'Fighting Cancer' is PC meme; does a cure exist?

I urgently require all your redpills and info dumps about cancer and possible cures.
Is there a cure being suppressed because of the billions made from the industry?
We have cures for Aids and HIV, and lots of other diseases , is there a cure for these free radicals producing cancer?
There is a political correct meme i.e. they are so brave 'Fighting Cancer' as though it's something you can anything about personally!
When infact, you cant fight it and you're not brave as there's little you can do, you just live with it and slowly get worse from it's effects. I'm not being insensitive here, im being honest, which is far better than the soothing words we constantly hear.
Obviously Im aware of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which in itself are controversial treatments.
Note, you can be the walking definition of Jow Forums and /sig/ not drink, smoke, or even consume caffeine and at young age still get cancer.

>"the war on cancer is largely a fraud and the National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society are derelitc in their duties to the people who support them"

-Linus Pauling P.H.D, Nobel Prize winner

2hour documentary about Cancer suppression of cures, Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski winning legal battle with US FDA.

Short testimony of Radiation therapy and it's ill effects (3mins)

(((Rockefeller))) , Carnegie and the Fitzgerald Report and birth of modern medicine (6mins)

New treatment eliminates cancerous tumors in mice.

US Congressman Charles Tobey in 1953 found evidence of cancer cures being suppressed

I really appreciate your help, Thanks!

Attached: Global-Cancer-Drugs-Market.png (650x350, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=fasting cancer

Well my mom was cured of cancer.

Attached: f6de7a66817aab9f9b29d163d3def0d6-d5v6tiy.jpg (850x786, 165K)

Tell me everything

Cancer is a lie.

You're all just iodine deficient. Approx 96% of Americans and 80% of the world

Here's 2 functions of the thyroid which requires iodine sufficiency (sufficiency is approximately 83-333 times higher than the (((FDA))) recommended daily intake)
>3) Iodine supports apoptosis. From a broader perspective, one of iodine’s major functions, in conjunction with oxygen, is to support the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death of unhealthy cells), to protect against cancer and facilitate youthing.
>4) Iodine activates hormone receptors and helps prevent certain forms of cancer. The primary cause of cancer, from an energetic perspective, is mitochondrial failure. It is clear that the prevention of cancer, particularly cancer of the breasts, thyroid, ovaries, stomach, and esophagus, is increased with iodine sufficiency. Iodine serves to prevent lipid peroxidation especially in breast cancer. Deficiencies of iodine also increase the incidences of breast cancer.

This is interesting, what do you base this on?

>newfag detected
old af research


this is old news on pol

Attached: kay.png (1328x1310, 482K)

Douchebag Australians always so impolite

appreciated thanks

High percentage of your genome is endogenous retroviruses. This has evolutionary reasons (their copy/paste was good at shuffling genes around). In addition, human placentation (hemochorial) relies on these endogenous viral sequences to invade the uterine wall and rip open blood vessels to provide nutrients to the embryo (see Syncytin). These placental cells act like metastasizing cancer, only controlled. When these sequences are accidentially activated in adult tissue ... well, cells start behaving like placenta, spread and invade. This is the true reason for cancer. Horses have more primitive placentation without endogenous virus involvement ... and they don't get metastasis, their cancer 'stays in place', making it much less dangerous. Recently talked to Yale prof who also follows this idea. Tl;dr ... for decades doctors and scientists have been too dumb and incompetent to understand how cancer really works and that the reason for it is in our genes ... in our mode of reproduction.

Will read, see if I can find a PDF copy first.

A cure won't ever exist they make far too much money by it not existing. The best we could ever hope for is a treatment like the HIV one that you take all your life for guaranteed shekels in the bank. Pharmaceutical companies are legal drug dealers and want you hooked.

a fucking leaf

the leaf is right, I'm just trying to be a smug dick. I only found out about this a week ago. In the middle of writing up a huge sum of information regarding this. I'm just gonna dump what I have right now.

