what ethnicity are french people?
What ethnicity are french people?
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I think they might be french
this has been a constructive thread.
probably french
Jaquee Chan
Much has been lost in the recent decades due to Globalisation and race mixing.
But if you read up on the old history books, their people are referred to as "Cowards".
depends on where they immigrated from
"I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese... will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood."
-Adolph Hitler, Testament
It's Afro-Arabian.
Most are Germanic , some Spanish , some I think are even italian and Greek
not white anymore
what happen to tail
Those are the originals. Basically we are a melting pot.
There are some italians and spanish in tye south. Some descendants from the vikings in Normandy. Some welsh in Brittany
You can say that in the banlieues the ethnicity is mostly arab or sub saharian
Aw, I came here to say this.
Roman rape babies.
Also their eyes are kinda froggy
Okay achmed I keked.
obviously they are maghrebi swarthy mongreloids, if you would take a few seconds to just glance at them you churka
Old history books from 2003 ?
They are lost Canadians.
I live in Marseille, according to an old history book from before WW2. Marseille was initally populated by a "proud race" (actual terms used in the book) called Celto-Ligurians. Then came the Greeks, then the Romans.
And after WW2 came sandniggers and niggers, but the author couldn't know that.
Obviously that book is now banned, as it contains the word "race", and explains that Marseille used to be white, which is against the state narrative for the last few decades, which says that France has never been white.
Originally? Celtic.
>now Arab
bog coons
I'm Half French, Half Niuean. Seems like the French have a propensity towards race mixing.
They're sand niggers.
black last time I looked
i believe its pronounced
jacque' chauxne'
Celtic Germanic in the North and Central parts
Celtic, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, negroid, jewish in south
But in 2018 southscum moved up north, and France was under immigration attack from Latin “European” shitholes for more than 300 years
I don't know how to feel about this pic.
You tell me!
>what ethnicity are french people?
Stupid, they have the ethnicity of stupid.
Come on prove me wrong, no really and while you are at it explain it in the context of them voting for a rothchild banker who promises them on a montly basis he will turn france into africa.
Its funny as a non french european french people have always acted arrogants and downright hatefull if you cant speak in their faggy tongue. But selling out your entire country to the third world who cant even speak englisch let alone french.. and thats ok lol.
For decades long pretending of arrogance and being better than everyone else they sure are pathetic losers. Oh well it was their decision.
They're they're own ethnicity
Their lines go back literally further than 18k years
Europeans don't have that much neanderthal in them
Aryans have a majority Cromagnon
As do three of the 5 original groups in Europe as well
They're French rabbi, they're French.
A century in the evolution of French squad demographics at World Cup:
1950: 0 africans
1954: 0 africans
1958: 0 africans
1962: 0 africans
1966: 0 africans
1970: 0 africans
1974: 0 africans
1978: 0 africans
1982: 0 africans
1986: 0 africans
1990: 1 africans
1994: 3 africans
1998: 4 africans
2002: 5 africans
2006: 6 africans
2010: 6 africans
2014: 10 africans
2018: 17 africans
2022: 7 French
2026: 4 French
2030: 1 French
2034: 0 French
2038: 0 French
2042: 0 French
2046: 0 French
2050: 0 French
Wtf is French? It’s a fake nation speaking the lanaguage that is not their own and carrying the name of a Germanic tribe only their aristocracy and mercenary class had genetic relation to
The "Celtic wmpire," wasn't an actual empire at all
Genetically they never really left their islands
The culture and common tongue was what made all those regions "Celtic" labeled
So Zidane is not a nigger now
They're the Gauls, one of the Celtic tribes. Basically they are Celts, not just the specific Celitc groups near Brittany,
Lurk moar
What is this meme?
Thank you Mario, ethnical stats are illegal here, so that makes a point.
tfw he didn't like us
No one likes you, France.
french are ethnically almost the same as germans
I don't even like the French speaking Swiss.
One of the most beautiful and purest races on the planet, destroyed by (((you know who))). I look down from my third floor 9000euro/month apartment and at once envy the French for how many beautiful women they have at their feet, then despise how many refugees are scooping them up.
I hold the belief that all the satanists and occultists in switzerland are all French.
now do it w/o Napoleons victories
>what ethnicity are french people?
Hitler just had yellowfever
France is the crossroads of Europe between the South and the North.
To be fair our elites betrayed us more than in any other western nation, children that are constantly misled and backstabbed by their parents don't take good decisions either.
Just like RUSsia... heh
Nigger, Jew, and a few leftover French genes (but French don't breed)
>how many beautiful women they have at their feet, then despise how many refugees are scooping them up.
stupid meme, change your proxy Caim
>Hitler just had yellowfever
hot take desu I keked
The French are among the truest Aryans that walk this Earth. The descendants of the fucking Franks and Charlemagne.
Laid low by the brown horde :(
>nips still draw the French as blonde haired and blue eyed
Top kek
>but French don't breed
*like they used to
sad but true, blame western cucks. literally every french grill I dated had 1-3 siblings it was weird desu. it's nothing the slav bvll can't fix though.
Latin,celt with some fkn g*rmanic.
Holy shit poltard i know that the French team whit a lot of nigger in it won the world cup and you are still utterly buttmad about it but it's not an excuse to litteraly pretend ethnic French don't exist and never existed.
According to your very well sourced bullshit, every country near France has its unique ethnic background and French people are a mix of all of them since forever....do you understand that nothing stop me from saying the same about british or german people, their all turk polish mutt, no ethnic.....see, you don't like it? no shit retards.
I'm as racist as all of you but you are so far up your absolute hatred toward black and arab that you even shit on your white brothers just so you can feel good about yourself like 3 minutes in your day...
French stopped breeding since Napoléon lost.
Main reason it passed from first European power during the Middle-Age and Renaissance to a second/third is because of the demographic dip, there was as much germans as french in 1850, then by 1914 there was twice as many germans as french, I don't even speak about Russia or ango population.
french i'd say
Napoléon decreases the ratio believe it or not
they stopped releasing racial statistics years ago, so probably not French
Celto-Germanic with Meds in the south.
>tfw the Flemish are direct descendants of the Salian Franks
nowadays they are afro-arabic
Fuck off back to plebbit, queer
also, niggers tongue my anus
t.the viking colony
is that a boy?
The only thing that i know from watching french movies is that their humor is way better
It would turn you on if it were, doesn’t it?
>what ethnicity are french people?
various shades of nigger
a little too boyish for my taste so probably no
Here ya go. I heard you like to donate to patreon.
that's not a trap tho
or is it?