
Am I the only one that doesn't care about the whole Russia thing? Why is this going on in Jow Forums now, of all places? It is not supposed to be the Cold War, any longer, and we mustn't arbitrarily adopt the attitude that another one is ongoing. The notion that Russia influenced the election is weak, at best reduced to some adverts. With the exception of illegal aliens, the American citizens that participated in the 2016 election cast their own votes. I voted for Donald Trump; a Russian did not do it for me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the only reason you're ambivalent is because of the partisan slant applied to the possibility. strip the situation of republican or democratic bias and you might see things a bit differently

>a Russian did not do it for me
You sure? Think again.

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I sure don’t. Op is right. The only reason the left continues to push the narrative is because they are maniacs who desperately wanted WW3. The democrats are part of the legions of darkness. If Hillary had won surely we’d already be at war.

i agree, but the idea of divorcing ourselves from complicity with an increasingly questionable dictatorship abroad doesn't immediately translate to hawkish sentiment

For one, it's almost like you're saying people trust their political faction, more than they do their enemy's faction. For two, the "Trump is a Russian puppet meme" doesn't even correlate with basic reason. Thirdly, the DNC is so absolutely horrible right now, that a president controlled by a foreign power, would actually be better than 90% of the democratic party.

Your media says that these two gentlemen are in the same team against America, I find this strange.

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the idea that disavowing the russian federation or maintaining rational skepticism is tantamount to being pro-hillary is tenuous at best.
t. green voter who had hoped to secure federal funding for more options in future election cycles; jill stein is a fucking nutjob

Fuck off shill.

Tell us again how the Russians “hacked” our election. Tell us how their 100k in Facebook ads somehow influenced the election more than Hillary’s billion dollar canpaign. You’re such an obvious shill it’s a joke.

With MAGA mode enabled we'd be keeping eye on Russia for sure.
Trump plays the bullshit game well, but he's no fool and probably hedges his bets.

What I find funny is that Americans are complaining that a foreign country has (allegedly) interfered in their election process.
Give me a fucking break.
All your elites do is get involved in everyone else’s elections.

This is the happening of the millennium. You're just a moron.

and yet, you myopic cunt, i'm more inclined to believe that they positively influenced hillary's running and that's still (whoa get this) a major fucking problem

>The notion that Russia influenced the election is weak
Putin has serious sway over Trump. You can't hide from this anymore. Putin is an autocrat who kills his political opponents. You fail to care at your own peril burger.

russians have been fucking us since obummer but reductive faggots on this board want to reduce everything to a hillary/trump binary

the media had a plan to attack trump during this summit regardless, they make it sound like trump should have sucker punched putin or something, its a joke.

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is there a single person here who can remain objective about these things? if so, do yourself a favor and fuck right off before these retards on both the left and right brainwash you even further

It's fairly objective at this point to say that trump is a bad leader and is compromised

>buh buh buh r-russia tried to influence the election!!

Eat shit cunt

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Call me a pessimist, but I think we're fucked.

We've seen time and time again that the Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what and defend him. Now we're seeing blatant, traitorous attacks against the U.S. and it's all perfectly timed.

Russia pushed the election to Trump, they've invested money and manpower into taking over America and succeeded. They'll do anything to keep that power, including stealing the midterms. The ONLY way we get out of this is by getting Dem control again, which won't happen because not only is Russia going to steal the midterms, but they'll do it blatantly without any disregard for consequences because there are none. Trump is actively, VOCALLY helping them because he knows as soon as the Dems get the House and Senate he's gone.

We can't win the midterms because our votes will be fraudulated and hacked by the Russians with the help of our own government. People keep saying "JUST VOTE!" but that's not enough. Voting means jack shit if every voting machine is hacked and people aren't able to get to the polls because the Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress votes.

There's nothing we can do. They won. We're fucked. If we try to engage in a civil war we will lose because it's a bunch of liberals against the U.S. government and a million rednecks with hundreds of thousands of guns.

I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit out of me.

you're so fucking stupid

if you actually gave a shit you would have stopped caring a long ass fucking time ago and not be pissing yourself all of a sudden right now

you people need to be skinned alive

that's completely subjective, i'm sorry you had to find out like this
confirmed iliterate

That's the sort of shit the people want no part in unless absolutely necessary (Nazis and shit). We were better off minding our business over here.

