(repost, #7)

Trust me ... you will.

I promised it before but now my raw hate is boiling over. Even celebrity white privileged piggies like Lauren Southern who push the dogwhistle "it's OK to be white". When we all know what you mean: IT'S BETTER TO BE WHITE, WHITE PEOPLE OWN THE WEST. That can never be. So after Trump falls, inevitably he shall, and all the white trash shall be collected in one amazing bonfire and beautifully shall be burnt up. You will smile and remember this post. You will remember the raw hate in me that you sparked by being white trash neo-fascist goons who need to be taught a lesson. ANCOM for life. Antifascist leaning. Time to be kicked into the dustbin of history by us. Legends will be born. The awakening of a new age in which we shall teach all the people what Trump meant and NEVER to return into his evil ideology.

We are Rising!
We're coming for you.

What must be done must be done. This is final warning: HELP DUMP TRUMP OR SUFFER! NOW YOU KNOW!

old thread got 347: (Trump babies are running scared)

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I support hitler II

Fuck off faggot

I will yell my support for Trump from the rooftops if you gain power.
That is why you will never gain power.

>We are Rising!
>We're coming for you

Stop talking about it and start getting shot nigger. I got all this ammunition clogging up my basement I need to get rid of.

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This is actually a great post. Based.

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cute meme we are not Hillary fans, we are real socialists leftists we aren't neolib Democrat losers. We are winners.

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In the not too distant future, you will be dead, with
no children, and we will be alive and creating great thriving families.

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Eat shit and die you nigger

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Wow, the desperation of wanting the Blue wave to be true is real.

>meme flag
>anarchist above all
>believes everyone is equal


white l&bertarian coward boy gonna do nothing against real dedicated street activists who don't buy your its okay to be white shit, we spit in your fucken face sorry we can't tolerate your bullshit any longer.

We need to make it illegal to get another Republican in power and make white boys hide in the basement like bitches.

Antifascist activists own Jow Forums now, we monitored it for a year. We can outmeme you punks and you aren't scaring anyone with your hate campaign anymore. We are used to your bullshit trolling and we say ENOUGH.

thanks for support but your image is white pride bullshit. stupid.

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We need to plan the post-Trump world, he will be impeached very soon.

Everyone who fights for fuckin equality is equal. The rest can kiss my boot from the dungeon below me. I'm not a fuckin kidder I'm gonna make you wimps cry for mercy.

Dems will win big but also we need more than dems, we need DSA and beyond, true leftist and worker rights oriented, not any of the neoliberal establishment shit we are taking.

We will bury you.


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No, no.
Can pretty much see from the way the tides are turning to know that you ain't winning jack shit.
People hate you from the moderate left(which is slowly moving to the right cause of the legacy media lying through their teeth), to the moderate and hard right. The Blue wave ain't happening, and most certainly the socialist wave. Wake up. Smell the coffee.


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You were literally given full access to the sourcecode and you'll never figure out how to compile it.
It is easier to convince Joe Electrician and Sally Checkout lady to kill all Jews than it is that dissolving the US into a UN territory and redistributing everything they have to niggers.

Says who? Look forward to voting for him again in 2020. kys shill rat

Are you fucking with me, faggot?

We are probably taking all power back in 2020 and shutting the door to power shut so hard you NEVER fucking try to grab it again. America will be hard left and smash idiotsl ike you into the ground.


just tell me, if everyone is equal.. wtf should you believe in self relience and determination?

just use the correct meme flag, you closeted communist

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>That can never be.

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Its OK to be gay. You can enjoy being wrong on every point in your life as well, Dave.


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What compels a man to shitpost compulsively?

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bi and proud, suck my cock

Next pres destroys Russian connection, the right dies forever. THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER RIGHTWING GOV IN THE WESTERN FUCKING WORLD. I PROMISE YOU. I PROMISE.

I own your soul. MAGA bitchboys are mine. I will bury you! I will break you! I promis :)

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i'll cum in your bum if don't shut up faggot

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>white l&bertarian coward boy gonna do nothing against real dedicated street activists who don't buy your its okay to be white shit, we spit in your fucken face sorry we can't tolerate your bullshit any longer.

Please give me an excuse to defend myself. I really really really want you mouthy noodle arm pencil necks to give me an excuse to defend myself. The best thing you guys could ever do for the nation at this point is just push it into a ballistic'll lose, you'll all be purged or jailed and the rest of us can get on with making a better world without you.


what is wrong with fascism? if you take out the indirectly associated ideas of racial supremacy from the nazis, fascism then proves to be a very neat system

Lmfao you are already dead

We've already killed you, and you're just writhing on the floor, screaming and bleeding out

Yeah, you gotta be fucking with me.

lol sounds like some 14 year old dreaded hair leftist loser at the internet cafe who has mental illness issues. You are SO strong behind your keyboard arent you? Whites created the west, and we have a right to defend it as ours. you're just a parasite leeching off it. Anyway, waste of time talking to low life pretentious, wannabe tough, tryhard antifa teeny boppers. You should see how cringe you are ahhahahahahahahh

FUCK NIGGERS AND JEWS. MURDER ALL TRANNIES AND REVIVE THIRD REICH INTO USA. Umad? What are you going to do faggot? bawwww waaahhhh

me and my family can't wait to kill leftist retards who cross the line, we've got entire zip codes armed to the teeth and we won't hesitate to massacre you

BTW, any girl in antifa who isn't totally hideous is getting enslaved, raped, and offered to incels in exchange for them signing up for the death squads.

not even slightly joking here.