Check back in 10

Horses dont get metasis.
that's fascinating.
Any suggested further reading?

>Pharmaceutical companies are legal drug dealers and want you hooked.
This really is the fear.
You probably know the meme but Ive changed it slightly.
We live in a world where:
>doctors subvert health
>universities subvert knowledge
>governments subvert freedom
>press subvert information
>religion subvert morals
>banks subvert the economy

The truth about onions, smoking, junkfood and flouride.
You're all iodine deficient.
A while back Dr. David Brownstein conducted a study of 6,000 of his patients and discovered 96% of Americans are iodine deficient (80% of pregnant women). That was 15 years ago.

Iodine is an essential nutrient for thyroid function and ONLY iodine will do. Goitrogens will compete against iodine for uptake in the thyroid, but have no benefits and only act as a poison.

The human body (and especially the thyroid) uses iodine for more than 160 (currently known) critical functions.

What is the Thyroid?
>Thethyroidis a gland in the neck, near the base of the throat. Thethyroid gland makes hormones that help control many of the body's metabolic processes, such as heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight.

What are Goitrogens?
>Goitrogensare substances that disrupt the production of thyroid hormones by interfering with iodine uptake in the thyroid gland. This triggers the pituitary to release thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which then promotes the growth of thyroid tissue, eventually leading to goiter.
Common goitrogens are:
>Flouride (additive in water), bromide (additive in flour), perchlorate, amiodarone, thiocyanate (cigarette smoking), lithium(heavy metal), phenobarbitone, phenytoin, carbamazepine, rifampin
Foods with goitrogenic effects include:
>Sóy, cassava (when crushed and not detoxified by soaking), cruciferous vegetablesin the genusBrassica (such asbroccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts andcabbage)

What are the effects of iodine deficiency?
>fatigue, insomnia, hair-trigger mood swings, obsessive-compulsive behavior, austism, trouble learning and remembering, foggy head, constant headaches, depression, decreased iq, social anxiety, panic attacks, lack of energy (especially for physical tasks), lack of motivation (especially for physical tasks), listlessness, lethargy, all symptoms of hypothyroidism AND hypoadrenalism, iodized salt cravings (especially in junk food), hair loss, rapid weight gain, weakness, dry flaky skin, intolerance to the cold, heart issues/ disease's, mental retardation (unborn and young children), problems with pregnancy (austism, defects), problems with periods, thyroid enlargement (goiter), fetal hypothyroidism (improper functioning of the thyroid in unborn children, leading to brain damage), low sperm count
There are more but those are the big ones.

>In the early 1900's the US stopped iodinating bread and instead began to use bromide (goitrogen) as a replacement. At the time, flour was the #1 source of iodine in the US (due to kelp, seaweed and fish being uncommon in American diet).
Once we switched to brominated flour, a goiter epidemic broke out. It became a national crisis. You've never heard of it, but it happened. In order to stop the epidemic you would think they would iodinate flour again, but no. Instead they started iodinating table salt, aka iodized table salt. The goiter epidemic was basically quashed at that point.
>In 1945 the US starts adding flouride (goitrogen) into the common water.
>The American iodine intake decreases but their goitrogen increases, leaving Americans woefully iodine insufficient.
>Brings us to today. You're iodine deficient but require it for basic function.

What happens now?
>Like any animal, you graze the minerals you need. Where's all the iodine? In iodized table salt... which is found in salted pretzels, potato chips, french fries, all the common junk food of this era. You crave it for the iodine, not the fat/sugar/calories etc. that the media tells you. You are misprogrammed to crave poison, you don't, you grave the small amounts of iodine they hide in it. However they don't have much iodine in them so you can't get enough of it and will want to keep stuffing your face with junk food indefinitely.
>Bromide and fluoride are not the only goitrogens you're exposed to. Goitrogens are much more prevalent than ever. They are in pesticides sprayed on foods, preservatives, aerosols, etc. So while your exposure to them has increased, your intake of iodine has decreased.
This is no accident, it is a planned lie.

