Argentina trying to normalize pedophilia

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Civic_and_Social_Front

Holy fuck youre not even trolling. I dont see how that could be anything else.

soc-dem government trying to normalize degeneracy, as always https://,_Civic_and_Social_Front

why is everyone trying to normalize pedophilia?
i really want to talk about the ideology for a second.
is it really about just fucking kids? because they do that. why do they want everyone to fuck kids?
only thing i can think of is in Brave New World they try to sexualize infants early to make them more docile and satisfied in their later sexual life.

that and there are no age of consent laws anywhere in any religion


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Ummm.... can it just be a dad with his daughter. I swear Jow Forums is obsessed with underage kids. Just get it out of your system already you goys.

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its just a dad with his daughter, nothing to alarm

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Even the stupid wetback beaner gets it.
Imagine my shawk

They don't even have the same skin colour.

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t. pedo kike

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based traditionalism winning once again.

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its happening everywhere. subversive shit. i got pic related sent to me in an email from a real estate agent trying to sell me a property. no way this is an accident. people gotta wake tfu

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its argentina, theyre both white there

I don't get the image you playo, what does it mean in this context?

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Look at the womans shirt, mamon

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>always fucking


If I had power, pedos would we flogged in the streets, forced to do the walk of Shame naked, and then tied to a cross and burned like a witch. Kids should not be prey upon. They are our replacements when we die, they are NOT our fuck toys.

Some background may help here. The email was from a local real estate agent that is working US clients. (email all in english). CR has a bit of a rep as a place where pedo's go to do their evil deeds. I look at this picture as a not so subtle message to those pedo fuckers.

I realize you have the best intentions, but you really gotta work on your word choice, friend.
Imagine standing in public:
“Children are our future, not our fuck toys.”

they're a different color of skin and hair

thats how argentina is

>have hundreds of thousands of jews
>one of the highest percentages in the world
>expect them not to make netflix movies with child porn and promote pederasty and other degeneracies in child books
You dun goofed

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>(((Uruguayans))) take over argentina
why am I not surprised, but at least they're white

holy shit why are burgers so fucking dumb? argentina has a shitload of jews, uruguay barely has any

uruguay is pretty degenerate but they dont exportit