Trade and vacationing should be the only reason we cross the oceans.

Apathy - the drug of choice for the Trump supporter.

Why would I stop caring about politics. Sounds like you're the stupid one, giving up because following the news is hard

It's not completely subjective, Trump REPEATEDLY sides with putin over intel agencies.

>just because we've wrongfully done it to other states it precludes us from the possibility of suffering the same treatment
you're better than this

our intel agencies have been the driving force behind some of the most audacious displays of global destabilization since their inception

it's widely agreed upon that the CIA is the most nefarious organization to have ever existed

if you actually had followed politics for years before this, you people would not suddenly be pissing yourselves over trump

your insincerity is so disgusting, all you do is make people want to stomp your worthless head into the pavement

cum guzzling useless idiot

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Confirmed shill.

Demoralization post

Source: ASS

>I wish there was a way out but there isn't and it scares the absolute shit out of me
You could always blow your brains out. Get to it, champ.

No. That would be your administrations. The Intel agencies advise and work of. They don't drive anything ...

>he thinks there's adequate oversight in the machinations of our 3 letter bureaus
my nigga do you even see what's happening in our country right now? you're cute

>Russia pushed the election to Trump.
Tell is exactly how they did that Share Blue.

It's being pushed by Chinesebots right now to distract from Page testifying before congress.

Yep, that's call the government.

>the government has a self-destructive tendency to compromise their own sitting majority and executive branch through an overreach of checks and balances
rule 2, now fuck off

I find the entire thing backwards. I've been listening to different news on the right or left to get a better perception, and you have all of these leftists criticizing Trump for not going up on stage, kicking Putin in the nuts and telling him hes a fucking meddling manlet. Its like they want to start conflict with foreign powers just so they can feel good about themselves, but given the track record im sure 'not being tough enough in putin' would be spun the opposite if he did too much "our president is an aggressive madman and will get us killed" it must be pretty hard having to deal with lunatics who will never be happy no matter what you do.

I wish the left would construct some kind of timeline or series of goals and proofs they'd have to hear for them to finally believe that their Trump/Putin Fanfiction isn't real, and that their government as a whole has their hands dirty.

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>you people would not suddenly be pissing yourselves over trump
So we should just roll over and let the corrupt demagogues win? Fuck you I'll resist this shit til I die.
>your insincerity is so disgusting, all you do is make people want to stomp your worthless head into the pavement cum guzzling useless idiot
Ivan has been triggered. This is a good day.

>audacious displays of global destabilization
True but that doesn't mean they're lying here, plus trump doesn't hide it. Look at his "walkback" of the comments and everything else. If there's evidence of the agencies making shit up im interested but you have NOTHING!

>Source: ASS
Source is helsinki and everytime trump mentions putin. Turn on the news every once in a while you caveman.

>US installs their puppets in numerous countries
>nobody gives a shit
>US gets a russian puppet as president
loving every laugh desu

>kind of timeline or series of goals and proofs they'd have to hear for them to finally believe that their Trump/Putin Fanfiction isn't real
Mueller investigation. Plus it's odd that you seem to intentionally ignore how Trump constantly goes out of his way to shill for putin when he doesnt need to and he's hard on china (to the point of a trade war for instance) but for russia it's kiddie gloves.

eager to hear of your go-to news source
we're not a democracy, we're a constitutional republic but the descriptor there barely has any significance anymore

I'm with you. Who the fuck even cares about Russia? They're a paper tiger that can't even be called a super power anymore and we're supposed to believe they're a threat?

You really made a great argument.

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So. You're saying the government has no control over any branches of agencies or checks and balances ... no wonder US is so fucked up.

APnews, reuters, CNN and FOX. I get all the angles. What do you watch, Alex Jones on youtube?

Well said tracksuit, listening to murican politics they do justify their invasions and world police model a lot don't they?

now i definitely know you're lying and if not, you're 100% retarded

China isnt fighting a proxy war with the US. Also on the muller thing, i'll be incredibly surprised if they let go if they hear its absolutely nothing. Im sure 5 days later there will be some NEW INVESTIGATION to follow for the next 2 years. They have too much money invested to stop now.

