Decline of the West

Oswald Spengler predicted this.
Everything has a beginning and an end.
And you're in the winter season of your civilization cycle.
The fall of the west has already happened, it's just gonna take a little while longer for the bullet to hit. At this point it's irreversible.
The current Anglo centric civilization will fall. But it will not be the end, for just as Rome fell, out of its ashes rose the Italian states and later on Italy, and in fact, you can draw direct parallels between the fall of Rome and the degeneracy that occurred and the current fall of the west and the degeneracy within it.
So, steel your heart and save what can be saved, but as a whole, this civilization will not survive.

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Nah, we are at best in early autumn or late summer. It will get worse. MUCH worse.


more like late autumn

By far the philosopher which had the most influence on me. The next 100 years for the west will be BAD. However, I think here in SA it will end in 30 years and something completely new will spring up.

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Perhaps after the pyre burns out, the Orthodox Christians of Eastern Europe will be able to build a better, longer lasting civilization that will remain true to the Light of Christ - and not stray away from it, like the Catholic Church did.

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Vietnam, superpower by 2020.

>you're in the winter season of your civilization cycle

fortunately the decline lasts quite a while, so we'll all be long dead by the time the shit really hits the fan.

sucks for our kids, but the strong will survive

He thought that the west in the decluned state would be lead by germany and will endure 1500- 2000 /2300
The shortest lifespan of the western world have happened after all

China will obviously be the economic superpower, but who will be the cultural superpower? Will anime really be the highest form of art in 50 years? China certainly isn't making anything but knockoff capeshit.

Not to the Japanese, you are suffering too, just with way more dignity

Most likely China

Only slavs remain as the only european who could we pass the torch
A confderation of slavs countries lead by russia as the last hope of the white man


are you german or....

He thought that russia culture was in a embryonary phase that if succed it could bring back to life the 3 phase of european civilization
The first greeks and romans
The second western europeand and the faustiAn spirit
The third russia and slavs countries when a new different culture and rules would be aplied

not even slightly, but assuming a leeching paper tiger without own innovations since 2000 years is gone be the next "world leader" is ridiculous

Says the orthodox shill

one of the greatest works i have ever read, and his use of art history and critique as a sociopolitical, cultural and religious weathervane is genius. I remember his discussion of atmospheric brown in Rembrandt paintings as a color essentially of the mature faustian spirit, and my mind was fucking blown away. His book does this all the time. His discussion of painting in the west from old religious icons all the way to abstract expressionism is really perceptive. you can actually witness the spirit of the west soar into the infinite, and with the coming or romanticism and impressionism, the snapping of the mind back inward. the colors become more dreamlike and bleed into one another, ultimately until the shapes and forms themselves are perverted and mutated into a nightmare with expressionism, dadaism and the fluxus bullshit

Europe danced to the Catholic tune ever since the fall of the Romans. Where has that gotten us?

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They're set to have the highest GDP within a decade or so barring a major reversal. You don't need innovation when you can steal state secrets and tech IPs with impunity and exploit Africa for its resources.

Bug people are colonizing Australia at a rapid rate and buying our land.
What happens when we are gone will they not take Europe and America because muslims and spics are there.
no you guys are easier targets then even we are

I literally finished watching this video 2 minutes ago

why so many serbs

God is a serb


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If you liked his style of analysis you should try Feyerabends Against methods. He might be associated with filthy Marxist, but his critic about the concept of modern rationality and science theory is worth a read

can i get a quick rundown of the video so i can respond and tell you its full of shit

to the stars and deep into the darkest depths of the mind, nigger. dont forget who you are and where you come from

The kikes has subverted the west at is peak
Imagine if in 60s the faustian spirit carried a man to the moon what we would have been able to do if the west eould endure till 2300
Sad really sad

Are you sure? China is all fuckd they're about to have a yyuge housing bubble pop, fucking ghost cities, buildings randomly that collapse killing everyone inside , etc...

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>easier targets than Australia
don't make me laugh. you pathetic worms are worse than canadians. acting stupid is your culture. you are forgotten anglos with nothing to be proud of so to speak of. no wonder you're all miserable alcoholics.

just that Australia is changing drastically and that you guys don't really have a plan or know how to respond to it ie. what policies to implement. Some say they change is could and shouldn't be feared, others say "fuck off were full"

France is in winter for sure.

Without other populations to leech from, they will stagnate and decline faster then those they leeched from
They might try, as spics and mudslimes are even worse at keeping a civilization functioning, but again, China will never be a world leader in anything but copying already existing products and lines of thought, no creativity in bug people, which is necessary to have a growing civilization

we pushed you out of papua you disgusting nip just remember that we wont go down easy if comes to it

thanks bro i saved the name of the guy and book title and look for the book.

