top said, it always includes kike shit like San Fran capital
James Reed
A hispanic came into my work and had an expired California licence, only a passport, and didn't really speak english. Should I report?
Jason Gonzalez
>he actually believes this as he posts on an anime website
Daniel Ortiz
I moved to Reno 5 years ago from WA State after Califags destroyed Seattle. My rent in Reno has gone up 85% thanks to Bay Area refugees. No Western US city is safe. I'm only staying put for the skiing now.
Sebastian Bailey
>oy vey
>people don’t like my douchey state and the diaspora buying all the housing/voting lefties into office
Hope you both get vandalized and have your trips ruined, that will ensure you’re confined to the sinking ship you’re so loyal to.
Josiah Stewart
Almost everyone I know has multiple 80% lower builds that are completely off the record. LOTS of guns have been lost in "boating accidents".
Brandon Morales
Why did all the states such as Oregon and Washington become so leftist when Californians started moving there?
Joshua Evans
There are some great places in ca but I’m not gonna tell you where cuz I don’t need anyone else cracking the code.
Chase Morgan
have you been on this site in the last year?
anime mindset is waning considerably. This site is dying and you can see it when someone posts anime and gets called a weeb incel en masse.
Sebastian Cook
>there is nothing citizens could have done
there is but they would require people to leave their comfort zone
which they aren't going to do
so i guess you are right in a way
Isaac Clark
>people dont like
yeah I don't like it either
what does that have to do with the fact that you think counties are miniature city states without the obligation to adhere to state law?
Don't run away from the point trayvon
Noah Walker
And did dhose feet in ancient time..??
Thomas Gutierrez
Your tears of rage are delicious, let them flow faggot.
Parker Turner
>leave your comfort zone
yeah and that goes for every state in the union in this day and age.
Bentley Murphy
Californian here. Grew up in the Midwest, moving back there soon. Worried about stuff like OP’s pic, though— gotta update my auto registration quick after moving, I guess.
Nathan Rodriguez
If you don’t like it don’t support its economy shit for brains.
I’m glad you’re going to be getting what you deserve. Your tears on the day your Prius is destroyed are going to be delicious
Jonathan Smith
Why haven't you taken care of your communist problem. I should see dead commies all over e street.
Instead all I see are homeless faggots shitting one street and shooting drugs into there arms.
Get your shit together fuckers!
Cooper Campbell
I've been on this site since 2008.
Michael Jackson
It's inarguable, isn't it?
Elijah Sullivan
>don't support its economy
dude please stop, its a school night for you.
they have schools in your state right?
Kevin Walker
Then you know.
Dylan Lopez
That's only for the Californians who come spouting their SJW shit.
Gabriel Ramirez
WTF is wrong with good gas mileage?
Josiah Harris
>Lived in Eugene, Oregon my whole life
>Watched for 3 decades as this place got more and more influenced by San Franciscans who fled to Portland and then bled over into other parts of my state
>Downtown is a fucking low class hipster and homeless nightmare now and the normally quaint, comfortable middle class suburbs are getting invaded by shitty hoodie wearing, poorly educated urban trash with pitbull mutts and 12 accidental kids.
>They all do fucking nothing all day but loiter on street corners, smoke, look and act vulgar and pretend they're a part of some cause.
Colton Flores
Yes but I still jest because fucking c'mon look at the banners for fuck sake. Not to mention the yotsuba mascot, and WTSnacks.
Isaac Carter
Just leave and change your plates like this anonAnd you won’t have any problems, dumbass.
The longer you live there the more damage you do to the United States.
That is why getting your car vandalized will be justice
Isaac James
Pray we don't decide to cut off your food supply and make you and everyone you love starve or kill each other in the food price riots.
Ayden Davis
You would be invaded and killed instantly. Why do you think you cucks couldn’t secede?
Parker Allen
Didn't that happen in Portland, OR? I suspect the car owner did it themself because "xe" received too many passive-aggressive slights.
Camden Collins
Still in Seattle over here. Forced to take mandatory classes on white fragility. Drug and homeless problem is almost as bad as San Francisco.
Is Idaho or Montana safe? Please help. It's hell here... Now.
Henry Williams
Nothing is safe from the cal*fornian scum.
That’s they need to be run out.
Robert Johnson
Yea all "your guns" are in the hands of all the mexican drug cartels.
Hunter Brooks
1. Texas
Population: 28,300,000
2. California
Population: 39,540,000
3. Florida
Population: 20,980,000
Ryan Jones
I’m in California. I have 3 AR’s 2 AK’s 1 FAL 1 Glock 1 M1919. Some kind of new law passed about registering I don’t know I just keep my guns in the closet cleaned and oiled up regularly and ready to go the second civil war breaks out
Jonathan Bailey
I married an OKC roastie and moved to Marin, and I immediately realized that the only people worth a fuck were those with the good sense to live away from the coast. Rural Californians are solid as fuck. The city dwellers are the worst, most narcissistic, emptiest, most craven, blackhearted filth I have ever met. The Big One cannot come soon enough.
Do it, God.
Daniel Smith
>implying that gangsters register firearms
Brandon Wilson
mental image for this thread.
Jack Hall
The c*lifornians swarm our states and demand we accept them and their blatant inferiority.
I don’t care what your politics are.
Ethan Gutierrez
point still stands, we have more guns.
William Cook
Graph doesnt say anything about registered. There atf stats that probably go by how many guns are manufactured and brought in and good estimates on how many guns are in the black market in their state. Which im sure commiefornia has gobs of illegal firearms all over the place. Probably most guns in commiefornia are illegal
Kevin Nguyen
25yo boomer in the Great State of Jefferson reporting in
Fuck the DPRC
Camden Kelly
I bought beach front property in Nevada. Make it happen for me Cali-cucks.
Aiden Morris
Adam Evans
>Surely we can fix this with open- borders!