Israeli media is freaking out over Orban's visit to Israel today

>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has worked in the last year to "open doors" in the Trump government for the controversial prime minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, which he and his government have been boycotted in Washington in recent years.

>Urban heads a nationalist and racist government in Hungary. He and his government are working to reduce democracy in Hungary and promote a model of "non-liberal democracy" while even flirting with anti-Semitism. Urban, nicknamed "The Donald Trump of Europe," is a close ally of Netanyahu. Tomorrow (Wednesday) Urban will arrive for his first visit to Israel as prime minister.

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Other urls found in this thread:ó_Kövesős_honfoglalás



digits hes assassinated

Orban or bibi?

why do your people drive conflicts in the middle east and force refugees into Europe shekelstein? why is orban so friendly to the man who's man who has played such a big role in the refugee crisis?

why do they let them in

>Why Israel acts according to it's interests?
Why don't you?
>why is orban so friendly to the man who's man who has played such a big role in the refugee crisis?
He knows the Jew got huge power in Washington DC plain and simple

How does it feel knowing that the head of one of the most based european countries is a friend of israel?

Ancap Hungary when?

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Bibi's more likely

Orban think he can use us for his interests but that's ok it's mutual

thats some objective neutral writing

Let's hope our prime minister stays safe
G-d bless him

Your prime minister is treasonous, even the mossad hates him

>why dont you

When we do, are you going to take in all your shitty diaspora currently infesting our nations, assuming we dont just kill the lot of them?

Ya need more negros m8

Israeli deep state that what it is.
To a large extent controlled by globalist Jews

They'll come but pls don't be too harsh

>Hates Kikes
>Allies with King Kike himself
Is this 4d chess?

>Is this 4d chess?
In his own mind Orban is genius manipulator but I'm sorry you can't Jew the Jew

>Urban heads a nationalist and racist government in Hungary. He and his government are working to reduce democracy in Hungary and promote a model of "non-liberal democracy" while even flirting with anti-Semitism.
these descriptions always melt my sides

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer (within oven reach)

Orbán Viktor IGEN!

Nope his using Bibi to get closer to US government that traditionally banned his "nationalist" government

Pay attention, they only want to ensure the goyim rebel only to an exceptable extent, Orban only seems good because other politicians are a humorless joke, but he's still not a solution. That's what kikes want, for the goyim to focus on guys like Orban, who give some hope on the short run but won't really solve things, and ignore actual solutions. Radicalization is a dangerous game to play, because the left being a self destructive entity can't go all in too soon, or else the frog will jump before boiling

Take them all and ill be happy to let you have palestine and continued protection of our military. You dont get to expand or try to destabilize your neighbors anymore though, you get your strip of land and your life and thats about it.

wtf I love jews now, please continue promoting pedophilia, racemixing and degeneracy, now that you're friends with Orban everything is a-ok!ó_Köves

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>please continue promoting pedophilia, racemixing and degeneracy
Man you're literally Brazil

Not racist just antihomo, anti3rdwavefeminism, antiHillary.

Like that's OK

I only take orders from Hashem

Israeli jews are right-wing and militaristic. Jews in America are leftist for their own reasons.
In Israel most people went through a compulsory military training, most have a gun at home, some even a panick-room, sandniggers are kept in ghettos, deported regularly, shot on sight after 10pm. Also there are 80 midrange nukes aimed at the neighbouring islamic countries.
American jews hate Bibi.
You either live in a shoebox or your parents just got you your first phone.

>most have a gun at home
Not true
>sandniggers are kept in ghettos, deported regularly, shot on sight after 10pm
I wish

My mother married my father when she was 17 and he was 22. They met 2 years before. Now 90% of women don't want to marry not even after 30. They post on Instagram and live like perpetual students on a minimum wage job to pay for the rent in an overpriced city.

exactly, my entire existence has been heavily affected by you, I'd know a thing or two :)

i don't give a fuck about muh based conservative kikes, israel as an entity is still a shameless parasite, and I'll treat it as such. The thing is they live in a worthless desert shithole, they are reliant on leeching foreigners. Not to mention sandniggers would have destroyed them already if not for foreign help

You can't blame Jews for everything

Let's switch it will be 22 Celsius here today instead of the usual 35.
Your GDP per capita is 42k usd, mine is 11k usd, Hungary ain't better with 16k usd but the taxes are 3 times higher than in Romania. Good fucking luck living there because I already tried.

Romanians call me bozgor.
Hungarians call me Romanian.
Everyone else calls me gyppo.
Uma delicia!

i don't, I recognize that change will only come with quality people and the reason parasites spread is due to the host's weakness, but this doesn't mean one should ignore the leech in their chest

I didn't say it's all bad here but very fat from perfect. the high DGP percapita is due to a large rich high class sector, most people aren't experiencing economic boom

The average person here in Romania makes 9k usd per year.
My house is 90k usd.
Own a land that's a construction site valued at 200k-230k usd.
Own a small business valued at 300k usd, half of that is the license that I can sell at even 150k should it ever fail.
Personal savings 38k usd.
Speak 5 languages fluently.
Have 2 university degrees.
Had 11 relationships.
Turning 36 this year.
Started with living in a ghetto with no food and heating during the winter.
People that I know from my childhood are still extremely poor and tried to blackmail me more than once.

>kill the lot of them

>live in 70s shithole israel
>get to play bond on state cash around the world
>get stars in your eyes

if you don't understand how people in the IC turn into globalists, you are an idiot

canoeniggers fighting over karp

And j=yet you’re still insecure little schmuck that needs to list his little accomplishments


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I just hope that the nationalist movement in Europe will gain momentum, it makes Israel seem more legitimate as a
Nationalist state.

It helps our right-wing parties against antisemitism accusations, so pretty good.

>Urban heads a nationalist and racist government in Hungary.

That's pretty rich coming from an Israeli.

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wtf are you talking about, if you're so educated why the hell don't you move to a rich western country and try to find a job ?

>Jewish ideology when?

Hopefully never, anywhere.

I've noticed your pivot there paco, nice try nonetheless

hungarians are from the tribe of magyar
today's jews (ashkenazi) are from the tribe of khazar
both these tribes are mentioned in korean historical chronicles pillaging northern China
so it does not surprise me that there is synthesis between Hungary and Israel

Ki tudod idén fizetni a fűtést.

You only get 2 types of jobs.
1. Minimum wage like barrista.
2. Software developer and Dr.
I’m not into any of those.

Ancient Hungarians were Avar people raped by Turanians.
Modern Hungarians living in Hungary are a mix between Austrian and Slovak.
Modern Hungarians living in Romania have a Romanian genome.
Pic related is a Hungarian vs a Székely.
And is it Khazar, or is it Pheceneg?

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you are the coolest

Ha ur gay!

no u

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On Jow Forums we are all faggots.ős_honfoglalás

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There is massive evidence of how Hungarian tribes occupied Carpathian Basin, on which route and when they arrived. In Hungary the media whips up this theory in every few years to fool people like you.

roman cigany

Fuck Soros.

we are like a faggot family

This tb.h, it's false hope. Never let your guard down.

I know Jews here who are extremely leftist when it comes to laws in the us but are far right extremist when it comes to what would happen in israels government.

Pls be sure to upload photos of him kneeling and kissing the wall

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