So this is just a spam thread, huh?

I only top rightwing bitchboys. You are below me.

shut the fuck up I will break you if you try shit

fuck with me? get fucked by me and my homies

me being on wifi means fuck all nothing, shut your fucking face, i own you fashtard, i own u

white fucking people will beg for mercy and you racist klan bitches will suck my dick

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>BTW, any girl in antifa who isn't totally hideous is getting enslaved, raped, and offered to incels in exchange for them signing up for the death squads.
I'm bi and I stand with feminism you piece of fucking fashit

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We'll rape you too soft boy. Some of us like to hear little boys cry.

I'll break you black or white, if u are on the fash side and support white fucking nationalism, you belong in a grave little man

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It's a spam thread and a LARP thread in one. Bonus.

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No I don't support white nationalism. My boyfriend is black actually and hes an awesome guy. That aside....what I do support is putting mouthy little pasty white rich kids in the ground en masse though....and you fit the bill. Anarch bullshit, constantly instagramming your shit pretending you and your little low information political crusade mean anything at all. Far as the rest of your hilarious insults, come at us bro....we're waiting to see you turn into a statistic.

Ur a faggot. I cant wait to see u getting knocked out on jewtube

I thought Dutch people were fucking tolerant smart OK people. Turns out every fucking country with white people is full of assholes. Fuck. I'm too stoned for this shit.

I have cracked a skull or 2 and did time for it. Antifascist skinhead since 2002 bitch, suck it.

I'll fuck both u and your uncle Tom bf up, bitch.

oh so you bear the symbol of communism on your helmet. I am so disappointed in you.
You inform all of us about how the nazis and the holocaust (the holocaust isn't special) are bad, yet you follow an Ideology that is arguably much worse than the Nazis were even if they were given thirty more years of their rein.
Tell me why is it that you and all of your mentally incapable "comrades" think that communism/Marxism is some sort of golden government that will bring world piece and cure cancer.
I'm sure you are well aware that communism has killed more people than the holocaust, despite its numbers being questionable.
Please don't respond to this by saying "hur dur racists" or "we have never seen real communism" neither of those are true or helping your argument.
So let me tell you in calm and composed manner, that communism will forever be the causes of many modern the worst human rights problems.
its ridiculous that you would rather side with North Korea than the president, when North Korea has actual enslavement camps and the citizens follow their leader blindly because of the country being basically a disgusting cult with too much space.

>and all the white trash shall be collected in one amazing bonfire and beautifully shall be burnt up.

Why are commies so relentlessly inefficient? Like why ship dead bodies all over the country before attempting to dispose of them in an open-air burning?

Is it inflicted brain damage, just being naturally retarded makes you become a commie?

I don't agree with everything Stalin did but I support comrades who like Stalin.

Just hate Nazis and love your comrades, that's all that fucking matters to me.

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Are you paying attention you monumentally retarded asswipe? Lisa Page is dropping dimes. Strzok's "testimony" was psychotic. The Dem's reactions have been pure panic. You fuckers are in crisis mode.

Putin: That little KGB rat bastard never did anything to me or mine. Europe belongs to Russia, Asia belongs to China. North America belongs to us. Africa and South America belong to whoever has the fuckin' moxie to take the resources from the little low IQ savages who live there. I don't give a fuck who bombs who wherever as long it isn't here. I could give a fuck less about Ukraine or Crimea. Doesn't affect me in the least. I have more in common with Christian, White, capitalist Russia than I do the bean niggers flooding across the borders illegally, the faggots in San Fran or the kikes in Jew York who hate me and mine. I don't give two shits if Russia, or China, or Israel hacked the Hillary's ILLEGAL server. The DNC and their nigger, faggot, illegal immigrant supporters hate me so fuck them and fuck you too.

If the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, or whoever sucks on the taxpayer teat tried to rig the election in favor of Hillary, and it gets found out those fuckers need to be taken out and shot in the base of the skull with a .22 and left to rot in the desert sun. You little assholes are all of a sudden concerned about "national security" once Russia becomes a capitalist society but were sucking their communist cocks 50 years ago. Fuck you assclowns. You hypocrites. If you cared about "national security" you would be helping crowdfund Trump's wall on the southern border instead of sucking Jose's bean fart asshole. If you gave a fuck about democracy you would have burned the DNC to the ground for rigging the election against (((Bernie))).

I had rather eat gravel than ever vote for a fucking Democrat. You people hate me and mine and I hate the ever living fuck out of you. I had rather Putin be the President of the United States than some anti-white POS Democrat.

Attached: Antifa manlet gets BTFO'd with one punch by MAGA Chad Rufio.webm (848x464, 970K)

What kind of faggot name is Jet Jet?