Women who are iodine deficient are at much higher risks of birth defects (autism).

What should I do about this?
>buy lugol iodine solution, comes in 2 different strengths 2%/4% and 5%/10% (iodine/ potassium iodide), either is fine but different amounts are consumed.
>buy a supplement which gives you 100% of the daily intake for zinc, selenium and magnesium. These are important for metabolizing iodine).
>buy plain sea salt (no additives and not packaged on equipment that packaged goitrogens). This is important for the removal of goitrogens in your body. Without this you'll feel sick from the crap tonne of goitrogens that just got dumped from your thyroid and risk them re-displacing the iodine in your thyroid, rendering this pointless. Salt binds to the goitrogens and helps with the removal of them from your body.

Brilliant user!
This is the first time I heard of Iodine, being ingested, is my understanding correct?
I thought Iodine was used to clean wounds, pre and post surgery?

In summary, do this every morning
>Drink iodine solution in glass of water.
•(dosage below)
>Swallow supplement tablet with iodine water.
••(supplement below)
>Drink one teaspoon of sea salt in two ounces of water.
•Iodine dosage is 12.5mg (5mg iodine + 7.5mg iodide). Note that iodide is 75% of potassium iodide.
This can be achieved by either of these two most common strengths.
- 2 drops of (5%I / 10%KI)
- 5 drops of (2%I / 4%KI)
••Supplement tablet should contain 100% daily intake for Selenium, Zinc and Magnesium.

Note: Always dilute lugol iodine (in water) NEVER drink straight, can cause burning and ulcers.

Upper limit of iodine?
>It is recommended to consume 12.5-50mg of iodine every day.
>Accept 50mg as the upper limit, despite doctors using X to treat Y:
- 100mg/ diabetics
- 100mg/ reversed lung cancer tumors in mice (2003 Dr. Zhang)
- 375mg/ thyroid disease
- 6,000mg/ cure syhillus

Side effects?
>possible slight lighter hair and eye colour

How long?
>30 seconds to a few days.
>While Iodine can be felt practically instantly with lasting effects, most people say the effects do not really peak until 2-3 weeks. This is supposedly because this is the time it takes for the glands to be detoxed and fluoride and bromide to leave the body.

"My skin is itchy after taking lots of iodine"
>Not a side effect, you have fungus in your skin and it's currently being killed off.
>Itching indicates the presence of fungus. Iodine attacks fungus, and the fungus responds by emitting enzymes that cause itching. The enzymes emitted destroy your tissue in order to feed the parasitic fungus.
>Local pain may occur after itching, it means that you have destroyed the fungus and the dead fungus is giving up its mycotoxins, which cause pain.
>Note, none of this matters if you don't have fungus in your skin, which 99% of people don't and the other 1% just got rid of it, so it's a win win.


first of all, if you see the word O N I O N, it was suppose to be S 0 Y

This is.. the neater part of my research over the past week, there's much more but I thought I'd dump what I have so far in this thread

yes, drink it boi

Read the letter I posted earlier, it's a lot more fucking interesting than what I've said so far.
They were curing syhillus and herpes 50 years ago with just high doses iodine (this is like 6,000,000mcg of it daily, instead of (((FDA))) recommend 150mcg to cure syhillus, however herpes is cured at like 100,000mcg daily)

Interesting, but can't I just eat a lot of my own food I make with iodized salt?
I'm also aware NZ has some of the worst soil for minerals in the world, so I started eating more sea food and imported nuts etc for zinc and selenium.

Rich people and elites die of cancer all the time. It would only be suspicious if the ruling class of people never died of cancer.

There is not much yet on that topic. One theory is that the viral Syncytin from placenta (google placebta evolution + retrovirus) if misactivated does drive fusion of cancer cells with immune cells (see review 'The Dark Side of Cell Fusion') ... these then gain ability to migrate around in the body (like healthy immune cells would) and then resettle/spread (preferrably in lymph nodes where immune cells would naturally go). There was a talk on this at medical university Vienna this year (Why Lippizaner don't get cancer) but dunno if there is a transcript online...