Ah, nice sources you got there. Real principles you have cletus. Get back to me when you have some argument or source and until then hide in your redneck shack.

>Also on the muller thing, i'll be incredibly surprised if they let go if they hear its absolutely nothing. Im sure 5 days later there will be some NEW INVESTIGATION to follow for the next 2 years. They have too much money invested to stop now.
this sentence makes no sense try again.

Also you know why the left hates Russia so much? Its because they're white. London is turning brown, but Russia is largely preserving its people, the left wont let this stand, they want all white countries to be scorched earth.

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its just shills bro

I care. Russia just brought back the good olé days of when we fought side by

The End is nigh.

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ajz, american conservative, AP, RT, politico, WSJ, the economist, just to name a few. i know you're retarded because you think limiting your exposure to 4 disparate outlets gives you heightened perspective. jog on, faggot.

>hal turner
that nigga's a snitch, bo

Those 4 are just my usuals shitpiece. I Also look at at ajz, politico and wsj. Dunno why you wste your time on RT though, you know that's state media right?

it's good to gauge what you don't want to be looking at

I'm not even a racist or a right winger but I thought the one thing we could always agree on day or night is fuck The CIA, NSA, FBI, DOJ, ATF, ........

What happened to Jow Forums? This is a sad state of affairs. What happened to Glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers get out?

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All the russian interference is peanuts compared to the amount of disinformation spread by corporate media inside and OUTSIDE the united states and fake shit about Trump by retarded liberals on social media all around the world. It's for you to sleep well at night. You should.

Sometimes they do good user. It's rare but if they expose trump for criminal behaviour then it's good for the west.

because the weak-minded (typically the left) will use any means to leverage their contempt and then do a 180 once they've been granted their ill-gotten gains

Stale pasta is stale and broken.

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why'd you go and do that? it was hilarious watching the retards respond in earnest

I'm inclined to agree with these points.

Unlikely the top us military brass would be supporting trump if he was"putins puppet"

The only ones who care about that is the mainstream media and their low IQ watchers/readers who'll go along with whatever they say

Fucking Dems are still crying that their sleazy, mass-murdering POS couldn't steal the WH like she stole the primary.

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Aren't there laws against foreign powers funding electoral candidates? So what if your candidate won. The points is he was able to gain influence through illegal means. Why do you think it costs so much to run for president?

Putin trusts his intelligence community, Trump does not.

That is done on a conditional basis. Trump appears to have reasons for not trusting his own, while Putin's intelligence community seems to mostly benefit him and Russia. The American agencies appear to be divided amongst themselves, on what is the matter with things, at times, and there are reasons to believe that their employees are often motivated along party lines.

Would you trust a hostile IC that was trying every way to stage a coup?

>Why is this going on in Jow Forums now, of all places?

Shareblue is here spamming the board with mindless propaganda.

Question: if a sitting president is committing crimes or colluding with a foreign power, what would you expect the IC to do? Trump exhibits just about every red flag about bad leadership one can exhibit. The IC is largely deferring to the special counsel for investigation. If special counsel fails in someway, I actually trust that congress (R)s will souse it out, they certainly are trying. They haven't found much though.

t. shill

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Look at this motherfucker getting paid to post. He's 1/4 of the thread. He's probably OP too.
Fuck off shill.

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Please send your Trump back to Russia. The private meeting was interrupted, and Putin did not achieve a truly satisfying orgasm while fucking Trump's throat. Please send Trump back to Moscow, and this time have him prepare his throat by gargling with Cepacol or vodka or other substance to reduce the strain of throatfucking. Putin thanks you for your compliance.

You newfags are annoying is the dumbest ways.

It may shock some of you to know that bots didn't make 24/7 bait posts as early as a few years ago.

I'm with you, really it comes down to everyone needs a boogeyman afar to keep the machine in motion. If they don't have one people start to look at home for one.

I have to wonder why so many in the world call russia weak at the same time fearing them.

It's because the military industrial complex needs an enemy to warrant huge budgets.

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No. There are at least 2 of us

>Am I the only one that doesn't care about the whole Russia thing?
We essentially told the world that a foreign power was more trustworthy to us than our own intelligence service. We basically said that our country is so corrupt that we basically invited people to hack it and then the intelligence agencies used this to influence an election on behalf of a political party.
You want to capitulate to the Russians in order to avoid WWIII? This is the very reason we have wars, dumb fuck. To defend our national sovereignty and our right to self-determination. We can't have those things when the president is constantly selling us out to the Russians.