ITT: tards talking about "the West" as if it were a coherent concept

times have changed. now you are weak and cowardly and japan is stronger than ever. i'll enjoy the day that you become a true chinese colony and that day is not far off

>and japan is stronger than ever
Even Japanese anime now exists solely to be consumed by Chinese

o so yeah we have no plan cause the current goverment and julie bishop every ime china comes knocking julie bishops sucks xing ching chong cock and we have given them the whole of the port of melbourne and mosot of darwin so what you should be asking is does china have a plan

I respect the japs for the fact 3 nukes weren't enough.

implying china wont drop a giant shit on your head dont forget that the whole of asia despises you and your ww2 death marchs


well it isnt a logical, objective concept. it is a thing of the soul. we are not just robots bud

but i mean its not like i will ever know if japan gets colonized because you all look the same anyway

the world knows that japan belongs to the japanese because the japanese said so. your country belongs to china because the chinese said so. that is the difference.

based serb with dub

If that does happen, it would be under a flagship other than Orthodox Christianity.

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>what you should be asking is does china have a plan
They obviously do. Having Australia as a proxy state is to their benefit because it would give them dominance in that part of the world.

Economists have been predicting a Chinese housing bubble pop since 2005. I'm not saying 95% of the country isn't going to be a shithole with collapsing infrastructure, but they will have the highest GDP and the strongest military.

I don't think they will be at the top for long, but they will fill the gap until another western nation gets their shit together.

The teachings of this man will be our future, or we won't have one.

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Australia is a white population in a blackmans land int he middle of a yellow sea

People are expecting a new civilization to rise and take the place of the old one right after it falls.
China is extremely dependent on their western trade partners, Japan is mired in all kinds of degeneracy, nihilism and it's only protection comes from the US. Plus an aging population.
My money's on Islam or Slavs.
But Islam seems more likely to take things over.

If you had actually read the book, you'd know the Arabic soul already had it's explosive expansion during the Moor conquests. Burger incursions and wars for Israel unhinged the current Muslim flood, it will subside in time.

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>Burger incursions and wars for Israel unhinged the current Muslim flood, it will subside in time.
It will. But what will stop muslim birth rates?
They have a patriarchal, religious and collectivist mentality. In a couple of decades I can see them taking over Sweden and France if things don't change dramatically.

but what will france and sweden be then? They wont be unified muslim nations, they will be shitholes with 50 different minority groups, muslims being the biggest. Everything will collapse and there will be constant infighting, imagine afghanistan but 50 times worse

>But what will stop muslim birth rates?

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I wish you were the one who inherit it

Inbreeding doesn't create any self sustainable civilization. In addition, their r selected culture has always drained the resources of the land so hard that they basically removed themselves every time they tried to hold conquered territory, and no, pisslam is not able to reform, or it will stop being pisslam

>he does not know about operation Ronces

Asia is contaminated by modernism just like everyone else, they just rot more slowly than us.
In my opinion the new civlization raising after ours will be so foreign and brutal to us that even the edgiest Jow Forumstards would feel discomfort if he saw it.

I don't really now about modern slavic intellectual production, the thing I know is that the failure of communism really destroyed their faith in political utopias while the West is still blinded by liberalism.
Even here 99% of people think the problem is political and not much much deeper than that.


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I don't have much time for reading these days :(

Basically, history is more like a garden with individual plants growing, blossoming, and then dying, leaving behind just traces of their existence, rather than "a tapeworm industriously adding on to itself epoch after epoch". Every culture springs up in it's own time with it's own symbols, worldview, preferred art, etc, and once it has finished the expression of these principles, it becomes civilization and dies shortly after. It's a pretty lengthy book and I'm only half way through it, but it's a must read for history lovers.

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No.God is a machine that gets krunk.Something like a jukebox,but smaller than the smallest particles known to man.

The west started its collapse with the renaissance. The middle age's spiritual fervour was the true soul of the west.
Once the renaissance happened, rationalism and the consequent materialism started rotting our civilizational soul.

"I dreamt of a century of strong and noble knights, who could dominate themselves before dominating others. Pure and tough said my banners."

I think we just took the renaissance a bit too far.

His teachings will be nothing more than that of a wise philosopher--it will not dictate a true path any more than Plato, Socrates, or Nietzsche.
Orthodoxy has no leader, but a group of thinkers much like Judaism. Without one single leader, you have many shepherds deciding to take may paths with many outcomes.
To choose one over the other is a personal belief, not one of God.
In the context of a religion this is rife with personal gain and false prophets--much like the different sects of Christianity in America.
Orthodoxy is no different than any other rudderless religion and will not save humanity.

I was specifically talking about his teachings in relation to Serbia, not all of the Orthodox world.

I wish we were in the crash phase already because seeing all this decaying taking such a long time is killing me.

We need a new era. The old system must die, so new life can grow from its carcass.

I think that's the opposite, the Middle Age revitalised Europe and then only it peaked through the Renaissance/Great Discoveries which was as an age of achievement and conquest for the West onward to WW1 when things really began to shatter and materialism definitely crushed spirituality with the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightement.
I see Romanticism as an attempt to deviate the cycle from its course but without success of course.

I think we can all agree bad times are coming, its going to get ugly soon. Not trumps fault but I think the economy is going to dip soon, the bubble will pop worse than 08/09.