Iodine is important trace element for some thyroid proteins ... in former times people were usually deficient in it which led to a goiter and in worse cases stunted growth and mental retardation.

>Iodizedsaltin the U.S. contains 45 micrograms ofiodineper gram ofsalt
>12500mcg minimum

>eating 278grams of iodized salt daily

this is great plenty to get my teeth into.
if you've got anymore insights, spill it!

Right, but sometimes rich people go to prison too.

Why have I never heard anything about Iodine deficiencies before??
The only time I read anything is pertaining to pregnancy and usually mentioned in the same sentence as Folic acid.

There's a few cures for cancer.

The simplest is literally just fasting. Fasting starves cancer and allows your body to fight it off naturally.

Another solution is Vitamin B-17 (Amygdalin).

If you take B-17 regularly you'll be shielded from cancer.

Attached: B-17 English .jpg (1600x1205, 717K)

>rich people are the top of the food chain
wake me up when a Rothschild dies of cancer

Another method is the Gerson Therapy.

They have some treatment centers around the world and treat you with juice fasting and coffee enemas. You CAN do these at home, but people with stage 4 cancer have made full recoveries at their clinics.


>eating 278grams of iodized salt daily
this seems like alot?
Do you mean mg?

It resurfaces every now and then on the chans but gets shilled/ slid against super fucking hard and (((disappears)))

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are you telling me not to eat kale?
Also is this a meme? I’m not gonna die from iodine supplements or something, right?

>Fasting starves cancer and allows your body to fight it off naturally.
Any studies youve read or suggestions or duration?
I.e fasting (only drinking water and eating nothing for 45days)

>wake me up when a Rothschild dies of cancer

No, he was suggesting to consume all his iodine needs in iodized salt (table salt), which he'd have to eat 278grams of daily to get the needed 12500mg of iodine

>last post took 1 captcha
>this one took 15...
so it begins

Im archiving this thread myself.

b-ok.org is a good resource

very nice.

ok, I get it now.


My brother in law is an Oncologist, comes home on Friday with 11 patients, goes to work on Monday with 6 patients left, dude is on heavy anti depressants, it's an fucking evil disease.

>Gerson Therapy.
Im aware of this and Ive seen a lot of skepticism around it.
What's your thoughts?

It's a fairly loaded topic on YouTube.
youtube.com/results?search_query=fasting cancer

Dr. Berg is pretty good on it.

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I was reading this, they achieved immuno defence is mice.

Appreciated again.

That's got to be hard.

Fasting makes sense for cancer.

I am not fully sure on the Gerson Therapy, but it's plausible. I do think there's some odd parts though, since they emphasize drinking carrot/apple juice a lot, which is full of sugar. Sugar is like gasoline on fire for cancer.

Thanks user. One more question, doesn't mineral supplementation have no experimental evidence backing it up? Like, it's too much for the body to handle at once so your body just shits it out.

well fuck
t. btfo

Still, I'd make the claim that they're not really dead but just had to "die" to live on their secret island or city or whatever peacefully without the goys asking questions. Or family made a hit on their own and needed a method of death

>Fasting makes sense for cancer.
It works for diabetes apparently people have claimed.
Ive not found anyone saying fasting for 45 days has CURED cancer.
But Ive read plenty of journals to say that a life with very low calorific intake will PREVENT cancer.

>Still, I'd make the claim that they're not really dead but just had to "die" to live on their secret island or city or whatever peacefully without the goys asking questions. Or family made a hit on their own and needed a method of death

There's over a million Rothchild family members today, some are clearly more important than others.

I would recommend Vitamin B-17. I got some for my father who had cancer and it went right away. He was about to go in for an operation to have it removed to, and cancelled that.

I recommend using Novodalin since it lasts forever and don't have to deal with the nasty Amygdalin taste you get when eating apricot/apple/cherry/peach seeds/kernels.

