Why doesn't the left use more class rhetoric?

Seriously, people do not like greedy richies. Fucking roll with it.

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>be LARPING middle class faggots
>be fake Communist
>tell poor people that you'll be flooding their communities with spics
>tell factory workers that we don't need tariffs to protect their jobs
>advocate pedophilia
>advocate gun grabbing
>advocate turning kids into trannies and faggots

When the proletariat has had enough, it will be your head on the chopping block

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because blaming rich people don't get niggers to the polls

but blaming whitey does

Because the modern left is only about the wholesale destruction of the American people. Supporting the American working class has never been their goal. In the past, the left heavily pandered to members of the working class by talking big on unions and protectionist economic policies. This was mainly to sow division between the American working people and get enough support to push their social bullshit on the side. Now that we have 3 generations of socially conditioned faggots running around and less whites than ever before, the left think they can drop rhetoric for working class whites and not rely on their support. Also big corporations are now more than willing to push poz on their own, which is why you're getting more corporate apologists and free market support appearing on the left.

tl:dr they never gave a shit and always wanted you dead (assuming you're not just a rich faggot too)

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Because Democrat voters are tools of the rich. The rich don't want their useful idiots to turn against their masters. Duh.

>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

Because the democrats party is supporting the rich, poor civilians jobs are being taken away by spics even niggers are pissed off. Plus you have rich assholes making civilians taxes go to the healthcare, food, and living expenses for illegals because these rich fucks are paying the illegals a liveable wage.

Aren't paying*

Because there is no "class consciousness"/"class brotherhood".

Also, western lefties ARE greedy riches.

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Because the working class are 'problematic.'
They're nationalistic, brexit-supporting, homophobic, RACIST, transphobic, sexist, etc. The modern left despises them.

class is more nebulous in the west, you can go from zero to hero with one good idea properly marketed or even by scratching a lottery ticket.


Are you retarded? Money in politics and wealth inequality are the biggest progressive taking points. Jow Forumsfags just latch on to straeman versions of their social justice points to shill alt-right agendas.

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>Restore Glass Steagall
Lol, she is playing with fire

And most rich people are jews so getting people to hate the rich teaches them to hate the jew

Because the Democratic Party is funded by Wall Street. Any talk of class consciousness goes against their donors.

Look at the sponsors of the modern American "left." Lots of big-money corporate types, and sometimes even corporations themselves. Consider how "Antifa" claims it has lots of members in the San Francisco bay area - but somehow, those members have never managed to attack a shareholder meeting of any of the many large globalist firms right next to them...

> 15% live in extreme poverty
> Difference to 50% live in poverty or close to it
> Muh 1k tax cut
> Muh list of 400 meme companies that issued garbage bonuses
> Wage hikes are lel tier
> Meanwhile price of healthcare, rent, goods still climbing through the roof

Dems have all the right arguments and always shit the bed. Not surprised.

b-but they dealt with the rich already

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Pic related.

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very simple answer: dems are so caught up in reflexive identity politics that they fail to acknowledge the engineering factor of the economy

race is an inhibitor and a filthy distraction

Because they gave up on trying to create a societal revolution with the European working classes in the 1950s.
When the waves of migration occured in the 1960s they co-opted it, saw new arrivals from alien cultures as better footsoldiers of the revolution.

In Britain, New Left activists conducted entryism, volunteering as local community support workers for new arrivals whilst also giving them advice on how to remain in the country beyond their work term, and handing out leftist materials.

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And Christian. And by Christian, I don't mean Roman Catholic.

Most people care about helping themselves more than hurting others. If the two aren't mutually exclusive then why tear others down?

Because the left is now full on the pocket of the ruling class. The 1% of the 1%.
That's why now all their discourse is about granting privileges to themselves, to faggots (historical vice of the rich, which is why it was historically despised by Communists) or demanding top jobs in top companies for spoiled rich girls.
The people the left hates now are countryside people, people without high education titles, and white farmers. In other words, the proletariat, which is what the 1% of the 1% hates because they can topple them.

neolibs in other words

the one on the right

I'm not sure how viable pie in the sky ideas are as arguments or policy. People have this idea that everyone can get what they want and it will go off without a hitch. I'm skeptical, and we don't seem to be living in a golden age.

Because the concept of class is no longer strong enough to usher in your cult. Now you need the strong stuff like race and sex.

Better keep bowing to the stupid woman and nigger in hopes you can prove a dead Jew correct.

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Today as class rhetoric isn't that effective anymore the left has moved to identity politics instead of focusing on workers rights they now focus in lgbt and minority rights my comrade. For them those who further workers rights are a thing of the past.

>the left is now full on the pocket of the ruling class

darwin sorts'em out op

Seriously, people do not like being hungry. Fucking roll with it.

Ice cold beat down. Very nice. Good shit

do you think being nazbol is a viable option in the US? honest question

Because the left is essentially made up of people who succumb to media propaganda, and the people running the media propaganda are rich.


the world will be a significantly better place when murdoch kicks the bucket


because the left are middle class faggots who hate and despise the actual working class, talking about class too much would expose them


So tell me why Stock markets never react to American election results?
Like capitalists were perfectly OK with both parties.