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>Antifascist leaning
So you have some fascist tendencies?

This. I'm tired of tripping over ammo boxes to get to the light in my garage.

Leftist incoming REEEEEEEEEE

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my real name and address isn't on there fuckface, you won't find me

people have nicknames you fucking bitch

> been making this thread for 2 years


Cowards will attempt to hide, but Proud Boys will strip you of your masks and feed you to the world. You won't come out on the right side of history.

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What are you talking about? I deny supporting Trump now.

the fuck kind of gay slang is this

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Like you even have a job or anything worth fucking up. You probably live in some fucking flop house, sucking dick to pay “rent”.

Call me a pessimist, but I think we're fucked.

We've seen time and time again that the Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what and defend him. Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.

Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded. They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting Dem control again, which won't happen because not only is Russia going to steal the midterms, but they'll do it blatantly without any disregard for consequences because there are none. Trump is actively, VOCALLY helping them because he knows as soon as the Dems get the House and Senate he's gone.

We can't win the midterms because our votes will be fraudulated and hacked by the Russians with the help of our own government. People keep saying "JUST VOTE!" but that's not enough. Voting means jack shit if every voting machine is hacked and people aren't able to get to the polls because the Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress votes.

There's nothing we can do. They won. We're fucked. If we try to engage in a civil war we will lose because it's a bunch of liberals against the U.S. government and a million rednecks with hundreds of thousands of guns.

I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit out of me.


Trust me ... you will.

I promised it before but now my raw hate is boiling over. Even celebrity privileged Jew piggies like Shirley Temple who push the dogwhistle "it's OK to be Jewish". When we all know what you mean: IT'S BETTER TO BE JEWISH, JEWISH PEOPLE OWN GERMANY. That can never be. So after Churchill falls, inevitably he shall, and all the Jew trash shall be collected in one amazing bonfire and beautifully shall be burnt up. You will smile and remember this post. You will remember the raw hate in me that you sparked by being Jew trash zionist goons who need to be taught a lesson. NAZISM for life. Fascist leaning. Time to be kicked into the dustbin of history by us. Legends will be born. The awakening of a new age in which we shall teach all the people what Churchill meant and NEVER to return into his evil ideology.

We are Rising!
We're coming for you.

What must be done must be done. This is final warning: HELP RID GERMANY OF JEWS OR SUFFER! NOW YOU KNOW!

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Yeah... are all you brain-washed retards on the left far to stupid to see whats around you? Wonder why the Oscars so white? why so many top businessmen are white? Well this just in your living in a nation created, industrialized, and run by white people, the MAJORITY of the population. Hollywood might paint a nice picture of equal representation nut truth is you stupid fucks are outnumbered.


I don't want to post shit about my life, fucktard. I don't fucking have to be a slave part of the fucking machine you are chained to like a dog

the fuck are you even saying numb nuts

I just saged this thread and theres nothing that you can do about it you disgusting faggot. kill yourself

>the fuck are you even saying numb nuts
lol you are retarded

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Fuck off, your ideology killed 100 million + innocent human beings in the name of utopia. You have no moral high ground to lecture anybody.

Stay home when things go down, or you will be trashed.

tits or gtfo

Yes sweetie, White people are better.

That’s nice, do you know who I am, I have never i once displayed the fact I supported trump, and if this ever happens in reality, I’ll be shooting at you hidden in the trees like a goddamn rice farmer.

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>hates people


Just do it faggot JET JET

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Remember guys sage goes in all fields. Hi shareblue or ctr or whoever you are, hope the analyst that reads these replies knows how fucked you guys all are.

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Shut yo mouf, whiteboi. You bouta finna get RWDS'd.

Attached: Antifa gets BTFO by Patriot Prayer member Portland Oregon July 30th, 2018 one punch Chad Rufio MAGA. (600x338, 3.32M)

You fuckboys can't meme and you are dying fast, fucking relics. We will bury your last fuckin corpes

no bitch that's fuckin stupid

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Lay off the donuts and estrogen, fatty.

Even our women can beat your ass.

Attached: Trump support biker chick beats-up Antifa.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Eccept the rice fields are the Rocky Mountains and the Ak’s are precision rifles with night optics

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Holy shit this bait is saucy. Good thread, good thread.

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The same copy and paste again.


How could anyone possibly be better than me? that wouldn't be fair, amiright.

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Thanks for the heads up based Shia the Jew.

Lighten up, Francis

That Rufio son of a bitch is some White trash asshole terrorist and you all idiots are supporting him. Makes sense you idiots are against everything that makes fuckin sense. Get fuked

I fukked a rightwing bitchboi up before I'll do it again

suck my dick racist

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Fucking Shia the Shylock, so obvious.

pɐǝɹɥʇ llıɥs lnɟıʇnɐǝq

Your a fagit

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I'm from a secular Jewish background. That piss you off bitch?

that's your hater fuckin opinion, I'm bi so I don't care what you cal me

Come @ me ill fuck you up and throw u away like trash. I'm 4 revenge.

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