Attached: amygdalin-500mg-tablets.jpg (336x500, 44K)

WOW! Im glad your father recovered.
Novodalin this is a brand? Anything special about it other than the B-17?

"Cancer" is not really one single condition. It's a very broad term for a lot of different dysfunctional cell replication conditions, which is part of the problem. For example, exposure to nuclear radiation will give you a very sudden and lethal form of cancer ("radiation sickness"), but it's difficult to interpret this in the same way as other conditions we call "cancer."

Generally, most cancers are not as fast as something like a radiation cancer, so they are more amenable to treatment. Two big treatments that anyone can do for minimal money:

1. (As mentioned before) fasting for a period of 8 to 10 days, with a bit of salt/electrolyte or iodine supplementation during this time. There is speculation that fasting forces the bone marrow to produce new, healthier HSCs (hematopoietic stem cells). New HSCs are able to attack malfunctioning ("cancerous") cells more effectively.

2. Bathing in hot water for a half-hour at a time or so. By inducing an artificial fever, you can evoke a fever response on the body, which includes a heightened immune response which responds to dysfunctional cells.

This is a great thread anons.
Please post any of our insights or experiences, I dont care how stupid you think it sounds, just post it.

Problem with fasting is that some cancer cells may use the nutroent deprivation stress to activate more aggressive programs (consider placenta again, signal for it to grow and invade further is when it and therefore the embryo does not get enough nutrients). It CAN work but if only one single cell finds a way to survive and divide again it will come back ever more aggressively (maybe after years of being 'cured'). Same with chemo, stress may drive them further towards invasiveness ... you either kill every single one of them by hitting as hard as possible or you just gain a 'Galgenfrist'.

Well you'll have to get it on shady websites, that's all I can say.

It used to be sold on Amazon but it's been removed. I do see apricot kernels for sale on Amazon though which are in theory better, but they are fucking nasty and don't last forever like the synthetic Novodalin tablets.

You basically can order a large supply of them, and have a protection/cure for cancer at your disposal.

Another thing about cancer is we naturally get it multiple times throughout our lives and it just goes away on its own.

If you keep B-17 in your system you've got a shield against cancer essentially. Watch the "World Without Cancer" documentary I posted above to learn more about how it works.

I do 15 day fasts of just water every couple of months.

So in lay terms user, are you saying that stress on the body during the fast, could make the cancer more aggressive?
Obviously you know a lot about the biochemistry of the body; please continue to dump here what else you know. Im soaking up everything you write.

Your body slurps up iodine like a nigger in KFC. You'll consume it all.

If you're worried about it, you can spread the solution on your skin and your skin will drink it up only what it wants (no extra)

However you should supplement selenium, zinc and magnesium to help metabolize the iodine

>You basically can order a large supply of them, and have a protection/cure for cancer at your disposal.
Ive been told this before, I wasnt sure if it was true.

>"World Without Cancer" documentary I posted above to learn more about how it works.
On it. Thanks!

Where do we naturally get Iodine from in our diets or dont we?

Make sure you're doing coffee enemas during fasts to remove build up toxins.

>Another thing about cancer is we naturally get it multiple times throughout our lives and it just goes away on its own.

Sorry I green text the wrong part. I meant this
Ive been told this before, I wasnt sure if it was true.

ok that's different.

user.. do you have cancer?

Cannabis oil.
Talk to me?
I'm reading things.

Apparently the soils around the world are largely depleted of iodine is strawberries and plants just don’t have the same amount they did in ancient times. Ofc farmers are not replenishing the soil.

Strawberries are a good source of idodine?
That's odd, when my Grandfather was dying of cancer,
he had a constant craving for strawberries and cream.

You get it in all foods if they've been fed iodine.

>Meats get it from plants/ vegetables
>Plants/ vegetables get it from the soil

However the soil in most Western nations is iodine depletion. Japan is one of the only iodine sufficient countries, due to their consumption of seaweed and seafood which is all iodine rich due to the ocean floor not being iodine depleted

>body requires iodine
>body craves iodine
makes sense

Do you have any thoughts on Radioactive iodine treatment please?