What's it like being a massive cuck?

The left twisting there nipples about a slip up, pretending that this would be the entire downfall of Trump.
The worst part is that the slip up is about something that's not even real.

I'm an American living in Russia. the longer this goes on, the more afraid I am of visiting my family, and being arrested for...whatever reason. right now I think I'm fine, but a few years, or even a few months from now? we'll see.

I'm also an Italian citizen, and plan on getting my passport there. maybe I could visit my family on that passport, or rip the Russian visas out of my American passport? ideas, anyone?

Increasingly nervous man claims this is the end of Drumpfs campaign for the 3,000th time this year.

I met a true blue liberal the other day, I watched as he seamlessly transitioned someone being an asshole into "This is becuase Trump's president".

>ideas, anyone?

Jew shadow governments are trying to force another world war for profit.

They control the media, they control academia, they control most European countries. This is the fourth quarter of the final round, your only choice is to expose and stop them before they have death squads.

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Fucking THIS. Reason #1 I voted for Trump. Hillary was already talking sanctions and hard lines with Russia that would have had us at war in months. Trump has done nothing but midigate the damage done from our media ramping up for the war. They've been hiding thier fuckup of putting chips on Hillary and demonizing Russia by doubling down and pointing the finger at Trump. It just so happens people are dumb enough to belive this lie so now we have this Trump/Russia "scandle" with all the firey blind passion that the media can kindle up.

Absolutely nobody cares about your situation.

I'm not interested in cornering Russia until they either capitulate and dissolve or launch. Seems like a lot of work and expense for less than no gain.

the CIA is run by neo-Marxists who hate America and want to destroy it. same for FBI leadership (not the rank and file thank the Lord). NSA is Red Tribe, but they've become so pervasive and bureaucratic that more Americans than foreigners get caught in their sights at this point.

>herp derp its da joos
back 2 Jow Forums

it was much worse than that. did you watch the third debate? she unironically proposed a no-fly zone over Syria.

Where the fuck do you think you are you shit eating kike?

Is this your first day dealing with people who know you're full of shit?

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For some reason trying to get along with Russia is bad. We should just nuke each other and get it over with

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You are backpeddling.

They have nothing. All the news outlets wording has gone from "hacking the election" to "INFLUENCING the election". What that means is they habe no idea what anyone did, but they are certain what was done is an act of war. Most Trump supporters don't want war with Russia, so our denile looks like cognitive dissonence. It in in fact, the other way around.

There's this fun little thing I do. I find a shill, and I post this video:

I've never had one reply to it.

proxy-Leaf detected

>hurr-durr let's attack Stalin, who purged the Jews in the Soviet Union
the absolute state of Jow Forumstards

>What that means is they habe no idea what anyone did
what it means is that Trump is winning. which is really what his summit in Helsinki was about; humiliating the ruling class in America. the media arm in particular. he can call Putin any time he wants. it was a publicity stunt.

Yes, that's the hard line in the sand, but I appreciate the clarification.

She did so many things wrong to lose those debates. If only the media were more succesful at fabricating hate for Russia, she would have had a figting chance.

>The soviet Union wasn't a construction of the Jew to subvert and crush the capitalistic wealth of the west

I wish I still had the video of the Rabbi explaining the origins of the Soviet Union in Yiddish, but it's not like any of those fancy truths or facts are going to get in the way of things you already "know".

Fair point.

From watching the press conference I got the impression that Trump and Putin were not entirely happy with eachother, but that could just be me missreading body language and the comment Trump made about the discussion raising in tone behind closed doors.

you should not care about (((media))) lies.

None of the people replying to you actually read your post.
Russians backed both if the candidates to some extend, to as Russian intelligence has done for years, make as much mess of it as they can.
But the elections, to be honest are not the only point that Russians meddle with. And get this: Russians aren't even the biggest "influencers" anymore. Looks like not even close.
I actually really like how Trump has dealt with this situation so far.
Prompt up an old enemy and kind of join forces against a bigger enemy: China.