What does Jow Forums think of weed?

What does Jow Forums think of weed?

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I consume it, no need to think about it.

bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude bro dude

patently safer than alcohol, which is degenerate as fuck, but weed is degenerate as well

This. It's fun to do once in awhile, it's not a prescient issue in my life. In more concerned about its legalization for my portfolio than life.

All the adults I know who smoke weed regularly are completely unreliable and scatterbrained. Half of them can't manage their lives or form relationships. True story. They're hiding in a neurological cubby hole and not adapting to life so their emotional growth gets stunted and they miss out on learning many of the basic skills their peers learn. It's self afflicted retardation.

That being said, it may be ok if you can manage to smoke it only a couple times a year.

It's illegal so it must be bad. Trust your government they know what's best for you.

you're just mad people can be self-sufficient and content without checking in to the society

Smoke on the weekends. Prefer it to alcohol...more fun.
CA fag here, so can get plenty of good stuff from dispensaries.


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its a fun little hobby, I just got some fresh beans from Amsterdam I'm about to germinate

Smells like skunk ass. Can't go to a hotel in Vegas anymore without the whole floor reeking of pot.

it's bad; pic related.

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Its not a gateway drug to harder drugs its more of a gateway drug into making stupid fucking decisions for the rest of your life.

Its only for over 30 boomers, youngsters don't have sex or drugs these days, instead they focus on dull career type shit.

i injected 3 marijuanas and caught the gay. you decide

Regular smokers cant handle any kind of pressure. When something goes wrong or goes different, oftentimes they'll quit or run off.

Smoke all the weed you want, but if all you do is talk about smoking weed then you need to be gassed

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Funny because all the adults I know that smoke are fine.My friend is an industrial welder/fabricator,my cousin is an electrician,two of my best friends are a professor in college and one is a chemist

You sound like a hard line conservative larper

Diagnosed with high functioning autism, able to get a medical marijuana card, thanks Michigan. I smoke it sometimes.

I hope Michigan legalizes, I’m only 2 hours away from the border

There's hardly anything bad to say about it, save for being a common habit among lowlifes and scumbags, which is natural for most anything that's illegal.

Even conservatives here support it, very high chance of it happening. I mainly got my card bc med weed I pay like 10% less in taxes that recreational.

as somebody who uses medically, and has to smoke regularly, I can confirm this.
It's a weird position to be in because without weed I cannot digest stress, but when I'm using my medicine I have trouble adapting and altering what I'm doing to account for stress. There's ways to manage this, but without it being talked about or well known it will cause problems for a lot of people.

It's still better than booze though.

My mother overdosed on marijuana edibles and tripped really hard. It was incredibly funny and sad to watch at the same type.

Another way of escapism of irresponsible, defeated mental children, which happens to be the very high majority of the western civilization

Who would have expected governments making our life decisions and stopping people from developing as individuals leads to weak faggots?


weed is for niggers Carl

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the green jew, rots your mind

I wonder how much time they spend doing nothing of any value

Also there's not a single one of them that could take full responsibility of their families and lives. Having a job is not a big deal - making good long-term decisions despite an abundance of short-term pleasures is.

Idk. I used to like it a lot but had to quit, mostly because my wife, as a woman, can't regulate herself so we'd be spending $300 every other week to get another zip of dank ganj.

If I were single, I'd still smoke because I can set specific times for myself. Impossible when I must share with a weed gremlin.

Life's much better now. So, in the end, I feel like weed is best for single people who don't need to carry out basic and routine life tasks constantly.

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if you smoke pot, you should be shot
the parallels between it an alcohol are disingenuous at best
alcohol is cultural, weed is not
if weed becomes cultural, it will never be gotten rid of
it is weak sauce for babies who'd rather light-up than work to be healthy
t. straight edge

Shows an immense lack of determination to get on the bong everytime you have a bad day, get sober and stop ruining yourself with drugs. Same goes for alcohol and all the other shit.

> What about weed

Catechol-O-methyltransferase is an enzyme regulating dopamine in your brain. This enzyme can be made from a pair of two amino acids , Valine or Methionin. , If you have the wrong combo you are at least 5 times more likely to become Schizophrenic from Cannabis use.

Especially regarding the strength of modern day strands. Which compares like comatosing on a bottle of Vodka to the sipping of a cup of luke warm tea which was the grass the Hippies used to smoke in the 60's

Most of the users today don't even know what " high" is. They are all on the fully retarded stoned state.

Weed is dead.

Cannabis makes me drink less and I was able to curb my addictions to opiates and blow by using it. I smoke after a long day at work to relax or when I wanna kayak and float down the river on a nice summer day. Everything in moderation.

Drugs in general are for the weak.

Dude, my wife was the same. I would come home from work and my wife easily blew through 3-4 Gs. She was in capable of moderation.

Imagine how much more they could be if they were sober.

I wouldnt care about it but every single stoner I have ever met has been a waste of space. I don't know if it's the weed or the type of person attracted to getting high but something there is fucked

if you use marijuana as an adult, you're probably a degenerate. if you're retired, go ahead use, but don't smoke it. nobody wants to smell that stuff burning. teens who use it are retards.

it's degenerate.

Smoking some today, not too much, doing the weed outside in the scorching heat.

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It's just like homosex; it become cancerous as soon as it is done openly and made a identity.

I thought all stoners are really retarded shitters, but then I started working at a company which was full of stoners and they smoke like 2-3 cigarettes a day and don't look stoned at all. They are productive, they don't hurt anyone, except themselves, no problem with me.

This could be said for any whore/liberal/homo. Stoners who work are productive to society one way or another. I'd first kill whores/jews/homos and trannies than stoners.

This. None of them have jobs. They all struggle to get out of bed before 12 and their paranoid to the point of paralysis. Yeah you get the odd rocket scientist who does the occasional doobie at the weekend but they're the exception that proves the rule.

On the contrary, all stoners I know have a job. I'm not defending them, but I guess it depends on the person, if the person is a lazy shitstain, smoking cannabis just enhances that. But most I know are just regular working guys that wanna make their life easier.


It's degenerate as fuck, go away already

Using it habitually makes you into a complacent retard