I think the cream was a 'red herring' since it's what most people eat with strawberries.

If you want Iodine just take kelp tablets.
Kelp is a good source of iodine and getting it from food sources will cause your body to absorb it better.

Because none of this is true there are just tons of quacks online

Do you think Radioactive iodine is a poisoned chalice?
i.e. It's clear iodine has massive benefits, so why introduce radiation treatment too?

There are quacks in all walks of life.
The proof is sometimes in anecdotal empirical results, assuming the reason for the cure is correct.
It's easy to get false positives.

Are you in Cyprus? Island soil is supposed to have more iodine because the seabed is not depleted of iodine.

Tell me if cruciferous vegetables are bad.

Beet juice also.

This is true, kelp is a great source. However you'll best absorb it with Lugol solution which is 5% iodine and 10% potassium iodide

ah, the anti-iodine shills have arrived. Submit research or arguments refuting anything in this thread or get the fuck out

This idea that pharma is holding back the cure is retarded. Doctors aren’t the ones who discover cures, PhD researchers are and their entire reputation is based on their discoveries. Every single post doc is hoping to make a breakthrough discovery and get his name on it.

The only exception is the occasional treatment that gets patented and then pharma won’t pay what the patent owner wants for the treatment.

Dude you are like a cult leader

If you're lurking and reading this, and dont have any knowledge, please give it a little bump, that's all im asking, just a one off bumpity bump.
I will never make a thread again about this or attention whore.
I want to know everything that's out there!
No matter how crazy!

Moreover, I know there's an user out there who has perhaps had a family member or even themselves cured from cancer, maybe with unconventional means.
I want their attention and story.
This is likely the only place to read unfiltered truth even if despite it filled with shills, bots etc...
Sorry I know Jow Forums isnt a support group
this has been my blog lol

Yes the vegetables taste very good here and very not sure there's a word for it but 'earthy' -does that make sense?

not really but they are goitrogenic foods... so they act similar to stuff like fluoride in regards to the thyroid, however there are positives for cruciferous vegetables. I haven't looked into cruciferous vegetables too much however so can't give you anything more on it

doesnt not eating starve your own cells and cancer cells just feast on your weakened body cells?

Ok I understand this side of the argument and I'd like to think that was true, if we lived in a honest world but we dont, please forgive my incredulity.
What do you think of the Fitzgerald report from the 50s' commissioned by a US congressman Charles Tobey?

I think this is what the geneticist was saying

You can poison yourself with iodine so be careful not to overdose. Treat anything you read on Jow Forums with caution.

There are people that would take any opportunity to hurt you.

yeah this is interesting, but drinking pure Iodine?

>>so many quacks here
>asks you to use arguments or show counter-research instead
>>you are like a cult leader
not arguments, you might have to consult with the rest of your team at JIDF to come up with literally anything other than ad hominems

Attached: images-120.jpg (350x420, 19K)

Id say thats a good way to poison yourself.

thoughts on radioactive iodine treatment?

Thats a threatment for an over active thyroid. I measured my TSH and FT4 only a couple weeks ago and they were normal.

we're talking a fairly healthy adult taking iodine as a preventative measure is poison

using it to cure can work, both radioactive and anything else.

don't drink pure iodine, that's stupid. Most supplement solutions use mostly potassium iodide instead with a smaller portion of elemental iodine and these are required to be diluted in water

>Thats a threatment for an over active thyroid
that's right.
They dont offer it for other forms of cancer, but is there a reason it wouldnt be effective

>I measured my TSH and FT4 only a couple weeks ago and they were normal.
how did you measure?
Do you mean your doctor did

I am a scientist. I measured my own ft4 and tsh on a DXi-800 immunoassay platform using beckman coulter reagents.

"Fighting cancer" thing is about not giving up and having immense amount of resilience to not just up and die. I wouldn't call it brave but to survive some types of cancer you need to be a fucking tank of a person.