Lol, Orthodox fag

A few of us are in late summer, perhaps, but most are in autumn or even winter (Sweden/France)

I don't know, I'd put the starting point at the renaissance, which is paradoxically (compared to how it's commonly described) a drawback on an intellectual level. It was all about rejecting the middle age's thought and come back to classicality of antiquity. I know it's shown as "Europe being dragged out of its dark age" but it's bullshit, and advancement for Europe were huge during the middle age, not only on an intellectual and scientific level, but also in term of technical innovation, organization of society (even if the core is inherited from roman empire).
To me Renaissance is the start of individualism and materialism and the first crack in the western soul.

This should be required reading after The Decline of the West

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Whats incoherent about it?

Oswald spengler. Oriental fatalism, Occidental analytics.

Pseudo philosophy kys brainlet

>In my opinion the new civlization raising after ours will be so foreign and brutal to us that even the edgiest Jow Forumstards would feel discomfort if he saw it.

Interesting. I can see something like that happen if civilization does not solve future resource scarcity crises or the mass immigration issue. Although it should be said that mass immigration, even if it's stopped, isn't the main issue anymore. At this point our countries already have too many living here, considered "Dutch" or "French" or "German" etcetera. It's already over (unless we take drastic measures to turn it around, but alas, no will).

What civilization? Individualism and modernism destroy whatever vestige of civilization existed in america. It killed Church attendance and relevance, destroyed classicism, and created pop music.

If you are lucky enough to live in a society that has classical forms present, good on you, but likely its all from a dead society anyway. The west is dead, we are just men among the ruins.

the poison of individualism began in the renaissance. It was a high time of human achievement, yes, but it was a double edged sword.

Lol no. Public transportation still works, people are still going to work, people still watch sports on tv, schools are still up and running, there is plenty of food in the stores. This is an early autumn at worst. If you think this is the worst possible scenario then you're in for a very rude awakening.

I fear that this finngolian is correct. We ain't seen nothing yet.

Not going to lie but his book made my cry. Yes I know that probably makes me some hopeless sap filled romantic but it did. I find myself look at the stars a bit more as i go through life after reading it. Not that I am particularly successful at anything but after he made it so pronounced I can feel that desire to push off into the vast emptiness of the infinite in my soul.
A shame really that it all has to end but a tragic ending is really what is best. All of our best literature is a tragedy.

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Turks have a lower birth rate, CBS predictions 80% white in 2060. they have no power in our country at all what are you talking about Klaas.

We can only hope Serb bro, but I am worried that south and eastern Orthodox people with the exception of Russia are too servile to the West and will be their pawns in the coming collapse. The Serbs I am certain will play a great role, but I am not so sure about Greece.

Together through every storm my Hellenic bro.

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muslims will marry up and get bleached

dune is correct

the future will be white people with weird arabic names

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Race realism thread, anyone interested is welcome.

If the West really does go under and at the hands of low IQ felaheen Arabs, it will be really a pathetic end, but at least the world won't suffer nuclear hellfire. What I am worried about is that the West will try to eliminate everyone as it collapses along with Samson option. The Jews are fucked either way, if things continue this way.

The only thing that will kill the west is her own actions. Before death we will get Caesar and Imperium. It is honestly the only thing that gives me a glimmer of hope. One last great expression of what the soul of our people really represents. Finally, during the end, the useless intellectuals will be purged, the people will be united in a second religious phase, and people will fall under the will of a single man.
Sure we will start to cannibalize our self but the architecture should be grand. Do you know the phrase man fears time but time fears the pyramids? I want someone more grand as one last expression of the gamble that was made to reach out into the fast emptiness.
It is going to be awesome desu. This is the most exciting time yet.

Is there an accessible entry work for Spengler? I’m not sure I’m ready to invest the time needed to read the Decline of the West.

Yes in youtube form with good music.
but read the first chapter of decline. I am not telling lies about it making me cry. He is a beautiful writer.

I enjoyed this little diddy, but the defeatist attitude is some pretty weak shit.

The blackpill always sounds smart until it's wrong. That's the nature of the trascendant; you cannot logically predict it.

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If you are to believe your soul chooses its existence before it comes into this world, then you chose to preside in the heart of Kali Yuga for a reason. This is new game plus and you're in for one hell of a ride.

The West has been collapsing since we forgot who we are. The church grouped us under a common, but foreign faith, with a foreign mythos and just adjusted and incorporated cultural beliefs/costums/traditions already present in European tribes for maximized conversion rate. PSYOPS on ancient times.

It is not enough for Europeans, the church will not work to prevent white genocide, but will seek to save its own skin and transform and adapt costums of a different race, just like it did in Europe and here in Peru; here the mountains were revered and the church gave them saints names. Germany needed another angle for their conversion, so they turned Jesus into a warrior, merging german warrior societal values into the christian doctrine.

They adopt and accept any races traditions that further the Institution agenda; influence of the church officials onto their society. The church looks out for its own skin. Remember they promoted racial mixing in the colonies, the dont care what race you are as long as you are of the faith.

>check flag : peru

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I hate to admit it but this is completely accurate

Fuck off with Ho. He's talking about Ngo.